Reminder: These pieces are for private use only. You may download them for your own personal use. You may not market them for monetary gain. You may not use the scores to give a public performance unless you have the permission of the copyright holder/user who submitted the file. If you are having difficulties, please contact the Scriptorium for further advice.
If you have any copyright queries with a particular piece on this site, please e-mail in the first instance the submitter of the piece, as shown in the details. If that brings you no joy, contact the Scriptorium. For more on copyright: Copyright Summary.
01-overt.nwc 1: Overture
02-harps.nwc 2: Your harps and cymbals sound
03-prais.nwc 3: Praise ye the Lord
04-heart.nwc 4: With pious heart
05-power.nwc 5: Almighty Power
06-Imper.nwc 6/6a: Imperial Solomon
07-cheer.nwc 7: Sacred raptures cheer my breast
08-land.nwc 8: Throughout the land
09-blest.nwc 9: Blest be the Lord
10-trace.nwc 10. What though I trace each herb and flower
11-queen.nwc 11: And see, my Queen
12-blesd.nwc 12: Bless'd the day
13-nile.nwc 13: Thou fair inhabitant of Nile
14-dawn.nwc 14: Welcome as the dawn of day
15-vain.nwc 15: Vain are the transient beauties of the face
16-faith.nwc 16: Indulge thy faith
17-stray.nwc 17: My dearest Queen
18-cedar.nwc 18: Haste to the cedar grove
19-sight.nwc 19: When thou art absent
20-moor.nwc 20: And with thee th'unshelter'd moor I'd tread
21-serch.nwc 21: Search round the world
22-rash.nwc 22: May no rash intruder
23-happy.nwc 23: From the censer curling rise
24-lord.nwc 24: Prais'd be the Lord
25-sun.nwc 25: When the sun o'er yonder hills
26-just.nwc 26: Great Prince, thy resolution's just
27-blest.nwc 27: Thrice blest that wise discerning King
28-liege.nwc 28: My sov'reign liege
29-words.nwc 29: Words are weak to paint my fears
30-other.nwc 30: What says the other?
31-sent.nwc 31: Thy sentence, great King
32-hand.nwc 32: Withhold the executing hand
33-gored.nwc 33: Can I see my infant gored
34-attnd.nwc 34: Israel, attend
35-blest.nwc 35: Thrice blest be the King
36-east.nwc 36: From the East unto the West
37-morn.nwc 37: From morn to eve
38-palm.nwc 38: See the tall palm
39-plain.nwc 39: The shepherd shall hail him
40-shade.nwc 40: Beneath the vine
41-swell.nwc 41: Swell the full chorus
42-sinfo.nwc 42: Sinfonia
43-arab.nwc 43: From Arabia's spicy shores
44-sight.nwc 44: Ev'ry sight these eyes behold
45-sweep.nwc 45: Sweep the strong
46-music.nwc 46: Music, spread thy voice around
47-dome.nwc 47: Now a different measure try
48-rage.nwc 48: Then, at once, from rage remove
49-tear.nwc 49: Draw the tear from hopeless love
50-soul.nwc 50: Next the tortured soul release
51-surge.nwc 51: Thus rolling surges rise
52-hrmny.nwc 52: The harmony's divine
53-pious.nwc 53: Pious King, and virtuous Queen
54-happy.nwc 54: Thrice happy King
55-goldn.nwc 55: Golden columns fair and bright
56-harp.nwc 56: Praise the Lord with harp and tongue
57-gold.nwc 57: Gold is now common
58-green.nwc 58: How green our fertile pastures
59-peace.nwc 59: May peace in Salem ever dwell
60-sun.nwc 60: Will the sun forget to streak
61-adieu.nwc 61: Adieu, fair Queen
62-joy.nwc 62: Ev'ry joy that wisdom knows
63-wickd.nwc 63: The name of the wicked
Firstly, there are no text/lyrics; these Files were generated purely for Choral Rehearsing purposes (using a published piano-reduction Score), and so don't look pretty even though they should sound reasonable (though that depends very much on your hardware/software; mine is a Soundblaster AWE64 Gold).
Secondly, Numbers 12-19, 24-27, 35, 39, 40, 52, 53, 57-60 have been entered partly from a <I>very</I> old Novello version and partly with the help of Midi Files from Wendell Pyles (see his own Solomon website presently - as of 13th July 2006 - at
Voice-emphasised Midi Files of the whole work can be downloaded for free from my Website (above). The Site also contains Midi Files for several rather more modern Composers, for which NWC versions may be available.