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Use Roland_SCC-1_scc1t2.sf2 soundfont.
The five elements:
1st Movt. Pan's fugatta (cinderum)
2nd Movt. Naiadvs fuguet (hydrattal)
3rd Movt. Dryadal fuga (Terrus firmvs)
4th Movt. Icarvscient fuge (arielus)
5th Movt. Quintessent fugette (aetherus)
Six ghost tracks:
6th Movt. Phantasm I-Odyssey contrapuntias
7th Movt. Phantasm II-Melancholium
8th Movt. Phantasm II-Fugetta in C (tenebris et lacrimis)
9th Movt. Phantasm IIII-Fuga et praludia (styla cromatica)
10th Movt. Phantasm V-Praefugatta
11th Movt. Phantasm VI-Nufugatta