Reminder: These pieces are for private use only. You may download them for your own personal use. You may not market them for monetary gain. You may not use the scores to give a public performance unless you have the permission of the copyright holder/user who submitted the file. If you are having difficulties, please contact the Scriptorium for further advice.
If you have any copyright queries with a particular piece on this site, please e-mail in the first instance the submitter of the piece, as shown in the details. If that brings you no joy, contact the Scriptorium. For more on copyright: Copyright Summary.
Quote from the Tom Lehrer Website :
I, Tom Lehrer, and the Tom Lehrer Trust 2000, hereby grant the following permission:
All the lyrics on this website, whether published or unpublished, copyrighted or uncopyrighted, may be downloaded and used in any manner whatsoever, without requiring any further permission from me or any payment to me or to anyone else.
The music of all the songs on this website that were written by me may also be downloaded and used as described above.
In other words, all the lyrics herein and all the music herein that was written by me should be treated as though they were in the public domain.