Recommended Music

Recent Recommendations

Vespers 1610 - No. 7: Ave maris stella
Monteverdi, Claudio (1567-1643), Italian
Hooper, John 00:07:45
Gloria (from Gloria in D, RV.589)
Vivaldi, Antonio (1678-1741), Italian
Hall, Damien 00:02:24
Solomon (1748)
Handel, George Friederic (1685-1759), German
Hooper, John 02:56:57
Inno al Creatore
Beethoven, Ludwig van (1770-1827), German
Scerri, Albert 00:01:40
Missa Brevis in D (K.194) 1774
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus (1756-1791), Austrian
Hooper, John 00:20:46
Su, venite a consiglio
Scarlatti, Alessandro (1660-1725), Italian
See Comments 00:05:16
Easter Oratorio [Oster Oratorium] (BWV 249), 1734
Bach, Johann Sebastian (1685-1750), German
Hooper, John 00:57:22
The Dove (La Paloma)
Yradier, Sebastian (1809-1865), Spanish
Scerri, Albert 00:04:17
Margot, labourez les vignes
Arcadelt, Jakob (1507-1568), French
Edwards, Mike 00:02:11
Valses poeticos
Granados, Enrique (1867 - 1916), Spanish
Schryer, Yehuda (Leon) 00:13:01
Intermezzo from Goyescas
Granados, Enrique (1867 - 1916), Spanish
Blanken, Ivo 00:05:01
Sonata (zapateado)
Albeniz [Albéniz], Mateo (1760-1831)
Box, Ramón Pajares 00:01:37
Zortzico (from España, Op.65)
Albeniz, Isaac (1860-1909), Spanish
Spagni, Maurizio 00:02:23
Cantos d'España - Prélude Op. 232, N. 1 (Asturias)
Albeniz, Isaac (1860-1909), Spanish
Spagni, Maurizio 00:05:28
Castilla (Seguidillas) Op 47. Part 7
Albeniz, Isaac (1860-1909), Spanish
Purdam, Andrew 00:03:29
Albeniz, Isaac (1860-1909), Spanish
Clement, Joel 00:05:11
Aragon (Fantasia) Op 47. Part 6
Albeniz, Isaac (1860-1909), Spanish
Purdam, Andrew 00:04:20
Recuerdos de la Alhambra
Tarrega, Francisco (1854-1909), Spain
Purdam, Andrew 00:05:09
Recuerdos de la Alhambra
Tarrega, Francisco (1854-1909), Spain
Clement, Joel 00:02:56
Lagrima (1881)
Tarrega, Francisco (1854-1909), Spain
Hyman, Tony 00:01:23
Gran Vals
Tarrega, Francisco (1854-1909), Spain
Gierlinsk, Mareki 00:03:02
Estudio Brilliante De Alard
Tarrega, Francisco (1854-1909), Spain
Hyman, Tony 00:01:35
Diferencias sobre "Guádama las vacas"
Narvaez [Narváez], Luys de (ca.1490-15??), Spain
Hofland, Jan J H 00:01:33
Canción del Emperador (Song of the Emperor - based on "Mille Regretz"by Josquin)
Narvaez [Narváez], Luys de (ca.1490-15??), Spain
Hofland, Jan J H 00:02:21
Baxa de contrapunto (Dance in counterpoint)
Narvaez [Narváez], Luys de (ca.1490-15??), Spain
Hofland, Jan J H 00:01:38
Fantasía de consonancias y redobles
Milan [Milán], Luys (ca. 1500-1561), Spain
Hofland, Jan J H 00:02:07
Fantasía del quarto tono
Milan [Milán], Luys (ca. 1500-1561), Spain
Hofland, Jan J H 00:02:01
Cantate Domino
Handel, George Friederic (1685-1759), German
Voli, Marco 00:00:47
Concertino for Horn, Bassoon & Orchestra, Op. 43
Lachner, Ignaz (1807 - 1895), German
White, John H 00:13:20
Ding Dong (merrily on high)
Veld, Frits in't 00:00:38
Come away, sweet love.
Greaves, Thomas (1570-1604), English
Edwards, Mike 00:01:40
Transeamus usque Bethlehem
Schnabel, Joseph Ignaz (1767-1831), German
Swinnen, Ivo 00:03:00
Jesus Bleibet Meine Freude (1723)
Bach, Johann Sebastian (1685-1750), German
Hall, Damien 00:02:56
St Luke Passion (BWV 246)
Bach, Johann Sebastian (1685-1750), German
Hooper, John 00:45:13
Don Giovanni - La Ci Darem La Mano
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus (1756-1791), Austrian
Scerri, Albert 00:02:39
Messiah - No.31: lift up your heads, O ye gates
Handel, George Friederic (1685-1759), German
Hooper, John 00:03:54
Fingal's Cove - Set up for Parts extraction
Mendelssohn, Felix Bartholdy (1809-1847), German
Cook, Neil D. 00:04:45
Mass in A - No 1: Kyrie
Franck, César (1822-1890), Belgian
Hooper, John 00:05:05
The First Noel
Traditional English
Tate, John Paul III 00:02:15
Christus - "Es wird ein Stern aus Jacob aufgeh'n"
Mendelssohn, Felix Bartholdy (1809-1847), German
Gibson, Mike 00:03:56
Rondo Alla Turca (from Sonata 11, K331)
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus (1756-1791), Austrian
Wintringham, Lee 00:03:30
When you are old and grey
Lehrer, Thomas Andrew (1928 - ), American
Woodroffe, Richard 00:01:41

Most Recommended All-time

Caverns of the Heart, Feb. 2000
Nachbaur, Fred (1951 - 2004), Canadian
Nachbaur, Fred 00:02:43
Ik bin in diene haand o Heer.
Bortniansky, Dimitri (1751-1825)
Hollander, Joop 00:01:02
Concertino for Horn, Bassoon & Orchestra, Op. 43
Lachner, Ignaz (1807 - 1895), German
White, John H 00:13:20
5: The Marvellous Work, from The Creation, 1797/8
Haydn, Franz Joseph (1732-1809), Austrian
Hooper, John 00:02:09
33: Sing the Lord, ye voices all, from The Creation, 1797/8
Haydn, Franz Joseph (1732-1809), Austrian
Hooper, John 00:04:20
Christmas Oratorio [Weihnachtsoratorium] (BWV 248), 1734
Bach, Johann Sebastian (1685-1750), German
Hooper, John 02:27:33
Rhapsodie Hongroise No2 (Hungarian Rhapsody No2)
Liszt, Franz (1811-1886), Hungarian
Purdam, Andrew 00:09:47
Variations on Sonata in A by Mozart (K.331)
Warner, Silas
Warner, Silas 00:12:02
O bellissimi capelli (O beautiful hair )
Falconieri, Andrea (1586 - 1656), Italian
Scerri, Albert 00:01:25
Fanfare Grandioso (A Celebration Fanfare for Band)
Rosario, Vince (1986- ), Puerto Rican
Rosario, Vince 00:05:22
Passion Play
Jethro Tull, Anderson Ian (19??-), English
Bodkin, Adam 00:43:51
Adagio in G minor
Albinoni (Attrib), Tomaso (1671-1751), Italian
Porter, Warren 00:09:02
Non ti scordar di me
De Curtis, Ernesto (1875-1937), Italian
Scerri, Albert 00:03:48
Caverns of the Heart, Piano reduction
Nachbaur, Fred (1951 - 2004), Canadian
Wilson, Anthony R. 00:02:39
Pieta Signore
Stradella, Alessandro (1639 - 1682), Italian
Scerri, Albert 00:06:18
Cantique de Jean Racine (Op.11), 1876
Faure [Fauré], Gabriel (1845-1924), French
Hooper, John 00:05:57
Solomon (1748)
Handel, George Friederic (1685-1759), German
Hooper, John 02:56:57
Ave Maria Op.52 No.6
Schubert, Franz (1797-1828), Austrian
Hauck, Josh 00:05:57
Miss Hoolihan's Christmas Cake
Horn, Charles Frank (1851 - 1928), American
Woodroffe, Richard 00:03:23
Kyrie Eleison (from Solemn Mass) 1899 Op 16
Vierne, Louis (1870 - 1937), French
Porter, Warren 00:04:58
Sonata in Gm for Cello: I.) Largo
Eccles, Henri (1670-1742), English
Cohen, Jesse 00:03:11
March in D - No. 1, KV. 335
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus (1756-1791), Austrian
Struys, Peter 00:04:13
Judas Maccabaeus - 68: Hallelujah amen
Handel, George Friederic (1685-1759), German
Hooper, John 00:01:32
Mein gläubiges Herze Aria from Kantate Nr. 68
Bach, Johann Sebastian (1685-1750), German
Lonneke, Michael 00:03:28
Fidelio (Opus 72 - 1814) - No 3 Quartet - "Mir ist so wunderbar"
Beethoven, Ludwig van (1770-1827), German
Aarons, Robert 00:04:12
Hallelujah Chorus (from The Mount of Olives, Op. 85)
Beethoven, Ludwig van (1770-1827), German
Hall, Damien 00:04:11
The Huron Carol
16th Century Canadian
Horne, Nigel 00:04:44
The Creation (Die Schopfung), 1797/8
Haydn, Franz Joseph (1732-1809), Austrian
Hooper, John 01:46:51
Inventions around a theme of David Popper
Pendrey, Nigel (1956-), British
Pendrey, Nigel 00:13:16
Alleluia posui adiutorium
Perotin [Pérotin] (fl. 1200)
Hicks, Grant 00:05:42
Gymnopédie No. 1
Satie, Erik Alfred Leslie (1866-1925), French
Hicks, Grant 00:03:02
Magnificat (RV 610a-611), about 1715
Vivaldi, Antonio (1678-1741), Italian
Hooper, John 00:12:56
The Teddy Bear's picnic (1907)
Bratton, John W (1867-1947), USA
Barham, Christopher 00:04:11
Albeniz, Isaac (1860-1909), Spanish
Clement, Joel 00:05:11
Acis & Galatea - No.16: O ruddier than the cherry
Handel, George Friederic (1685-1759), German
Hooper, John 00:03:33
Gloria (RV 588)
Vivaldi, Antonio (1678-1741), Italian
Woodroffe, Richard 00:26:09
Gaúcho Corta-Jaca (Brazilian Tango)
Gonzaga, Francisca Edwiges Neves (1847-1935), Brazilian
Laks, Shai O 00:02:09
Jesus Bleibet Meine Freude (1723)
Bach, Johann Sebastian (1685-1750), German
Hall, Damien 00:02:56
Mass in B minor, BWV 232
Bach, Johann Sebastian (1685-1750), German
Hooper, John 01:45:28
St Matthew Passion (BWV 244), 1729
Bach, Johann Sebastian (1685-1750), German
Hooper, John 02:49:23
Bagatelle in A minor (Fur Elise)
Beethoven, Ludwig van (1770-1827), German
Dowden, Blair 00:02:43
Egmont Op.84 (1809-10)
Beethoven, Ludwig van (1770-1827), German
Billett, Tina 00:07:16
O Holy Night (Cantique de Noel)
Adam, Adolphe-Charles (1803-1856), French
Jennings, James R 00:08:16
German Requiem (Ein Deutsches Requiem: Op 45), 1861-68 (JH)
Brahms, Johannes (1833-1897), German
Hooper, John 01:11:31
Intermedio of La boda de Luis Alonso, zarzuela (1897)
Gimenez [Giménez], Gerónimo (1854-1923), Spanish
Box, Ramón Pajares 00:05:47
Let God arise - Chandos Anthem No: 11 (1716-19)
Handel, George Friederic (1685-1759), German
Hooper, John 00:21:49
Dixit Dominus (Psalm 110) (1707)
Handel, George Friederic (1685-1759), German
Hooper, John 00:34:47
Judas Maccabaeus (1746)
Handel, George Friederic (1685-1759), German
Hooper, John 02:43:52
The Heavens are Telling, from The Creation
Haydn, Franz Joseph (1732-1809), Austrian
Warner, Silas 00:03:26
Fugue in G Major, "Mary Had a Little Lamb" (2007)
Lynam, Brian (1986 - ), American
Lynam, Brian 00:02:56
Symphony No2, (The Resurrection) 3rd Movement
Mahler, Gustav (1860-1911), Bohemian/Austrian
Bodkin, Adam 00:08:26
Olivet to Calvary (1904)
Maunder, John Henry (1858-1920), English
Hooper, John 01:04:04
Bold Gendarmes
Offenbach, Jacques (1819-1880), German-French
Woodroffe, Richard 00:02:35
The Last Flight of Marian Cumlaquoy.
Pendrey, Nigel (1956-), British
Pendrey, Nigel 00:14:16
6: Qui tollis, from Petite Messe Solennelle, 1864
Rossini, Gioachino Antonio (1792-1868), Italian
Hooper, John 00:06:14
Pavane "La Bataille"
Susato, Tielman (c1500 - c1561), Flemish
Guix, Joseph 00:02:39
Shen Khar Venakhi
Ognibene Peter J 00:04:15
Tuba sacre/In arboris/Virgo sum
Vitry, Philippe de (1291-1361), French
Hicks, Grant 00:02:09
Danny Boy
Weatherly, Fred E
Nachbaur, Sharon 00:02:59
Ave verum corpus (K618), 1791
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus (1756-1791), Austrian
Hooper, John 00:02:39
The Planets Op 32 (1914-16)
Holst, Gustav (1874-1934), British
Billett, Tina 00:48:58
Blue Little Girl (2008)
Aufrance, Mary Kay (1953 - ), American
Aufrance, Mary Kay 00:01:48
Thick As A Brick
Jethro Tull, Anderson Ian (19??-), English
Bodkin, Adam 00:41:23
Frühlingslied (Spring Song)
Schubert, Franz (1797-1828), Austrian
Dowden, Blair 00:01:25
Piano Quartet in Am (1876)
Mahler, Gustav (1860-1911), Bohemian/Austrian
Cohen, Jesse 00:11:08
Easter Oratorio [Oster Oratorium] (BWV 249), 1734
Bach, Johann Sebastian (1685-1750), German
Hooper, John 00:57:22
Il Barbiere Di Siviglia - Una Voce Poco Fa
Rossini, Gioachino Antonio (1792-1868), Italian
Scerri, Albert 00:05:44
Albinoni, Tomaso (1671-1751), Italian
Cohen, Jesse 00:06:01
Fallen Flowers
Kim, Yoon-ei (1996 - ), Korean
Kim, Yoon-ei 00:02:35
Margot, labourez les vignes
Arcadelt, Jakob (1507-1568), French
Edwards, Mike 00:02:11
A Little Song (2008)
Lenzner, Jacob S. (1928-), American
Lenzner, Jacob 00:03:16
The Lord's Prayer(2011)
Abe, Kim (1993 - ), Korean
Abe, Kim 00:03:11
Messiah - No.31: lift up your heads, O ye gates
Handel, George Friederic (1685-1759), German
Hooper, John 00:03:54
Messiah Section 1
Handel, George Friederic (1685-1759), German
Hooper, John 01:04:26
The King shall rejoice - No.2: Exceeding glad shall he be
Handel, George Friederic (1685-1759), German
Hooper, John 00:03:58
Chaconne in A minor (A short chaconne for tall zombies)
Gotch, David W. (1953 - ), American
Gotch, David W 00:03:21
Ismael, Ali (1922 - 1974), Egyptian
Woodroffe, Richard 00:00:58
Turandot (1926)
Puccini, Giacomo (1858-1924), Italian
Hooper, John 00:41:05
Minuet and Trio- KV 1
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus (1756-1791), Austrian
Laks, Shai O 00:02:04
Little Fugue in G minor, BWV.578
Bach, Johann Sebastian (1685-1750), German
Hung, B H 00:04:00
Allegro from Brandenburg Concerto No. 5, BWV.1050 (1721)
Bach, Johann Sebastian (1685-1750), German
Hall, Damien 00:10:15
Magnificat in D (BWV 243), 1723
Bach, Johann Sebastian (1685-1750), German
Hooper, John 00:29:20
Cantata No: 191 (Gloria in excelsis Deo)
Bach, Johann Sebastian (1685-1750), German
Hooper, John 00:16:51
Adagio Cantabile from Piano Sonata #8 in C minor, Op. 13 "Pathetique"
Beethoven, Ludwig van (1770-1827), German
Nachbaur, Fred 00:04:57
Symphony No 3 in E-flat Major "Eroica", Op 55 - 1. Allegro con brio
Beethoven, Ludwig van (1770-1827), German
Billett, Tina 00:14:03
Symphony No. 5 in C minor, Op. 67 - 1. Allegro con brio
Beethoven, Ludwig van (1770-1827), German
Billett, Tina 00:06:11
Symphony No 9 in D Minor, Op.125 (1822-24)
Beethoven, Ludwig van (1770-1827), German
Billett, Tina 01:00:49
Symphony No 9 in D Minor, Op.125 - 1. Allegro ma non troppo, un poco Maestoso
Beethoven, Ludwig van (1770-1827), German
Billett, Tina 00:12:29
Symphony No 9 in D Minor, Op.125 - 2. Molto Vivace
Beethoven, Ludwig van (1770-1827), German
Billett, Tina 00:14:17
Ding Dong (merrily on high)
Veld, Frits in't 00:00:38
Transeamus usque Bethlehem
Schnabel, Joseph Ignaz (1767-1831), German
Swinnen, Ivo 00:03:00
Aragon (Fantasia) Op 47. Part 6
Albeniz, Isaac (1860-1909), Spanish
Purdam, Andrew 00:04:20
An Italian Rant
Walker, Geoff 00:01:35
Vaga luna che inargenti
Bellini, Vincenzo Salvatore (1801 - 1835), Sicilian
Scerri, Albert 00:03:50
Bortniansky, Dimitri (1751-1825)
Mill, Carl B 00:02:56
Gipsy Songs (Zigeunerlieder: Op 103), 1887
Brahms, Johannes (1833-1897), German
Hooper, John 00:15:12
Opus 2, #25
Buck, Michael
Buck, Michael 00:02:24
Messe de Requiem (after 1723)
Campra, André (1660-1744), French
Hooper, John 00:49:55
Waltz in Ab Major, Op.34 No.1, "Grande Valse Brillante" (1835)
Chopin, Frédéric (1810-1849), Polish
Hall, Damien 00:05:35
Concone Op. 9 Fifty Lessons for Medium Voice. Lessons 1 to 4
Concone, Guiseppe (1810-1861), Italian
Allen, Kevin 00:05:40