String Quartet in D major Op. 63 (1889)

gade63.zipSeptember 200333.25 kB00:19:09
  • II Allegretto vivace.00:03:10
  • III Andante, poco lento00:03:49
  • IV Finale00:05:51
  • String Quartet Op. 63 No 1, in D major00:06:24
Composer:Gade, Niels W. (1817-1890), Danish
Genre:Chamber music.
Instruments:Two violins, viola and 'cello
Submitter:White, John H
Email:jalbis127 (e-mail)
Niels Gade was the doyen of 19th century Danish composers. In addition to this and 2 earlier unpublished string quartets,he composed 8 symphonies, all of which are now available on CD under the Danish Da Capo label, distributed by the Marco Polo company. He also wrote songs, choral works and piano music, some of which has been used pedagogically. He received much encouragement from Mendelssohn early on in his career.
Once again I would like to thank members of the Noteworthy Newsgroup, especially Grant Hicks, for their help in proof reading.