Fri, Feb 7, 2025 NWC-Scriptorium

Catalogue of Scores in NoteWorthy Composer Format held on the Scriptorium

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- Traditional Italian(3)

C’ereno tre sorellePrada, Lorenzo00:00:53
Girolemin (The grinder’s song)Prada, Lorenzo00:01:40
La smortina (Pale and dull Girl)Prada, Lorenzo00:01:37

16th Century Canadian(1)

The Huron CarolHorne, Nigel00:04:44

Abbatini, Antonio Maria (1595-1679), Italian(1)

Dilatatae sunt tribulationes cordis meiEdwards, Mike00:03:56

Abdallah, Kamildine (1943 - 1982)(1)

Udzima wa ya MasiwaWoodroffe, Richard00:01:58

Abe, Kim (1993 - ), Korean(13)

Impromptu No. 1 (2011)Abe, Kim00:02:46
Nocturne No. 1 in E majorAbe, Kim00:02:37
Piano Concert No.1 -'Waterdrops'Abe, Kim00:00:57
Piano Sonata No. 1Abe, Kim00:08:52
Song Without Lyrics No. 1Abe, Kim00:02:58
String Quintet No. 1Abe, Kim00:01:05
Symphony No.1Abe, Kim00:01:54
Symphony No. 2Abe, Kim00:11:06
The Amusement Park SuiteAbe, Kim00:13:28
The Lord's Prayer(2011)Abe, Kim00:03:11
The Lord's Prayer(English lyric)(2011)Abe, Kim00:02:44
Variation on Flute SonatineAbe, Kim00:03:06
Violin Sonata No. 1Abe, Kim00:01:55

Aberle, Juan (1846 - 1930), Italian(1)

Himno Nacional de El SalvadorWoodroffe, Richard00:05:27

Abolafia, Daniel (1992-), American(9)

Celebrations (2006)Abolafia, Daniel A00:02:15
Invention (2006)Abolafia, Daniel A00:02:32
Lively Steps (2006)Abolafia, Daniel A00:01:25
MagnificoAbolafia, Daniel A00:02:58
Magnum Opus (2006)Abolafia, Daniel A00:04:26
New Roads (2006)Abolafia, Daniel A00:01:02
Oeuvre (2006)Abolafia, Daniel A00:01:58
Piano Duet of MagnificoAbolafia, Daniel A00:02:58
Twenty-First Century MinuetAbolafia, Daniel A00:01:06

Abrahams, Maurice (1883-1931), USA(1)

He'd Have to Get Under-Get Out Get Under (to fix up his automobile)Ferguson, Don00:02:31

Absi, Ayyoab Tarish(1)

al-ǧumhūrīyâẗu l-muttaḥidâWoodroffe, Richard00:00:42

Abt, Franz Wilhelm (1819 - 1885), German(1)

Lord for ever at thy sideScerri, Albert00:02:22

Adam, Adolphe-Charles (1803-1856), French(4)

O Holy NightKelly, Virgil K00:02:39
O Holy Night (1847)Hooper, John00:09:40
O Holy Night (1847)Hooper, John00:05:12
O Holy Night (Cantique de Noel)Jennings, James R00:08:16

Adams, Stephen (1841 - 1913), English(5)

Nancy LeeScerri, Albert00:03:44
The Holy CityTate, John Paul III00:03:46
The Holy CityHolmes, Phil00:04:29
The Holy CityScerri, Albert00:03:49
The Holy CityPardy, Lawrie00:04:02

Afame, René Djam(1)

Ô Cameroun, Berceau de nos AncêtresWoodroffe, Richard00:01:52

Ahmed Aga, Vardakosta Seyyid (1725?-1794), Turkish(1)

Sevkefzâ Sarký "Geçip de Karsima Gözlerin Süzme"iNANC [iNANÇ], Ertugrul00:01:56

Ahnfelt, Oscar (1813-1882)(1)

"Alpha and Omega", to the tune of Blott en Dag - words added in 2001Hayden, Thomas00:02:20

Akar, John Joseph (1927 - 1975),Sierra Leonean(1)

High We Exalt Thee, Realm Of The FreeWoodroffe, Richard00:00:50

Al-Khateeb, Abdul Rahman (1923 - )(1)

Aash Al MaleekWoodroffe, Richard00:00:24

Al-Soula, Ibrahim Nasir (1935 - ), Kuwaiti(1)

Al-Nasheed Al-WataniWoodroffe, Richard00:03:10

Al-Taneer, Abdul-Qader (1901 - 1957), Jordanian(1)

As-salam al-malaki al-urdoniWoodroffe, Richard00:00:30

Alaw, Hen (c. 19th), Welsh(2)

Bryniau CasiaMoffatt, Stuart00:01:26
Bryniau CasiaMoffatt, Stuart00:01:26

Albanese, Antoine (1729 - 1800), Italian(1)

Les tendres souhaitsChoppy, Bernard00:02:01

Albeniz, Isaac (1860-1909), Spanish(5)

Aragon (Fantasia) Op 47. Part 6Purdam, Andrew00:04:20
AsturiasClement, Joel00:05:11
Cantos d'España - Prélude Op. 232, N. 1 (Asturias)Spagni, Maurizio00:05:28
Castilla (Seguidillas) Op 47. Part 7Purdam, Andrew00:03:29
Zortzico (from España, Op.65)Spagni, Maurizio00:02:23

Albeniz [Albéniz], Mateo (1760-1831)(1)

Sonata (zapateado)Box, Ramón Pajares00:01:37

Albert, Prince Consort (1819 - 1861), German(1)

Te Deum (1843)Hooper, John00:06:57

Albinoni (Attrib), Tomaso (1671-1751), Italian(1)

Adagio in G minorPorter, Warren00:09:02

Albinoni, Tomaso (1671-1751), Italian(2)

AdagioCohen, Jesse00:06:01
Concerto a 5 in C for oboe and strings, Opus 9, No.5, (1722)Holmes, David00:07:54

Alborov, Felix(1)

Respublikæ Xussar Irystony Paddzaxadon GimnWoodroffe, Richard00:02:20

Albrecht, Charles (1817 - 1895)(1)

A Marcia de MuneghuWoodroffe, Richard00:01:50

Aleotti, Raphaella (1575 - c 1620), Italian(1)

Angelus ad pastores ait (1593)Hooper, John00:01:30

Alexandrov, Alexandr Vasilievich (1883 - 1946), Russian(1)

Gosudarstvenny Gimn Rossiyskoy FederatsiiWoodroffe, Richard00:01:28

Alexandrov, Boris (1905 - 1994, Russian(1)

My slavim tjebja, Pridnestrov’jeWoodroffe, Richard00:02:14

Alford, Kenneth J (1880-1945), English(13)

Army of the NileDyer, William D00:03:03
Colonel Bogey's MarchPurdam, Andrew00:03:38
Eagle SquadronDyer, William D00:03:06
HolyroodDyer, William D00:02:51
Old PanamaDyer, William D00:02:44
On the Quarter DeckDyer, William D00:02:48
The Great Little ArmyDyer, William D00:02:53
The Mad MajorDyer, William D00:02:23
The MiddyDyer, William D00:02:45
The Standard of St. GeorgeDyer, William D00:02:11
The Thin Red LineDyer, William D00:03:02
The Vanished ArmyDyer, William D00:03:08
The VedetteDyer, William D00:03:31

Allegri, Gregorio (1582-1652), Italian(3)

Miserere MeiRussell, Brian00:08:59
Miserere mei, DeusHooper, John00:12:27
Miserere Mei, DeusMoffatt, Stuart00:07:26

Alzedo, José Bernardo (1788 - 1878), Peruvian(1)

Himno Nacional del PeruWoodroffe, Richard00:02:45

Amaradeva, Wannakuwattawaduge Don (1927 - ), Sri Lancan(1)

Gaumee SalaamWoodroffe, Richard00:01:39

Andersen, Mike (1983-), USA(5)

Intensity (2000)Andersen, Mike00:02:09
Jam Session (2000)Andersen, Mike00:02:37
Random Thoughts (2000)Andersen, Mike00:03:57
The Island (2000)Andersen, Mike00:02:01
To See Her Again (2000)Andersen, Mike00:02:45

Anderson, Mark (1981-), USA(1)

3-D Suite in A-Flat (2000)Anderson, Mark00:03:20

Anderson, Willie(1)

Keystone RagButler, John C00:02:39

André, David François Marc, (1958 - )(1)

Koste SeselwaWoodroffe, Richard00:00:59

Anerio, Felice (1560 – 1614), Italian(1)

Christus factus est (1840)Hooper, John00:02:00

Angerer, Edmund (1740-1794), German(1)

Kindersymphonie G dur (Toy Symphony in G Major)Spagni, Maurizio00:09:43

Anon. Adapted by Kostas Karipis(1)

"Katinaki mu ya sena" (Rebet)iNANC [iNANÇ], Ertugrul00:01:02

anon. XIII century Spain(1)

Alfonso X el sabioSpagni, Maurizio00:00:48

anon. XIV century Italy(1)

Lamento di Tristano - RottaSpagni, Maurizio00:01:54


(Give me that) Old-time religionSpagni, Maurizio00:01:27
Ad mortem festinamusSpagni, Maurizio00:01:35
Alla fiera di mastr'AndreaMaurizio Spagni00:01:24
Alle psallite cum lujaSpagni, Maurizio00:01:21
An Italian RantWalker, Geoff00:01:35
A Noble Flow'r of JudaHenderson, AJ00:01:16
Astley's RideWalker, Geoff00:01:11
Black BearBub, William00:00:39
Brighton Camp, or The Girl I've Left Behind MeAlberga, Cyril N00:01:36
Cancionero de Upsala - n°27 "Falalalàn"Forestier, Yann00:02:02
Chevaliers de la table rondeSpagni, Maurizio00:00:26
Cinco diferencias sobre "Las vacas"Spagni, Maurizio00:02:57
Comb your Hair & Curl itWalker, Geoff00:01:27
Come Lasses and Lads (in times of Charles II)Ware, Tobias00:01:59
DanzaSpagni, Maurizio00:01:03
DaphneWalker, Geoff00:02:23
Davy, Davy, Knick KnackWalker, Geoff00:01:32
Dever the DancerWalker, Geoff00:01:27
Dona Nobis PacemHauck, Josh00:01:47
Drowsy MaggieSpagni, Maurizio00:00:43
ESTERGON KAL'ASIiNANC [iNANÇ], Ertugrul00:01:13
Fairest Lord JesusAdlon, Jeff00:01:35
FricasséeHicks, Grant00:01:57
GagliardaSpagni, Maurizio00:00:43
Garaşsyz, Bitarap TürkmenistanyňWoodroffe, Richard00:01:16
Gathering PeascodsAlberga, Cyril N00:00:44
GaudeteSpagni, Maurizio00:01:29
GreensleevesHussain, Iqbal00:00:46
Greensleeves to a groundWalker, Geoff00:05:00
Greensleeves Var. for Str. QuartetRuhl, Justin W00:02:05
Hawn Jien Mulej ('Tis me O Lord)Scerri, Albert00:01:56
Heart's EaseWalker, Geoff00:01:32
Huddersfield SMMoffatt, Stuart00:01:47
Hymne National du Burkina FasoWoodroffe, Richard00:02:00
Ik wandel in het licht met JezusVan den Bosch, Bart00:01:32
Jessie the flower of DumblaneScerri, Albert00:02:50
King Orfeo (Child Ballad #19, XIII century)Spagni, Maurizio00:02:21
L'autrier m'en aloieSpagni, Maurizio00:01:11
Lo! He Comes with Clouds DescendingHorne, Nigel00:04:47
MaesycwmmerMoffatt, Stuart00:03:37
Maltese Christmas Carol - Il-MaxturaScerri, Albert00:05:01
Maltese Christmas Carol - Stedina tal-MiliedScerri, Albert00:05:26
Na fonte está Lianor (séc. XVI)Spagni, Maurizio00:01:19
Nevâ Türkü [Turkish folk song]iNANC [iNANÇ], Ertugrul00:01:11
Om tare tuttare ture sohaSpagni, Maurizio00:01:04
Oyun HabasiiNANC [iNANÇ], Ertugrul00:01:19
PagliaccioMaurizio Spagni00:00:56
Roger de CoverlyAlberga, Cyril N00:00:59
SaltarelloSpagni, Maurizio00:01:17
Scarborough Fair (trad. 16th century)Pettett, Ken00:05:56
Se io m'accorgoSpagni, Maurizio00:01:11
Seven English Country DancesAlberga, Cyril N00:06:36
Shen Khar VenakhiOgnibene Peter J00:04:15
Shooters HornpipeWalker, Geoff00:01:24
St ThomasMoffatt, Stuart00:02:17
Tempus transit gelidum (CB 153)Spagni, Maurizio00:01:37
The Boys of Blue HillWalker, Geoff00:01:47
The Country Garden, or The Vicar of BrayAlberga, Cyril N00:03:12
The glass of beerSpagni, Maurizio00:00:55
The Orchestra SongBohnson, Clifford N00:02:16
The Song of AgincourtAlberga, Cyril N00:04:23
This is the day (ca. 1600)Wouters, Renzo00:00:40
TranseamusVander Meersen, Bob00:01:46
Upstairs & to BedWalker, Geoff00:01:17
Vaghe bellezze et bionde trecce d'oro vedi che per ti moroSpagni, Maurizio00:00:51
Virgo MariaPrada, Lorenzo00:04:36

Anonymous (Gregorian Chant)(1)

Missa De Angelis (Gregorian chant)Prada, Lorenzo00:13:45

Anonymous (XIII century)(1)

Angelus ad virginemSpagni, Maurizio00:01:27

Anrooij, Peter van(1)

Piet Hein RhapsodyStruys, Peter00:09:07

Aramburu, Luis (1905-), Basque(1)

Txistu and Chamber Orchestra Concert in DmVigor, Félix00:06:04

Araujo Afonso de, (1947 - )(1)

PátriaWoodroffe, Richard00:01:28

Arbeau, Thoinot (1519-1595), French(2)

Pavane "Belle qui tiens ma vie" from Orchesographie (1588)Guix, Joseph00:04:46
PavanneDahl, Rob00:01:35

Arcadelt, Jakob (1507-1568), French(9)

"Il bianco e dolce cigno" ("The Sweet White Swan")Hooper, John00:01:34
"Margot, hasten to the vineyard" ("Margot, labourez les vignes")Hooper, John00:00:50
Ave MariaScerri, Albert00:01:47
Ave MariaSpagni, Maurizio00:01:34
Ave MariaSee Comments00:01:11
From the "Cinquanta & sei madrigali a quattro voci"Balboni, Raimondo00:01:33
Give Ear Unto My Prayer (55th Psalm)Scerri, Albert00:01:37
Margot, labourez les vignesEdwards, Mike00:02:11
Margot, labourez les vignesGibson, Mike00:02:48

Arditi, Luigi (1822 - 1903), Italian(3)

Il Bacio (The Kiss)Scerri, Albert00:04:15
L'Incantatrice (The Enchantress)Scerri, Albert00:04:18
La Farfalletta (The Butterfly)Scerri, Albert00:05:18

Armstrong, Henry W. (Harry Armstrong) (1879-1951)(1)

You're the Flower of My Heart, Sweet AdelineButler, John C00:02:22

Arne, Dr. Thomas (1710-1778), English(4)

Rule, BritanniaAlberga, Cyril N00:00:48
Rule, Brittania!Purdam, Andrew00:01:07
Rule BritanniaSimmons, Nigel G00:03:12
Where the Bee SucksWilcock John00:01:25

Arriaga, Juan C. de (1806-1826), Spanish(2)

Los Esclavos Felices (1820), OvertureBox, Ramón Pajares00:07:33
Symphony in D (1826)Box, Ramón Pajares00:24:22

Arrowsmith, Geoff (1945 - ), English(4)

"In Romantic Style", completed 2010Arrowsmith, Geoff00:07:09
18th Street (1999, rev. 2002,2004)Arrowsmith, Geoff00:06:10
Fugue in b (1975)Arrowsmith, Geoff00:02:12
Fugue in C (1979, revised 2004)Arrowsmith, Geoff00:02:32

Ascher, Joseph (1829 - 1869), Netherlands(1)

VaillanceStruys, Peter00:03:00

Ashcraft, Sean (1989- ), American(3)

Prelude from Unfinished VariationsAshcraft, Sean00:04:14
Suite for Strings No. 1: Three Short Songs for Small Ensemble. Op. 2, Nr. 1-3Ashcraft, Sean00:05:08
The Random Opus. Op. 1, 2007.Ashcraft, Sean00:33:17

Ashworth, Colin (1958 - ), UK(2)

Festal PostludeAshworth, Colin00:02:40
My God and is thy Table spreadAshworth, Colin00:01:26

Astorga, Emanuel d' (1680 - 1757), Italian(1)

Stabat Mater (ca.1738 - 40)Hooper, John00:28:26

Attaingnant, Pierre (1494 - 1551/52), French(1)

TourdionSpagni, Maurizio00:00:40

Attwood, Thomas (1765-1838), English(3)

Come Holy GhostScerri, Albert00:04:31
Teach me, O LordLowther, G J00:01:26
Teach me O LordScerri, Albert00:01:58

Auber, Daniel (1782 - 1871) French(1)

El jaleo de Xeres (The Evening Dance) (1841)Spagni, Maurizio00:02:40

Auber, Daniel-François (1782 - 1871), French(7)

Fra Diavolo - Ne Craignez PasScerri, Albert00:02:47
Fra Diavolo - Quel Uomo Al Fiero AspettoScerri, Albert00:01:55
Manon Lescaut - C'ést l'histoire amoureuseScerri, Albert00:01:06
Manon Lescaut - Errant Depuis HierScerri, Albert00:15:22
Manon Lescaut - O Bonheur! O Jour Enchanteur!Scerri, Albert00:02:29
Masaniello - My Sister DearScerri, Albert00:01:23
Persian love song - Dark-eyed oneScerri, Albert00:01:50

Aufrance, Mary Kay (1953 - ), American(1)

Blue Little Girl (2008)Aufrance, Mary Kay00:01:48

Ayleward, Richard (1626–1669), English(1)

Preces and ResponsesHooper, John00:03:55

Ayssav, François Vincent (1955 - )(1)

Yumi, Yumi, YumiWoodroffe, Richard00:01:26

Bach, Carl Phillip Emanuel (1714-1788), German(2)

Magnificat in D major, H.772, Wq.215 (1749)Hooper, John00:42:30
Solfeggietto in C minor, Wq.117/2 1770Walker, Jason00:01:01

Bach, Johann Christian (1735 - 1780)(6)

(Op.17) 6 Keyboard Sonatas: No.2 in Cm: III.) PrestissimoCohen, Jesse00:06:49
MagnificatWoodroffe, Richard00:10:56
MagnificatHooper, John00:10:41
Organ fugue on B.A.C.H.Forestier, Yann00:06:23
Quintette en Sol Maj op 11 n2_1e mouvementsolange, Robin00:08:08
Quintette en Sol Maj op 11 n2_2e mouvementsolange, Robin00:03:10

Bach, Johann Michael (1649-1694)(1)

Nun treten wir ins neue Jahr (???)Hooper, John00:03:13

Bach, Johann Sebastian (1685-1750), German(203)

"Little" fugue in G minor for brass quartetWintringham, Lee00:03:06
(BWV.988) Goldberg Variations: AriaCohen, Jesse00:03:13
2 Fuga from Sonata No 1 in G Minor (BMV 1006 )Itami, Robert00:04:09
7. Badinerie, Orchestral Suite No.2 in B minor, BWV1067Ng, M L00:01:20
Ach Gott, wie manches Herzeleid-See Comments00:00:41
Adagio for pianoforte (BWV 975)Clement, Joel00:03:14
Air (from Orchestral Suite in No.3 in G Major, BMV.1068)Hall, Damien00:03:41
Air from Suite 3 in D BWV 1068Porter, Warren00:03:40
Air from Suite in D major n°3 BWV 1068Bonomi, Ilario00:04:47
Allegro from Brandenburg Concerto No. 5, BWV.1050 (1721)Hall, Damien00:10:15
Aria in Eb Major, "Bist Du Bei Mir" (from the Notebook for Anna Magdelena Bach)Hall, Damien00:01:42
Art of Fugue, Bwv.1080: Contrapunctus III a 4Karageanes, Jim00:03:32
Art of Fugue, Bwv.1080: Contrapunctus IX a 4 alla DuodecimaKarageanes, Jim00:02:46
Art of Fugue, Bwv.1080: Contrapunctus VI a 4 in Stile franceseKarageanes, Jim00:04:22
Art of Fugue, Bwv.1080: Contrapunctus X a 4 alla DecimaKarageanes, Jim00:05:17
Art of Fugue, Bwv.1080: Contrapunctus XI a 4Karageanes, Jim00:05:24
Art of Fugue, Bwv.1080: Contrapunctus XIX. Fuga a 3 soggetti (Completion by DF Tovey, 1931)Karageanes, Jim00:09:14
Art of Fugue, Bwv.1080: Contrapunctus XVII. Fuga a 2 Clav. (rectus); Alio modo Fuga a 2 Clav. (inversus)Karageanes, Jim00:05:33
Auf, Auf! Mein Herz, Mit Freuden, BWV441Scerri, Albert00:01:53
Avé MariaPurdam, Andrew00:02:33
Avé MariaPurdam, Andrew00:02:12
Bach's Fugue in G major (Jig), BWV 577Hauck, Josh00:02:55
Bist Du Bei Mir (Abide With Me), BWV508Scerri, Albert00:01:59
B Minor Mass - BenedictusKing, Robert00:03:28
Bouree from Lute Suite in E Minor (arr. for keyboard)Audler, Zachary00:01:35
Brandenburg Concerto No. 4 in G Major BWV 1049Spagni, Maurizio00:15:37
Brandenburg Concerto No. 6 in Bb MajorTate, John Paul III00:15:38
Brandenburg Concerto No3Pendrey, Nigel00:10:49
Cantata "Dem Gerechten muss das Licht immer wieder aufgehen" BWV 195Forestier, Yann00:04:35
Cantata "In allen meinen Taten" BWV 97Forestier, Yann00:06:01
Cantata 131 (Aus der tiefe) (1707)Hooper, John00:21:30
Cantata BWV 18Forestier, Yann00:12:34
Cantata BWV 30 "Freue dich, erlöste Schar"Forestier, Yann00:04:31
Cantata BWV 38 - Aus tiefer Not schrei ich zu dirForestier, Yann00:03:05
Cantata BWV 92 "Ich hab in Gottes Herz und Sinn"Forestier, Yann00:03:00
Cantata BWV 108 Es ist euch gut, dass ich hingeheForestier, Yann00:02:21
Cantata BWV 113 "Herr Jesu Christ, du höchstes Gut"Forestier, Yann00:04:51
Cantata BWV 137 "Lobe den Herren, den mächtigen König der Ehren", movement 4/5Forestier, Yann00:02:40
Cantata BWV 143 " Lobe den Herrn, meine Seele"Forestier, Yann00:12:29
Cantata BWV 167 "Ihr Menschen, rühmet Gottes Liebe"Forestier, Yann00:02:25
Cantata BWV 182 "Himmelkönig, sei willkommen"Forestier, Yann00:01:41
Cantata BWV 190 "Singet den Herrn ein neues Lied" - All MovementsForestier, Yann00:14:46
Cantata BWV 194 "Höchsterwünschtes Freudenfest"Forestier, Yann00:06:01
Cantata BWV 194 "Höchsterwünschtes Freudenfest"Forestier, Yann00:01:30
Cantata BWV 194 "Höchsterwünschtes Freudenfest"Forestier, Yann00:03:43
Cantata BWV 194 "Höchsterwünschtes Freudenfest"Forestier, Yann00:01:04
Cantata BWV 194 "Höchsterwünschtes Freudenfest" 1st MovementForestier, Yann00:04:30
cantata BWV 198 "lass Fürstin, noch einen Strahl" - movement 2Forestier, Yann00:01:02
cantata BWV 198 "lass Fürstin, noch einen Strahl" - movement 3Forestier, Yann00:03:44
Cantata BWV 198 "Laß, Fürstin, lass noch einen Strahl" (Trauer-Ode)Forestier, Yann00:04:27
Cantata BWV 198 "Laß, Fürstin, lass noch einen Strahl" (Trauer-Ode)Forestier, Yann00:01:58
Cantata BWV 198 "Laß, Fürstin, lass noch einen Strahl" (Trauer-Ode)Forestier, Yann00:00:55
Cantata BWV 198 "Laß, Fürstin, lass noch einen Strahl" (Trauer-Ode) _ movement 10/10Forestier, Yann00:04:04
Cantata No. 4, Christ lag in TodesbandenJennings, James R00:17:31
Cantata No 140 - ChorusGibson, Mike00:07:43
Cantata No 140 - ChorusGibson, Mike00:07:43
Cantata No: 11 (Ascension Oratorio), (1735)Hooper, John00:28:20
Cantata No: 21 (Ich hatte viel Bekümmernis)(My spirit was in heaviness), (1713)Hooper, John00:40:51
Cantata No: 29 (Wir danken dir, Gott, wir danken dir), (1731)Hooper, John00:23:28
Cantata No: 30 (Freue dich, erloste Schar), (1738)Hooper, John00:39:17
Cantata No: 40 (Darzu ist erschienen der Sohn Gottes), (1723)Hooper, John00:14:31
Cantata No: 63 (Christen, atzet diesen tag)Hooper, John00:27:06
Cantata No: 91 (Gelobet seist du, Jesu Christ), (1724)Hooper, John00:16:25
Cantata No: 118 (O Jesu Christ, meins Lebens Licht), (1736)Hooper, John00:06:38
Cantata No: 137 (Loben den Herren)(Praise the Lord), (1725)Hooper, John00:13:11
Cantata No: 140 - Sleepers wake (1731)Hooper, John00:26:05
Cantata No: 146 (Wir mussen durch viel Trubsal - We must [pass] through great sadness)), (1726 or 1728)Hooper, John00:38:44
Cantata No: 147 - Herz und Mund und Tat und Leben (1723)Hooper, John00:29:08
Cantata No: 150 - Nach dir, Herr, verlanget michSee Comments00:26:05
Cantata No: 191 (Gloria in excelsis Deo)Hooper, John00:16:51
Cantata No: 229 (Komm, Jesu, komm), (1731–1732)Hooper, John00:07:09
Cantata nr. 99 "Was Gott tut, das ist Wohlgetan (IInd version), BWV 99Forestier, Yann00:15:43
Cantata n° 22 "Jesus nahm zu sich die Zwölfe" - Movement 5 of 5 (chorale)Forestier, Yann00:01:52
Cantata n° 41 - 6 "Dein ist allein die Ehre "See Comments00:02:20
Capriccio 'On the Departure of His Beloved Brother': V.) Aria di Postiglione (BWV.992)Cohen, Jesse00:01:04
Cello suite I (BWV 1007)Ladame, Philippe00:18:34
Cello Suite II (BWV 1008)Ladame, Philippe00:17:17
Cello Suite III (BWV 1009)Ladame, Philippe00:21:14
Cello Suite IV (BWV 1010)Pendrey, Nigel00:20:58
Cello Suite V (BWV 1011)Pendrey, Nigel00:21:48
Chaconne in D minor, BWV1004 - 1720Mill, Carl B00:12:57
Chorale no. 347, from BWV 250-252, 3 Choräle zu TrauungeniNANC [iNANÇ], Ertugrul00:01:15
Chorale Prelude: (BWV 721) Erbarm dich mein, o Herre GottCohen, Jesse00:03:41
Christmas Oratorio (BWV 248), 1734 (English Choral parts)Gibson, Mike00:56:27
Christmas Oratorio (BWV 248), 1734 (German Choral parts)Gibson, Mike00:56:14
Christmas Oratorio [Weihnachtsoratorium] (BWV 248), 1734Hooper, John02:27:33
Concerto For 4 Pianos Bwv 1065 VerbierClement, Joel00:10:00
Concerto for Two Violins in D minor, BWV. 1043Richardson, Greg00:15:22
Concerto for violino N°1 BWV 1041Clement, Joel00:11:57
Concerto for violino N°2 BWV 1042Clement, Joel00:14:38
Concerto for violino N°3 BWV 1043Clement, Joel00:14:41
Concerto for violino N°4 BWV 1052Clement, Joel00:22:45
Concerto for violino N°5 BWV 1056Clement, Joel00:09:57
Concerto n. 3 in Dm for keyboard (BWV974)Spagni, Maurizio00:10:26
Contrapunctus IX a 4 alla Duodecima (From Art of Fugue)Hauck, Josh00:02:56
Crab Canon from 'A Musical Offering' BWV1079 Published 1747Walker, Jason00:00:36
Dearest Lord Jesus (Liebster Herr Jesu), BWV 484Scerri, Albert00:02:19
Der Geist hilft unsrer schwachheit auf, BWV 226, (1729)Hooper, John00:06:54
Divinum numerium 111 (2022)Bordes, Dan00:01:11
Double Violin Concerto BWV 1043Dojo, Jinx00:02:55
Easter Oratorio [Oster Oratorium] (BWV 249), 1734Hooper, John00:57:22
English Suite 3, BWV 808Vermande, Tim00:13:07
Fantasia and Fugue in C minor, BWV 537Gierlinsk, Mareki00:07:37
Fantasia in G major, BWV 572Beelen, Paul00:07:41
Forget Me Not - (Vergiss Mein Nicht), BWV504Scerri, Albert00:02:40
Fuge in c-Moll, BWV 847Gregg, Andrew00:01:32
Fugue in c for Strings, BWV 537bKarageanes, Jim00:03:24
Fugue in e minorArrowsmith, Geoff00:02:45
Fugue in E Minor (Wedge) BWV548Hauck, Josh00:07:19
Fugue in G minor, BWV 578Beelen, Paul00:03:40
Fürchte dich nicht BWV 228Gibson, Mike00:08:34
Goldberg Variations : Aria (BWV 988)Clement, Joel00:03:51
Ich Ruf Zu Dir, Herr (Jesu Christ) (BWV 639)Scott, Matthew00:02:42
Invention Number 13Hatmaker, Chase00:00:50
Jesu, Joy of Man's DesiringPurdam, Andrew00:03:05
Jesu, Joy of Man's DesiringJacques, Alain00:06:15
Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring, 1723 BWV 147Hooper, John00:03:01
Jesu meine Freude, Motet No. 3 in E minor, BWV 227, (1723)Hooper, John00:19:35
Jesus Bleibet Meine Freude (1723)Hall, Damien00:02:56
Jesus Bleibet Meine Freude (1723)See Comments00:01:14
Kaffee kantate bwv211 (1734?)Spagni, Maurizio00:17:41
Komm Susser Tod, BWV478Scerri, Albert00:01:55
Little Fugue in G minor, BWV.578Hung, B H00:04:00
Magnificat in D (BWV 243), 1723Hooper, John00:29:20
Magnificat in D (BWV 243) - OrchestralJennings, James R00:31:32
Magnificat in D (BWV 243) - Piano reductionJennings, James R00:31:03
Magnificat in D (BWV 243) - Sicut locutus estSee Comments00:01:59
Mass in B minor (BWV 232)Mill, Carl B01:58:54
Mass in B minor, BWV 232Gibson, Mike00:58:18
Mass in B minor, BWV 232Hooper, John01:45:28
Mass in F (Missa Brevis) BWV 233 - GloriaLe Riche, Philip00:05:44
Mass in F major (BWV 233)Hooper, John00:23:27
Mein gläubiges Herze Aria from Kantate Nr. 68Lonneke, Michael00:03:28
Minuet in G Major (from the Notebook for Anna Magdelena Bach)Hall, Damien00:01:14
Missa Brevis in A major (BWV 234) (1735)Hooper, John00:36:45
Motet 4 BWV 228 - Fürchte dich nicht (Do not fear), (1726)Hooper, John00:08:51
Offrande musicaleClement, Joel00:02:04
O praise the Lord, all ye Nations [Lobet den Herrn, alle Heiden] (Motet 6: BWV 230), Unknown dateHooper, John00:08:02
Partita No. 3 in E major (BWV 1006)Carrasco, Daniel00:04:09
Partitia in E minorHauck, Josh00:00:43
Passacaglia and Fugue in C Minor, BWV 582Hicks, Grant00:11:09
Praeludium in c-Moll, BWV 847Gregg, Andrew00:01:12
Prelude & Fugue in D for Orchestra BWV 532Karageanes, Jim00:10:20
Prelude & Fugue in G for Orchestra BWV 550Karageanes, Jim00:05:45
Prelude (from Prelude, Fugue and Allegro in Eb for Lute). BWV 998.Walker, Jason00:02:17
Prelude, BWV 569Vermande, Tim00:04:34
Prelude and Fugue BWV 533Vermande, Tim00:03:04
Prelude and Fugue for organ, BWV 531Vermande, Tim00:04:38
Prelude and fugue in b for Strings, BWV 544Karageanes, Jim00:11:12
Prelude and Fugue in C For Orchestra (2005)Karageanes, Jim00:09:25
Prelude and Fugue in D, BWV 532Vermande, Tim00:09:05
Prelude and Fugue in G, for The Hutchins Consort (2005)Karageanes, Jim00:08:23
Prelude and Fugue in G major, BWV 550Beelen, Paul00:05:38
Prelude in Am BWV.894Cohen, Jesse00:05:27
Prelude in G-Major, BWV 568Gemmill, James00:02:50
Re-Aria BWV 515 So oft ich meine Tobackspfeife (2022)Bordes, Dan00:01:11
Recit. nr.23 from St. Matteus PassionGrecay, Paul00:01:11
Reminuet in d minor 132 (2022)Bordes, Dan00:01:56
Reminuet in G major (2022)Bordes, Dan00:01:22
Secular cantata BWV 206 'Schleigt, spielende Weilen", mvt 9/11Forestier, Yann00:03:35
Short Prelude in G min, BWV 558, BG XXXVIII GMPurdam, Andrew00:01:53
Short Prelude in G min, BWV 558, BG XXXVIII JeuxPurdam, Andrew00:01:53
Sinfonia #9 in f minor, BWV 794Waterman, Charles00:02:48
Sinfonia von Wir Danken Dir, G-ttWeed, Michael J00:02:49
Singet dem Herrn ein neues Lied, BWV 225, (1727)Hooper, John00:12:22
Sleeper Wake Chorale Prelude for Organ (1731)Woodroffe, Richard00:04:56
Sonata in E flat major for flute and harpsichord, BWV 1031Beelen, Paul00:17:45
St John Passion (BWV 245)Gibson, Mike00:43:51
St John Passion (BWV 245), 1723Hooper, John02:10:37
St Luke Passion (BWV 246)Hooper, John00:45:13
St Matthew Passion (BWV 244), 1729Hooper, John02:49:23
St Matthew Passion, BWV 244 Choral PartsGibson, Mike00:44:53
Suite No.2 in B Minor - Badinerie (Arranged for Harpsichord)Hauck, Josh00:01:20
Suite No.6 for Solo Violoncello (BVW 1012) (1717-1723)Pendrey, Nigel00:22:49
The Art of the Fugue - Contrapunctus I (BWV 1080 - 1750)Lehr, Geoffrey00:02:36
The Well-Tempered Clavier (Bk.I), Prelude and Fugue in D major, Bwv.850Karageanes, Jim00:02:59
Toccata & Fugue in F Major, BWV 540Beard, Brendon00:08:15
Toccata, Adagio, & Fugue in C for Orchestra BWV 564Karageanes, Jim00:14:55
Toccata, Adagio e Fuga in Do maggiore (BWV 564)Spagni, Maurizio00:13:51
Toccata and Fugue in D minorBeelen, Paul00:07:56
Toccata and Fugue in d minorBenson, Katie00:01:15
Trio Sonata #1, BWV 525Vermande, Tim00:16:26
Trio Sonata #2, BWV 526Vermande, Tim00:14:01
Trio Sonata #3, BWV 527Vermande, Tim00:12:00
Trio Sonata #4, BWV 528Vermande, Tim00:07:46
Trio Sonata 5, BWV 529Vermande, Tim00:13:20
Trio Sonata 6, BWV 530Vermande, Tim00:13:03
Two-Part Piano Invention #1Pool, Don00:01:26
Two-Part Piano Invention #8Pool, Don00:01:16
Two Part InventionsHauck, Josh00:17:04
Wachet Auf, Ruft Uns Die Stimme, BWV140Scerri, Albert00:03:43
Well Tempered Clavier: Book 1, Prelude # 1 in C majorMoalem. Beeri00:01:36
Well Tempered Clavier: Prelude No.6 in D minor BWV 851Spagni, Maurizio00:01:22
Well Tempered Clavier Book I: Prelude and Fugue No. 5 in D majorKarageanes, Jim00:02:59
Well Tempered Clavier Book I: Prelude and Fugue No. 12 in F minorKarageanes, Jim00:08:09
Well Tempered Clavier Book I: Prelude and Fugue No. 21 in Bb majorKarageanes, Jim00:03:33
Well Tempered Clavier Book II: Prelude and Fugue No. 07 in Eb majorKarageanes, Jim00:04:54
Well Tempered Clavier Book II: Prelude and Fugue No. 15 in G majorKarageanes, Jim00:03:42
Well Tempered Clavier Book II: Prelude and Fugue No. 20 in A minorKarageanes, Jim00:04:18
Well Tempered Clavier Prelude No.6 in D minorHauck, Josh00:01:24
Well Tempered Clavier Prelude No. 21 in B flat major, BWV 866aHauck, Josh00:01:00
Wohl mir, dass ich Jesum habe.Hollander, Joop00:03:15
Wo soll ich fliehen hin? BWV 646Beelen, Paul00:01:45

Badev, Atanas (1860 - 1908), Macedonian(2)

Heruvimska pesenKnutzen, Helge00:02:35
Jako da tsariaKnutzen, Helge00:02:33

Bagley, E.E.(2)

National EmblemYoung, Brian00:03:00
National Emblem MarchDyer, William D00:02:53

Bairstow, Edward Sir (1874 – 1946), English(7)

Blessed City, heavenly Salem (No Lyrics)Gibson, Mike00:06:46
Jesu, the very thought of Thee (1911)Hooper, John00:02:10
Let all mortal flesh keep silence (1906)Hooper, John00:02:57
Music, when soft voices dieGibson, Mike00:02:16
Oak and AshGibson, Mike00:02:06
Save us, O LordGibson, Mike00:03:36
Save us, O Lord, waking (1902)Hooper, John00:03:50

Balekana, Panapasa (1921 - 2009), Fijian(1)

God Save Our Solomon IslandsWoodroffe, Richard00:01:04

Balfe, William (1808-1870)(4)

Bohemian Girl - I dreamt that I dwelt in marble hallsScerri, Albert00:02:19
ExcelsiorWoodroffe, Richard00:05:36
The Bohemian Girl - Then you'll remember meScerri, Albert00:02:43
The lonely roseScerri, Albert00:03:23

Banchieri, Adriano (1567-1634), Italian(1)

Festino, a Madrigal comedy (1608)Lee, Christopher00:33:45

Bangs, Carl, American(1)

The Blue Diamond PolkaBangs, Carl00:03:11

Barbieri, Francisco A. (1823-1894), Spanish(1)

El Barberillo de Lavapiés (1874), selecciónBox, Ramón Pajares00:09:52

Barengayabo, Marc (1934 - 2013), Burundian(1)

Burundi BwâcuWoodroffe, Richard00:01:51

Barnby, Joseph (1838 - 1896), English(2)

O Lord, how manifold are thy worksGibson, Mike00:02:54
Sweet and LowRoberts, Joseph00:01:56

Barrios, Agustin - Mangoré (1885 - 1944), Paraguayan(2)

A mi madreSpagni, Maurizio00:09:24
CuecaSpagni, Maurizio00:03:06

Bartok [Bartók], Béla (1881 - 1945), Hungarian(1)

Four Slovak Folk SongsDechargé, Pierre00:03:58

Bataille, Gabriel L (1575 - 1630)(1)

Chanson à boireSee Comments00:02:10

Bateson, Thomas (1570-1630), English(3)

Down From Above (1604)Ware, Tobias00:02:13
If Love Be Blind (1604)Ware, Tobias00:01:45
Whither So Fast? (1604)Ware, Tobias00:01:44

Batten, Adrian (1591-1637), English(1)

O Praise the LordGibson, Mike00:01:24

Battishill, Johnathan (1738 - 1801), English(1)

O Lord, look down from Heaven (No Lyrics)Gibson, Mike00:03:54

Battle, Ramón Carnicer y, (1780 - 1855), Chilean(1)

Himno Nacional de ChileWoodroffe, Richard00:02:22

Baumanis, Karlis (1834 - 1904), Latvian(1)

Dievs, sveti LatvijuWoodroffe, Richard00:01:47

Bayes, Nora(1)

Shine On Harvest MoonBarham, Christopher00:01:43

Bazzini, Antonio (1818 - 1897), Italian(1)

Ronde des Lutins (Goblins' Dance)Fantastic Scherzo Op. 25Woodroffe, Richard00:04:53

Beach, Amy [Marcy Cheney] (1867 - 1944), American(4)

Canticle of the Sun (1924)Hooper, John00:21:24
Mass in E flat (1892)Hooper, John00:58:54
Nunc Dimittis (1891)Hooper, John00:02:15
Three Shakespeare Choruses (1897)Hooper, John00:07:02

Beaver, Raymond (1929 -), English(4)

Cool it (1988).Beaver, Raymond00:01:42
Prelude for Guitar: Version I.Beaver, Raymond00:03:35
Prelude for Guitar: Version II.Beaver, Raymond00:03:55
Valse Triste for String OrchestraBeaver, Raymond00:06:07

Becker, Zac(1)

Quartet n.1, " Das Gastfreundliche ", 1st MovementBecker, Zac00:02:55

Beelen, Paul (1974-), Dutch(9)

Agnus Dei, dona nobis pacemBeelen, Paul00:01:53
Bagatelle (in G minor)Beelen, Paul00:00:52
Dance of LifeBeelen, Paul00:03:09
Duet for Violin and Viola in A majorBeelen, Paul00:01:16
Melody for Organ in G minorBeelen, Paul00:01:51
Tempo Giusto (Etude for piano in A major)Beelen, Paul00:03:55
Utopia (Based on Melody for Organ in G minor)Beelen, Paul00:01:38
Veni, Sancte SpiritusBeelen, Paul00:02:36
Veni, Sancte SpiritusBeelen, Paul00:02:36

Beethoven, Ludwig van (1770-1827), German(97)

"Bonn" Sonata IBohnson, Clifford N00:14:16
"Bonn" Sonata IIBohnson, Clifford N00:13:20
"Bonn" Sonata IIIBohnson, Clifford N00:21:18
"Oh Thou art the Love of My Life, Willy" (Hess 202)Dyer, William D00:01:41
"O Let the Night My Blushes Hide" (Hess 204a)Dyer, William D00:03:22
"Tis Sunshine at Last" (Hess 178)Dyer, William D00:02:37
"To The Blackbird" (ca 1810)Dyer, William D00:04:10
33 Variations on a Waltz of Diabelli, Op. 120Lunsford, Danny Ross00:55:48
Adagio Cantabile from Piano Sonata #8 in C minor, Op. 13 "Pathetique"Nachbaur, Fred00:04:57
Adelaide - Op 46Clement, Joel00:06:00
Bagatelle in A minor (Fur Elise)Dowden, Blair00:02:43
Beethoven's 5th Symphony, 2nd Movement (Piano Reduction)Bell, Jon00:02:39
Christ on the Mount of Olives - Christus am Ölberge, Op.85 (1802)Hooper, John00:44:50
Concerto for Violin & Orchestra in D Major, Op.61 (1806)Billett, Tina00:16:40
Concerto N°5 Opus 73 "Emperor" (Adagio)Clement, Joel00:06:52
Consecration of the House Op.124 (1822)Billett, Tina00:09:47
Coriolanus Op.62 (1807)Billett, Tina00:07:52
Dona nobis pacemHooper, John00:02:07
Egmont Op.84 (1809-10)Billett, Tina00:07:16
Egmont Overture in F minor (piano reduction)Tate, John Paul III00:07:42
Fidelio (Opus 72 - 1814) - No 3 Quartet - "Mir ist so wunderbar"Aarons, Robert00:04:12
Fidelio Op.72 (1814)Billett, Tina00:05:58
Hallelujah Chorus (from The Mount of Olives, Op. 85)Hall, Damien00:04:11
Hallelujah Chorus (from The Mount of Olives, Op. 85)Gibson, Mike00:05:14
Ich Liebe DichScerri, Albert00:01:23
Inno al CreatoreScerri, Albert00:01:40
Inno alla notteScerri, Albert00:02:08
Joyful And Mournful (Freudvoll Und Leidvoll)Scerri, Albert00:01:26
King Stephan Op 117 (1811)Billett, Tina00:07:34
Leichte SonateHatmaker, Chase00:04:14
Leonore No 1 Op.138 (1806-7)Billett, Tina00:08:03
Leonore No 2 Op.72 (1804-5)Billett, Tina00:10:59
Leonore No 3 Op.72 (1805-6)Billett, Tina00:11:49
Leonore Overture #3, Op. 72Tate, John Paul III00:13:23
MarmotteScerri, Albert00:02:19
Mass in C (Op 86)Gibson, Mike00:38:24
Mass in C (Op 86), 1807Hooper, John00:43:25
Mass in D (Missa solemnis) (Op 123), 1823Hooper, John01:18:59
Meeresstille und glückliche Fahrt (Op. 112)Woodroffe, Richard00:07:14
Moonlight Sonata - Adagio arr. for flute trio (incomplete)Enlow, Lizzy00:01:21
Moonlight Sonata 1st Mvt. (Techno Dance Remix)Ho, John00:02:09
Opferlied (Op.121b) (1824)Hooper, John00:05:44
Ouvertüre CoriolanNachbaur, Sharon00:07:52
Piano Concerto No. 3, in C min, Op. 37 (1800)Hoekstra, Tim00:34:05
Piano Sonata No. 1. F minor, Op.2 No.1Billett, Tina00:15:48
Piano Sonata No. 2. A major, Op.2 No.2Billett, Tina00:22:57
Piano Sonata no.5 (Op.10.1) II.) Adagio moltoCohen, Jesse00:05:38
Piano Sonata No. 8. C minor, Op.13 (Pathétique)Billett, Tina00:17:57
Piano Sonata No. 14. C# minor, Op.27 No.2 (Moonlight)Billett, Tina00:14:02
Piano Sonata No. 17 Opus. 31 No. 2 "The Tempest"Arrigoni, Ugo Nunes00:06:13
Piano Sonata No. 23. F minor, Op.57 (Appassionata)Billett, Tina00:22:38
Piano Sonata No 3 in C major. Op.2 No.3Billett, Tina00:26:58
Piano Sonata Op. 26 in AbLunsford, Danny Ross00:18:22
Piano Sonata Op. 57 (Apassionata) - 1st. MovementDale, Malcolm00:11:18
Piano Sonata Op. 106 in BbLunsford, Danny Ross00:41:44
Piano Sonata Op. 110 in AbLunsford, Danny Ross00:17:04
Piano Sonata Op. 111 in C minorLunsford, Danny Ross00:24:05
Quartet No. 10 in Eb Major, Op. 74 "Harp"Richardson, Greg00:27:59
Romance No. 2 in F for Violin and Piano, Op. 50Porter, Warren00:10:18
Sonata in C Minor ("Pathétique")Dowden, Blair00:18:46
Sonata in f minor "Appassionata" Op. 57Carrasco, Daniel00:07:17
Sonata no. 1 in F minor op. 2 no. 1Carroll, Simon00:16:49
Sonata No. 8 in C minor, Op. 13 "Pathetique"Tate, John Paul III00:08:00
Sonata Number 14 in C# Minor, Op.27 No.1, "Moonlight", Adagio sostenutoHall, Damien00:05:45
Sonata Number 14 in C# Minor, Op.27 No.1, "Moonlight", AllegrettoPurdam, Andrew00:02:02
Sonata Number 14 in C# Minor, Op.27 No.1, "Moonlight", Presto AgitatoPurdam, Andrew00:07:00
Sonatine WO 44a, composed 1796Foley, Bill00:03:21
String Quartet No. 13, Op. 130, Movement V 'Cavatina'Bell, Jon00:05:16
Symphonie Nr. IX, Finale, Op.125Tate, John Paul III00:46:58
Symphony 3 Eb major: Scherzo (1804, opus 55)Segerstråle, Martin00:05:52
Symphony 9, D minor: Scherzo (1824, opus 125)Segerstråle, Martin00:13:36
Symphony No. 5 in C minor, Op. 67 (1807-8)Billett, Tina00:29:05
Symphony No. 6, in F maj, Op. 68, 'Pastoral' (5th movement)Siang, Peh Chen00:09:10
Symphony No 1 in C Major, Op.21 (1800)Billett, Tina00:22:50
Symphony No 2 in D Major, Op.36 (1801-2)Billett, Tina00:29:22
Symphony No 3 in E-flat Major "Eroica", Op 55 (1803)Billett, Tina00:41:51
Symphony No 4 in B-flat Major, Op. 60 (1806)Billett, Tina00:28:43
Symphony No 5 - Allegro con brio Opus 67Clement, Joel00:07:53
Symphony No 6 in F major, Op. 68 "Pastorale" (1808)Billett, Tina00:39:49
Symphony No 7 - Allegretto Opus 92Clement, Joel00:07:50
Symphony No 7 in A Major, Op 92 (1811-12)Billett, Tina00:37:31
Symphony No 8 in F Major Op 93 (1812)Billett, Tina00:22:18
Symphony No 9 in D Minor, Op.125 (1822-24)Billett, Tina01:00:49
The Choral Fantasy in C minor, Op 80 (Finale) AllegroMill, Carl B00:11:14
The Choral Fantasy in C minor, Op 80 (Prelude) AdagioMill, Carl B00:02:42
The Choral Fantasy in C minor, Op 80 Allegretto, ma non troppoMill, Carl B00:08:16
The Choral Fantasy in C minor, Op 80 Allegretto, ma non troppoGibson, Mike00:05:20
The Choral Fantasy in C minor, Opus 80 CompleteMill, Carl B00:18:18
The Creatures of Prometheus Op 43. (1800-01)Billett, Tina00:04:26
The Ruins of Athens Op 113 (1811)Billett, Tina00:03:38
Trio Opus 11 1798Moffatt, Stuart00:18:05
Turkish March from "The Ruins of Athens"Purdam, Andrew00:01:54
Turkish March from The Ruins of Athens (1811)Billett, Tina00:01:50
Twelve Minuets for Orchestra, 1799 (WoO12)Dyer, William D00:42:58
Violin Concerto in D majorHirao, Yoshikazu00:30:43
Wellington's Victory in the battle of Vittoria. Op.91 (1822-24)Billett, Tina00:15:12
Wer ein holdes Weib errungen (from Fidelio)Lamminga, Klaas00:04:24

Bell, Richard(2)

Behold the manBell, Richard00:01:07
Light of truthBell, Richard00:01:09

Bellini, Vincenzo Salvatore (1801 - 1835), Sicilian(41)

Ah non giunge from "La Sonnambula"Clement, Joel00:02:50
Beatrice Di Tenda - Angiol Di PaceScerri, Albert00:02:22
Beatrice Di Tenda - Come T'adoroScerri, Albert00:03:23
Beatrice Di Tenda - O Native ScenesScerri, Albert00:02:47
Casta Diva from "Norma"Clement, Joel00:11:43
Dolente Immagine Di Figlia MiaScerri, Albert00:02:43
Fenesta che luciveScerri, Albert00:03:05
Il Pirata - Coro Dei PiratiScerri, Albert00:05:03
Il Pirata - Ebben Si AduniScerri, Albert00:03:15
Il Pirata - Lasciami Forza UmanaScerri, Albert00:03:01
Il Pirata - Nel furor delle tempesteScerri, Albert00:03:20
I Puritani - A te o cara (For you dear)Scerri, Albert00:04:18
I Puritani - By A Fountain Was RecliningScerri, Albert00:02:32
I Puritani - Come Brave The Sea (Suoni La Tromba)Scerri, Albert00:02:18
I Puritani - Son Vergin Vezzosa (Behold Me)Scerri, Albert00:02:43
La Sonnambula - Ah non credea mirartiScerri, Albert00:03:12
La Sonnambula - Ah perche non posso odiartiScerri, Albert00:02:09
La Sonnambula - Come per me serenoScerri, Albert00:01:28
La Sonnambula - Prendi l'anel ti donoScerri, Albert00:11:44
La Sonnambula - Tutto E Gioia, Tutto E FestaScerri, Albert00:04:50
La Sonnambula - Vi ravviso o luoghi ameniScerri, Albert00:01:49
La Straniera - Ciel PietosoScerri, Albert00:01:51
La Straniera - Meco Tu Vieni O MiseraScerri, Albert00:04:32
La Straniera - Sventurato il corScerri, Albert00:01:52
MalinconiaClement, Joel00:01:19
Norma - Ah can'st thou leave meScerri, Albert00:02:20
Norma - Casta DivaClement, Joel00:06:43
Norma - Casta Diva (Virgin Godess)Scerri, Albert00:04:22
Norma - Gia Mia Pasco Nei Tuoi SguardiScerri, Albert00:02:29
Norma - Guerra! Guerra! Le Galliche selveScerri, Albert00:01:38
Norma - Meco all'altarScerri, Albert00:06:18
Norma - Mira o NormaScerri, Albert00:07:16
Norma - Qual Cor TradistiScerri, Albert00:06:13
Norma - Viene Le Cinge La ChiomaScerri, Albert00:03:35
Norma - Vieni In Roma Ah Vieni O CaraScerri, Albert00:04:00
Oh! di qual sei tu vittima from "Norma"Clement, Joel00:04:13
Oh rimembranza from "Norma"Clement, Joel00:10:15
Salve ReginaScerri, Albert00:05:13
Si, fino all'ore from "Norma"Clement, Joel00:02:06
Teneri figli from "Norma"Clement, Joel00:01:27
Vaga luna che inargentiScerri, Albert00:03:50

Bendl, Karel (1838-1897), Czechoslovakian(4)

Gipsy Songs Part I No. 1Scerri, Albert00:01:31
Gipsy Songs Part I No 5Scerri, Albert00:01:09
Gypsy Songs Part 1 No 13Scerri, Albert00:00:56
Gypsy Songs Part 2 No 5Scerri, Albert00:01:26

Bennett, Joe L. (1952 - ), USA(1)

Symphony #1 (The Dark Symphony)Bennett, Joe00:14:39

Berger, Francesco (1834 - 1933), English(1)

Windsor Castle Polka (1879)Woodroffe, Richard00:06:11

Berlioz, Louis Hector (1803 - 1869), French(16)

Damnation De Faust - Faust's AriaScerri, Albert00:03:03
Damnaton de Faust - Méphistophélès SerenadeScerri, Albert00:02:48
Grande Messe des morts, Op. 5 (Requiem) (1837)Hooper, John01:24:18
L'Adieu des bergers a la sainte familleLamminga, Klaas00:03:24
L'enfance du Christe (The Childhood of Christ) (1850, 1853-54)Hooper, John01:33:03
La Damnation De Faust - Chanson D'etudiantesScerri, Albert00:01:21
Les Nuitsd'ete Op 7 - VillanelleScerri, Albert00:02:40
Les nuits d'été (opus 7)Clement, Joel00:06:18
Les Troyens - Errante Sur Les MersScerri, Albert00:01:58
Les Troyens - Non, Je Ne Verrai PasScerri, Albert00:02:05
Les Troyens - O Blonde CérèsScerri, Albert00:03:04
Romance - Le Dépit de la Bergère (1816)Scerri, Albert00:03:28
Shepherds' FarewellWoodroffe, Richard00:03:01
Symphonie fantastique Op. 14 - 2 Un bal (1830)Spagni, Maurizio00:06:08
Te Deum, Op. 22 (1849)Hooper, John00:51:30
Tristia, Op. 18 (various, published 1852)Hooper, John00:16:33

Bertoli, Giovanni Antonio (1598 - c1645)(1)

Bassoon Sonata 1Schleussner, Sebastian00:07:16

Berwald, Franz Adolf (1796-1868), Swedish(1)

Symphony No. 3 in C major, Sinfonie singulièreHicks, Grant00:29:15

Bey, Kanuni Haci Arif (1862-1911), Turkish(1)

Sultaniyegâh Saz SemaisiEkinci, Mehmet Ugur00:04:37

Bezza, Elìa Mauro(1)

Partite sopra CarulliBezza, Elìa00:10:02

Biber, Heinrich Ignaz Franz (1644 - 1704), Bohemian-Austrian(2)

Requiem in F minorGibson, Mike00:14:35
Requiem in F minor (1692)Hooper, John00:29:15

Bidgood, Thomas (1858-1925), English(1)

Sons of the Brave (1898)Struys, Peter00:02:55

Bihari, Janos (1807-), Hungarian(1)

Verbunk (Hungarian Dance)Fábián, József00:01:46

Billings, Williams (1746 – 1800), American(1)

Chester (1778)Hooper, John00:02:26

Bishop, Sir Henry (1786-1855), English(2)

Foresters, sound the cheerful hornHooper, John00:02:04
Lo! Here (sic.) the Gentle LarkWoodroffe, Richard00:03:44

Bizet, Georges (1838-1875), French(32)

"Chorus of Cigarette Girls" from opera Carmen (1875)Tamiya, Takahiro00:03:13
"Duet" from opera Carmen (1875)Tamiya, Takahiro00:07:44
"Le Voici" from Carmen Fantaisie BrillantePurdam, Andrew00:01:18
Adagietto from L'ArlesiennePorter, Warren00:01:45
Agnus DeiScerri, Albert00:03:00
Au fond du temple saintLamminga, Klaas00:03:01
Carmen (1875) (CRV)Hooper, John01:05:39
Carmen (1875) (JCL)Clement, Joel02:37:49
Carmen - (Habanera) L'amour est un oiseau rebelleScerri, Albert00:01:50
Carmen - En Vain Pour Eviter La MortScerri, Albert00:02:35
Carmen - Halte-La (Man From Alcala)Scerri, Albert00:00:29
Carmen - Je Dis Que Rien Ne M'epouvanteScerri, Albert00:04:47
Carmen - Parle-Moi De Ma MereScerri, Albert00:07:35
Carmen - Seguidille and DuetScerri, Albert00:04:01
Farandole (from "L'Arlésienne", suite n.2)Spagni, Maurizio00:03:42
Habanera from opera Carmen (1875)Tamiya, Takahiro00:05:18
I Pescatori di Perle - Mi par d'udir ancorScerri, Albert00:02:39
L'arlesienne - PastoraleScerri, Albert00:02:41
L'Arlésienne, suite 1 (1872), 2. MinuettoBox, Ramón Pajares00:03:11
L'Arlésienne, suite 2 (1875), 3. MenuettBox, Ramón Pajares00:04:25
La fleur (Carmen, Act 2 Aria of Don Jose)Sloman, Benjamin00:03:14
Les Pecheursde Perles - Je Crois EntendreScerri, Albert00:03:59
Les pêcheurs de perlesClement, Joel00:03:04
Les pêcheurs de perles (Pearl fishers) - No 2 - Au Fond du Temple Saint, 1863Aarons, Robert00:06:47
Les pêcheurs de perles (Pearl fishers) - No 2 - Au Fond du Temple Saint, 1863See Comments00:07:15
Ouverture (from "L'Arlésienne", suite n.1)Spagni, Maurizio00:06:32
Suite from Carmen - HananeraBillett, Tina00:02:55
Suite from Carmen - PreludeBillett, Tina00:01:49
Suite from Carmen - ToreadorBillett, Tina00:03:55
Suite from Carmen Act3 Entr'acteBillett, Tina00:01:55
Suite from Carmen Act4 Entr'acteBillett, Tina00:02:04
Toreador from Carmen Fantaisie BrillantePurdam, Andrew00:02:05

Blair, Hugh (1864-1932), English(2)

Magnificat & Numc dimittis (Atkins variation) (1887)Hooper, John00:10:20
Magnificat & Nunc DimittisHooper, John00:07:10

Blaney, Gordon Francis Jr. (1982-), USA(4)

A French Variation (1999)Blaney Jr., Gordon Francis00:03:02
It Came Upon An Eve Of Joy (2000)Blaney Jr., Gordon Francis00:01:59
The Opus Of Judgment Day (1999)Blaney Jr., Gordon Francis00:11:10
Variations On "German Song" (2000)Blaney Jr., Gordon Francis00:02:35

Blanken, Ivo (1946 - )(1)

Divertimento for winds (after J.B. Vanhal op.41), 2008Blanken, Ivo00:06:23

Bleyer, Nicolaus(1)

MascaradaPurdam, Andrew00:01:05

Bloch, Peter (1941 - ), English\NZ(1)

Wildflower Wanderin'Bloch, Peter N00:01:54

Blohm, Georg (1661 - 1733), German(1)

Presto - from one of his suites for clavier.Fitzgerald, Duncan00:01:04

Blow, John (1649-1708), English(7)

Behold, O God our defenderHooper, John00:02:02
Behold, O God our defenderGibson, Mike00:01:29
Evening Canticles in G (Magnificat & Nunc Dimittis)Hooper, John00:05:30
God is our hopeHooper, John00:02:50
Let my prayer come upGibson, Mike00:00:48
Let Thy hand be strengthenedHooper, John00:01:36
Salvator MundiHooper, John00:04:09

Boccherini, Luigi (1743-1805), Italian(5)

Minuet from String Quintet in E (Piano Reduction)Weed, Michael J00:02:29
Minuetto e Trio (from String Quintet in E major, G.275)Spagni, Maurizio00:03:27
Minuetto in quinto (from String Quintet in E major, G.275)Moffatt, Stuart00:03:01
Minuetto in quinto-settimo (from String Quintet in E major, G.275)Moffatt, Stuart00:03:36
Minuetto in settimo (from String Quintet in E major, G.275)Moffatt, Stuart00:04:14

Bochsa, Robert Nicolas Charles (1789-1856), French(4)

Divertissement en trioSpagni, Maurizio00:11:23
Douze préludes pour la harpe - n°1Spagni, Maurizio00:01:30
Douze préludes pour la harpe - n°2Spagni, Maurizio00:00:43
Douze préludes pour la harpe - n°9Spagni, Maurizio00:00:30

Bodkin, Adam (C20th - ), Australian(1)

Psalty (A Christmas fantasy)Bodkin, Adam00:07:04

Boethin, Gregg W. (20thC)(3)

My Mouth Hasn't Caught Up With My HeartBoethin, Gregg W00:04:01
The Heart That's In This ManBoethin, Gregg W00:04:25
You Came In First PlaceBoethin, Gregg W00:03:53

Bohnson, Clifford N. (1934 - 2008)(4)

Ave Verum in CBohnson, Clifford N00:02:41
Elegy (9/11/01)Bohnson, Clifford N00:05:42
Postlude on "Abbot's Leigh"Bohnson, Clifford N00:02:36
ProcessionalBohnson, Clifford N00:03:04

Boito, Arrigo (1842 - 1918), Italian(3)

Mefistofele - Dai campi, dai pratiScerri, Albert00:02:02
Mefistofele - Giunto Sull Passo EstremoScerri, Albert00:02:03
Mefistofele - L'altra notte infondo al mareScerri, Albert00:04:05

Boka, Simon-Pierre (1929 - 1960), Congolese(1)

Debout CongolaiseWoodroffe, Richard00:01:27

Bonnet, Joseph (1884 - 1944), French(1)

Ave MariaGibson, Mike00:01:41

Bononcini, Giovanni Battista (1670 - 1747), Italian(3)

Deh piu a me non v'ascondeteScerri, Albert00:02:34
Deh piu a me non v'ascondeteSee Comments00:02:57
Griselda - Per la gloria d'adorarviScerri, Albert00:03:09

Bons, Enric Marfany (1871 - 1942)(1)

El Gran CarlemanyWoodroffe, Richard00:00:52

Bordes, Dan (1975 - ), Mexican-American(45)

3 Praeludiums modernes 2022Bordes, Dan00:03:39
4 neofuguesBordes, Dan00:08:26
Aria Of Anatomy & the Stars (2022)Bordes, Dan00:01:04
Bach's Virtuosity Clockwork (2022)Bordes, Dan00:01:54
Brainwaves Phantasy 2022Bordes, Dan00:04:00
Calel's Intellect (2022)Bordes, Dan00:02:02
Cantus continuum (2022)Bordes, Dan00:03:00
Capricium in D Minor 2022Bordes, Dan00:01:49
Dispersions equations 2021Bordes, Dan00:02:00
Dungeon Dance (2022)Bordes, Dan00:01:11
Four Story Little Fugues (2022)Bordes, Dan00:07:09
Invention in D# minor " Maelstrom Malius " (2022)Bordes, Dan00:02:22
Kristoval's Triumphuus (2022)Bordes, Dan00:01:58
Kyriel's Praeludium (2022)Bordes, Dan00:01:59
Like Diametricus Praelud (2022)Bordes, Dan00:01:08
Magnum Magick (2022)Bordes, Dan00:01:34
Magnum protozoa (2022)Bordes, Dan00:02:17
Metrices Unorthodos (2022)Bordes, Dan00:01:11
Midival Minuet in A# Minor (2022)Bordes, Dan00:02:06
Minuet in f-flat minor " Appliedt Scale " (2022)Bordes, Dan00:01:27
Minuetta Undulatta (2022)Bordes, Dan00:00:45
Minuettium-Waltzludium (2023)Bordes, Dan00:01:54
Myriads altars suspensions maelstrom (2022)Bordes, Dan00:02:06
Neo-Classique Minuet (2022)Bordes, Dan00:02:06
Phantasmic Dance (2022)Bordes, Dan00:01:09
Praludia interva 2022Bordes, Dan00:02:00
Soli per il Klavier (2022)Bordes, Dan00:01:47
Sorrowfest Victorium (2022)Bordes, Dan00:01:37
The Advent (2022)Bordes, Dan00:01:11
The Classique Minuet (2022)Bordes, Dan00:01:38
The existencial labyrinth (2022)Bordes,Dan00:01:29
The F-Minor Soul (2022)Bordes, Dan00:02:15
The Fat Man's Fugue (2023)Bordes, Dan00:02:17
The Godoicus Glory (2022)Bordes, Dan00:02:16
The Lixiviatuus Estheticus (2022)Bordes, Dan00:00:54
The Mighty Englishman (2023)Bordes, Dan00:09:23
The Music Of The Spheres (T.M.O.T.S.) (2023)Bordes, Dan00:07:38
The Solemn Harvest (2022)Bordes, Dan00:01:23
The Vertigon (2022)Bordes, Dan00:01:11
The War Music Box (2022)Bordes, Dan00:02:10
Triumphant partita for solo piano (2021)Bordes, Dan00:08:17
Triumphant Variations for solo pianoBordes, Dan00:06:17
Undecim lumen neofugattasBordes, Dan00:26:47
Victorion Utopia (2022)Bordes, Dan00:02:24
Werewolf in the moonlight (2022)Bordes, Dan00:02:11

Boren, Robert(2)

String Quartet No. 1, First MovementBoren, Robert00:08:15
String Quartet No. 1, second movementBoren, Robert00:06:40

Borghi, Giovani Battista (1738-1796) Italian(1)

Sonata n.1 - Viola e contrabbassoSpagni, Maurizio00:09:42

Borodin, Alexander (1833 - 1887)(3)

In the Steppes of Central AsiaRichardson, Greg00:06:13
Prince Igor - Choral Dance No. 17 (Polovtsian Dances)Woodroffe, Richard00:10:48
String Quartet No. 2 in D majorRichardson, Greg00:26:39

Bortniansky, Dimitri (1751-1825)(2)

CHERUBIM - SONG (No. 7)Mill, Carl B00:02:56
Ik bin in diene haand o Heer.Hollander, Joop00:01:02

Bosworth, Bruce (1944- ), USA(7)

God Bless America Again (2001)Bosworth, Bruce00:03:09
I'm Yer GrandmaBosworth, Bruce00:02:22
I'm Yer GrandpaBosworth, Bruce00:01:46
I Love You Amanda (2001)Bosworth, Bruce00:01:19
Joy of Life (2001)Bosworth, Bruce00:01:23
June, You are My Daughter (2001)Bosworth, Bruce00:02:21
September 11th Memorial (2001)Bosworth, Bruce00:03:05

Botsford, George (1874 - 1949), American(1)

Black and White RagWoodroffe, Richard00:02:29

Bottesini, Giovanni (1821-1889), Italian(2)

Elegia n.1 in DSpagni, Maurizio00:02:33
Introduzione e TarantellaSpagni, Maurizio00:05:06

Boulanger, Lili (1893-1918)(4)

Je Garde Une Medaille D'elleScerri, Albert00:01:01
Nocturne from Deux Morceaux pour Violon et Piano. Written: 1911Porter, Warren00:02:44
Pour les Funérailles d'un Soldat (Memorial for a Soldier), 1912Woodroffe, Richard00:07:18
Soleil de SeptembreHooper, John00:05:52

Bourgeois, Louis (c1510 - c1560), French(2)

Old HundredthMoffatt, Stuart00:01:44
Old HundredthMoffatt, Stuart00:01:44

Boxman, Raymond L. (1946 - ),Israeli(1)

Rain on Time, 2000Boxman, R L00:01:00

Boyce, William (1711 - 1779), English(4)

O where shall wisdom be foundHooper, John00:09:04
Praise the Lord, O JerusalemHooper, John00:02:48
The King shall rejoiceHooper, John00:07:18
Turn thee unto me, O LordGibson, Mike00:05:03

Boëllmann, Leon (1862-1897),French(2)

Ronde Francaise (Transcribed for Organ) Op 37Smedley, Tony00:05:40
Suite Gothique for Grand Organ Op.25 1895Smedley, Tony00:13:54

Brahms, Johannes (1833-1897), German(50)

"Edward" Ballade, Op. 10Carrasco, Daniel00:03:13
21 Hugarian Dances for piano 4 hands; Nos. 1, 2, & 3Carrasco, Daniel00:06:55
21 Hungarian Dances for piano 4 hands; No. 5Carrasco, Daniel00:02:00
21 Hungarian Dances for piano 4 hands; No. 6Carrasco, Daniel00:02:49
21 Hungarian Dances for piano 4 hands; No 9Carrasco, Daniel00:01:37
Academic OvertureHall, A. Christopher00:11:20
Alto RhapsodyGibson, Mike00:06:59
A Song of Destiny (Schicksalslied) (1871)Hooper, John00:14:34
Begräbnisgesang Op 13Lamminga, Klaas00:07:04
Brahms - So clear thine eyes Op 59 No 8Scerri, Albert00:01:22
Concerto for Violin and Cello in a minor, Op. 102, 3rd MovementCarrasco, Daniel00:07:24
Concerto for Violin and Cello in a minor, Op. 102, First movementCarrasco, Daniel00:15:02
Four Songs (Vier Gesange: Op 17), 1860Hooper, John00:15:46
Geistliches Lied (op. 30)Lamminga, Klaas00:04:11
Geistliches Lied (op. 30)Gibson, Mike00:04:28
German Requiem (Ein Deutsches Requiem: Op 45), 1861-68 (JH)Hooper, John01:11:31
German Requiem (Ein Deutsches Requiem: Op 45), 1861-68 (MG)Gibson, Mike01:02:20
German Requiem (Ein Deutsches Requiem: Op 45), 1861-68 (NC)See Comments00:47:26
Gipsy Songs (Zigeunerlieder: Op 103), 1887Hooper, John00:15:12
Hungarian Dance No. 5Struys, Peter00:02:10
Im Herbst (Opus 104, N° 5)Portier, Dominique 'Marsu'00:02:55
In stiller NachtLamminga, Klaas00:01:32
Liebeslieder Op. 52Gibson, Mike00:18:21
Liebeslieder Op52 (1869)Hooper, John00:21:35
Liebestreu Op 3 No 1Scerri, Albert00:03:34
Minnelied (Love-Song)Scerri, Albert00:02:20
Neue Liebeslieder Op. 65Gibson, Mike00:12:36
Neue Liebeslieder Op65 (1874)Hooper, John00:17:50
Nicht Mehr Du Sehen (No More To See Thee)Scerri, Albert00:02:29
Ninna nanna (Wiegenlied)Scerri, Albert00:01:22
Nänie (op. 82)Lamminga, Klaas00:10:43
Piano Quintet in f minor, Op. 34: Mov. 3Carrasco, Daniel00:07:25
Piano Quintet in f minor, Op. 34: Mov. 4Carrasco, Daniel00:09:34
Rhapsody in b minor, Op. 79, No. 1Carrasco, Daniel00:08:27
Rote Abendwolken (Zigeunerlieder #11)Hicks, Grant00:01:13
Serenade No. 1 in D major - Menuetto 1 and 2, Opus 11, arranged for wind quintet, 1857/8Blanken, Ivo00:03:42
Sonata for Clarinet and Piano, Op. 120, No.2 (first movement)Hall, Damien00:07:42
Song of the fates (Gesang der Parzen) (1882)Hooper, John00:11:28
String Quintet in F major No. 1, Op. 88Carrasco, Daniel00:09:53
Symphonie N°3 - Poco allegrettoClement, Joel00:06:28
Variations and Fugue on a Theme of Handel for Orchestra (2005)Karageanes, Jim00:27:43
Waltzes Op.39#Spagni, Maurizio00:17:33
Waltz No. 1, Op. 39Carrasco, Daniel00:00:46
Waltz No. 3, Op. 39, No. 3Carrasco, Daniel00:00:41
Waltz No. 4, Op. 39Carrasco, Daniel00:01:18
Waltz No. 6, Op. 39, No. 6Carrasco, Daniel00:00:56
Waltz No. 9, Op. 39, No. 9Carrasco, Daniel00:01:05
Waltz No. 14, Op. 39, No. 14Carrasco, Daniel00:01:27
Waltz No. 15 in A-Flat Major, Op. 39Porter, Warren00:02:31
Wiegenlied (Cradle Song)Porter, Warren00:03:23

Brakebill, Greg (1958 - ), American(1)

Psalm 121Brakebill, Greg00:01:57

Brantford, Bert(1)

What a Face!Gray, Col00:04:04

Bratton, John W (1867-1947), USA(1)

The Teddy Bear's picnic (1907)Barham, Christopher00:04:11

Bravo, Jean-Michel (1969 - ), French(2)

Chevaliers d'Argonie, 2004Bravo, Jean-Michel00:04:37
Images de la Belgariade (2004)Bravo, Jean-Michel00:16:06

Brechbill, Tim, USA(1)

Processional March (c) 2003Brechbill, Tim00:01:41

Brennan, Jay (1958 - ), American(1)

Little Fugue on a Theme of Albert HagueBrennan, Jay00:01:42

Breton [Bretón], Tomás (1850-1923), Spanish(3)

Escenas andaluzas (1894), 1. BoleroBox, Ramón Pajares00:07:06
Escenas andaluzas (1894), 2. Polo GitanoBox, Ramón Pajares00:04:33
La Verbena de la Paloma (1894), PreludioBox, Ramón Pajares00:03:43

Brewer, Herbert (1865-1928), English(1)

Magnificat and Nunc dimittis in D (1927 ?)Hooper, John00:06:02

Briccialdi, Giulio (1818-1881), Italian(1)

Carnival of Venice Opus 78Woodroffe, Richard00:07:14

Bridge, Frank (1879-1941), British(1)

The Graceful Swaying WattleGibson, Mike00:02:38

Briegel, Wolfgang Carl (1626 - 1712), German(3)

  Freuet euch im Herrn allezeitLamminga, Klaas00:04:36
  Mache dich auf und werde LichtLamminga, Klaas00:04:14
  Zum 1. AdventLamminga, Klaas00:03:24

Britten, Benjamin (1913-1976), British(1)

The Young Person's Guide to the Orchestra (1946)Box, Ramón Pajares00:16:17

Brosig, Moritz (1815-1887), German(1)

2nd Postludium, Op.11, Nr.5Müller, Harald M.00:02:21

Bruch, Max (1838 - 1920), German(1)

Scottish Fantasy Op 46 for violin and PianoWoodroffe, Richard00:28:43

Bruckner, Anton (1824-1896), Austrian(26)

Ave MariaGibson, Mike00:03:06
Christus Factus EstGibson, Mike00:03:51
Ecce SacerdosGibson, Mike00:04:20
Geistliche Chore - Eleven motets (various dates)Hooper, John00:37:21
Graduale (Locus iste)Scerri, Albert00:02:10
Libera me (II) WAB 22 (1922)Hooper, John00:07:02
Locus IsteGibson, Mike00:01:47
Locus IsteSee Comments00:01:55
Locus iste (This is God's house)Mill, Carl B00:02:12
Mass in D minor (Mass No: 1) (MG)Gibson, Mike00:40:57
Mass in D minor (Mass No: 1) - 1864 (rev. 1876 and 1881/1882)Hooper, John00:41:37
Mass in E minor (Mass No: 2)Gibson, Mike00:29:52
Mass in E minor (Mass No: 2) - 1896 versionHooper, John00:37:46
Mass in F minor (Mass No: 3)Gibson, Mike00:50:28
Mass No 3 in F minor - 1867-1868 versionHooper, John00:59:49
Offertorium (Afferentur regi)Gibson, Mike00:01:35
Os JustiGibson, Mike00:02:42
Overture in G minor (circa 1862)White, John H00:08:52
Pange linguaGibson, Mike00:03:36
Symphony No. 7, in E major, (1884), 1. Allegro moderatoBox, Ramón Pajares00:20:25
Te Deum (1884)Hooper, John00:25:28
Te Deum (MG)Gibson, Mike00:22:18
Tota PulchraGibson, Mike00:03:20
Vexilla RegisGibson, Mike00:03:30
Vexilla RegisLamminga, Klaas00:03:59
Virga JesseGibson, Mike00:05:03

Buck, Dudley (1839 - 1909), American(2)

O Gladsome LightRoberts, Joseph00:02:10
Operetta "Deseret" - SerenadeScerri, Albert00:03:39

Buck, Michael(1)

Opus 2, #25Buck, Michael00:02:24

Bull, John (1563-1628), English(2)

Ut, re, mi, fa, sol, laAlberga, Cyril N00:03:55
WalsinghamAlberga, Cyril N00:24:01

Bullinger, Ethelbert William (1837-1913), British(2)

BullingerMoffatt, Stuart00:03:57
Bullinger (modified)Moffatt, Stuart00:03:57

Bunt, Andrew (20th C)(1)

Nocturne No. 1 Op.2 (2005)Bunt, Andrew00:04:12

Burhanov, Mutal (1916 - 2002), Soviet Uzbek(1)

O’zbekiston Respublikasining Davlat MadhiyasiWoodroffe, Richard00:01:44

Busoni, Ferruccio (1866-1924)(1)

Sonatina [IV] in diem nativitatis Christi MCMXVIIHicks, Grant00:07:06

Buxtehude Dietrich, (ca. 1635-1707), German(18)

Befiehl dem Engel, daß er kommLamminga, Klaas00:05:43
Choralvariationen, 1. Ach Gott und HerrJennings, James R00:01:33
Choralvariationen, 2. Danket dem Herrn, denn er ist sehr freundlichJennings, James R00:02:16
Choralvariationen, 3a. Choralvar. 3a. Magnificat primi toniJennings, James R00:01:39
Choralvariationen, 3b. Choralvar. 3b. Magnificat noni toniJennings, James R00:03:44
Choralvariationen, 4a. Nun lob mein Seel den HerrenJennings, James R00:07:12
Ciacona in C minor,Waterman, Charles00:09:43
Das Neugebor'ne Kindelein (The newborn Babe, the heavenly Child)Hooper, John00:07:43
Der Herr ist mit mir (The Lord is with me) (Bux WV 15)Hooper, John00:07:39
In dulci jubiloLamminga, Klaas00:05:55
Jesu meines Lebens LebenLamminga, Klaas00:07:18
Lobet, Christen, euren heilandSee Comments00:10:47
Magnificat (BuxWV Anh)Hooper, John00:08:28
Membra Jesu nostri (BuxWV No. 75)Schleussner, Sebastian00:09:20
Missa alla brevis (BuxWV 114)Hooper, John00:07:53
Nichts soll uns scheiden von der Liebe Gottes BuxWV77Lamminga, Klaas00:06:40
Nimm von uns, Herr, du treuer Gott (BuxWV 207)Lamminga, Klass00:11:12
Sicut Moses (BuxWV No. 97)Schleussner, Sebastian00:06:49

Byrd, William (1543-1623), English(44)

Ave Maria (1605 ??)Hooper, John00:01:56
Ave verumGibson, Mike00:03:38
Ave verumHooper, John00:02:28
Ave Verum CorpusScerri, Albert00:03:05
A Voluntarie, from My Lady Nevell's Booke of Virginal Music, 1591Lynch, Georgeann00:02:50
A Voluntarie: for my Ladye Nevell, 1591Lynch, Georgeann00:03:21
Callino CasturameAlberga, Cyril N00:01:58
Deo Gratias (1605 ??)Hooper, John00:00:35
Ego sum panis vivus, 1607Lynch, Georgeann00:02:00
Haec DiesHooper, John00:02:10
Infelix egoHooper, John00:12:21
I will not leave you comfortlessHooper, John00:01:34
Justorum Animae (1539 – 1623), 1605Hooper, John00:01:45
Laetentur coeli (Cantiones Sacrae I) (1589), (nos 28-29)Hooper, John00:04:35
Laudibus In SanctisSchleussner, Sebastian00:04:49
Lullaby, my sweet little baby (1588)Hooper, John00:04:18
Magnificat and Nuc Dimittis Second Service (CRV)Hooper, John00:06:26
Mass for Five VoicesGibson, Mike00:22:06
Mass for Five Voices (1594/5)Hooper, John00:21:28
Mass for Four VoicesSchleussner, Sebastian00:19:26
Mass for Three Voices (JH)Hooper, John00:17:16
Mass for Three Voices (SS)Schleussner, Sebastian00:15:18
Miserere mei (Cantiones sacrae II, no. 20) (1591)Hooper, John00:02:40
Ne irascaris, Domine - Civitas sancti tui (Cantiones sacrae I (1589), nos. 20-21)Hooper, John00:07:49
Non nobis DomineHooper, John00:00:58
O Magnum Mysterium (1607)Hooper, John00:06:03
O quam gloriosum (1580 in Dow Partbooks, no. 30)Hooper, John00:05:00
O Rex gloriaeJohn Hooper00:01:54
Peccantem me quotidie (1575)Hooper, John00:05:50
Preces & ResponsesHooper, John00:04:10
Prevent us, O Lord (1580)Hooper, John00:02:21
Sacerdotes DominiWalker, Geoff00:01:03
Sing joyfullyHooper, John00:02:53
Teach me, O Lord (1589)Hooper, John00:03:53
The BellsAlberga, Cyril N00:08:13
This day Christ was born (1611)Hooper, John00:02:37
This sweet and merry month of May (1590)Hooper, John00:03:02
Though Amaryllis Dance in Green (1580)Hooper, John00:05:18
Upon a summer's day (1589 or thereabouts)Hooper, John00:03:00
Venite ComediteGibson, Mike00:01:53
Venite Comedite (1607)Hooper, John00:01:56
Vigilate (Cantiones Sacrae I (1589), no.16)Hooper, John00:05:26
WalsinghamAlberga, Cyril N00:13:30
Wounded I am (1589)Hooper, John00:01:51

Byrd, William; English(1)

Mass for Four VoicesHooper, John00:20:54

Caccini, Giulio (1551 - 1618), Italian(4)

A Marian Antiphon: "Ave Maria"Swinnen, Ivo00:03:35
Amarilli dai "Madrigali"See Comments00:02:28
Amarilli Mia Bella Amarilli (My Fair One)Scerri, Albert00:02:16
Kanzonetta - Per la più vaga e bellaScerri, Albert00:02:28

Cagatay [Çagatay], Ali Rif'at (1867-1935), Turkish(1)

TereddütiNANC [iNANÇ], Ertugrul00:03:04

Cage, John (1912-1992), U.S.A.(1)

4'33"iNANC [iNANÇ], Ertugrul00:04:33

Caimo, Gioseppe (1540?-1584), Italian(1)

Secondo libro di canzonette a quattro vociBalboni, Raimondo00:01:51

Caldara, Antonio (1671-1736), Italian(5)

Come raggio di solSee Comments00:02:52
Come Raggio Di SolScerri, Albert00:01:41
La Costanza in Amor - Alma del coreScerri, Albert00:04:03
Selve amicheSee Comments00:02:36
Stabat MaterSee Comments00:15:55

Campenhout, François van (1779 - 1848), Belgian(1)

La BrabançonneWoodroffe, Richard00:01:00

Campian, Thomas (1567 – 1620), English(2)

Jack and Joan They Think No Ill. (1613)Hooper, John00:00:58
Never weather-beaten sail (1613)Hooper, John00:01:53

Camposanto, Ricky (1987-), USA(1)

EvestigatusCamposanto, Ricky00:05:17

Campra, André (1660-1744), French(1)

Messe de Requiem (after 1723)Hooper, John00:49:55

Cannio, Enrico (1874 - 1949), Italian(1)

'O surdato 'nnamurato (The soldier in love)Prada, Lorenzo00:03:16

Cantemir, Demetrius (1673-1723)(1)

Mahur Darbeyn PesrevEkinci, Mehmet Ugur00:06:56

Caplet, André (1878 - 1925), French(1)

3 Fables de Jean De la FontaineClement, Joel00:10:37

Caplinger, Evan (1997- ), USA(1)

Ecossaises (Rondo)Caplinger, Evan00:02:06

Capua Di, Edoardo ( 1864 - 1917), Italian(3)

I te vurria vasàPrada, Lorenzo00:05:09
O sole mioScerri, Albert00:02:22
Rose Marie Come To MeScerri, Albert00:04:21

Carcassi, Matteo (1792-1829)(4)

Etude No.9 (Op.60 No.9)Hauck, Josh00:01:24
Etude No.9 (Op.60 No.9) (Arranged for Piano)Hauck, Josh00:01:24
Galop 0p. 39 no.10Walker, Jason00:01:12
Galop Op. 39 No. 1Walker, Jason00:00:54

Cardillo, Salvatore (1874 - 1947), Italian(1)

Core 'ngratoPrada, Lorenzo00:04:48

Cardinale, Justin (1988- ), American(14)

Andante from Symphony No. 1Cardinale, Justin00:06:43
Animato from Symphony No. 1Cardinale, Justin00:06:51
Black RoseCardinale, Justin00:04:12
Classical Rhapsody in Bb MinorCardinale, Justin00:02:32
Dance No. 1Cardinale, Justin00:03:22
MisteriosoCardinale, Justin00:06:12
Night WaltzCardinale, Justin00:03:13
Piano Sonatina No. 1Cardinale, Justin00:11:55
Piano Sonatina No. 2, Movement OneCardinale, Justin00:04:11
Prest from Symphony No. 1Cardinale, Justin00:03:16
Serenata MadrugadaCardinale, Justin00:03:29
Silver WatersCardinale, Justin00:04:56
Tema de la NocheCardinale, Justin00:04:57
The IdCardinale, Justin00:05:14

Carey, Henry (1687-1743), British(1)

SurreyMoffatt, Stuart00:03:46

Carissimi, Giacomo (1605-1674), Italian(5)

Jephte (1648)Hooper, John00:22:04
Kanzonetta - La mia fede altruiScerri, Albert00:02:28
No, No Mio CoreScerri, Albert00:02:48
Plorate filii IsraelGibson, Mike00:02:28
Vittoria, Vittoria ! (da une cantata)See Comments00:02:07

Carrasco, Daniel (1988- ), American(7)

1. Allegro-Presto-Allegro quasi Presto from Concerto No. 5 for Violin (2004)Carrasco, Daniel00:04:34
Cello ConcertoCarrasco, Daniel00:02:10
Concerto No. 4 for Piano (2004)Carrasco, Daniel00:02:57
Sonata No. 1 for PianoCarrasco, Daniel00:07:28
Sonata No. 2 for PianoCarrasco, Daniel00:02:52
Symphony No. 1 in A minorCarrasco, Daniel00:07:55
Symphony No. 2 for String Orchestra (2004)Carrasco, Daniel00:03:03

Carulli, Ferdinando (1770-1841), Italian(1)

Andante from Méthode Complète, Op. 27 (1810)Thelander, Peter00:03:32

Casimir-Dosseh, Alex (1923 - ), Togoan(1)

Salut à toi, pays de nos aïeuxWoodroffe, Richard00:00:44

Cassell, Martin P (20thC-), English(2)

Agnus DeiCassell, Martin00:03:23
KyrieCassell, Martin00:02:33

Castagne, Patrick Stanislaus (1916 - 2000), Guyanese(1)

Forged From the Love of LibertyWoodroffe, Richard00:01:13

Catalani, Alfredo (1854 - 1893), Italian(3)

Ebben n'andro' lontana from "La Wally"Clement, Joel00:05:23
La Wally - Ebben, Ne andrò lontanaScerri, Albert00:03:23
La Wally - M'hai salvatoScerri, Albert00:04:56

Cavalli, Francesco (1602 - 1676), Italian(5)

Ave maris stellaSchleussner, Sebastian00:07:52
Donzelle Fuggite (Flee Ye Maidens)Scerri, Albert00:01:09
Giasone - Dell Antro Magico (Gates Of Gloom)Scerri, Albert00:01:33
Magnificat à 6Schleussner, Sebastian00:10:19
Messa Concertata (1656)Hooper, John00:44:39

Celebi [Çelebi], Korkud (1470-1513), Turkish(1)

Kürdi Devr-i Kebir PesrevEkinci, Mehmet Ugur00:04:23

Cesis, Sulpitia (1577 - c1617)(1)

Stabat Mater (1619)Hooper, John00:03:25

Cesti, Antonio (1623 - 1669), Italian(1)

Insegnatemi a morireScerri, Albert00:02:06

Chabrier, Emmanuel (1841-1894), French(3)

España, Rhapsody for orchestra (1883)Box, Ramón Pajares00:06:15
Roi Malgre Lui - Chanson de l'alouetteScerri, Albert00:01:35
Romance De L'etoileScerri, Albert00:02:13

Chagla, Ahmed Ghulamali (1902 - 1953), Pakistani(1)

Qaumi TaranaWoodroffe, Richard00:00:58

Chambers, Walter Garnet Picart (1908 - 2003), Antiguan(1)

Fair Antigua, We Salute TheeWoodroffe, Richard00:02:24

Changundega, Fred Lecture (1954 - ), Zimbabwean(1)

Kalibusiswe Ilizwe le ZimbabweWoodroffe, Richard00:00:49

Chapi [Chapí], Ruperto (1851-1909), Spanish(2)

La Bruja (1887), jotaBox, Ramón Pajares00:03:58
La Revoltosa (1897), PreludioBox, Ramón Pajares00:05:03

Charpentier, Marc-Antoine (1643-1704), French(13)

Depuis le jour (Louise)Clement, Joel00:04:23
In nativitatem Domini canticum, 1690Hooper, John00:29:13
Le Reniement de St PierreGibson, Mike00:13:02
Le Reniement de St Pierre (??)Hooper, John00:12:53
Messe De Minuit Pour Noel - SanctusScerri, Albert00:03:47
Messe de Minuit pour Noël, 1690 (JH)Hooper, John00:23:22
Messe de Minuit pour Noël, 1690 (MG)Gibson, Mike00:22:19
Messe de Minuit pour Noël, 1690 (Schott)Hooper, John00:30:36
Messe des morts, H.10, 1695Hooper, John00:27:40
Miserere des Jesuits, 1684–1687Hooper, John00:30:26
Te Deum (Piano Reduction)Guix, Joseph00:22:57
Te Deum, between 1688 and 1698Hooper, John00:27:07
Te Deum - PréludeGrasset, Yves00:01:48

Chausson, Ernest (1855 - 1899), French(2)

Le Charme Op2 No2Scerri, Albert00:01:09
Nanny Op2 No1Scerri, Albert00:02:27

Cherubini, Luigi (1760-1842), Italian(9)

Ave MariaSaarela, Timo00:03:59
Cherubini - Mass No.2 (Missa solemnis in D minor) (1811)Hooper, John01:11:10
Ecce Panis AngelorumScerri, Albert00:03:45
Mass No 4, in C major (1825)Hooper, John00:41:27
Requiem in C-minor (1816) (JH)Hooper, John00:42:38
Requiem in C-minor (MG)Gibson, Mike00:40:57
String Quartet No 2 in C major.White, John H00:27:55
Symphony in D major (1815 )White, John H00:30:23
Veni JesuScerri, Albert00:02:03

Child, William (1606 - 1697), English(1)

O Lord, grant the King a long life (????)Hooper, John00:01:47

Chilesotti, Oscar (1848-1916), Italian(1)

Corrente No. 74Spagni, Maurizio00:00:54

Chopin, Fryderyk Franciszek (1810-1849), Polish-French(2)

Berceuse (Opus 57)Woodroffe, Richard00:02:20
Impromptu Opus 29Moffatt, Stuart00:04:24

Chopin, Frédéric (1810-1849), Polish(49)

"Ballade N°2 - Opus 38"Clement, Joel00:06:56
"Ballade N°3 - Opus 47"Clement, Joel00:06:52
Ballade N°1 - Opus 23Clement, Joel00:08:48
Ballade N°4 - Opus 52Clement, Joel00:10:57
Cantabile, 1834Ciaramella, Eric00:00:55
Chopin Preludes, Opus 28, Number 4.Dowden, Blair00:01:24
Concerto N°1 for piano and orchestra (Opus 11)Clement, Joel00:34:34
Etude, Op.10, No. 3, "Tristesse"Ng, M L00:03:29
Etude, Op.10, No.4Ng, M L00:01:53
Etude, Op.10, No.7Ng, M L00:01:25
Etude, Op.10, No.12, "Revolutionary"Ng, M L00:02:37
Etude, Op.25, No.2Ng, M L00:01:15
Etude in C Minor Op.10, No12 (Revolutionary)Billett, Tina00:02:14
Etude in Gb Major, "Black Key", Op.10 No.5 (1837)Hall, Damien00:01:29
Etude no. 1 in C major op. 10 no. 1Carroll, Simon00:02:36
Fantaisie-Impromptu in C#m, Op.66 (1835)Hall, Damien00:04:06
Fantasie Impromptu Op.66Billett, Tina00:04:49
Marche Funébre (1837) (from Sonata in Bb Minor, Op.35 (1839))Hall, Damien00:06:27
Mazurka in a minor, Op. 68 No. 2Lee, Henry00:02:19
No 1 Madchen's WunschScerri, Albert00:01:52
Nocturne 72 nr 1Moffatt, Stuart00:03:41
Nocturne C#mi Op posthMoffatt, Stuart00:03:45
Nocturne Cmi Op posthMoffatt, Stuart00:02:55
Nocturne in Eb Major Op.9 No 2Billett, Tina00:04:23
Nocturne in G minor, Op.37 No.1Hofland, Jan J H00:05:54
Nocturne Opus 9 No 1 1927Moffatt, Stuart00:05:38
Nocturne Opus 9 No 2 1927Moffatt, Stuart00:03:44
Nocturne Opus 9 No 3 1927Moffatt, Stuart00:06:06
Nocturne Opus 27 nr 2Moffatt, Stuart00:04:04
Nocturne Opus 27 nr 2Moffatt, Stuart00:06:20
Nocturne Opus 37 nr 2Moffatt, Stuart00:05:55
Polonaise in Ab major, Op. 53Lee, Henry00:05:41
Prelude, Op.28, No.2Ng, M L00:01:50
Prelude, Op.28, No.3Ng, M L00:00:57
Prelude in C Minor, Op. 28, No. 20Ciaramella, Eric00:01:18
Prelude in G minor, Op. 28 No. 22Lee, Henry00:00:38
Prelude no. 1 in C, op. 28 no. 1Carroll, Simon00:00:28
Raindrop Prelude Op.28, No.15Duane, Lester00:04:17
Scherzo N°1 - Opus 20Clement, Joel00:09:14
Scherzo N°2 - Opus 31Clement, Joel00:10:14
Waltz in A-Flat Major, Opus 69 No. 1Pool, Don00:02:32
Waltz in Ab Major, Op.34 No.1, "Grande Valse Brillante" (1835)Hall, Damien00:05:35
Waltz in Ab Major, Op.42, "Grande Valse" (1840)Hall, Damien00:04:05
Waltz in A minor (1829)Dowden, Blair00:02:26
Waltz in Db Major, Op.64 No.1, "Minute"Hall, Damien00:01:32
Waltz in Db Major Op.64, No. 1 (Minute)Billett, Tina00:01:53
Waltz in Eb Major, Op.18, "Grande valse brillante"Hall, Damien00:05:10
Waltz in F Major, Op.34, No.3 (1838)Hall, Damien00:02:11
Waltz Op. 64 n°1 (Minute Waltz)Vanbrabant, Bertrand00:02:02

Christian, Lemuel McPherson (1913 - 2000), St. Kitts(1)

Isle of Beauty, Isle of SplendourWoodroffe, Richard00:01:00

Chueca, Federico (1846-1908), Spanish(1)

La Gran Vía (1886), Introduction and Streets' PolkaBox, Ramón Pajares00:04:08

Churchill, Frank (1901-1942), American(1)

Who’s Afraid of the Big Bad Wolf?Prada, Lorenzo00:03:42

Ckaduwa [Çkaduwa] , Valera(1)

AiaairaWoodroffe, Richard00:00:51

Clarke, Herbert Lincoln (1867-1945), American(1)

Carnival Of Venice, Cornet Solo With Variations (1912)Karageanes, Jim00:03:11

Clarke, Jeremiah (1674 - 1707), English(4)

March I (from Two Small Marches)Müller, Harald M.00:01:11
March II (from Two Small Marches)Müller, Harald M.00:01:11
Praise the Lord, O Jerusalem (1702)Hooper, John00:02:44
Prince of Denmark's March (Trumpet Voluntary)Hauck, Josh00:02:44

C Law, D Lucas and K Pettett(1)

Return Of The RodentPettett, Ken00:09:35

Clay, André(4)

Deep in my HeartWoodroffe, Richard00:01:44
I RememberWoodroffe, Richard00:03:31
Lord I RememberWoodroffe, Richard00:02:48
You Made Me TooWoodroffe, Richard00:03:56

Clayton, Will , American(1)

Watch, Hope and Wait Little GirlHarriff, Susanna00:04:33

Clemens Non Papa, Jacobus (1510 - 1556), Franco-Flemish(1)

La la Maistre PierreGibson, Mike00:01:59

Clementi, Muzio (1752-1832)(4)

Sonatina, Op. 36Spagni, Maurizio00:40:35
Sonatina, Opus 36, No. 1, Part a.Dowden, Blair00:01:40
Sonatina, Opus 36, No. 2, Part a.Dowden, Blair00:02:27
Sonatina, Opus 36, No. 2, Part c.Dowden, Blair00:01:44

Clerambault, Louis-Nicolas (1676-1749)(1)

Suite du premier ton (1710)Guix, Joseph00:12:04

Cohan, George M. (1878-1942), USA(6)

Give My Regards To BroadwayFerguson, Don00:01:40
Give my regards to Broadway (1904)Moffatt, Stuart00:02:37
Mary's a Grand Old NameFerguson, Don00:01:44
Over ThereFerguson, Don00:01:43
Yankee Doodle BoyFerguson, Don00:01:45
You're A Grand Old Flag (1906)Beaumier, Francis00:03:24

Cohen, Shmuel (1870 - 1940), Israeli(1)

HatikvahWoodroffe, Richard00:00:40

Coleman, Will(1)

Calstock May RevelFierek, Rosie00:00:32

Coleridge-Taylor, Samuel (1875-1912)(9)

Beside the ungathered rice, he lay.Woodroffe, Richard00:06:14
Death of MinihahaGibson, Mike00:22:29
Hiawatha's Wedding Feast Opus 30 No. 1 1898Woodroffe, Richard00:28:50
Hiawatha's Wedding Feast Opus 30 No. 1 1898Gibson, Mike00:26:02
In Dark Fens of the Dismal Swamp No 5Woodroffe, Richard00:07:48
Loud he sang No. 3Woodroffe, Richard00:09:21
She Dwells by great Kenhawa's side No 2Woodroffe, Richard00:08:20
She Dwells by great Kenhawa's side No 2aWoodroffe, Richard00:05:30
The Quadroon GirlWoodroffe, Richard00:07:30

Composer: Mozart, Leopold (1719-1787), German(1)

Musikalische SchlittenfahrtSpagni, Maurizio00:20:29

Concone, Guiseppe (1810-1861), Italian(2)

Concone Op. 9 Fifty Lessons for Medium Voice. Lessons 1 to 4Allen, Kevin00:05:40
Etude Op.24 No.8Hauck, Josh00:01:05

Connellan, Thomas (c. 1640/1645 - 1698), Irish(1)

Carolan's dreamSpagni, Maurizio00:01:55

Consolo, Federico (1841 - 1906), Italian(1)

Inno Nazionale della RepubblicaWoodroffe, Richard00:01:54

Converse, Charles C. (1832-1918)(1)

What A Friend We Have In JesusPool, Don00:01:40

Copeland, Les, USA(1)

Cabbage-Leaf RagButler, John C00:02:21

Corelli, Arcangelo (1653-1713), Italian(13)

12 Sonatas (Sonata 3), Opus 5Porter, Warren00:09:24
12 Sonatas (Sonata 4), Opus 5Porter, Warren00:09:22
12 Sonatas (Sonata 5), Opus 5Porter, Warren00:07:54
12 Sonatas (Sonata 6), Opus 6Porter, Warren00:08:19
12 Sonatas, Opus 5: Sonata No. 1Porter, Warren00:10:12
12 Sonatas , Opus 5: Sonata No. 2Porter, Warren00:08:25
CiacconaWaterman, Charles00:09:40
Concerto Grosso op. 6 no. 8Gierlinsk, Mareki00:13:51
La FoliaGuix, Joseph00:03:53
La Folia, Purdam variationPurdam, Andrew00:00:55
La Folia, Purdam variation #2Purdam, Andrew00:00:25
La Folia, Purdam variation (La Tublia)Purdam, Andrew00:00:47
Sonata da Chiesa in E Minor, Op. 3, No. 7Schulze, Arthur W.00:05:27

Cornelius, Peter (1824 - 1874), German(1)

Der TraumGibson, Mike00:00:56

Corrette, Michel (1709-1795), French(1)

Suite en ut pour flûte soprano (ou alto) et b.c.Guix, Joseph00:03:59

Costeley, Guillaume (1531-1606), French(6)

Allons au vert bocage (1570)Guix, Joseph00:01:30
Je t'aime, ma belle, ta dance me plait (1570)Guix, Joseph00:01:07
Je vois des glissantes eauxGuix, Joseph00:01:11
Mais que sert la richesse à l'hommeDuflos, Annie00:02:06
Mignonne allons voir si la rose (1570)Guix, Joseph00:02:05
Si c'est un grief tourmentGuix, Joseph00:02:23

Coto [Cotó], Alberto (1852-1906), Spanish(1)

Damisela PolkaClemente, Sergio Moliner00:03:22

Cottrau, Guillaume Louis (1797-1847) French(1)

Fenesta che luciviSpagni, Maurizio00:03:20

Cottrau, Teodoro (1827 - 1879), Italian(5)

Farewell to NapoliScerri, Albert00:02:23
MarianninaScerri, Albert00:02:59
Santa LuciaSloman, Benjamin00:00:56
Santa LuciaPrada, Lorenzo00:01:26
Santa LuciaScerri, Albert00:01:50

Coty,Pierre Marie & Pango, Pierre Michel(1)

L’AbidjanaiseWoodroffe, Richard00:02:48

Couperin, François 'le Grand' (1668-1733), French(4)

Les Grâces Naturèles. Suite de la Bontems.Milazzo, Carol F00:03:41
leçons de ténèbres (3ème leçon du mercredy)Clement, Joel00:11:02
Ordre VI - Les Baricades mistérieusesGrasset, Yves00:02:23
Ordre XVIII - Le Tic-Toc-Choc ou les MaillotinsGrasset, Yves00:02:28

Cristea, Alexandru (1890 - 1942), Moldovan(1)

Limba NoastraWoodroffe, Richard00:01:52

Crivelli, Giovanni Battista (? - 1652), Italian(1)

O Maria Mater GratiaeHooper, John00:01:50

Croce, Giovanni (1557-1609), Italian(1)

Cantate DominoBonomi, Ilario00:01:52

Croft, Joseph (1988-), American(5)

Ballad of a Dreamer (2004)Croft, Joseph00:02:03
Cave TowersCroft, Joseph00:03:19
Lord of the FliesCroft, Joseph00:07:29
The MoonlightCroft, Joseph00:02:41
Variations on a March (2004)Croft, Joseph00:04:46

Croft, William (1678-1727), English(1)

God is gone upHooper, John00:04:22

Csermák, Antal (1826)(1)

Lassú magyar (Slow Hungarian)Fábián, József00:02:11

Cucu, Gheorghe (1882-1932), Romanian(2)

Domn, Domn, SanaltamEdwards, Mike00:01:06
Domnulet si, domn din cerEdwards, Mike00:02:13

Cunningham, David(1)

Carriage Ride PolkaCunningham, David00:03:45

Czibulka, Alphonse(1)

"Stephanie" GavotteTate, John Paul III00:03:33


CruyceloosSlagt, Bart00:01:11

Dacre, Harry (1860 - 1922), English(1)

Daisy BellHauck, Josh00:04:27

Dagnon, Gilbert Jean(1)

L’Aube NouvelleWoodroffe, Richard00:03:31

Damas, Georges Aleka (1902 - 1982), Gabonese(1)

La ConcordeWoodroffe, Richard00:02:05

Damdinsüren, Bilegiin (1919 - 1991)(1)

Mongol ulsyn töriin duulalWoodroffe, Richard00:00:46

Daquin, Louis Claude (1694-1772), French(1)

Le Coucou (Rondeau pour le clavecin)Ciaramella, Eric00:01:55

Darby, Bob (1947- ), English(20)

AftermathDarby, Bob00:05:08
Clarinet QuintetDarby, Bob00:28:36
DominusDarby, Bob00:03:24
Flying DustbinDarby, Bob00:05:11
Impromptu for Violin and PianoDarby, Bob00:05:57
Landscapes 2005Darby, Bob00:12:50
Le ManègeDarby, Bob00:06:40
MinuetDarby, Bob00:11:24
Nocturne for Piano, Violin and CelloDarby, Bob00:08:58
Oboe QuintetDarby, Bob00:29:40
Piano Concerto in FDarby, Bob00:33:52
Piano Sonata No 1 in EDarby, Bob00:22:21
Piano Sonata No 2 in C minorDarby, Bob00:18:35
Piano Sonata No 3 in G Minor 2005Darby, Bob00:21:30
Piano Sonata No 4 in Eb - 1st Movement 2007Darby, Bob00:23:34
Strawberry Rocking BusDarby, Bob00:02:51
String Quartet No 1Darby, Bob00:35:57
String Quartet No 2Darby, Bob00:34:14
String Quartet No3 in F MinorDarby, Bob00:31:00
Suite: Scenes from Middle EarthDarby, Bob00:44:02

Darwish, Sayed (1892 - 1923), Egyptian(1)

Bilady, Bilady, BiladyWoodroffe, Richard00:00:40

Davey, Kyt Le Nen(1)

Withiel FurryFierek, Rosie00:00:27

Davey, Neil(2)

Ewon An MorFierek, Rosie00:00:36
The Woolly MonkeyFierek, Rosie00:00:27

da Viadani, Ludovico (1564-1645), Italian(2)

Exsultate justi (1602)Hooper, John00:01:49
Exultate JustiKjeldsen, Andreas00:01:49

Davis, Thomas R A H Sir (1917 - 2007)(1)

Te Atua Mou E (To God Almighty)Woodroffe, Richard00:00:49

Davlesov, Nasyr(1)

Kyrgyz Respublikasynyn Mamlekettik GimniWoodroffe, Richard00:02:35

Davy, Andy(1)

Maids of Carnon DownsFierek, Rosie00:00:37

Debali, Francisco José (1791 - 1859), Hungarian(1)

Himno Nacional de la Republica Oriental del UruguayWoodroffe, Richard00:04:31

de Beranger, Pierre Jean (1780 - 1857), French(1)

NegarakuWoodroffe, Richard00:00:50

Debussy, Claude Achille (1862-1918), French(27)

Arabesque No.1Hauck, Josh00:03:46
Ballade Slave (Published 1891)Porter, Warren00:05:17
Beau soir (1880)Guix, Joseph00:01:36
Chanson 1 - Dieu! qu'il la fait bon regarderGibson, Mike00:01:32
Chanson 3 - Y-ver vous n'estes qu'un villainGibson, Mike00:01:45
Clair de Lune composed 1890Woodroffe, Richard00:04:17
Clair de Lune for violin and pianoPorter, Warren00:03:39
Dieu ! qu'il la fait bon regarder !NWCChorus00:01:17
Dieu ! Qu'il la fait bon regarder (1898)Guix, Joseph00:01:50
En Bateau (extrait de la <<Petite Suite>>)Porter, Warren00:02:54
Golliwogs cakewalkWoodroffe, Richard00:02:02
Golliwogs cakewalk in the style of TomitaWoodroffe, Richard00:02:05
Il pleure dans mon coeurJacques, Alain00:02:23
Jardins sous la pluie (1903) (in: Estampes)Guix, Joseph00:04:29
La cathedrale engloutie ("The Sunken Cathedral") (1910)Karageanes, Jim00:07:18
Les cloches (1891)Guix, Joseph00:01:19
Le temps a laissé son manteau, 1904Jacques, Alain00:01:10
Nuit D'etoilesScerri, Albert00:02:08
Nuit d'étoilesJacques, Alain00:02:16
Prélude à l'après-midi d'un fauneMoffatt, Stuart00:05:44
Quant j'ai ouy le tambourinNWCChorus00:01:43
Quartet in G Minor, op. 10Richardson, Greg00:22:40
ReverieStafford, James00:04:06
Trois Chansons (1898 & 1908)Hooper, John00:06:07
Valse Romantique (1891)Porter, Warren00:03:05
Yver ! vous n'estes qu'un villain (1898)Guix, Joseph00:01:46
Yver, vous n'estes qu'un villainNWCChorus00:01:57

De Curtis, Ernesto (1875-1937), Italian(3)

Non ti scordar di meScerri, Albert00:03:48
Non ti scordar di mePrada, Lorenzo00:03:35
Torna a SurrientoSloman, Benjamin00:02:03

Dedekind, Constantin Christian (1628 - 1715), German(1)

Das Wort ward FleischLamminga, Klaas00:02:06

De Koven, Reginald (1859-1920), American(3)

Robin Hood - Let hammer on anvil ringScerri, Albert00:02:52
Robin Hood - Oh Promise MeScerri, Albert00:02:18
We Part To Meet AgainScerri, Albert00:04:08

De Lalande, Michel Richard (1657 - 1726), French(1)

Confitebor tibi DomineClement, Joel00:01:45

de Lassus, Roland (1532-1594), Franço-flamand(2)

O temps diversDuflos, Annie00:02:20
Un jeune moine est sorti du couventSpagni, Maurizio00:03:17

de Leeuw, Josh (1986-), US(1)

Pirates!Leeuw, Josh de00:03:00

Delf, Ray(1)

Polka CovathFierek, Rosie00:00:43

Delibes, Léo (1836-1891), French(13)

Agnus Dei from Messe brève (1875)Dechargé, Pierre00:04:03
Coppelia Waltz - Par les bois embaumèsScerri, Albert00:02:01
Coppélia - Suíte de ballet pour orchestre 1) ValseSpagni, Maurizio00:02:26
Coppélia - Suíte de ballet pour orchestre 3) MazurcaSpagni, Maurizio00:04:03
Lakme - Ah, Viens Dans La ForetScerri, Albert00:02:15
Lakme - Sous le dôme épais (The Flower duet)Woodroffe, Richard00:04:30
Lakme - The Flower Song (Excerpt)Coin, Harry00:01:05
Lakmé - Ou Va La Jeune Indoue (Indian Bell Song)Scerri, Albert00:06:50
Le Roi s´amuse - Airs de danse en style ancien - 1) GaillardeSpagni, Maurizio00:02:57
Le Roi s´amuse - Airs de danse en style ancien - 2) Pavane "Belle qui tiens ma vie"Spagni, Maurizio00:01:26
Le Roi s´amuse - Airs de danse en style ancien - 6) PassepiedSpagni, Maurizio00:01:47
Les Filles De Cadiz (The Cadiz Maids)Scerri, Albert00:03:55
Sylvia, Act III part 4, Divertissement: PizzicatiSpagni, Maurizio00:01:45

de Lisle, Claude-Joseph Rouget (1760-1836), French(1)

La MarseillaiseScerri, Albert00:03:43

Delius, Frederick (1862-1934), German/English(3)

Sea DriftHooper, John00:25:13
To be sung of a summer night on the water - two unaccompanied partsongs, 1917Hooper, John00:03:56
Zum Carnival Polka 1885Woodroffe, Richard00:01:43

Demar, Theresia (1786-1858), French(1)

Fandango et landon portugais varié (ca. 1830)Spagni, Maurizio00:07:14

De Mudarra, Alonso (1510-1580), Spanish(1)

GallardaSpagni, Maurizio00:01:20

De Narváez, Luys (1526-1549), Spanish(1)

Cinco diferencias sobre "Guardame las vacas"Spagni, Maurizio00:01:31

Denza, Luigi (1846 - 1922), Italian(1)

Funiculi, funicula (A merry heart)Scerri, Albert00:02:30

de Puy, Johannes Corstianus (1835 - 1924), Netherlands(1)

God zij met ons Suriname!Woodroffe, Richard00:00:39

Dering, Richard (1580 - 1630), English(1)

Factum est SilentiumGibson, Mike00:02:49

de Sermisy, Claudin (1490-1562), Français(1)

Pilons l'orgeDuflos, Annie00:01:39

de Sousa, Manuel dos Santos Barreto(1)

Independência totalWoodroffe, Richard00:01:04

DesPres, Josquin (circa 1440-1521), Flemish(12)

Absalon, Fili MiPortier, Dominique 'Marsu'00:03:44
Ave MariaSee Comments00:02:06
Ave Maria (1484)Hooper, John00:04:58
Ave Maria (motet)Lynch, Georgeann00:02:06
Chanson: Faulte d'argent (Lack of Money)Lynch, Georgeann00:02:26
Inviolata, casta et integra es, MariaArrowsmith, Geoff00:04:18
Mille RegretzWalker, Geoff00:01:26
Mille RegretzGibson, Mike00:01:54
Missa Hercules dux Ferrariae (1505)Hooper, John00:25:04
Missa Pangue lingua (1515)Hooper, John00:28:09
Motet: Tu pauperum refugiumLynch, Georgeann00:02:30
Recordans de my SegnoraArrowsmith, Geoff00:01:20

Devienne, François (1759-1803), French(4)

Duet for FluteShaffer, Jim00:01:22
Flute concerto n°2 in D Major, 1st movementForestier, Yann00:10:33
Flute concerto n°2 in D Major, 2nd and 3rd movementForestier, Yann00:08:35
Sinfonia Concertante No.4 in F major (for flute, oboe, French horn and bassoon), movement 2/2 (grazioso con variazioni)Forestier, Yann00:05:58

Deyoe, Adam (1989- ), USA(2)

Chant of the New WorldDeyoe, Adam00:03:54
Gyrating NescienceDeyoe, Adam00:07:17

Dgx yhl, Thomas (21st C)(1)

New Hong Kong AnthemMoffatt, Stuart00:02:05

Diabelli, Anton (1781 – 1858), Austrian(3)

Angelus ad Pastores aitHooper, John00:07:09
Pastoralmesse in F (1830)Hooper, John00:28:08
Puer natus est nobisHooper, John00:01:50

Diack, John Michael (1869 - 1947), Scottish(6)

In EnglandWoodroffe, Richard00:12:11
Jack and JillWoodroffe, Richard00:02:20
Little Jack HornerWoodroffe, Richard00:02:05
Mary had a Little LambWoodroffe, Richard00:01:44
My Ain CountreeWoodroffe, Richard00:11:17
Sing a Song of SixpenceWoodroffe, Richard00:02:19

Diaz, Louis D. (1940-), US(4)

"Ben and Wade".Diaz, Louis D00:04:44
Dios Te Bendiga (God Bless You)Diaz, Louis D00:03:48
Paisaje FinitoDiaz, Louis D00:09:22
Salsa HarpsDiaz, Louis D00:06:25

Dickie, Neil (1957-), Scottish/Canadian(1)

Clumsy Lover, JigPurdam, Andrew00:00:47

Distler, Hugo (1908 - 1942), German(2)

Die Tochter der HeideSee Comments00:03:14
VorspruchSee Comments00:02:21

Dizi, François-Joseph (1780-1840), Belgian(3)

7 pieces from 48 études pour la harpeSpagni, Maurizio00:11:32
Introduction and variations on the air "Benedetta sia la madre"Spagni, Maurizio00:08:31
Sonata for harp in D minorSpagni, Maurizio00:11:11

Dobyns, Geraldine (1883-?)(1)

Possum RagButler, John C00:02:44

Doeseb, Axali (1954 - ) , Namibian(1)

Namibia, Land of the BraveWoodroffe, Richard00:01:20

Donado, Edgardo (1897 - 1963), Uruguay(2)

A Media LuzSaarela, Timo00:01:38
MuchachoSaarela, Timo00:02:18

Donato, Baldassarre (1536?-1603), Italian(2)

Hei mihi! DomineGibson, Mike00:01:30
Primo libro di canzon villanesche alla Napolitana a quatro vociBalboni, Raimondo00:00:56

Donizetti, Gaetano (1797 - 1848), Italian(43)

Anna Bolena - Al dolce guidamiScerri, Albert00:02:12
Anna Bolena - Cielo A Miei Lunghi (Fly From The World )Scerri, Albert00:01:06
Anna Bolena - Per Questa Fiamma IndomitaScerri, Albert00:06:38
Ave MariaScerri, Albert00:02:13
Com'è gentilSloman, Benjamin00:03:09
Come, and beneath the linden shadeScerri, Albert00:02:55
Come Live With MeScerri, Albert00:01:56
Don Pasquale - Bella Siccome Un AngeloScerri, Albert00:02:39
Don Pasquale - La Morale In Tutto Questo (The Morals Of It)Scerri, Albert00:03:06
Don Pasquale - Tornami A Dir Che M'amiScerri, Albert00:02:19
Don Sebastiano - O Lisbona Alfin Ti MiroScerri, Albert00:03:56
Ecce Panis AngelorumScerri, Albert00:02:51
Figlia Del Regimento - Vive La France (Rataplan)Scerri, Albert00:01:17
Fille Du RegimentHauck, Josh00:01:30
L'Elisir d'Amore - (Barcarole) I'm rich and you're prettyScerri, Albert00:02:47
L'Elisir d'Amore - Della crudele IsottaScerri, Albert00:01:49
L'Elisir d'Amore - Quanto è bella (How she's lovely)Scerri, Albert00:01:50
L'Elisir d'Amore - Una furtiva lacrimaScerri, Albert00:03:41
La Favorita - A Tanto Amor (To So Much Love)Scerri, Albert00:02:21
La Favorita - Dei Nemici Tuoi Lo SdegnoScerri, Albert00:03:49
La Favorita - Fia Dunque Vero, LasciartiScerri, Albert00:04:20
La Favorita - In Questo SuoloScerri, Albert00:02:30
La Favorita - Spirito gentilScerri, Albert00:03:06
La Favorita - Una vergine, un angel di DioScerri, Albert00:02:26
La Favorita - Vien Leonora A Piedi TuoiScerri, Albert00:02:19
La Figlia Del Regimento - Amici Miei (Mes Amis)Scerri, Albert00:02:10
La Figlia del Regimento - Ask me not whyScerri, Albert00:02:21
La Figlia del Regimento - Search through the worldScerri, Albert00:02:21
La Figlia del Regimento - Song of the drumScerri, Albert00:01:23
Linda Di Chamonix - Sweetly The Marriage BellsScerri, Albert00:02:29
Linda Di Chamounix - Resto Fra Le LagrimeScerri, Albert00:03:03
Lucia di Lamermoor - Cruda, funesta smania (Torments of hate)Scerri, Albert00:01:53
Lucia di Lamermoor - Per te d'immenso giubiloScerri, Albert00:00:40
Lucia di Lamermoor - Scena Finale - Tu che a DioScerri, Albert00:05:08
Lucia Di Lamermoor - Spargi D'amore PiantoScerri, Albert00:01:46
Lucia di Lamermoor - Tombe degl'avi miei (Fra poco a me ricovero)Scerri, Albert00:05:29
Lucia di Lammermoor (Act I. & II.)Clement, Joel01:37:58
Lucrezia Borgia - Com'è Bello Quale IncantoScerri, Albert00:04:25
Lucrezia Borgia - Di Pescatore IgnobileScerri, Albert00:07:31
Lucrezia Borgia - Il Segreto Di Esser FeliciScerri, Albert00:02:49
Lucrezia Borgia - Vieni, La Mia VendettaScerri, Albert00:04:32
No I will sigh no more (Non giova il sospirar)Scerri, Albert00:02:11
O Salutaris OstiaScerri, Albert00:02:37

Donovan, Jack (20th C - ), American(1)

Rondo in D for ThreeDonovan, Jack00:04:10

Dowland, John (1563-1626), English(13)

Awake Sweet LoveScerri, Albert00:02:54
Come again, sweet loveSloman, Benjamin00:01:47
Come Again, Sweet LoveHall, Damien00:02:11
Flow My Tears (Lacrimae)Scerri, Albert00:02:51
Henry Umpton's FuneralWalker, Geoff00:04:04
King of Denmark's GalliardWalker, Geoff00:01:04
Mrs. Winter's JumpWalker, Geoff00:00:33
Now, Oh now, I needs must partWalker, Geoff00:03:08
Pavan Lachrimae AntiquaeWalker, Geoff00:03:48
Say, LoveHall, Damien00:00:58
Sorrow, Sorrow, Stay (1600)Ware, Tobias00:01:51
Stay Time, awhile, thy flying (1612)Ware, Tobias00:02:48
Whoever Thinks Or Hopes Of LoveScerri, Albert00:01:09

Dragonetti, Domenico (1763-1846) Italian(1)

Duetto per violoncello e contrabbassoSpagni, Maurizio00:05:49

Drdla, Franz (1868 - 1944), Czech Republic(1)

Souvenir (1904)Porter, Warren00:03:43

Dubois, Theodore (1837-1924), French(1)

The Seven Last Words of ChristJennings, James R00:35:45

Duhon, J. Eric (20th C)(1)

Symphony No. 1 in A minorDuhon, J Eric00:12:57

Dukas, Paul (1865 - 1935), French(2)

L'Apprenti Sorcier 2015Clement, Joel00:15:17
Sorcerer's ApprenticeWoodroffe, Richard00:09:28

Dunn, Bart A.(6)

Death March SuiteDunn, Bart A00:03:53
Incidental Music for A Midsummer Night's DreamDunn, Bart A00:07:11
Incidental Music for Shakespeare's The TempestDunn, Bart A00:17:40
Incidental Music for William Shakespeare's Much Ado About NothingDunn, Bart A00:10:05
Spokojne Sny (Beautiful Slumber, polish.)Dunn, Bart A00:04:03
Winter's ProcessionalDunn, Bart A00:00:44

Dunn, Finlay (1795 - 1853)(1)

Annie LaurieScerri, Albert00:02:01

Dunstaple, John (1390 – 1453), English(1)

Veni Sancte SpiritusHooper, John00:05:34

Duparc, Henri (1848 - 1933), French(2)

ExtaseScerri, Albert00:01:53
Serenade FlorentineScerri, Albert00:02:24

Durand, Auguste (1830 - 1909), French(1)

Première valse - op. 83Spagni, Maurizio00:03:32

Durante, Francesco (1684 - 1755), Italian(5)

Danza, danza fanciulla gentileScerri, Albert00:01:39
Magnificat in b flatLamminga, Klaas00:11:15
Magnificat in B flat a cinqueHooper, John00:10:48
Vergin, tutto amorScerri, Albert00:02:00
Vergin, tutto amorSee Comments00:02:00

Dussek, Jan Ladislav (1760 - 1812), Czech(6)

Sonatina n. I (from Six sonatas for harpe)Spagni, Maurizio00:04:23
Sonatina n. II (from Six sonatas for harpe)Spagni, Maurizio00:04:25
Sonatina n. III (from Six sonatas for harpe)Spagni, Maurizio00:03:21
Sonatina n. IV (from Six sonatas for harpe)Spagni, Maurizio00:04:29
Sonatina n. V (from Six sonatas for harpe)Spagni, Maurizio00:03:23
Sonatina n. VI (from Six sonatas for harpe)Spagni, Maurizio00:05:16

Dvorak [Dvorák], Antonin (1841-1904), Czech(21)

Four Romantic Pieces for Violin and Piano Opus 75 (1887)Porter, Warren00:15:55
Going Home (Based On Largo, New World Symph)Scerri, Albert00:03:52
Humoresque op. 101, n. 7 (1894)Spagni, Maurizio00:02:46
Largo from "New World" Symphony, Op. 95Purdam, Andrew00:03:38
Mass in D major (Op. 86) (1892)Hooper, John00:38:34
Mass in D major (Op. 86) (1892)Gibson, Mike00:36:03
Mass in D major, Op.86 , ''Credo''.Jelic, Damir00:10:20
Mass in D major, Op.86 , ''Sanctus''.Jelic, Damir00:02:27
Mass in D major, Op.86 , 'Kyrie'.Jelic, Damir00:05:56
Mass in D major, Op.86, ''Gloria''.Jelic, Damir00:07:08
Napadly písně op. 63,1  (op. 63)Lamminga, Klaas00:09:50
Piano Quintet in A Major, op. 81Richardson, Greg00:38:53
Quartet No. 12 in F Major, op. 96 "American"Richardson, Greg00:21:29
Requiem (Op. 89) (1890)Hooper, John01:34:11
Russalka - Song to the MoonWoodroffe, Richard00:05:20
Serenade for Strings in E major, Op. 22 (1875)Box, Ramón Pajares00:28:11
Stabat Mater (Op. 58)Gibson, Mike01:08:10
Stabat Mater (Op. 58) (1880)Hooper, John01:21:42
Symphony No 8 in G Major, Op.88 (1889)Billett, Tina00:31:59
Symphony No 9 (New World)Billett, Tina00:36:07
Te Deum (Op. 103) (1892)Hooper, John00:19:04

D’Arcangelo, Raffaele (1949 - ), Italian(3)

Nocturne 417 Op 2 in Bb Maj.D’Arcangelo, Raffaele00:02:59
Pourquoi moi (Why me)D’Arcangelo, Raffaele00:03:35
Rio - A Colombian cumbiaD’Arcangelo, Raffaele00:04:11

Eaktay, Ahn (1905 - 1965), Korean(1)

AegukgaWoodroffe, Richard00:00:40

Eccles, Henri (1670-1742), English(1)

Sonata in Gm for Cello: I.) LargoCohen, Jesse00:03:11

Edwards, C. Van Roland, (1912 - 1985), Barbadian(1)

Barbados National AnthemWoodroffe, Richard00:02:20

Edwards, Gus (1879-1945), German(1)

By the light of the silvery moonMoffatt, Stuart00:03:19

Eilenberg, Richard (1848 - 1927), German(4)

Die Muehle im Schwarzwald, Opus 57, 1885Veld, Frits in't00:04:53
Petersburger Schlittenfahrt, Opus 52, 1885/1886Veld, Frits in't00:03:00
QuellengeisterWoodroffe, Richard00:02:57
Verlornes Glück (Nocturno), Opus 33, 1883Veld, Frits in't00:04:31

Eldering, Klaas (1951 - ), Netherlands(2)

Concerto Opus1 1st Movt. (Supernovae)Eldering, Klaas00:06:57
Concerto Opus1 2nd Movt. (Supernovae)Eldering, Klaas00:16:22

Elgar, Edward William (1857-1934), English(61)

As TorrentsGibson, Mike00:01:45
As torrents in summer (from a Cantata: "King Olaf", Op. 30) (1896)Hooper, John00:01:46
Ave MariaGibson, Mike00:02:12
Ave Maria (1887)Hooper, John00:02:41
Ave maris stellaHooper, John00:03:28
Ave VerumGibson, Mike00:02:49
Ave verum corpus (1887)Hooper, John00:02:54
Ave Verum Op 1 No 2Scerri, Albert00:01:47
Benedictus 1897 Op. 34 No 2Gibson, Mike00:07:03
Coronation Ode, Op 44 (1902)Hooper, John00:34:08
Coronation Ode 1 - Crown the KingGibson, Mike00:10:03
Coronation Ode 2 - QueenGibson, Mike00:01:18
Coronation Ode 3 - Daughter of ancient kingsGibson, Mike00:01:14
Coronation Ode 4 - Britain, Ask of thyselfGibson, Mike00:03:50
Coronation Ode 5 - Peace, Gentle PeaceGibson, Mike00:03:35
Coronation Ode 7 -Land of Hope and GloryGibson, Mike00:04:14
Death on the Hills Op72Gibson, Mike00:03:34
Dream of Gerontius (1900)Hooper, John01:27:14
Enigma Pomp and Circumstance March Op.39 No 1 in D MajorBillett, Tina00:06:32
Enigma Pomp and Circumstance March Op.39 No 2 in in A minorBillett, Tina00:05:28
Enigma Pomp and Circumstance March Op.39 No 4 in in G minorBillett, Tina00:04:46
Enigma Variations (Opus 36)Billett, Tina00:21:48
From the Bavarian Highlands (1890)Hooper, John00:25:36
From the Bavarian Highlands - 1 The Dance Op 27 No 1Gibson, Mike00:03:30
From the Bavarian Highlands Op 27 No 2 - False LoveGibson, Mike00:03:39
From the Bavarian Highlands Op 27 No 3 - LullabyGibson, Mike00:03:10
From the Bavarian Highlands Op 27 No 4 AspirationGibson, Mike00:02:28
From the Bavarian Highlands Op 27 No 5 On the AlmGibson, Mike00:03:04
From the Bavarian Highlands Op 27 No 6 The MarksmenGibson, Mike00:08:15
Give unto the Lord Op 74Gibson, Mike00:07:21
Good morrow (1929)Hooper, John00:03:31
Great is the LordGibson, Mike00:08:41
Land of Hope and GlorySmedley, Tony00:00:52
Love's Tempest Op73 No1Gibson, Mike00:02:16
Love Op 18 No 2Gibson, Mike00:01:53
My love dwelt in a Northern land (1890)Hooper, John00:03:55
My love dwelt in a Northern land Op 18 No 3Gibson, Mike00:01:45
Nimrod Enigma Variation 9 - (Opus 36)Billett, Tina00:02:38
O happy eyes (1890 )Hooper, John00:02:43
O Happy Eyes Op 18 No 1Gibson, Mike00:01:54
O Happy Eyes Op18 No1Scerri, Albert00:01:57
O hearken Thou (1911)Hooper, John00:03:58
O Salutaris OstiaScerri, Albert00:02:52
Salut d’Amour Op 12Smedley, Tony00:03:00
Scenes from the Saga of King Olaf (1896)Hooper, John01:14:00
Serenade Op73 No2Gibson, Mike00:01:34
Spanish Serenade Op. 23Woodroffe, Richard00:04:11
Te Deum & Benedictus (op 34) (1897)Hooper, John00:18:49
Te Deum 1897 Op, 34 No 1Gibson, Mike00:11:20
The Apostles, Op. 49 (1903)Hooper, John01:56:48
The Black Knight (1889-93)Hooper, John00:34:04
The Fountain Op 71 No 2Gibson, Mike00:02:47
The Kingdom, Op. 49 (1903)Hooper, John01:21:15
The Light of Life (1896)Hooper, John01:02:32
The Music Makers (1912)Gibson, Mike00:27:34
The Music Makers (1912)Hooper, John00:37:10
There is sweet music (1907)Hooper, John00:05:04
There is sweet music Op 53 No 1Gibson, Mike00:04:30
The Shower Op71 No1Gibson, Mike00:01:46
They are at rest (1909)Hooper, John00:03:24
Three Part Songs (Op. 18) (1890)Hooper, John00:09:02

Elkutlu, Râkým (1872-1948), Turkish(1)

Uþþák Þarký (song)iNANC [iNANÇ], Ertugrul00:02:23

Ellerbrock, Joseph (1956 - ), USA(8)

Bitonal StudiesEllerbrock, Joe00:05:17
Chantilly RagEllerbrock, Joe00:03:28
Charleston Street RagEllerbrock, Joe00:03:05
Jazz RagEllerbrock, Joe00:04:13
Los Alamos RagEllerbrock, Joe00:04:11
New Age RagEllerbrock, Joe00:03:21
Potato RagEllerbrock, Joe00:03:44
Santa Fe RagEllerbrock, Joe00:03:15

Enescu, George (1881-1955), Romanian(1)

Romanian Rhapsody No. 1, op. 11, no. 1 (1901)Box, Ramón Pajares00:13:11

Englund, Gunnar (1939 - ), Swedish(1)

Den helige Franciskus' bön (St. Francis' Prayer)Schleussner, Sebastian00:02:13

Enlow, Lizzy (1986-), American(4)

Flute Quartet no. 1 in B flat minor (2001)Enlow, Lizzy00:01:46
How Scary the ThoughtEnlow, Lizzy00:03:36
In MemoriamEnlow, Lizzy00:03:36
The Warrior--Mvt.1 from "The Reeds" piano soloEnlow, Lizzy00:01:27

Er, Nie (1912-1935), Chinese(2)

March of the Volunteers, the Chinese National AnthemLee, Henry00:00:43
March of the Volunteers, the Chinese National AnthemMoffatt, Stuart00:01:01

Erkel, Ferenc (1810 - 1893), Hungarian(1)

Isten, áldd meg a magyart (Himnusz)Woodroffe, Richard00:06:37

Evans, Daniel (1987- ), USA(1)

Spring (2002)Evans, Daniel00:00:46

Ezekiel, Ymesei O. (1926 - 1984), Palauan(1)

Belau rekidWoodroffe, Richard00:00:45

Fabian [Fábián], József (20thC-), Hungarian(15)

Alföld (The Great Hungarian Plane)Fábián, József00:02:29
A Nostalgic SongFábián, József00:01:02
As Life goes byFábián, József00:02:24
Ave MariaFábián, József00:02:18
DesertedFábián, József00:08:07
EtudeFábián, József00:01:15
LacrymosaFábián, József00:01:48
LolaFábián, József00:01:42
Marsch!Fábián, József00:01:04
pavaneFábián, József00:00:28
Rex tremendaeFábián, József00:01:46
RondeauFábián, József00:02:11
SonatinaFábián, József00:01:21
Song from the WoodsFábián, József00:01:09
Study for two violinsFábián, József00:00:29

Falconieri, Andrea (1586 - 1656), Italian(2)

O bellissimi capelli (O beautiful hair )Scerri, Albert00:01:25
Occhietti amati (Loved eyes)Scerri, Albert00:01:40

Farmer, John (1570-1601)(1)

The Lord's Prayer (1592)Hooper, John00:01:15

Farmer, John (1570-1601), English(1)

Come Holy Ghost Eternal God (1592)Hooper, John00:03:10

Farnaby, Giles (~1563-1640), English(3)

His HumourHicks, Grant00:01:29
Quadlings DelightAlberga, Cyril N00:04:20
Tower HillHicks, Grant00:00:33

Farrant, Richard (1530 - 1580), English(4)

Call to RemembranceGibson, Mike00:01:32
Hide not Thou thy faceGibson, Mike00:01:32
Hide not thou thy face from meLowther, G J00:01:09
Lord, for thy tender mercy's sakeGibson, Mike00:02:03

Fasch, Johann Friedrich (1688 - 1758), German(2)

Sonata FaWV N:B1Spagni, Maurizio00:07:55
Sonata FaWV N:G1Spagni, Maurizio00:06:18

Faure [Fauré], Gabriel (1845-1924), French(59)

Apres un reveKing, Robert00:01:51
Apres un reve (Op. 7, No. 1), 1878Hooper, John00:02:25
Après un rêve Op 7 No 1 (1878)Moffatt, Stuart00:02:31
Au bord de l'eau (Op. 8, No. 1), 1871Hooper, John00:01:40
Au bord de l'eau Op 8 No 1 (1875)Moffatt, Stuart00:02:01
Cantique de Jean RacineLowther, G J00:02:58
Cantique de Jean Racine (Op.11), 1876Hooper, John00:05:57
Cantique de Jean Racine, Op.11Hall, Damien00:04:44
Cantique de Jean Racine, Op.11See Comments00:04:45
Cantique de Jean Racine, Op.11Gibson, Mike00:04:41
Chanson d'amour - Opus 27 No 1Moffatt, Stuart00:01:52
Clair de lune Opus 46 No. 2See Comments00:01:14
Claire de lune (Menuet) - Opus 46 No 2Moffatt, Stuart00:02:32
Dans les ruines d'une abbayeMoffatt, Stuart00:02:37
Dolly - N°1: Berceuse (1894)Guix, Joseph00:02:49
Dolly - N°2: "Messieu Aou!" (Mi-a-ou)Guix, Joseph00:01:41
En PriereGibson, Mike00:02:27
Four Songs - Mai, Lydia, Le secret, Fleur jeteeHooper, John00:08:15
Hymne Op 7 No 2 (1870)Moffatt, Stuart00:01:32
Ici-bas! Op 8 No 3 (1874?)Moffatt, Stuart00:01:09
Il pleure dans mon coeurJacques, Alain00:02:10
In Paradisum (from Requiem in Dm, Op.49) (1887)Hall, Damien00:03:21
Le papillon at la fleur Op 1 No 1 (1861)Moffatt, Stuart00:01:55
Le papillon et la fleur (1869) Op. 1 no.1Hooper, John00:02:25
Les berceaux Op. 23, No. 1, 1879Hooper, John00:02:45
Les Djinns Op.12, 1875Hooper, John00:03:40
Le Secret - Opus 23 No 3 1881Moffatt, Stuart00:01:44
Les matelots Op 2 No 2 (1870?)Moffatt, Stuart00:01:24
Les roses d'IspahanJacques, Alain00:02:42
Lydia Op 4 No 2Moffatt, Stuart00:02:32
Lydia Op 4 No 2Scerri, Albert00:02:16
MaiMoffatt, Stuart00:02:10
Mandoline - De Venise Opus 58 No 1 1891Moffatt, Stuart00:01:52
Messe des pêcheurs de Villerville, 1881Hooper, John00:15:30
Nell Opus 18 No. 1Woodroffe, Richard00:02:29
Nell Opus 18 No. 1See Comments00:02:28
Notre Amour - Opus 23 No 2 1881Moffatt, Stuart00:02:00
PavaneWoodroffe, Richard00:04:12
Pavane (Op.50), 1887Hooper, John00:06:02
Piano Quartet No. 2 in G Minor, Op. 45Richardson, Greg00:32:33
Piano Quintet No. 1 in D Minor, Op. 89Richardson, Greg00:32:28
Poème d’un jour - Adieu Opus 21 No. 3See Comments00:01:47
Poème d’un jour - Rencontre Opus 21 No. 1See Comments00:02:20
Poème d’un jour - Toujours Opus 21 No. 2See Comments00:01:14
PrisonJacques, Alain00:01:30
Prison, Op. 83, No. 1, 1894Hooper, John00:01:45
Requiem (Op.48)See Comments00:31:06
Requiem (Op.48), 1887-9Hooper, John00:31:37
REQUIEM, Introït & KyrieSchmidt, Pierre00:05:40
REQUIEM, OffertoireSchmidt, Pierre00:06:36
Requiem Op.48 No.4 - Pie JesuScerri, Albert00:03:11
Romance Sans Paroles, Op. 17 No. 3Macfarlane, Ann00:02:07
Rêve D'amour Opus 5 No 2 1865Moffatt, Stuart00:01:48
Sanctus (from Requiem in Dm, Op.49) (1887)Hall, Damien00:03:07
Sonata in A major, for Violin and Piano, Op. 13; I. Allegro moltoCarrasco, Daniel00:07:48
Sonata in A major, for Violin and Piano, Op. 13; III.Allegro vivoCarrasco, Daniel00:03:39
Sonata in A major, for Violin and Piano Op.13: IV. Allegro quasi prestoCarrasco, Daniel00:04:06
Tantum ergo (Op.55), 1890Hooper, John00:03:25
élégie op24, transcription pour alto et pianosolange, Robin00:06:56

Fawzi, Mohamed (1918 - 1966), Egyptian(1)

KassamanWoodroffe, Richard00:01:44

Fayrfax, Robert (1464 - 1521), English(1)

Magnificat - RegaleGibson, Mike00:13:30

Feliciano, José(1)

AffirmationHansche, Joseph00:02:46

Felipe, Julian (1861 - 1944), Philippines(1)

Lupang HinirangWoodroffe, Richard00:01:38

Fernandes, Gaspar (1566-1629), Portugese(1)

Un relox á visto AndrésEdwards, Mike00:02:37

Ferrandiere, Fernando (Siglo XVIII), Spanish(1)

MenuetSpagni, Maurizio00:01:34

Ferrari, Giacomo Gotifredo (1763-1842), Italian(4)

12 Petites Pieces, Op. 3, pour clavecin ou piano-forteSpagni, Maurizio00:39:57
Andantino pour harpe ou piano-forteSpagni, Maurizio00:04:43
Duetto op. 20 for two fortepiano or fortepiano and harpSpagni, Maurizio00:16:18
Trois grandes sonates pour harpe avec violon et violoncelle, op. 18Spagni, Maurizio00:43:36

Ferrer, Jose (1835 - 1916), Spanish(1)

Ejercicio: ValsWalker, Jason00:01:15

Fierek, Rosie(2)

Albaston Hairy DanceFierek, Rosie00:00:38
Revelling HarmoniousFierek, Rosie00:00:32

Figueredo, Pedro (1819 - 1870), Cuban(1)

La BayamesaWoodroffe, Richard00:01:10

Fitzgerald, Duncan (1954-)(6)

For Unto You This DayFitzgerald, Duncan00:02:48
Hail to the KingFitzgerald, Duncan00:02:13
If WeFitzgerald, Duncan00:04:20
If We (shorter version)Fitzgerald, Duncan00:03:52
O Sacred Head Now WoundedFitzgerald, Duncan00:04:29
Prelude in G minorFitzgerald, Duncan00:01:15

Flayfel, Mohammad(1)

Mawtini MawtiniWoodroffe, Richard00:03:25

Flayfel, Mohammad Salim (1899 - 1986), Syrian(1)

Humat ad-DiyarWoodroffe, Richard00:00:43

Flecha, Mateo (1481 - 1553), Spanish(1)

Riu, riu, chiuGibson, Mike00:02:08

Fletcher, Percy Eastman (1879 - 1932), British(1)

Ring out wild bells (1914)Hooper, John00:04:02

Flotow, Friedrich von (1812-1883), German(4)

Martha - Ach so fromm (M'appari tutto amor)Scerri, Albert00:02:32
Martha - Good-Night (Notturno)Scerri, Albert00:01:37
Martha - Last Rose Of SummerScerri, Albert00:01:53
Martha - Solo Profugo Rejetto (Lonely Refugee)Scerri, Albert00:02:04

Forman, Edmund, British(1)

"Two Lovely Black Eyes".(circa 1890)White, John H00:02:00

Fossy, Jules (1879 - after 1940 ), French(1)

P’tit fleur fanéeWoodroffe, Richard00:01:11

Foster, Stephen C. (1826-1864), American(10)

Beautiful DreamerPowell, Norman D00:05:18
Beautiful dreamer (Serenade)Scerri, Albert00:02:54
De Camptown racesScerri, Albert00:02:42
Gentle AnnieScerri, Albert00:02:27
If you've only got a moustacheScerri, Albert00:02:54
Jeanie with the light brown hairScerri, Albert00:03:12
Oh SusannaScerri, Albert00:03:24
Old Black JoeScerri, Albert00:03:00
Ring, ring de banjoScerri, Albert00:03:24
That's what's the matterScerri, Albert00:02:35

Franck, César (1822-1890), Belgian(7)

Mass in A major (Op 12) (1860)Hooper, John00:43:49
Panis AngelicusGibson, Mike00:03:45
Panis AngelicusBonomi, Ilario00:02:24
Panis Angelicus (1872)Hooper, John00:02:46
Prélude, Aria et Finale (1887-1888)Hicks, Grant00:21:44
PSALM 150Mill, Carl B00:05:12
Psaume 150Gibson, Mike00:04:32

Franzoni, Amante (1575 - 1630), Italian(1)

Sancta MariaSchleussner, Sebastian00:01:22

Frazier, Charles Richard (1950 - ), American(7)

Before I Found YouFrazier, Charles Richard00:03:53
Cold ComfortFrazier, Charles Richard00:03:46
For All My Blessings, definable and otherwise.Frazier, Charles Richard00:04:17
I KnowFrazier, Charles Richard00:03:25
Shadow DanceFrazier, Charles Richard00:02:53
Stadium TrashFrazier, Charles Richard00:03:20
When We MetFrazier, Charles Richard00:04:17

Frescobaldi, Girolamo (1583-1643), Italian(2)

Toccata "per l'Elevazione"Purdam, Andrew00:04:56
Toccata "per l'Elevazione"Purdam, Andrew00:02:27

Friedman, Leo (1869-1927), American(1)

Let Me Call You SweetheartRoberts, Joseph00:03:10

Fritsche, Carl (1954 - ), American(2)

"The Holy Child"Fritsche, Carl00:16:04
Jesus My SaviorFritsche, Carl00:03:07

Frontini, Francesco Paolo (1860-1939) Italian(1)

Ciurri, ciurriSpagni, Maurizio00:01:15

Frost, Kevin 1985(1)

Majestic Piano, Amster Dance, Water and Steel, Ballad on HighFrost, Kevin00:14:31

Fry, William Henry (1813 - 1864), American(1)

Leonora - Blame her notScerri, Albert00:02:24

Fuchs, Robert (1847-1927), Austrian(1)

Symphony No 1 in C major, Op. 37.(1884)White, John H00:28:37

Fucík, Julius (1892-1916), Czech(5)

Der alte Brummbar, Opus 210 (1910)Struys, Peter00:04:19
Die Regimentskinder Op.169 (Children of the Regiment March)Hauck, Josh00:02:45
Einzug der Gladiatoren - op. 68 (1897)Spagni, Maurizio00:02:52
Entry of the GladiatorsWoodroffe, Richard00:03:07
Mississippi River. American March Op. 160Clemente, Sergio Moliner00:03:07

Furio, Nicholas (1986 - ), American(4)

Fall for PianoFurio, Nicholas A00:03:33
LincolnFurio, Nicholas A00:02:31
Love too Deep, 2004Furio, Nicholas A00:01:48
PromenadeFurio, Nicholas A00:01:41

Gabrieli, Giovanni (1554 - 1612), Italian(14)

Canzona Per Sonare No. 1Bozic, Daniel00:02:20
Canzona Per Sonare No. 2Bozic, Daniel00:02:14
Canzona Per Sonare No. 3Bozic, Daniel00:01:38
Canzona Per Sonare No. 4Bozic, Daniel00:01:48
Canzon VIBozic, Daniel00:02:42
Hodie completi sunt (1576)Hooper, John00:04:40
In ecclesiisHooper, John00:08:41
Jubilate DeoGibson, Mike00:05:10
Jubilate DeoHooper, John00:04:34
O Domine Jesu Christe (1597)Hooper, John00:04:10
O Jesu mi dulcissime (1597)Hooper, John00:06:45
O magnum misteriumHooper, John00:03:16
PlauditeGibson, Mike00:03:26
Plaudite omnis terra (1597)Hooper, John00:03:41

Gabrieli, Giovanni (ca 1555 - 1612) Venice, Italy(1)

Angelus ad Pastores ait Motet for 12 voices Op. C5 (ca 1600)Haylett, Bernie00:03:09

Gabrielli, Andrea (c.1525 - 1586), Iatalian(1)

Ave ReginaGibson, Mike00:02:13

Gade, Niels W. (1817-1890), Danish(2)

Die WasserroseGibson, Mike00:03:08
String Quartet in D major Op. 63 (1889)White, John H00:19:09

Gaffurio, Franchino (Gaffurius Franchinus) (1451-1522), Italian(2)

Adoramus Te, ChristeEdwards, Mike00:01:50
O Jesu DulcissimeEdwards, Mike00:01:32

Galilei, Vincenzo (c. 1520 - 1591), Italian(1)

SaltarelloSpagni, Maurizio00:01:00

Galuppi, Baldassere (1706 – 1785), Italian(2)

AllegroCiantar, Noel00:02:20
AndanteCiantar, Noel00:03:12

Garcia, Pe. José Maurício Nunes (1767-1830), Brazilian(1)

Laudate Dominum Onmes Gentes in D, CPM76 (1813)Soares, Artur Penha00:07:31

Gardell, Carlos (-1935), Argentine(1)

El Dia Que Me QuierasSaarela, Timo00:03:53

Gardner, Geoffrey Y (1939 - ), American(4)

Block IslandGardner, Geoffrey Y00:03:36
Can Spring Be Far BehindGardner, Geoffrey Y00:02:50
Marmaduke overtureGardner, Geoffrey Y00:06:20
NWC Orchestral Christmas MusicGardner, Geoffrey Y00:24:10

Gasparini, Francesco (1661 - 1727), Italian(1)

Caro laccio, dolce nodoSee Comments00:01:58

Gastaldon, Stanislao (1861 - 1939), Italian(1)

Musica proibita (The forbidden song)Scerri, Albert00:03:10

Gastoldi, Giovanni (1555 - 1609), Italian(1)

Amor vittoriosoSpagni, Maurizio00:02:24

Gay, John (1685 - 1732), English(1)

Over the Hills and Far AwayHussain, Iqbal00:01:09

Gbeho, Philip (1904 - 1976), Ghanaian(1)

God Bless Our Homeland GhanaWoodroffe, Richard00:01:09

Geffrard, Nicolas (1871 - 1930), Haitian(1)

La DessalinienneWoodroffe, Richard00:00:53

Gelman, Aviv (1983-), Israeli(2)

"Skipping School" - Trombone TrioGelman, Aviv00:00:50
Aviv Gelman's Private Collection, Vol. 1Gelman, Aviv00:44:23

Gentil, Philippe (1928 - ), Mauritian(1)

MotherlandWoodroffe, Richard00:00:48

Georges, Kenrick Anderson (1955 - )(1)

O Land of Beauty!Woodroffe, Richard00:00:47

Gernsheim, Friedrich (1839-1916), German(1)

String Quartet No 3 in F major, Op. 51.White, John H00:23:39

Gershwin, George (1898-1937), American(4)

An American in Paris (1928)Spagni, Maurizio00:02:43
Oh Lord, I'm on my wayGibson, Mike00:01:16
Rhapsody in Blue (piano solo)Purdam, Andrew00:15:13
Rialto Ripples (1917)Arrowsmith, Geoff00:02:15

Gesualdo, Carlo (1560 - 1613), Italian(4)

from Quarto Libro dei madrigali a cinque voci, 1596Balboni, Raimondo00:03:11
from Quarto Libro dei madrigali a cinque voci, 1596 2Balboni, Raimondo00:04:36
O vos omnes (1603)Hooper, John00:03:15
Quarto Libro dei madrigali a cinque voci, 1596 1Balboni, Raimondo00:02:42

Gibbons, Orlando (1583-1625), English(29)

Almighty and everlasting GodGibson, Mike00:01:55
Almighty and everlasting GodHooper, John00:02:00
Almighty God, who by thy SonGibson, Mike00:03:44
Behold, I bring you Glad TidingsGibson, Mike00:04:13
Behold, Thou hast made my daysGibson, Mike00:02:45
Benedictus (1641)Hooper, John00:04:25
Blessed are all theyGibson, Mike00:04:29
Glorious and Powerful GodGibson, Mike00:04:57
Grant, O Holy TrinityGibson, Mike00:04:07
Great King of GodsGibson, Mike00:04:20
Hosanna to the son of DavidHooper, John00:02:14
Hosanna to the son of DavidGibson, Mike00:02:31
If ye be risen again with ChristGibson, Mike00:04:39
Lord, grant graceGibson, Mike00:03:45
Magnificat & Nunc dimittis (from the Second Service) (CRV)Hooper, John00:08:41
Magnificat & Nunc dimittis (from the Short Service) (1760)Hooper, John00:04:45
O clap your handsHooper, John00:05:30
O Clap your handsGibson, Mike00:05:21
O God, the King of GloryGibson, Mike00:04:12
O Lord, in thy wrathHooper, John00:03:20
O Lord, in thy wrath (No Lyrics)Gibson, Mike00:02:19
O Thou, the central orbGibson, Mike00:04:36
Record of JohnGibson, Mike00:03:49
Sing unto the LordGibson, Mike00:05:35
Te Deum (from the Short Service)Hooper, John00:04:58
The Secret SinsGibson, Mike00:03:14
The Silver Swan (1619)Hicks, Grant00:01:02
Venite Exultemus (1641)Hooper, John00:03:57
We Praise Thee, O FatherGibson, Mike00:05:33

Gibbs and Clayton, Ada Rose and Norman J.(1)

Channels Only / My Hope is in The LordTate, John Paul III00:03:00

Gibson, Timothy (1903 - 1978), Bahaman(1)

March On, BahamalandWoodroffe, Richard00:01:04

Gimenez [Giménez], Gerónimo (1854-1923), Spanish(2)

Intermedio of El baile de Luis Alonso, zarzuela (1896)Box, Ramón Pajares00:03:37
Intermedio of La boda de Luis Alonso, zarzuela (1897)Box, Ramón Pajares00:05:47

Giménez, Remberto (1898 - 1977), Paraguayan(1)

Paraguayos, República o muerte!Woodroffe, Richard00:02:44

Giordani, Giuseppe (1751-1798), Italian(1)

Caro mio benScerri, Albert00:01:55

Giordano, Umberto (1867-1948), Italian(1)

Andrea Chénier - Improvviso (1896)Sloman, Benjamin00:04:38

Giuliani, Mauro (1781-1829), Italian(4)

Allegro in ASpagni, Maurizio00:00:29
Allegro spiritoso (op. 1 n. 10)Spagni, Maurizio00:01:04
Grande Ouverture Opus 61Walker, Jason00:07:07
Sonatina (op. 71, n. 1)Spagni, Maurizio00:08:36

Glazunov, Alexander (1865-1936), Russian(1)

Meditation for Violin and Piano, Op. 32Porter, Warren00:02:52

Glinka, Mikhail Ivanovitch (1804 - 1857), Russian(2)

Nocturne in Eb Major for Piano or HarpSpagni, Maurizio00:03:23
The Cherubic HymnHooper, John00:05:00

Gluck, Christoph Willibald von (1714 - 1787), German(7)

Alceste - Divinites Du StyxScerri, Albert00:03:29
Iphigenie En Tauride - Ah Mon Ami J'implore Ta PitieScerri, Albert00:01:47
Orfeo &amp; Euridice - Che faro senza EuridiceScerri, Albert00:03:24
Orfeo & Euridice - Che disseScerri, Albert00:01:43
Orfeo & Euridice - E Quest'asil Ameno (This Happy Refuge)Scerri, Albert00:03:19
Orfeo 7amp; Euridice - She is gone, and gone for everStruys, Peter00:03:15
Telemaco - Ah Non Chiamarmi IngratoScerri, Albert00:03:39

Gocklin, Timothy (1989 - ), American(2)

Allegro, Adagio, and Finale;2005Gocklin, Timothy M00:03:44
In The Emperors Castle(2003)Gocklin, Timothy M00:03:03

Godefroid, Félix (1811-1840) Belgian(1)

Carnaval de Venise, op. 184Spagni, Maurizio00:07:18

Gonzaga, Francisca Edwiges Neves (1847-1935), Brazilian(1)

Gaúcho Corta-Jaca (Brazilian Tango)Laks, Shai O00:02:09

Gore, Jim (1956 - ), Canadian(2)

Canadian Paella (Op.1)Gore, Jim00:02:27
The Patagonian Strut (Op.2)Gore, Jim00:02:12

Goss, John (1800 – 1880), English(2)

These are they which follow the Lamb (1859)Hooper, John00:01:30
Who is on the Lord's sideMoffatt, Stuart00:00:42

Gotch, David W. (1953 - ), American(2)

Chaconne in A minor (A short chaconne for tall zombies)Gotch, David W00:03:21
Muy Triste (Very forlorn)Gotch, David W00:01:56

Gounod, Charles (1818-1893), French(29)

Anges purs, anges radieux from "Faust"Clement, Joel00:04:55
Ballet Music from "Faust": "Les Nubiennes"Spagni, Maurizio00:15:27
Canti Sacri - Ave VerumScerri, Albert00:03:05
Canti Sacri - Pie JesuScerri, Albert00:03:05
Faust (JCL)Clement, Joel02:57:32
Faust - Ah! Je Ris De Me Voir Si BelleScerri, Albert00:03:54
Faust - Faites-lui mes aveuxScerri, Albert00:02:42
Faust - Il était un Roi de ThuléScerri, Albert00:04:32
Faust - Le Veau d'OrScerri, Albert00:01:56
Faust - O Sainte MedailleScerri, Albert00:02:16
Faust - Rencontre & A Moi Les PlaisirsScerri, Albert00:07:40
Faust - Salut demeure chaste et pure (Salve dimora casta e pura)Scerri, Albert00:04:28
Faust - Soldiers' Chorus (1859/69)Hooper, John00:04:53
Je Ne Puis EspererScerri, Albert00:01:28
Jesus of NazarethLonneke, Michael00:04:43
Je veux vivre (Roméo et Juliette)Clement, Joel00:03:26
Le Chant D'eurycléeScerri, Albert00:03:18
Marche PontifcaleWoodroffe, Richard00:02:53
Mass No 1 St. Cecilia Mass (1893)Gibson, Mike00:35:55
Messe No 6 in G aux cathedrals, 1890Hooper, John00:26:25
Messe n°6 en sol majeur aux CathédralesDuflos, Annie00:24:38
Messe solennelle (St Cecilia), 1854Hooper, John00:41:58
Mireille - A vos yeux, hélas, me voilàClement, Joel00:03:07
Polyeucte - Nymphs AttentivesScerri, Albert00:04:12
RequiemClement, Joel00:33:49
Requiem in C (1893)Hooper, John00:32:32
Romeo Et Juliette - Ah. Leve-Toi SoleilScerri, Albert00:03:43
Soldiers' Chorus - March from "Faust"Purdam, Andrew00:02:26
SérénadeJacques, Alain00:03:31

Graaf, Christiaan Ernst (1723-1804), Dutch(1)

Sinfonia in C op. 14 no. 4Wiering, Mike00:13:25

Grace, Mr (1864), Indian(1)

Saruva logathibhaMoffatt, Stuart00:00:49

Graham, Barry (20thC), Australian(2)

LeonGraham, Barry00:03:09
Six Easy PiecesGraham, Barry00:11:45

Grainger, Percy Aldridge (1882-1961), Australian(1)

Scotch Strathspey and Reel (Composed 1901-1911)Woodroffe, Richard00:07:04

Granados, Enrique (1867 - 1916), Spanish(2)

Intermezzo from GoyescasBlanken, Ivo00:05:01
Valses poeticosSchryer, Yehuda (Leon)00:13:01

Grandval, Maria-Félicie-Clémence de Reiset (1828-1907)(1)

Stabat Mater (1872)Hooper, John01:01:34

Graun, Johann Gottlieb (1703 - 1771), German(1)

Trio for 2 flutes and bassoonBlanken, Ivo00:16:04

Graupner, Christoph (1683-1760), German(10)

Cantata "Ich hatte viele Bekümernisse" GWV 1129/31, movement No. 7Forestier, Yann00:01:15
Christ lag in Todesbanden, GWV 1130/21 (1st movement)Forestier, Yann00:01:35
Du Hirte Israel, höre - GWV 1132/47Forestier, Yann00:01:35
Führ uns Herr in Versuchung nicht, GWV 1150/16Forestier, Yann00:01:44
Heulet denn des Herrn Tag ist nahe GWV 1102/26Forestier, Yann00:03:18
Mache dich, mein Geist, bereitForestier, Yann00:01:31
Nun danket alle Gott, GWV 1109/28 (composed 1728)Forestier, Yann00:02:33
Wad Gott thut, das ist wohlgetan GWV 1153/13Forestier, Yann00:01:20
Was gott thut, das ist wohlgetan,GWV 1114/30, 1st movement.Forestier, Yann00:02:47
Was Gott tut das ist wohlgetan (GWV 1114/43), 1st movementForestier, Yann00:01:37

Gray, Alan (1855-1935), English(2)

Magnificat in AGibson, Mike00:03:58
Nunc Dimittis in AGibson, Mike00:04:34

Greaves, Thomas (1570-1604), English(1)

Come away, sweet love.Edwards, Mike00:01:40

Greene, Maurice (1696–1755), English(1)

Lord, let me know mine end (1743)Hooper, John00:05:24

Grieg, Edvard Hagerup (1843-1907), Norwegian(13)

Ave maris stella (1899)Hooper, John00:03:08
Hunter's Song (Jägerlied)Scerri, Albert00:01:22
Last Spring, op 34 (1880)Box, Ramón Pajares00:04:44
Lyric Piece No.1; Op.12 "Arietta"Hauck, Josh00:01:10
Lyric Piece No.17; Op. 43 (Butterfly)Hauck, Josh00:01:42
Peer Gynt, Suite No.1 Op.46Hall, Damien00:12:30
Peer Gynt - Ase's Death" (Andante doloroso)Clement, Joel00:03:36
Peer Gynt Suite No 1 Op.46 1888Billett, Tina00:12:20
Peer Gynt Suite No 2 Op.55 - 1891/2Billett, Tina00:14:51
Piano Concerto in A Minor, Op.16 - 1868Billett, Tina00:25:55
Pier Gynt - Solvejgs Lied (Solvejgs Song)Scerri, Albert00:03:57
Sonata No. III for Violin and Piano, Op. 45Porter, Warren00:21:43
Valse mélancholique (Tranquillo)Clement, Joel00:05:08

Gruber, Fr. Xavier (1787-1863), Austrian(8)

"Heiligste Nacht" (1836)Swinnen, Ivo00:01:30
Silent Night (Orchestral)Kelly, Virgil K00:03:22
Silent Night, Holy NightMill, Carl B00:00:55
Stille Nacht! Heilige NachtAldridge, John00:02:04
Stille Nacht! Heilige NachtWalker, Geoff00:01:11
Stille Nacht! Heilige NachtWalker, Geoff00:01:11
Stille Nacht! Heilige Nacht! (1816)Swinnen, Ivo00:01:47
Stille Nacht, Heilige Nacht fantasyVanbrabant, Bertrand00:06:11

Gruber, Franz Xaver (1787 - 1863), Austrian(1)

Silent NightMoffatt, Stuart00:03:23

Guerrero, Francisco (1528-1599)(2)

Ave Virgo sanctissimaHooper, John00:03:50
Duo SeraphimGibson, Mike00:03:35

Gurung, Ambar (1938 - ), India(1)

Sayaun Thunga Phool KaWoodroffe, Richard00:01:03

Gutiérrez, Manuel María (1829 - 1887), Costa Rican(1)

Himno Nacional de Costa RicaWoodroffe, Richard00:01:21

Guy [d'Hardelot Guy], Helen (1858 - 1936), French(1)

BecauseSloman, Benjamin00:02:01

Gyun, Kim Won (1917 - 2002), Korean(1)

Ach’imun pinnaraWoodroffe, Richard00:01:00

Hackwith, Jason Christopher (1978-), American(2)

Psalm 13 (1998)Hackwith, Jason00:02:54
The Last Dove's FlightHackwith, Jason00:06:49

Hacquart, Carolus (1640 - 1701), Flemish(1)

Domine, Deus meus (1674)Hooper, John00:07:51

Hafiz [Hâfiz], Post (1631?-1694), Turkish(1)

"Vakt-i Seherde" - Nevâ Ýlâhî (Hymn in Nevâ)iNANC [iNANÇ], Ertugrul00:00:51

Hajibeyov, Uzeyir (1885 - 1948), Azerbaijani(1)

Azerbaycan MarsiWoodroffe, Richard00:01:16

Hakes, Matthew (1959-), USA(1)

Driven 2Hakes, Matt00:06:16

Hall, Stephen(1)

LandithyFierek, Rosie00:00:27

Halévy, Fromental (1799 - 1862), French(1)

La Juive - Il va venirScerri, Albert00:05:07

Hamilton, Jay (1951 - ), American(120)

3 pieces from Fred; a sequel to CasseroleHamilton, Jay00:06:02
5 Pieces from the opera HonorHamilton, Jay00:12:43
6-14 '06Hamilton, Jay00:01:03
10 March 08Hamilton, Jay00:02:06
13 Beginning, 2 advanced Cello/Bass exercisesHamilton, Jay00:07:40
15 June 14Hamilton, Jay00:02:12
16 June 14Hamilton, Jay00:04:13
19 Short Trombone exercises for a short armed student 2006Hamilton, Jay00:09:17
21-3,2,1Hamilton, Jay00:09:00
23 Piano Exercises for beginning studentsHamilton, Jay00:18:57
27 Clarinet exercises/pieces original and traditionalHamilton, Jay00:23:39
32 Beginning Saxophone (alto) exercisesHamilton, Jay00:18:39
120 = 8thsHamilton, Jay00:01:11
17122003Hamilton, Jay00:00:49
28122003Hamilton, Jay00:01:08
A fairy tale in fragmentsHamilton, Jay00:03:58
Athanatas Sonata- ballet- 1984Hamilton, Jay00:34:17
Autumn's Eve (version 2)Hamilton, Jay00:01:16
Avian; for balloons and 5 bird calls plus whistleHamilton, Jay00:04:00
BachwardsHamilton, Jay00:11:12
BansheeHamilton, Jay00:01:41
BarokHamilton, Jay00:02:57
B flat Hyperlyd for [Barok] Flute; 1976Hamilton, Jay00:03:27
Birds of Fir TreesHamilton, Jay00:03:54
Blood/FicinoHamilton, Jay00:51:03
Cassandra, baseball, food, and prophecyHamilton, Jay00:22:05
CelloHamilton, Jay00:03:03
Cello duet 27-12-14 pt 1 (of 6)Hamilton, Jay00:01:28
Cello duet 27-12-14 pt 2 (of 6)Hamilton, Jay00:02:16
Cello duet 27-12-14 pt 3 (of 6)Hamilton, Jay00:01:23
Cello duet 27-12-14 pt 4 (of 6)Hamilton, Jay00:01:26
Cello duet 27-12-14 pt 5 (of 6)Hamilton, Jay00:01:46
Cello duet 27-12-14 pt 6-finale (of 6)Hamilton, Jay00:01:36
Chacaglia - 1988Hamilton, Jay00:04:32
Chaconne in DbHamilton, Jay00:03:38
Chaconné what you think; une tour; 1996Hamilton, Jay00:03:30
DifferentHamilton, Jay00:03:40
Disposable Melodies #1- 19Hamilton, Jay00:21:07
Duet- 45Hamilton, Jay00:02:45
Duet Study for three guitars and three chordsHamilton, Jay00:03:10
Elegy in DarknessHamilton, Jay00:06:23
En FrançaisHamilton, Jay00:01:59
For Gulan- 2002Hamilton, Jay00:07:22
for left hand #1 & 2Hamilton, Jay00:10:50
Fruit-duo MangoeHamilton, Jay00:03:51
FugatosHamilton, Jay00:05:35
Garisimo - 1988Hamilton, Jay00:02:46
Greenbook for Jim to learn syncopation withHamilton, Jay00:10:26
Grief; a cello suite:Hamilton, Jay00:09:14
Guitar Mode parts 1-5Hamilton, Jay00:08:55
Heart Sung on a picnic tableHamilton, Jay00:01:04
HefeweiseHamilton, Jay00:01:13
Hilloki- 2000Hamilton, Jay00:05:05
hyphen1-5Hamilton, Jay00:06:43
In a Mode; for the HollandsHamilton, Jay00:02:02
Into SilenceHamilton, Jay00:10:00
InvisibleHamilton, Jay00:02:34
Irse pinaoHamilton, Jay00:07:08
Jats 1-10; Suite for alternating instruments, 9/2005Hamilton, Jay00:32:04
Lamentations for the innocentHamilton, Jay00:04:11
less than equal to 7Hamilton, Jay00:04:21
LirHamilton, Jay00:20:10
MandalaHamilton, Jay00:30:38
Market (for String4 and String Orch.)Hamilton, Jay00:03:31
MelangeHamilton, Jay00:15:30
Middle of NowhereHamilton, Jay00:01:32
Music for Gül's weddingHamilton, Jay00:02:49
Mynamar ShaveHamilton, Jay00:00:43
My thoughts are not complexHamilton, Jay00:02:08
New Quark 2; 1993Hamilton, Jay00:05:41
Old Friends, 2002Hamilton, Jay00:03:31
Opportunistic Pianism, 1992Hamilton, Jay00:05:28
PequodHamilton, Jay00:00:48
Poor Cirkus 1977Hamilton, Jay00:10:02
Prayer of ThanksgivingHamilton, Jay00:02:20
Qtet; for any 4 instruments 1998Hamilton, Jay00:05:41
Robert Walser is not GodHamilton, Jay00:04:55
Roi-man-s 1,2,3Hamilton, Jay00:10:59
Rough Suite; for guitarHamilton, Jay00:01:48
Running for the CenterHamilton, Jay00:04:44
S4 #xHamilton, Jay00:07:04
S4 '07'Hamilton, Jay00:01:48
S4 24thHamilton, Jay00:01:32
S4 no 10Hamilton, Jay00:02:52
S4 OaHamilton, Jay00:15:00
S4#1, 1988Hamilton, Jay00:11:07
Schultz (1993)Hamilton, Jay00:01:37
Selendro XHamilton, Jay00:02:20
Seventh HeavenHamilton, Jay00:05:44
Shadow CatcherHamilton, Jay00:05:29
She wanted a date he just wanted a cup of CoffeeHamilton, Jay00:00:50
Silence-1Hamilton, Jay00:04:13
Solstice 2002Hamilton, Jay00:03:04
Solstice 2004Hamilton, Jay00:01:03
Solstice 2008Hamilton, Jay00:03:37
Solstice 2011Hamilton, Jay00:05:05
Solstice on Ice (2009)Hamilton, Jay00:10:13
Something for BevisHamilton, Jay00:00:23
Something SweetHamilton, Jay00:00:45
Spain-treeHamilton, Jay00:05:28
Spain 2Hamilton, Jay00:05:34
SummerHamilton, Jay00:06:53
Tao 1-14Hamilton, Jay01:19:35
The hoursHamilton, Jay00:11:16
The H SeriesHamilton, Jay00:04:47
The Map; an opera with moments of comedy and Epicurean PhilosophyHamilton, Jay01:04:09
The Passing of Ten YearsHamilton, Jay00:11:06
Therapy; mode 19 1981/6Hamilton, Jay00:04:08
Thunderperfectmind circa 1998Hamilton, Jay00:09:58
To set the sceneHamilton, Jay00:02:02
Trio '07Hamilton, Jay00:05:30
Trio SuiteHamilton, Jay00:12:39
Tromclar; duet for clarinet and trombone 1998Hamilton, Jay00:00:44
Tune DiaryHamilton, Jay00:24:18
UnsureHamilton, Jay00:05:25
Untitled, 1984Hamilton, Jay00:05:27
WaneHamilton, Jay00:02:42
Wax (2006)Hamilton, Jay00:04:22
Whisperings of wind and sea, 1977Hamilton, Jay00:02:48
xmas FanfareHamilton, Jay00:01:55

Handel, George Friederic (1685-1759), German(104)

"Dettingen" Te Deum (1743)Hooper, John00:36:53
"Lascia ch'io piango" Recitative and Aria from RinaldoHicks, Grant00:03:59
"Utrecht" Jubilate (1713)Hooper, John00:17:05
"Utrecht" Te Deum (1713)Hooper, John00:23:20
'De torrente.' 8th movement from 'Dixit Dominus,'Walker, Jason00:04:02
17 pieces for Treble Recorder and Basso continuoGuix, Joseph00:21:22
Acis & Galatea (1718 et al)Hooper, John01:50:44
Acis and GalateaGibson, Mike01:16:24
Air and Variations from Suite No. 5 in E - "The Harmonious Blacksmith"Ciaramella, Eric00:03:25
Alcina - Ah, mio cor, schernito seiSee Comments00:02:55
Alcina - Ah Mio CorScerri, Albert00:02:58
Alcina - Chorus of enchanted Islanders (1735)Hooper, John00:02:13
Alexander's Feast (1736)Hooper, John02:04:56
Alexander Balus (1747)Hooper, John02:42:16
Alla Hornpipe from Water MusicFitzgerald, Duncan00:03:19
All Hail the Power of Jesus' NameTate, John Paul III00:01:33
As pants the hart - Chandos Anthem No: 6a (1716-19)Hooper, John00:20:02
Atalanta - Care Selve (Come Beloved)Scerri, Albert00:03:24
Athalia (1733)Hooper, John02:04:06
Athalia - O mortals, if around us hereGibson, Mike00:02:44
Belshazzar (1744)Hooper, John02:58:38
Brockes Passion (1715-1716)Hooper, John02:34:54
Brockes Passion HWV 48Gibson, Mike01:37:49
Cantate a CristoBonomi, Ilario00:00:49
Cantate DominoVoli, Marco00:00:47
Cantate DominoSee Comments00:00:48
Come, Jesus, Holy Son of God (quintet )Shaffer, Jim00:01:57
Concerto a due cori no. 2Wiering, Mike00:14:44
Concerto Grosso #11Waterman, Charles00:26:46
Concerto No. 1 in Bb Major/g minor, Op. 3Waterman, Charles00:10:02
Concerto No. 2 in Bb Major, Op. 3Waterman, Charles00:15:07
Concerto No. 5 in d Mminor, Op. 3Waterman, Charles00:13:57
Concerto N° 1 for oboe (HWV 301)Clement, Joel00:07:53
Concerto N° 2 for oboe (HWV 302a)Clement, Joel00:06:41
Concerto N° 3 for oboe (HWV 287)Clement, Joel00:06:33
Coronation 2 - My heart is inditingGibson, Mike00:12:34
Coronation Anthem No.1, "Zadok the Priest", HWV.258 (1727)Hall, Damien00:05:27
Deborah (1733)Hooper, John02:19:23
Dettingen Anthem (1743 ?)Hooper, John00:13:48
Dixit Dominus (Psalm 110) (1707)Hooper, John00:34:47
Esther (1718/1732)Hooper, John01:31:45
For Unto Us A Child is Born (from Messiah 1741)Hall, A. Christopher00:04:11
Foundling Hospital Anthem (1749)Hooper, John00:33:10
Giulio CesareClement, Joel00:06:20
Gloria in Excelsis Deo (HWV 245) (1749)Hooper, John00:14:40
Hallelujah ChorusO'Neil, Grant00:03:24
Hallelujah Chorus (from Messiah, HWV.56) (1741)Hall, Damien00:03:49
Hallelujah Chorus (from Messiah 1741)Hall, A. Christopher00:03:45
Hallelujah Chorus (from Messiah 1741)Allgeyer, Robert00:20:12
Have mercy upon me - Chandos Anthem No: 3 (1716-19)Hooper, John00:19:12
Hercules (1744)Hooper, John03:06:51
In the Lord put I my trust - Chandos Anthem No: 2 (1716-19)Hooper, John00:21:23
Israel in Egypt (1739)Hooper, John01:31:18
I will magnify Thee - Chandos Anthem No: 5a (1716-19)Hooper, John00:23:24
Jephtha (1751)Hooper, John03:00:53
Joseph and his brethren (1743)Hooper, John03:02:25
Joshua (1747)Hooper, John02:00:00
Judas Maccabaeus (1746)Hooper, John02:43:52
Largo (Ombra mai fu) from opera SerseScerri, Albert00:02:10
Lascia ch'io piangaSpagni, Maurizio00:03:36
Lascia Ch'io Piango (Let Me Cry)Scerri, Albert00:04:22
Laudate pueri Dominum (HWV 237) (1707)Hooper, John00:17:41
Let God arise - Chandos Anthem No: 11 (1716-19)Hooper, John00:21:49
Let their celestial concerts all uniteGibson, Mike00:12:34
Let thy hand be strengthened [Coronation Anthems] (1727)Hooper, John00:08:46
Messiah - Section 2Hooper, John00:57:10
Messiah -section 3Hooper, John00:34:58
Messiah Section 1Hooper, John01:04:26
My heart is inditing [Coronation Anthems] (1727)Hooper, John00:12:41
My song shall be alway - Chandos Anthem No: 7 (1716-19)Hooper, John00:23:24
Nisi Dominus (HWV 238) (1707)Hooper, John00:14:38
O be joyful in the Lord - Chandos Anthem No: 1 (1716-19)Hooper, John00:19:37
O come let us sing - Chandos Anthem No: 5 (1716-19)Hooper, John00:30:52
Ode for St. Cecilia's Day (1739)Hooper, John00:46:54
Ode for the birthday of Queen Anne (1713)Hooper, John00:24:35
O praise the Lord with one consent - Chandos Anthem No: 9 (1716-19)Hooper, John00:27:37
O sing unto the Lord - Chandos Anthem No: 4 (1716-19)Hooper, John00:14:20
Overture to Judas MaccabeusPendrey, Nigel00:05:34
Recitativo and Aria from Rinaldo "Laß mich mit Tränen"iNANC [iNANÇ], Ertugrul00:02:33
Samson (1743)Hooper, John04:03:20
Sarabande from Suite XI in D minorSmedley, Tony00:02:24
Saul (1739)Hooper, John02:16:06
Semele (1744)Hooper, John01:48:10
Solomon (1748)Hooper, John02:56:57
Solomon - Arrival of the Queen of ShebaWoodroffe, Richard00:02:58
Suite No 5 in E major - Harmonious Blacksmith (HWV 430)Woodroffe, Richard00:03:54
suite Water Music (extracts)Moissonnié, Jean-Louis00:25:37
Susanna (1748)Hooper, John02:53:47
The Choice of Hercules (1750)Hooper, John00:47:45
The King shall rejoice [Coronation Anthems] (1727) - Six part version.Hooper, John00:11:37
The Lord is my light - Chandos Anthem No: 10 (1716-19)Hooper, John00:27:31
The Messiah (HWV 56, 1741), Section IVarious00:58:09
The Messiah (HWV 56, 1741), Section IIVarious00:53:14
The Messiah (HWV 56, 1741), Section IIIVarious00:30:59
The Musick for the Royal Fireworks, D MajorTate, John Paul III00:21:06
The Occasional Oratorio (1746)Hooper, John02:19:51
Theodora (1750)Hooper, John03:05:48
The Triumph of Time and Truth (1757)Hooper, John02:29:07
The Ways of Zion do mourn (1737)Hooper, John00:44:08
Tornami a vagheggiar from "Alcina"Clement, Joel00:03:48
Where're you WalkWoodroffe, Richard00:03:02
Where shall I seek the charming fair from "Acis and Galatea"Clement, Joel00:04:59
Zadok the Priest [Coronation Anthems] (1727) (4 Part)Hooper, John00:06:54
Zadok the Priest [Coronation Anthems] (1727) (7 Part)Hooper, John00:06:54

Handel, George Friederic (1685-1759), German / Bohm, Georg (1661–1733), German(1)

St John Passion (1704)Hooper, John01:00:59

Handel, George Friederic (1685-1759), GermanSmith, John Christopher (1712-1795), English(1)

: Nabal (1764)Hooper, John02:08:26

Handl, Jacob (1550-1591), German(4)

Adoramus te Jesu ChristeSchleussner, Sebastian00:01:26
Ecce concipiesBooth, Adam00:02:01
Orietur StellaGibson, Mike00:01:22
Pater noster (1586)Hooper, John00:03:52

Hare, Erik(1)

The Plague on WheelsHare, Erik00:03:05

Harmony, Virgina (1831) arr Edwin O. Excell (1851-1921)(1)

Amazing GraceAdlon, Jeff00:01:56

Harrelson, G. Ryan (1987 - ), American(5)

Duet for Two Violins: "the Fire" - 2003Harrelson, Ryan00:02:37
Duet for Two Violins: "the Wind" - 2003Harrelson, Ryan00:00:47
For the HeroesHarrelson, Ryan00:02:24
Orchetral Suite No. 1 in GHarrelson, Ryan00:11:15
String Trio No. 1 in G minor (2001)Harrelson, Ryan00:13:37

Harris, Tal (1983-), Israeli(14)

Composed MC Escher CartoonsHarris, Tal00:01:18
Duet in Gujuri-TodiHarris, Tal00:04:00
Duet in LaleitHarris, Tal00:01:40
Etheral Orgasms for solo fluteHarris, Tal00:02:30
Four Bulbous EyesHarris, Tal00:03:37
Had Sisyphus Read Sartre...Harris, Tal00:04:16
Miniature Ballet for a Family out on a PicnicHarris, Tal00:01:38