My beloved spake, 1677

purc_mbs_crv.nwcSeptember 202215.15 kB00:08:46
Composer:Purcell, Henry (1659-1695)
Genre:Choral love Song
Instruments:arranged for SATB (piccolo, clarinet, French horn, bassoon) and strings, etc)
Submitter:John Hooper
Email:John (e-mail)
There are no text/lyrics; this File was generated purely for Choral Rehearsing purposes (using a published piano-reduction Score), and so doesn't look pretty even though it should sound reasonable (though that depends very much on your hardware/software; mine is a Soundblaster AWE64 Gold). Voice-emphasised Midi Files of the whole work can be downloaded for free from my Website (above).
I have prepared two versions of this song. One is strictly as the IMSLP Score ( , and is rather slow and boring. The other is lively and tuneful - more in accord with the performance by the Gabrieli Consort under Paul McMreesh on YouTube starting .
The Site also contains Midi Files for several rather more modern Composers, for which NWC versions may be available.