If We

fitzifwe.nwcAugust 20065.59 kB00:04:20
Composer:Fitzgerald, Duncan (1954-)
Lyricist:Duncan Fitzgerald
First Line:If we were a mountain...
Genre:Christian Rock
Instruments:Arranged for Keyboard ( chorused piano ), clean guitar, bass guitar, overdrive guitar, drums, vocals, & tambourine. Showing main vocal and keyboard only, but other instruments and backing vocals can be accessed from page set-up.
Submitter:Fitzgerald, Duncan
Email:Fitzclan6 (e-mail)
Uses Lawrie Pardy's MusikDingsSans and Serif text.ttf
This NoteWorthy file uses non standard fonts. These can be obtained as follows:
MusikTextEuroSerif - Part of Pardy pack download at http://www.noteworthysoftware.com/uc/pardypack/
MusikTextSerif - Part of Pardy pack download at http://www.noteworthysoftware.com/uc/pardypack/
MusikChordSerif - Part of Pardy pack download at http://www.noteworthysoftware.com/uc/pardypack/