Reminder: These pieces are for private use only. You may download them for your own personal use. You may not market them for monetary gain. You may not use the scores to give a public performance unless you have the permission of the copyright holder/user who submitted the file. If you are having difficulties, please contact the Scriptorium for further advice.
If you have any copyright queries with a particular piece on this site, please e-mail in the first instance the submitter of the piece, as shown in the details. If that brings you no joy, contact the Scriptorium. For more on copyright: Copyright Summary.
Secondly, as in a number of the longer Handel Works the commonly-available Scores miss out several of the sections; in the list above these are marked originally "Not available", but recently I have obtained versions of them from the Kalmus Miniature Score (K 01319), and they are now included.
Voice-emphasised Midi Files of the whole work can be downloaded for free from my Website (above). The Site also contains Midi Files for several rather more modern Composers, for which NWC versions may be available.