Hymn, Gelin Allah Diyelim

tmftus01.nwcSeptember 20031.34 kB00:00:40
Composer:Tokay, Mehmed Fehmi (1889-1959), Turkish
Lyricist:Nâci Dede (?)
First Line:Gelin Allah diyelim
Genre:Religious music (Islamic), hymn (NOT traditional-ethnic-folk)
Instruments:Actually vocal but identically Flute and Piano
Submitter:iNANC [iNANÇ], Ertugrul
Email:ertugrulinanc (e-mail)
"Ilâhî" (religious vocal composition ;hymn) by the remarkable composer of early republican era, mostly known by his secular songs. The left hand part is the "arrangement". You can mute it to get the original tune as is. The full lyrics is attached below. (Unicode fonts, sure, required)
Gelin Allah diyelim
Kalbden pasý silelim
Âlemler seyredelim
Allah Allah dedikçe
Zikr-i Hakka baþlandý
Ýsm-i celâl hýzlandý
Arþ-ý âlâ sallandý
Allah Allah dedikçe
Baðlý kapý açýlýr
Hak bâtýldan seçilir
Gizli sýrlar açýlýr
Allah Allah dedikçe
Nerde tevhîd çekilir
Melekler saf saf gelir
Hepsi tekbîr getirir
Allah Allah dedikçe
Gáfil olma NÂCÝyâ
Hakk'ý zikret dâimâ
Seni zikreyler hudâ
Allah Allah dedikçe
Nâci Dede (?)