Cassandra, baseball, food, and prophecy

cassandra.zipJanuary 200958.62 kB00:22:05
  • All day long00:01:31
  • As soon as her breasts00:00:21
  • Blue sky00:01:18
  • Duet as Chef cranks00:00:49
  • I am not who you think you are00:00:58
  • I asked my daughter00:00:59
  • If you husked me00:00:36
  • Rich00:01:57
  • Salad, musical interlude00:02:04
  • She may as well be mute00:00:56
  • She said she loved vegetables00:00:51
  • The kid of 500:01:42
  • There is no end to love00:00:29
  • Tonight the dead00:00:56
  • What she'd really like to have done00:00:46
  • Yelling at friends00:00:41
  • You granted me this mad kiss00:00:27
  • love passed00:00:16
  • mon bien-aime00:04:39
Composer:Hamilton, Jay (1951 - ), American
Lyricist:Jay Hamilton, Estell Brinkman, Janet Beeler Shaw, Puskin
First Line:Love passed, the muse appeared and the dark mind cleared.
Instruments:Flute, Cello, Toy Piano, Soprano, Tenor, Baritone
Submitter:Hamilton, Jay
Email:info (e-mail)
The title pretty much says it all, except to know that Cassandra was bounty brought back after the fall of Troy and she had the gift of prophecy and the curse that no one would believe her words. In this tale two cass/andra's come together on a blind date and it may go well but they already know how it will end.
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