NWC2 Scripts - MakeChord-SpecifyAccidental-LP and MakeChord-AdditiveAccidental-LP

Author: Lawrie Pardy, with refinements suggested by RickG 

Comments to NoteWorthy Composer Forum

Download: v1.0.0 20/02/09

(Rightclick and Save Target As... to your PC, then extract files from zip to your NWC Scripts folder)

Briefly: Create chords from a single note by specifying the required intervals
Recommended command lines
(will prompt for parameters):
wscript Scripts\MakeChord-AdditiveAccidental-LP.vbs <PROMPT:Enter intervals with opt. acc.'s ,space delimited (use help):=*>
wscript Scripts\MakeChord-SpecifyAccidental-LP.vbs <PROMPT:Enter intervals with opt. acc.'s ,space delimited (use help):=* >

I have also set up some common tool entries that just "do it" E.G.:
wscript Scripts\MakeChord-AdditiveAccidental-LP.vbs 3 5
wscript Scripts\MakeChord-AdditiveAccidental-LP.vbs 3 6
wscript Scripts\MakeChord-AdditiveAccidental-LP.vbs 4 6
wscript Scripts\MakeChord-AdditiveAccidental-LP.vbs -4 -6
Usage examples: minor triad:      wscript Scripts\MakeChord-AdditiveAccidental-LP.vbs b3 5

                  wscript Scripts\MakeChord-SpecifyAccidental-LP.vbs b3 5

diminished triad: wscript Scripts\MakeChord-AdditiveAccidental-LP.vbs b3 b5

                  wscript Scripts\MakeChord-SpecifyAccidental-LP.vbs b3 b5

numeric arguments to specify intervals E.G. '3' will add a third to the original note, '3 5' will add a third and a fifth. These can be modified with a minus sign to specify that the interval should be lower than the original not: '-4 3' to create a first inversion triad. 
Other modifiers include accidentals:-
v = Double Flat
b = Flat
n = Natural
# = Sharp
x = Double Sharp
a 'help' argument will display a help text dialogue.
No command line parameters will result in an octave chord, equivalent to an '8' parameter
Additional Help :
Global Modification  Invocation Instructions   These are pdf documents
Comments: These tools know nothing about clefs or key signatures. They recognise only the numeric 'Pos' and accidental modifier attributes of a note. The "SpecifyAccidental" version makes no reference to any accidental that may be applied to the source note, while the "AdditiveAccidental" will apply any accidental that may be applied to the source note - any accidental that may be specified on the command line will be added to any accidental that exists on the source note to a maximum of double flat and double sharp. I use these tools most when transcribing piano scores - I just enter the lowest note for, say 8 or 16 bars, select the first note(s) to be modified and use the appropriate tool. If there are other combinations I search ahead to find the next sets that match the most recently used command and select and re-run it until I get to the end of the section. Then back to the start for the next pattern. Eventually the last pattern can be applied by selecting the whole section as the scripts ignore existing chords. I find it quite fast but you do need to be able to quickly recognise the patterns of the chord structures to make the most of them. Note that you only need to look for patterns, they don't all need to be the same starting note. I.E. you may have a C, F and G chord following each other that are all triads with the roots as C, F and G - in each case the pattern will be '3 5' so select all three notes and run with the '3 5' parameter. In other words you don't need to look for all the 'C' triads and then look for all the 'F' triads etc. They can all be done together as long as there are no notes that will have different patterns separating them.
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