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In similar fashion, this individual piece presents different implementations of genera than traditional program of ?ehnazbûselik.
The words are from a well-known "Gazel" by the 18. cent. Turkish poet Nâbî (1642-1712). He, together his contemporary and fellow composer Itrî, brought intellectual content into fine arts.
I did not do any emulatory midi sequencing in this realization since any tempo/dynamic changes, ornamental use of trills, tremoli or grace notes etc. are due to the performers' preference following the general rules of CTM performance.
Nâbî (1642-1712), together his contemporary and fellow composer Itrî, brought intellectual content into fine arts. The Gazel, which is the source of this Beste's lyrics, is -as most others- a complaint from the social degeneration hidden behind highly used symbolisme, which is a common property of Turkish/Eastern art, especially Literature. However, neither Nâbî's poetry, nor Itrî's music appear to be dydactical. Instead, they prefer provocating the clients thinking by the use of symbols, whose references are generally known through the tradition. Here is the complete Gazel:
Bir devlet için çerha temennâdan usanduk
Bir vasl için a?yâre müdârâdan usanduk
Hicrân çekerek zevk-i mülâkát? unutduk
Mahmûr olarak lezzet-i sahbâdan usanduk
Dü?dük kat? çokdan heves-i vuslata ammâ
Ol dâ'iye-i da?da?a-fermâdan usanduk
Dil gamla dahî dest ü girîbândan usanmaz
Bir yâr içün a?yâr ile kavgâdan usanduk
Nâbî ile ol âfetin ahvâlini nakl et
Efsâne-i Mecnûn ile Leylâdan usanduk
I find neither my English nor my literary expertise enough to be able to translate so we should wait for some others do. By the way, I recommend learning the "real" Turkish, ie not the "clone" spoken recently. It's a great language, at least to read!