Reminder: These pieces are for private use only. You may download them for your own personal use. You may not market them for monetary gain. You may not use the scores to give a public performance unless you have the permission of the copyright holder/user who submitted the file. If you are having difficulties, please contact the Scriptorium for further advice.
If you have any copyright queries with a particular piece on this site, please e-mail in the first instance the submitter of the piece, as shown in the details. If that brings you no joy, contact the Scriptorium. For more on copyright: Copyright Summary.
* Nihv01.dat
(Harmonic Analyser data file indicating the principal pitches of Turkish makam Nihâvend.)
* Rbnih010.mid
(Midi file of the song tempered using Piano Tuner.)
* Süzüp süzüp.nwc
(Score of the song written down using NoteWorthy Composer TM.)
*: Files of Times New Roman unicode font - see fonts section in NWC Scriptorium
(In order to view the lyrics and other text data such as composer names etc. in correct form,
you may copy them into your Windows\Fonts folder. You will not lose anything but do backup your
original fonts in case of any unpredicted evidence).