Süzüp süzüp de ey melek (Song in Nihâvend)

rei_suzup.zipAugust 20034.95 kB00:01:38
  • 00:01:38
Composer:Rahmi, Bei (1865-1924)
Lyricist:Recâîzâde Mahmud Ekrem Bey (1847-1914)
First Line:(if a song) Sü züp sü züp de ey me lek
Genre:Classical Turkish
Submitter:iNANC [iNANÇ], Ertugrul
Email:ertugrulinanc (e-mail)
This package consists of following components:
* Nihv01.dat
(Harmonic Analyser data file indicating the principal pitches of Turkish makam Nihâvend.)
* Rbnih010.mid
(Midi file of the song tempered using Piano Tuner.)
* Süzüp süzüp.nwc
(Score of the song written down using NoteWorthy Composer TM.)
*: Files of Times New Roman unicode font - see fonts section in NWC Scriptorium http://nwc-scriptorium.org/helpful.html#fonts
(In order to view the lyrics and other text data such as composer names etc. in correct form,
you may copy them into your Windows\Fonts folder. You will not lose anything but do backup your
original fonts in case of any unpredicted evidence).