Convert ABC Notation to NoteWorthy Composer text
Please check several useful links near the bottom.
Sample Data
Paste abc text into the area on the left.

Copy the above to your clipboard and save it as a file ending in .nwctxt where it can be imported into NoteWorthy Composer or NoteWorthy Viewer.  For more information on NWC or to purchase it, click
For a free viewer that can read nwctxt files, look at this link.
A good source for abc tunes compiled by John Chambers:
A desktop shortcut can avoid the need to copy the output to a NWCTXT file is here. After Cntl/C, clicking the shortcut will start the Viewer or Composer with your converted file.
To convert a staff of NWC to ABC, check out this user tool.   The boxmark2 font used to create multi measure rests is available from Scriptorium.
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License 2011 by Warren Porter