Fri, Feb 14, 2025 NWC-Scriptorium

Catalogue of Scores in NoteWorthy Composer Format held on the Scriptorium

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- Traditional Italian(3)

C’ereno tre sorellePrada, Lorenzo00:00:53
Girolemin (The grinder’s song)Prada, Lorenzo00:01:40
La smortina (Pale and dull Girl)Prada, Lorenzo00:01:37

16th Century Canadian(1)

The Huron CarolHorne, Nigel00:04:44

Abbatini, Antonio Maria (1595-1679), Italian(1)

Dilatatae sunt tribulationes cordis meiEdwards, Mike00:03:56

Abdallah, Kamildine (1943 - 1982)(1)

Udzima wa ya MasiwaWoodroffe, Richard00:01:58

Abe, Kim (1993 - ), Korean(13)

Impromptu No. 1 (2011)Abe, Kim00:02:46
Nocturne No. 1 in E majorAbe, Kim00:02:37
Piano Concert No.1 -'Waterdrops'Abe, Kim00:00:57
Piano Sonata No. 1Abe, Kim00:08:52
Song Without Lyrics No. 1Abe, Kim00:02:58
String Quintet No. 1Abe, Kim00:01:05
Symphony No.1Abe, Kim00:01:54
Symphony No. 2Abe, Kim00:11:06
The Amusement Park SuiteAbe, Kim00:13:28
The Lord's Prayer(2011)Abe, Kim00:03:11
The Lord's Prayer(English lyric)(2011)Abe, Kim00:02:44
Variation on Flute SonatineAbe, Kim00:03:06
Violin Sonata No. 1Abe, Kim00:01:55

Aberle, Juan (1846 - 1930), Italian(1)

Himno Nacional de El SalvadorWoodroffe, Richard00:05:27

Abolafia, Daniel (1992-), American(9)

Celebrations (2006)Abolafia, Daniel A00:02:15
Invention (2006)Abolafia, Daniel A00:02:32
Lively Steps (2006)Abolafia, Daniel A00:01:25
MagnificoAbolafia, Daniel A00:02:58
Magnum Opus (2006)Abolafia, Daniel A00:04:26
New Roads (2006)Abolafia, Daniel A00:01:02
Oeuvre (2006)Abolafia, Daniel A00:01:58
Piano Duet of MagnificoAbolafia, Daniel A00:02:58
Twenty-First Century MinuetAbolafia, Daniel A00:01:06

Abrahams, Maurice (1883-1931), USA(1)

He'd Have to Get Under-Get Out Get Under (to fix up his automobile)Ferguson, Don00:02:31

Absi, Ayyoab Tarish(1)

al-ǧumhūrīyâẗu l-muttaḥidâWoodroffe, Richard00:00:42

Abt, Franz Wilhelm (1819 - 1885), German(1)

Lord for ever at thy sideScerri, Albert00:02:22

Adam, Adolphe-Charles (1803-1856), French(4)

O Holy NightKelly, Virgil K00:02:39
O Holy Night (1847)Hooper, John00:09:40
O Holy Night (1847)Hooper, John00:05:12
O Holy Night (Cantique de Noel)Jennings, James R00:08:16

Adams, Stephen (1841 - 1913), English(5)

Nancy LeeScerri, Albert00:03:44
The Holy CityTate, John Paul III00:03:46
The Holy CityHolmes, Phil00:04:29
The Holy CityScerri, Albert00:03:49
The Holy CityPardy, Lawrie00:04:02

Afame, René Djam(1)

Ô Cameroun, Berceau de nos AncêtresWoodroffe, Richard00:01:52

Ahmed Aga, Vardakosta Seyyid (1725?-1794), Turkish(1)

Sevkefzâ Sarký "Geçip de Karsima Gözlerin Süzme"iNANC [iNANÇ], Ertugrul00:01:56

Ahnfelt, Oscar (1813-1882)(1)

"Alpha and Omega", to the tune of Blott en Dag - words added in 2001Hayden, Thomas00:02:20

Akar, John Joseph (1927 - 1975),Sierra Leonean(1)

High We Exalt Thee, Realm Of The FreeWoodroffe, Richard00:00:50

Al-Khateeb, Abdul Rahman (1923 - )(1)

Aash Al MaleekWoodroffe, Richard00:00:24

Al-Soula, Ibrahim Nasir (1935 - ), Kuwaiti(1)

Al-Nasheed Al-WataniWoodroffe, Richard00:03:10

Al-Taneer, Abdul-Qader (1901 - 1957), Jordanian(1)

As-salam al-malaki al-urdoniWoodroffe, Richard00:00:30

Alaw, Hen (c. 19th), Welsh(2)

Bryniau CasiaMoffatt, Stuart00:01:26
Bryniau CasiaMoffatt, Stuart00:01:26

Albanese, Antoine (1729 - 1800), Italian(1)

Les tendres souhaitsChoppy, Bernard00:02:01

Albeniz, Isaac (1860-1909), Spanish(5)

Aragon (Fantasia) Op 47. Part 6Purdam, Andrew00:04:20
AsturiasClement, Joel00:05:11
Cantos d'España - Prélude Op. 232, N. 1 (Asturias)Spagni, Maurizio00:05:28
Castilla (Seguidillas) Op 47. Part 7Purdam, Andrew00:03:29
Zortzico (from España, Op.65)Spagni, Maurizio00:02:23

Albeniz [Albéniz], Mateo (1760-1831)(1)

Sonata (zapateado)Box, Ramón Pajares00:01:37

Albert, Prince Consort (1819 - 1861), German(1)

Te Deum (1843)Hooper, John00:06:57

Albinoni (Attrib), Tomaso (1671-1751), Italian(1)

Adagio in G minorPorter, Warren00:09:02

Albinoni, Tomaso (1671-1751), Italian(2)

AdagioCohen, Jesse00:06:01
Concerto a 5 in C for oboe and strings, Opus 9, No.5, (1722)Holmes, David00:07:54

Alborov, Felix(1)

Respublikæ Xussar Irystony Paddzaxadon GimnWoodroffe, Richard00:02:20

Albrecht, Charles (1817 - 1895)(1)

A Marcia de MuneghuWoodroffe, Richard00:01:50

Aleotti, Raphaella (1575 - c 1620), Italian(1)

Angelus ad pastores ait (1593)Hooper, John00:01:30

Alexandrov, Alexandr Vasilievich (1883 - 1946), Russian(1)

Gosudarstvenny Gimn Rossiyskoy FederatsiiWoodroffe, Richard00:01:28

Alexandrov, Boris (1905 - 1994, Russian(1)

My slavim tjebja, Pridnestrov’jeWoodroffe, Richard00:02:14

Alford, Kenneth J (1880-1945), English(13)

Army of the NileDyer, William D00:03:03
Colonel Bogey's MarchPurdam, Andrew00:03:38
Eagle SquadronDyer, William D00:03:06
HolyroodDyer, William D00:02:51
Old PanamaDyer, William D00:02:44
On the Quarter DeckDyer, William D00:02:48
The Great Little ArmyDyer, William D00:02:53
The Mad MajorDyer, William D00:02:23
The MiddyDyer, William D00:02:45
The Standard of St. GeorgeDyer, William D00:02:11
The Thin Red LineDyer, William D00:03:02
The Vanished ArmyDyer, William D00:03:08
The VedetteDyer, William D00:03:31

Allegri, Gregorio (1582-1652), Italian(3)

Miserere MeiRussell, Brian00:08:59
Miserere mei, DeusHooper, John00:12:27
Miserere Mei, DeusMoffatt, Stuart00:07:26

Alzedo, José Bernardo (1788 - 1878), Peruvian(1)

Himno Nacional del PeruWoodroffe, Richard00:02:45

Amaradeva, Wannakuwattawaduge Don (1927 - ), Sri Lancan(1)

Gaumee SalaamWoodroffe, Richard00:01:39

Andersen, Mike (1983-), USA(5)

Intensity (2000)Andersen, Mike00:02:09
Jam Session (2000)Andersen, Mike00:02:37
Random Thoughts (2000)Andersen, Mike00:03:57
The Island (2000)Andersen, Mike00:02:01
To See Her Again (2000)Andersen, Mike00:02:45

Anderson, Mark (1981-), USA(1)

3-D Suite in A-Flat (2000)Anderson, Mark00:03:20

Anderson, Willie(1)

Keystone RagButler, John C00:02:39

André, David François Marc, (1958 - )(1)

Koste SeselwaWoodroffe, Richard00:00:59

Anerio, Felice (1560 – 1614), Italian(1)

Christus factus est (1840)Hooper, John00:02:00

Angerer, Edmund (1740-1794), German(1)

Kindersymphonie G dur (Toy Symphony in G Major)Spagni, Maurizio00:09:43

Anon. Adapted by Kostas Karipis(1)

"Katinaki mu ya sena" (Rebet)iNANC [iNANÇ], Ertugrul00:01:02

anon. XIII century Spain(1)

Alfonso X el sabioSpagni, Maurizio00:00:48

anon. XIV century Italy(1)

Lamento di Tristano - RottaSpagni, Maurizio00:01:54


(Give me that) Old-time religionSpagni, Maurizio00:01:27
Ad mortem festinamusSpagni, Maurizio00:01:35
Alla fiera di mastr'AndreaMaurizio Spagni00:01:24
Alle psallite cum lujaSpagni, Maurizio00:01:21
An Italian RantWalker, Geoff00:01:35
A Noble Flow'r of JudaHenderson, AJ00:01:16
Astley's RideWalker, Geoff00:01:11
Black BearBub, William00:00:39
Brighton Camp, or The Girl I've Left Behind MeAlberga, Cyril N00:01:36
Cancionero de Upsala - n°27 "Falalalàn"Forestier, Yann00:02:02
Chevaliers de la table rondeSpagni, Maurizio00:00:26
Cinco diferencias sobre "Las vacas"Spagni, Maurizio00:02:57
Comb your Hair & Curl itWalker, Geoff00:01:27
Come Lasses and Lads (in times of Charles II)Ware, Tobias00:01:59
DanzaSpagni, Maurizio00:01:03
DaphneWalker, Geoff00:02:23
Davy, Davy, Knick KnackWalker, Geoff00:01:32
Dever the DancerWalker, Geoff00:01:27
Dona Nobis PacemHauck, Josh00:01:47
Drowsy MaggieSpagni, Maurizio00:00:43
ESTERGON KAL'ASIiNANC [iNANÇ], Ertugrul00:01:13
Fairest Lord JesusAdlon, Jeff00:01:35
FricasséeHicks, Grant00:01:57
GagliardaSpagni, Maurizio00:00:43
Garaşsyz, Bitarap TürkmenistanyňWoodroffe, Richard00:01:16
Gathering PeascodsAlberga, Cyril N00:00:44
GaudeteSpagni, Maurizio00:01:29
GreensleevesHussain, Iqbal00:00:46
Greensleeves to a groundWalker, Geoff00:05:00
Greensleeves Var. for Str. QuartetRuhl, Justin W00:02:05
Hawn Jien Mulej ('Tis me O Lord)Scerri, Albert00:01:56
Heart's EaseWalker, Geoff00:01:32
Huddersfield SMMoffatt, Stuart00:01:47
Hymne National du Burkina FasoWoodroffe, Richard00:02:00
Ik wandel in het licht met JezusVan den Bosch, Bart00:01:32
Jessie the flower of DumblaneScerri, Albert00:02:50
King Orfeo (Child Ballad #19, XIII century)Spagni, Maurizio00:02:21
L'autrier m'en aloieSpagni, Maurizio00:01:11
Lo! He Comes with Clouds DescendingHorne, Nigel00:04:47
MaesycwmmerMoffatt, Stuart00:03:37
Maltese Christmas Carol - Il-MaxturaScerri, Albert00:05:01
Maltese Christmas Carol - Stedina tal-MiliedScerri, Albert00:05:26
Na fonte está Lianor (séc. XVI)Spagni, Maurizio00:01:19
Nevâ Türkü [Turkish folk song]iNANC [iNANÇ], Ertugrul00:01:11
Om tare tuttare ture sohaSpagni, Maurizio00:01:04
Oyun HabasiiNANC [iNANÇ], Ertugrul00:01:19
PagliaccioMaurizio Spagni00:00:56
Roger de CoverlyAlberga, Cyril N00:00:59
SaltarelloSpagni, Maurizio00:01:17
Scarborough Fair (trad. 16th century)Pettett, Ken00:05:56
Se io m'accorgoSpagni, Maurizio00:01:11
Seven English Country DancesAlberga, Cyril N00:06:36
Shen Khar VenakhiOgnibene Peter J00:04:15
Shooters HornpipeWalker, Geoff00:01:24
St ThomasMoffatt, Stuart00:02:17
Tempus transit gelidum (CB 153)Spagni, Maurizio00:01:37
The Boys of Blue HillWalker, Geoff00:01:47
The Country Garden, or The Vicar of BrayAlberga, Cyril N00:03:12
The glass of beerSpagni, Maurizio00:00:55
The Orchestra SongBohnson, Clifford N00:02:16
The Song of AgincourtAlberga, Cyril N00:04:23
This is the day (ca. 1600)Wouters, Renzo00:00:40
TranseamusVander Meersen, Bob00:01:46
Upstairs & to BedWalker, Geoff00:01:17
Vaghe bellezze et bionde trecce d'oro vedi che per ti moroSpagni, Maurizio00:00:51
Virgo MariaPrada, Lorenzo00:04:36

Anonymous (Gregorian Chant)(1)

Missa De Angelis (Gregorian chant)Prada, Lorenzo00:13:45

Anonymous (XIII century)(1)

Angelus ad virginemSpagni, Maurizio00:01:27

Anrooij, Peter van(1)

Piet Hein RhapsodyStruys, Peter00:09:07

Aramburu, Luis (1905-), Basque(1)

Txistu and Chamber Orchestra Concert in DmVigor, Félix00:06:04

Araujo Afonso de, (1947 - )(1)

PátriaWoodroffe, Richard00:01:28

Arbeau, Thoinot (1519-1595), French(2)

Pavane "Belle qui tiens ma vie" from Orchesographie (1588)Guix, Joseph00:04:46
PavanneDahl, Rob00:01:35

Arcadelt, Jakob (1507-1568), French(9)

"Il bianco e dolce cigno" ("The Sweet White Swan")Hooper, John00:01:34
"Margot, hasten to the vineyard" ("Margot, labourez les vignes")Hooper, John00:00:50
Ave MariaScerri, Albert00:01:47
Ave MariaSpagni, Maurizio00:01:34
Ave MariaSee Comments00:01:11
From the "Cinquanta & sei madrigali a quattro voci"Balboni, Raimondo00:01:33
Give Ear Unto My Prayer (55th Psalm)Scerri, Albert00:01:37
Margot, labourez les vignesEdwards, Mike00:02:11
Margot, labourez les vignesGibson, Mike00:02:48

Arditi, Luigi (1822 - 1903), Italian(3)

Il Bacio (The Kiss)Scerri, Albert00:04:15
L'Incantatrice (The Enchantress)Scerri, Albert00:04:18
La Farfalletta (The Butterfly)Scerri, Albert00:05:18

Armstrong, Henry W. (Harry Armstrong) (1879-1951)(1)

You're the Flower of My Heart, Sweet AdelineButler, John C00:02:22

Arne, Dr. Thomas (1710-1778), English(4)

Rule, BritanniaAlberga, Cyril N00:00:48
Rule, Brittania!Purdam, Andrew00:01:07
Rule BritanniaSimmons, Nigel G00:03:12
Where the Bee SucksWilcock John00:01:25

Arriaga, Juan C. de (1806-1826), Spanish(2)

Los Esclavos Felices (1820), OvertureBox, Ramón Pajares00:07:33
Symphony in D (1826)Box, Ramón Pajares00:24:22

Arrowsmith, Geoff (1945 - ), English(4)

"In Romantic Style", completed 2010Arrowsmith, Geoff00:07:09
18th Street (1999, rev. 2002,2004)Arrowsmith, Geoff00:06:10
Fugue in b (1975)Arrowsmith, Geoff00:02:12
Fugue in C (1979, revised 2004)Arrowsmith, Geoff00:02:32

Ascher, Joseph (1829 - 1869), Netherlands(1)

VaillanceStruys, Peter00:03:00

Ashcraft, Sean (1989- ), American(3)

Prelude from Unfinished VariationsAshcraft, Sean00:04:14
Suite for Strings No. 1: Three Short Songs for Small Ensemble. Op. 2, Nr. 1-3Ashcraft, Sean00:05:08
The Random Opus. Op. 1, 2007.Ashcraft, Sean00:33:17

Ashworth, Colin (1958 - ), UK(2)

Festal PostludeAshworth, Colin00:02:40
My God and is thy Table spreadAshworth, Colin00:01:26

Astorga, Emanuel d' (1680 - 1757), Italian(1)

Stabat Mater (ca.1738 - 40)Hooper, John00:28:26

Attaingnant, Pierre (1494 - 1551/52), French(1)

TourdionSpagni, Maurizio00:00:40

Attwood, Thomas (1765-1838), English(3)

Come Holy GhostScerri, Albert00:04:31
Teach me, O LordLowther, G J00:01:26
Teach me O LordScerri, Albert00:01:58

Auber, Daniel (1782 - 1871) French(1)

El jaleo de Xeres (The Evening Dance) (1841)Spagni, Maurizio00:02:40

Auber, Daniel-François (1782 - 1871), French(7)

Fra Diavolo - Ne Craignez PasScerri, Albert00:02:47
Fra Diavolo - Quel Uomo Al Fiero AspettoScerri, Albert00:01:55
Manon Lescaut - C'ést l'histoire amoureuseScerri, Albert00:01:06
Manon Lescaut - Errant Depuis HierScerri, Albert00:15:22
Manon Lescaut - O Bonheur! O Jour Enchanteur!Scerri, Albert00:02:29
Masaniello - My Sister DearScerri, Albert00:01:23
Persian love song - Dark-eyed oneScerri, Albert00:01:50

Aufrance, Mary Kay (1953 - ), American(1)

Blue Little Girl (2008)Aufrance, Mary Kay00:01:48

Ayleward, Richard (1626–1669), English(1)

Preces and ResponsesHooper, John00:03:55

Ayssav, François Vincent (1955 - )(1)

Yumi, Yumi, YumiWoodroffe, Richard00:01:26

Bach, Carl Phillip Emanuel (1714-1788), German(2)

Magnificat in D major, H.772, Wq.215 (1749)Hooper, John00:42:30
Solfeggietto in C minor, Wq.117/2 1770Walker, Jason00:01:01

Bach, Johann Christian (1735 - 1780)(6)

(Op.17) 6 Keyboard Sonatas: No.2 in Cm: III.) PrestissimoCohen, Jesse00:06:49
MagnificatWoodroffe, Richard00:10:56
MagnificatHooper, John00:10:41
Organ fugue on B.A.C.H.Forestier, Yann00:06:23
Quintette en Sol Maj op 11 n2_1e mouvementsolange, Robin00:08:08
Quintette en Sol Maj op 11 n2_2e mouvementsolange, Robin00:03:10

Bach, Johann Michael (1649-1694)(1)

Nun treten wir ins neue Jahr (???)Hooper, John00:03:13

Bach, Johann Sebastian (1685-1750), German(203)

"Little" fugue in G minor for brass quartetWintringham, Lee00:03:06
(BWV.988) Goldberg Variations: AriaCohen, Jesse00:03:13
2 Fuga from Sonata No 1 in G Minor (BMV 1006 )Itami, Robert00:04:09
7. Badinerie, Orchestral Suite No.2 in B minor, BWV1067Ng, M L00:01:20
Ach Gott, wie manches Herzeleid-See Comments00:00:41
Adagio for pianoforte (BWV 975)Clement, Joel00:03:14
Air (from Orchestral Suite in No.3 in G Major, BMV.1068)Hall, Damien00:03:41
Air from Suite 3 in D BWV 1068Porter, Warren00:03:40
Air from Suite in D major n°3 BWV 1068Bonomi, Ilario00:04:47
Allegro from Brandenburg Concerto No. 5, BWV.1050 (1721)Hall, Damien00:10:15
Aria in Eb Major, "Bist Du Bei Mir" (from the Notebook for Anna Magdelena Bach)Hall, Damien00:01:42
Art of Fugue, Bwv.1080: Contrapunctus III a 4Karageanes, Jim00:03:32
Art of Fugue, Bwv.1080: Contrapunctus IX a 4 alla DuodecimaKarageanes, Jim00:02:46
Art of Fugue, Bwv.1080: Contrapunctus VI a 4 in Stile franceseKarageanes, Jim00:04:22
Art of Fugue, Bwv.1080: Contrapunctus X a 4 alla DecimaKarageanes, Jim00:05:17
Art of Fugue, Bwv.1080: Contrapunctus XI a 4Karageanes, Jim00:05:24
Art of Fugue, Bwv.1080: Contrapunctus XIX. Fuga a 3 soggetti (Completion by DF Tovey, 1931)Karageanes, Jim00:09:14
Art of Fugue, Bwv.1080: Contrapunctus XVII. Fuga a 2 Clav. (rectus); Alio modo Fuga a 2 Clav. (inversus)Karageanes, Jim00:05:33
Auf, Auf! Mein Herz, Mit Freuden, BWV441Scerri, Albert00:01:53
Avé MariaPurdam, Andrew00:02:33
Avé MariaPurdam, Andrew00:02:12
Bach's Fugue in G major (Jig), BWV 577Hauck, Josh00:02:55
Bist Du Bei Mir (Abide With Me), BWV508Scerri, Albert00:01:59
B Minor Mass - BenedictusKing, Robert00:03:28
Bouree from Lute Suite in E Minor (arr. for keyboard)Audler, Zachary00:01:35
Brandenburg Concerto No. 4 in G Major BWV 1049Spagni, Maurizio00:15:37
Brandenburg Concerto No. 6 in Bb MajorTate, John Paul III00:15:38
Brandenburg Concerto No3Pendrey, Nigel00:10:49
Cantata "Dem Gerechten muss das Licht immer wieder aufgehen" BWV 195Forestier, Yann00:04:35
Cantata "In allen meinen Taten" BWV 97Forestier, Yann00:06:01
Cantata 131 (Aus der tiefe) (1707)Hooper, John00:21:30
Cantata BWV 18Forestier, Yann00:12:34
Cantata BWV 30 "Freue dich, erlöste Schar"Forestier, Yann00:04:31
Cantata BWV 38 - Aus tiefer Not schrei ich zu dirForestier, Yann00:03:05
Cantata BWV 92 "Ich hab in Gottes Herz und Sinn"Forestier, Yann00:03:00
Cantata BWV 108 Es ist euch gut, dass ich hingeheForestier, Yann00:02:21
Cantata BWV 113 "Herr Jesu Christ, du höchstes Gut"Forestier, Yann00:04:51
Cantata BWV 137 "Lobe den Herren, den mächtigen König der Ehren", movement 4/5Forestier, Yann00:02:40
Cantata BWV 143 " Lobe den Herrn, meine Seele"Forestier, Yann00:12:29
Cantata BWV 167 "Ihr Menschen, rühmet Gottes Liebe"Forestier, Yann00:02:25
Cantata BWV 182 "Himmelkönig, sei willkommen"Forestier, Yann00:01:41
Cantata BWV 190 "Singet den Herrn ein neues Lied" - All MovementsForestier, Yann00:14:46
Cantata BWV 194 "Höchsterwünschtes Freudenfest"Forestier, Yann00:06:01
Cantata BWV 194 "Höchsterwünschtes Freudenfest"Forestier, Yann00:01:30
Cantata BWV 194 "Höchsterwünschtes Freudenfest"Forestier, Yann00:03:43
Cantata BWV 194 "Höchsterwünschtes Freudenfest"Forestier, Yann00:01:04
Cantata BWV 194 "Höchsterwünschtes Freudenfest" 1st MovementForestier, Yann00:04:30
cantata BWV 198 "lass Fürstin, noch einen Strahl" - movement 2Forestier, Yann00:01:02
cantata BWV 198 "lass Fürstin, noch einen Strahl" - movement 3Forestier, Yann00:03:44
Cantata BWV 198 "Laß, Fürstin, lass noch einen Strahl" (Trauer-Ode)Forestier, Yann00:04:27
Cantata BWV 198 "Laß, Fürstin, lass noch einen Strahl" (Trauer-Ode)Forestier, Yann00:01:58
Cantata BWV 198 "Laß, Fürstin, lass noch einen Strahl" (Trauer-Ode)Forestier, Yann00:00:55
Cantata BWV 198 "Laß, Fürstin, lass noch einen Strahl" (Trauer-Ode) _ movement 10/10Forestier, Yann00:04:04
Cantata No. 4, Christ lag in TodesbandenJennings, James R00:17:31
Cantata No 140 - ChorusGibson, Mike00:07:43
Cantata No 140 - ChorusGibson, Mike00:07:43
Cantata No: 11 (Ascension Oratorio), (1735)Hooper, John00:28:20
Cantata No: 21 (Ich hatte viel Bekümmernis)(My spirit was in heaviness), (1713)Hooper, John00:40:51
Cantata No: 29 (Wir danken dir, Gott, wir danken dir), (1731)Hooper, John00:23:28
Cantata No: 30 (Freue dich, erloste Schar), (1738)Hooper, John00:39:17
Cantata No: 40 (Darzu ist erschienen der Sohn Gottes), (1723)Hooper, John00:14:31
Cantata No: 63 (Christen, atzet diesen tag)Hooper, John00:27:06
Cantata No: 91 (Gelobet seist du, Jesu Christ), (1724)Hooper, John00:16:25
Cantata No: 118 (O Jesu Christ, meins Lebens Licht), (1736)Hooper, John00:06:38
Cantata No: 137 (Loben den Herren)(Praise the Lord), (1725)Hooper, John00:13:11
Cantata No: 140 - Sleepers wake (1731)Hooper, John00:26:05
Cantata No: 146 (Wir mussen durch viel Trubsal - We must [pass] through great sadness)), (1726 or 1728)Hooper, John00:38:44
Cantata No: 147 - Herz und Mund und Tat und Leben (1723)Hooper, John00:29:08
Cantata No: 150 - Nach dir, Herr, verlanget michSee Comments00:26:05
Cantata No: 191 (Gloria in excelsis Deo)Hooper, John00:16:51
Cantata No: 229 (Komm, Jesu, komm), (1731–1732)Hooper, John00:07:09
Cantata nr. 99 "Was Gott tut, das ist Wohlgetan (IInd version), BWV 99Forestier, Yann00:15:43
Cantata n° 22 "Jesus nahm zu sich die Zwölfe" - Movement 5 of 5 (chorale)Forestier, Yann00:01:52
Cantata n° 41 - 6 "Dein ist allein die Ehre "See Comments00:02:20
Capriccio 'On the Departure of His Beloved Brother': V.) Aria di Postiglione (BWV.992)Cohen, Jesse00:01:04
Cello suite I (BWV 1007)Ladame, Philippe00:18:34
Cello Suite II (BWV 1008)Ladame, Philippe00:17:17
Cello Suite III (BWV 1009)Ladame, Philippe00:21:14
Cello Suite IV (BWV 1010)Pendrey, Nigel00:20:58
Cello Suite V (BWV 1011)Pendrey, Nigel00:21:48
Chaconne in D minor, BWV1004 - 1720Mill, Carl B00:12:57
Chorale no. 347, from BWV 250-252, 3 Choräle zu TrauungeniNANC [iNANÇ], Ertugrul00:01:15
Chorale Prelude: (BWV 721) Erbarm dich mein, o Herre GottCohen, Jesse00:03:41
Christmas Oratorio (BWV 248), 1734 (English Choral parts)Gibson, Mike00:56:27
Christmas Oratorio (BWV 248), 1734 (German Choral parts)Gibson, Mike00:56:14
Christmas Oratorio [Weihnachtsoratorium] (BWV 248), 1734Hooper, John02:27:33
Concerto For 4 Pianos Bwv 1065 VerbierClement, Joel00:10:00
Concerto for Two Violins in D minor, BWV. 1043Richardson, Greg00:15:22
Concerto for violino N°1 BWV 1041Clement, Joel00:11:57
Concerto for violino N°2 BWV 1042Clement, Joel00:14:38
Concerto for violino N°3 BWV 1043Clement, Joel00:14:41
Concerto for violino N°4 BWV 1052Clement, Joel00:22:45
Concerto for violino N°5 BWV 1056Clement, Joel00:09:57
Concerto n. 3 in Dm for keyboard (BWV974)Spagni, Maurizio00:10:26
Contrapunctus IX a 4 alla Duodecima (From Art of Fugue)Hauck, Josh00:02:56
Crab Canon from 'A Musical Offering' BWV1079 Published 1747Walker, Jason00:00:36
Dearest Lord Jesus (Liebster Herr Jesu), BWV 484Scerri, Albert00:02:19
Der Geist hilft unsrer schwachheit auf, BWV 226, (1729)Hooper, John00:06:54
Divinum numerium 111 (2022)Bordes, Dan00:01:11
Double Violin Concerto BWV 1043Dojo, Jinx00:02:55
Easter Oratorio [Oster Oratorium] (BWV 249), 1734Hooper, John00:57:22
English Suite 3, BWV 808Vermande, Tim00:13:07
Fantasia and Fugue in C minor, BWV 537Gierlinsk, Mareki00:07:37
Fantasia in G major, BWV 572Beelen, Paul00:07:41
Forget Me Not - (Vergiss Mein Nicht), BWV504Scerri, Albert00:02:40
Fuge in c-Moll, BWV 847Gregg, Andrew00:01:32
Fugue in c for Strings, BWV 537bKarageanes, Jim00:03:24
Fugue in e minorArrowsmith, Geoff00:02:45
Fugue in E Minor (Wedge) BWV548Hauck, Josh00:07:19
Fugue in G minor, BWV 578Beelen, Paul00:03:40
Fürchte dich nicht BWV 228Gibson, Mike00:08:34
Goldberg Variations : Aria (BWV 988)Clement, Joel00:03:51
Ich Ruf Zu Dir, Herr (Jesu Christ) (BWV 639)Scott, Matthew00:02:42
Invention Number 13Hatmaker, Chase00:00:50
Jesu, Joy of Man's DesiringPurdam, Andrew00:03:05
Jesu, Joy of Man's DesiringJacques, Alain00:06:15
Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring, 1723 BWV 147Hooper, John00:03:01
Jesu meine Freude, Motet No. 3 in E minor, BWV 227, (1723)Hooper, John00:19:35
Jesus Bleibet Meine Freude (1723)Hall, Damien00:02:56
Jesus Bleibet Meine Freude (1723)See Comments00:01:14
Kaffee kantate bwv211 (1734?)Spagni, Maurizio00:17:41
Komm Susser Tod, BWV478Scerri, Albert00:01:55
Little Fugue in G minor, BWV.578Hung, B H00:04:00
Magnificat in D (BWV 243), 1723Hooper, John00:29:20
Magnificat in D (BWV 243) - OrchestralJennings, James R00:31:32
Magnificat in D (BWV 243) - Piano reductionJennings, James R00:31:03
Magnificat in D (BWV 243) - Sicut locutus estSee Comments00:01:59
Mass in B minor (BWV 232)Mill, Carl B01:58:54
Mass in B minor, BWV 232Gibson, Mike00:58:18
Mass in B minor, BWV 232Hooper, John01:45:28
Mass in F (Missa Brevis) BWV 233 - GloriaLe Riche, Philip00:05:44
Mass in F major (BWV 233)Hooper, John00:23:27
Mein gläubiges Herze Aria from Kantate Nr. 68Lonneke, Michael00:03:28
Minuet in G Major (from the Notebook for Anna Magdelena Bach)Hall, Damien00:01:14
Missa Brevis in A major (BWV 234) (1735)Hooper, John00:36:45
Motet 4 BWV 228 - Fürchte dich nicht (Do not fear), (1726)Hooper, John00:08:51
Offrande musicaleClement, Joel00:02:04
O praise the Lord, all ye Nations [Lobet den Herrn, alle Heiden] (Motet 6: BWV 230), Unknown dateHooper, John00:08:02
Partita No. 3 in E major (BWV 1006)Carrasco, Daniel00:04:09
Partitia in E minorHauck, Josh00:00:43
Passacaglia and Fugue in C Minor, BWV 582Hicks, Grant00:11:09
Praeludium in c-Moll, BWV 847Gregg, Andrew00:01:12
Prelude & Fugue in D for Orchestra BWV 532Karageanes, Jim00:10:20
Prelude & Fugue in G for Orchestra BWV 550Karageanes, Jim00:05:45
Prelude (from Prelude, Fugue and Allegro in Eb for Lute). BWV 998.Walker, Jason00:02:17
Prelude, BWV 569Vermande, Tim00:04:34
Prelude and Fugue BWV 533Vermande, Tim00:03:04
Prelude and Fugue for organ, BWV 531Vermande, Tim00:04:38
Prelude and fugue in b for Strings, BWV 544Karageanes, Jim00:11:12
Prelude and Fugue in C For Orchestra (2005)Karageanes, Jim00:09:25
Prelude and Fugue in D, BWV 532Vermande, Tim00:09:05
Prelude and Fugue in G, for The Hutchins Consort (2005)Karageanes, Jim00:08:23
Prelude and Fugue in G major, BWV 550Beelen, Paul00:05:38
Prelude in Am BWV.894Cohen, Jesse00:05:27
Prelude in G-Major, BWV 568Gemmill, James00:02:50
Re-Aria BWV 515 So oft ich meine Tobackspfeife (2022)Bordes, Dan00:01:11
Recit. nr.23 from St. Matteus PassionGrecay, Paul00:01:11
Reminuet in d minor 132 (2022)Bordes, Dan00:01:56
Reminuet in G major (2022)Bordes, Dan00:01:22
Secular cantata BWV 206 'Schleigt, spielende Weilen", mvt 9/11Forestier, Yann00:03:35
Short Prelude in G min, BWV 558, BG XXXVIII GMPurdam, Andrew00:01:53
Short Prelude in G min, BWV 558, BG XXXVIII JeuxPurdam, Andrew00:01:53
Sinfonia #9 in f minor, BWV 794Waterman, Charles00:02:48
Sinfonia von Wir Danken Dir, G-ttWeed, Michael J00:02:49
Singet dem Herrn ein neues Lied, BWV 225, (1727)Hooper, John00:12:22
Sleeper Wake Chorale Prelude for Organ (1731)Woodroffe, Richard00:04:56
Sonata in E flat major for flute and harpsichord, BWV 1031Beelen, Paul00:17:45
St John Passion (BWV 245)Gibson, Mike00:43:51
St John Passion (BWV 245), 1723Hooper, John02:10:37
St Luke Passion (BWV 246)Hooper, John00:45:13
St Matthew Passion (BWV 244), 1729Hooper, John02:49:23
St Matthew Passion, BWV 244 Choral PartsGibson, Mike00:44:53
Suite No.2 in B Minor - Badinerie (Arranged for Harpsichord)Hauck, Josh00:01:20
Suite No.6 for Solo Violoncello (BVW 1012) (1717-1723)Pendrey, Nigel00:22:49
The Art of the Fugue - Contrapunctus I (BWV 1080 - 1750)Lehr, Geoffrey00:02:36
The Well-Tempered Clavier (Bk.I), Prelude and Fugue in D major, Bwv.850Karageanes, Jim00:02:59
Toccata & Fugue in F Major, BWV 540Beard, Brendon00:08:15
Toccata, Adagio, & Fugue in C for Orchestra BWV 564Karageanes, Jim00:14:55
Toccata, Adagio e Fuga in Do maggiore (BWV 564)Spagni, Maurizio00:13:51
Toccata and Fugue in D minorBeelen, Paul00:07:56
Toccata and Fugue in d minorBenson, Katie00:01:15
Trio Sonata #1, BWV 525Vermande, Tim00:16:26
Trio Sonata #2, BWV 526Vermande, Tim00:14:01
Trio Sonata #3, BWV 527Vermande, Tim00:12:00
Trio Sonata #4, BWV 528Vermande, Tim00:07:46
Trio Sonata 5, BWV 529Vermande, Tim00:13:20
Trio Sonata 6, BWV 530Vermande, Tim00:13:03
Two-Part Piano Invention #1Pool, Don00:01:26
Two-Part Piano Invention #8Pool, Don00:01:16
Two Part InventionsHauck, Josh00:17:04
Wachet Auf, Ruft Uns Die Stimme, BWV140Scerri, Albert00:03:43
Well Tempered Clavier: Book 1, Prelude # 1 in C majorMoalem. Beeri00:01:36
Well Tempered Clavier: Prelude No.6 in D minor BWV 851Spagni, Maurizio00:01:22
Well Tempered Clavier Book I: Prelude and Fugue No. 5 in D majorKarageanes, Jim00:02:59
Well Tempered Clavier Book I: Prelude and Fugue No. 12 in F minorKarageanes, Jim00:08:09
Well Tempered Clavier Book I: Prelude and Fugue No. 21 in Bb majorKarageanes, Jim00:03:33
Well Tempered Clavier Book II: Prelude and Fugue No. 07 in Eb majorKarageanes, Jim00:04:54
Well Tempered Clavier Book II: Prelude and Fugue No. 15 in G majorKarageanes, Jim00:03:42
Well Tempered Clavier Book II: Prelude and Fugue No. 20 in A minorKarageanes, Jim00:04:18
Well Tempered Clavier Prelude No.6 in D minorHauck, Josh00:01:24
Well Tempered Clavier Prelude No. 21 in B flat major, BWV 866aHauck, Josh00:01:00
Wohl mir, dass ich Jesum habe.Hollander, Joop00:03:15
Wo soll ich fliehen hin? BWV 646Beelen, Paul00:01:45

Badev, Atanas (1860 - 1908), Macedonian(2)

Heruvimska pesenKnutzen, Helge00:02:35
Jako da tsariaKnutzen, Helge00:02:33

Bagley, E.E.(2)

National EmblemYoung, Brian00:03:00
National Emblem MarchDyer, William D00:02:53

Bairstow, Edward Sir (1874 – 1946), English(7)

Blessed City, heavenly Salem (No Lyrics)Gibson, Mike00:06:46
Jesu, the very thought of Thee (1911)Hooper, John00:02:10
Let all mortal flesh keep silence (1906)Hooper, John00:02:57
Music, when soft voices dieGibson, Mike00:02:16
Oak and AshGibson, Mike00:02:06
Save us, O LordGibson, Mike00:03:36
Save us, O Lord, waking (1902)Hooper, John00:03:50

Balekana, Panapasa (1921 - 2009), Fijian(1)

God Save Our Solomon IslandsWoodroffe, Richard00:01:04

Balfe, William (1808-1870)(4)

Bohemian Girl - I dreamt that I dwelt in marble hallsScerri, Albert00:02:19
ExcelsiorWoodroffe, Richard00:05:36
The Bohemian Girl - Then you'll remember meScerri, Albert00:02:43
The lonely roseScerri, Albert00:03:23

Banchieri, Adriano (1567-1634), Italian(1)

Festino, a Madrigal comedy (1608)Lee, Christopher00:33:45

Bangs, Carl, American(1)

The Blue Diamond PolkaBangs, Carl00:03:11

Barbieri, Francisco A. (1823-1894), Spanish(1)

El Barberillo de Lavapiés (1874), selecciónBox, Ramón Pajares00:09:52

Barengayabo, Marc (1934 - 2013), Burundian(1)

Burundi BwâcuWoodroffe, Richard00:01:51

Barnby, Joseph (1838 - 1896), English(2)

O Lord, how manifold are thy worksGibson, Mike00:02:54
Sweet and LowRoberts, Joseph00:01:56

Barrios, Agustin - Mangoré (1885 - 1944), Paraguayan(2)

A mi madreSpagni, Maurizio00:09:24
CuecaSpagni, Maurizio00:03:06

Bartok [Bartók], Béla (1881 - 1945), Hungarian(1)

Four Slovak Folk SongsDechargé, Pierre00:03:58

Bataille, Gabriel L (1575 - 1630)(1)

Chanson à boireSee Comments00:02:10

Bateson, Thomas (1570-1630), English(3)

Down From Above (1604)Ware, Tobias00:02:13
If Love Be Blind (1604)Ware, Tobias00:01:45
Whither So Fast? (1604)Ware, Tobias00:01:44

Batten, Adrian (1591-1637), English(1)

O Praise the LordGibson, Mike00:01:24

Battishill, Johnathan (1738 - 1801), English(1)

O Lord, look down from Heaven (No Lyrics)Gibson, Mike00:03:54

Battle, Ramón Carnicer y, (1780 - 1855), Chilean(1)

Himno Nacional de ChileWoodroffe, Richard00:02:22

Baumanis, Karlis (1834 - 1904), Latvian(1)

Dievs, sveti LatvijuWoodroffe, Richard00:01:47

Bayes, Nora(1)

Shine On Harvest MoonBarham, Christopher00:01:43

Bazzini, Antonio (1818 - 1897), Italian(1)

Ronde des Lutins (Goblins' Dance)Fantastic Scherzo Op. 25Woodroffe, Richard00:04:53

Beach, Amy [Marcy Cheney] (1867 - 1944), American(4)

Canticle of the Sun (1924)Hooper, John00:21:24
Mass in E flat (1892)Hooper, John00:58:54
Nunc Dimittis (1891)Hooper, John00:02:15
Three Shakespeare Choruses (1897)Hooper, John00:07:02

Beaver, Raymond (1929 -), English(4)

Cool it (1988).Beaver, Raymond00:01:42
Prelude for Guitar: Version I.Beaver, Raymond00:03:35
Prelude for Guitar: Version II.Beaver, Raymond00:03:55
Valse Triste for String OrchestraBeaver, Raymond00:06:07

Becker, Zac(1)

Quartet n.1, " Das Gastfreundliche ", 1st MovementBecker, Zac00:02:55

Beelen, Paul (1974-), Dutch(9)

Agnus Dei, dona nobis pacemBeelen, Paul00:01:53
Bagatelle (in G minor)Beelen, Paul00:00:52
Dance of LifeBeelen, Paul00:03:09
Duet for Violin and Viola in A majorBeelen, Paul00:01:16
Melody for Organ in G minorBeelen, Paul00:01:51
Tempo Giusto (Etude for piano in A major)Beelen, Paul00:03:55
Utopia (Based on Melody for Organ in G minor)Beelen, Paul00:01:38
Veni, Sancte SpiritusBeelen, Paul00:02:36
Veni, Sancte SpiritusBeelen, Paul00:02:36

Beethoven, Ludwig van (1770-1827), German(97)

"Bonn" Sonata IBohnson, Clifford N00:14:16
"Bonn" Sonata IIBohnson, Clifford N00:13:20
"Bonn" Sonata IIIBohnson, Clifford N00:21:18
"Oh Thou art the Love of My Life, Willy" (Hess 202)Dyer, William D00:01:41
"O Let the Night My Blushes Hide" (Hess 204a)Dyer, William D00:03:22
"Tis Sunshine at Last" (Hess 178)Dyer, William D00:02:37
"To The Blackbird" (ca 1810)Dyer, William D00:04:10
33 Variations on a Waltz of Diabelli, Op. 120Lunsford, Danny Ross00:55:48
Adagio Cantabile from Piano Sonata #8 in C minor, Op. 13 "Pathetique"Nachbaur, Fred00:04:57
Adelaide - Op 46Clement, Joel00:06:00
Bagatelle in A minor (Fur Elise)Dowden, Blair00:02:43
Beethoven's 5th Symphony, 2nd Movement (Piano Reduction)Bell, Jon00:02:39
Christ on the Mount of Olives - Christus am Ölberge, Op.85 (1802)Hooper, John00:44:50
Concerto for Violin & Orchestra in D Major, Op.61 (1806)Billett, Tina00:16:40
Concerto N°5 Opus 73 "Emperor" (Adagio)Clement, Joel00:06:52
Consecration of the House Op.124 (1822)Billett, Tina00:09:47
Coriolanus Op.62 (1807)Billett, Tina00:07:52
Dona nobis pacemHooper, John00:02:07
Egmont Op.84 (1809-10)Billett, Tina00:07:16
Egmont Overture in F minor (piano reduction)Tate, John Paul III00:07:42
Fidelio (Opus 72 - 1814) - No 3 Quartet - "Mir ist so wunderbar"Aarons, Robert00:04:12
Fidelio Op.72 (1814)Billett, Tina00:05:58
Hallelujah Chorus (from The Mount of Olives, Op. 85)Hall, Damien00:04:11
Hallelujah Chorus (from The Mount of Olives, Op. 85)Gibson, Mike00:05:14
Ich Liebe DichScerri, Albert00:01:23
Inno al CreatoreScerri, Albert00:01:40
Inno alla notteScerri, Albert00:02:08
Joyful And Mournful (Freudvoll Und Leidvoll)Scerri, Albert00:01:26
King Stephan Op 117 (1811)Billett, Tina00:07:34
Leichte SonateHatmaker, Chase00:04:14
Leonore No 1 Op.138 (1806-7)Billett, Tina00:08:03
Leonore No 2 Op.72 (1804-5)Billett, Tina00:10:59
Leonore No 3 Op.72 (1805-6)Billett, Tina00:11:49
Leonore Overture #3, Op. 72Tate, John Paul III00:13:23
MarmotteScerri, Albert00:02:19
Mass in C (Op 86)Gibson, Mike00:38:24
Mass in C (Op 86), 1807Hooper, John00:43:25
Mass in D (Missa solemnis) (Op 123), 1823Hooper, John01:18:59
Meeresstille und glückliche Fahrt (Op. 112)Woodroffe, Richard00:07:14
Moonlight Sonata - Adagio arr. for flute trio (incomplete)Enlow, Lizzy00:01:21
Moonlight Sonata 1st Mvt. (Techno Dance Remix)Ho, John00:02:09
Opferlied (Op.121b) (1824)Hooper, John00:05:44
Ouvertüre CoriolanNachbaur, Sharon00:07:52
Piano Concerto No. 3, in C min, Op. 37 (1800)Hoekstra, Tim00:34:05
Piano Sonata No. 1. F minor, Op.2 No.1Billett, Tina00:15:48
Piano Sonata No. 2. A major, Op.2 No.2Billett, Tina00:22:57
Piano Sonata no.5 (Op.10.1) II.) Adagio moltoCohen, Jesse00:05:38
Piano Sonata No. 8. C minor, Op.13 (Pathétique)Billett, Tina00:17:57
Piano Sonata No. 14. C# minor, Op.27 No.2 (Moonlight)Billett, Tina00:14:02
Piano Sonata No. 17 Opus. 31 No. 2 "The Tempest"Arrigoni, Ugo Nunes00:06:13
Piano Sonata No. 23. F minor, Op.57 (Appassionata)Billett, Tina00:22:38
Piano Sonata No 3 in C major. Op.2 No.3Billett, Tina00:26:58
Piano Sonata Op. 26 in AbLunsford, Danny Ross00:18:22
Piano Sonata Op. 57 (Apassionata) - 1st. MovementDale, Malcolm00:11:18
Piano Sonata Op. 106 in BbLunsford, Danny Ross00:41:44
Piano Sonata Op. 110 in AbLunsford, Danny Ross00:17:04
Piano Sonata Op. 111 in C minorLunsford, Danny Ross00:24:05
Quartet No. 10 in Eb Major, Op. 74 "Harp"Richardson, Greg00:27:59
Romance No. 2 in F for Violin and Piano, Op. 50Porter, Warren00:10:18
Sonata in C Minor ("Pathétique")Dowden, Blair00:18:46
Sonata in f minor "Appassionata" Op. 57Carrasco, Daniel00:07:17
Sonata no. 1 in F minor op. 2 no. 1Carroll, Simon00:16:49
Sonata No. 8 in C minor, Op. 13 "Pathetique"Tate, John Paul III00:08:00
Sonata Number 14 in C# Minor, Op.27 No.1, "Moonlight", Adagio sostenutoHall, Damien00:05:45
Sonata Number 14 in C# Minor, Op.27 No.1, "Moonlight", AllegrettoPurdam, Andrew00:02:02
Sonata Number 14 in C# Minor, Op.27 No.1, "Moonlight", Presto AgitatoPurdam, Andrew00:07:00
Sonatine WO 44a, composed 1796Foley, Bill00:03:21
String Quartet No. 13, Op. 130, Movement V 'Cavatina'Bell, Jon00:05:16
Symphonie Nr. IX, Finale, Op.125Tate, John Paul III00:46:58
Symphony 3 Eb major: Scherzo (1804, opus 55)Segerstråle, Martin00:05:52
Symphony 9, D minor: Scherzo (1824, opus 125)Segerstråle, Martin00:13:36
Symphony No. 5 in C minor, Op. 67 (1807-8)Billett, Tina00:29:05
Symphony No. 6, in F maj, Op. 68, 'Pastoral' (5th movement)Siang, Peh Chen00:09:10
Symphony No 1 in C Major, Op.21 (1800)Billett, Tina00:22:50
Symphony No 2 in D Major, Op.36 (1801-2)Billett, Tina00:29:22
Symphony No 3 in E-flat Major "Eroica", Op 55 (1803)Billett, Tina00:41:51
Symphony No 4 in B-flat Major, Op. 60 (1806)Billett, Tina00:28:43
Symphony No 5 - Allegro con brio Opus 67Clement, Joel00:07:53
Symphony No 6 in F major, Op. 68 "Pastorale" (1808)Billett, Tina00:39:49
Symphony No 7 - Allegretto Opus 92Clement, Joel00:07:50
Symphony No 7 in A Major, Op 92 (1811-12)Billett, Tina00:37:31
Symphony No 8 in F Major Op 93 (1812)Billett, Tina00:22:18
Symphony No 9 in D Minor, Op.125 (1822-24)Billett, Tina01:00:49
The Choral Fantasy in C minor, Op 80 (Finale) AllegroMill, Carl B00:11:14
The Choral Fantasy in C minor, Op 80 (Prelude) AdagioMill, Carl B00:02:42
The Choral Fantasy in C minor, Op 80 Allegretto, ma non troppoMill, Carl B00:08:16
The Choral Fantasy in C minor, Op 80 Allegretto, ma non troppoGibson, Mike00:05:20
The Choral Fantasy in C minor, Opus 80 CompleteMill, Carl B00:18:18
The Creatures of Prometheus Op 43. (1800-01)Billett, Tina00:04:26
The Ruins of Athens Op 113 (1811)Billett, Tina00:03:38
Trio Opus 11 1798Moffatt, Stuart00:18:05
Turkish March from "The Ruins of Athens"Purdam, Andrew00:01:54
Turkish March from The Ruins of Athens (1811)Billett, Tina00:01:50
Twelve Minuets for Orchestra, 1799 (WoO12)Dyer, William D00:42:58
Violin Concerto in D majorHirao, Yoshikazu00:30:43
Wellington's Victory in the battle of Vittoria. Op.91 (1822-24)Billett, Tina00:15:12
Wer ein holdes Weib errungen (from Fidelio)Lamminga, Klaas00:04:24

Bell, Richard(2)

Behold the manBell, Richard00:01:07
Light of truthBell, Richard00:01:09

Bellini, Vincenzo Salvatore (1801 - 1835), Sicilian(41)

Ah non giunge from "La Sonnambula"Clement, Joel00:02:50
Beatrice Di Tenda - Angiol Di PaceScerri, Albert00:02:22
Beatrice Di Tenda - Come T'adoroScerri, Albert00:03:23
Beatrice Di Tenda - O Native ScenesScerri, Albert00:02:47
Casta Diva from "Norma"Clement, Joel00:11:43
Dolente Immagine Di Figlia MiaScerri, Albert00:02:43
Fenesta che luciveScerri, Albert00:03:05
Il Pirata - Coro Dei PiratiScerri, Albert00:05:03
Il Pirata - Ebben Si AduniScerri, Albert00:03:15
Il Pirata - Lasciami Forza UmanaScerri, Albert00:03:01
Il Pirata - Nel furor delle tempesteScerri, Albert00:03:20
I Puritani - A te o cara (For you dear)Scerri, Albert00:04:18
I Puritani - By A Fountain Was RecliningScerri, Albert00:02:32
I Puritani - Come Brave The Sea (Suoni La Tromba)Scerri, Albert00:02:18
I Puritani - Son Vergin Vezzosa (Behold Me)Scerri, Albert00:02:43
La Sonnambula - Ah non credea mirartiScerri, Albert00:03:12
La Sonnambula - Ah perche non posso odiartiScerri, Albert00:02:09
La Sonnambula - Come per me serenoScerri, Albert00:01:28
La Sonnambula - Prendi l'anel ti donoScerri, Albert00:11:44
La Sonnambula - Tutto E Gioia, Tutto E FestaScerri, Albert00:04:50
La Sonnambula - Vi ravviso o luoghi ameniScerri, Albert00:01:49
La Straniera - Ciel PietosoScerri, Albert00:01:51
La Straniera - Meco Tu Vieni O MiseraScerri, Albert00:04:32
La Straniera - Sventurato il corScerri, Albert00:01:52
MalinconiaClement, Joel00:01:19
Norma - Ah can'st thou leave meScerri, Albert00:02:20
Norma - Casta DivaClement, Joel00:06:43
Norma - Casta Diva (Virgin Godess)Scerri, Albert00:04:22
Norma - Gia Mia Pasco Nei Tuoi SguardiScerri, Albert00:02:29
Norma - Guerra! Guerra! Le Galliche selveScerri, Albert00:01:38
Norma - Meco all'altarScerri, Albert00:06:18
Norma - Mira o NormaScerri, Albert00:07:16
Norma - Qual Cor TradistiScerri, Albert00:06:13
Norma - Viene Le Cinge La ChiomaScerri, Albert00:03:35
Norma - Vieni In Roma Ah Vieni O CaraScerri, Albert00:04:00
Oh! di qual sei tu vittima from "Norma"Clement, Joel00:04:13
Oh rimembranza from "Norma"Clement, Joel00:10:15
Salve ReginaScerri, Albert00:05:13
Si, fino all'ore from "Norma"Clement, Joel00:02:06
Teneri figli from "Norma"Clement, Joel00:01:27
Vaga luna che inargentiScerri, Albert00:03:50

Bendl, Karel (1838-1897), Czechoslovakian(4)

Gipsy Songs Part I No. 1Scerri, Albert00:01:31
Gipsy Songs Part I No 5Scerri, Albert00:01:09
Gypsy Songs Part 1 No 13Scerri, Albert00:00:56
Gypsy Songs Part 2 No 5Scerri, Albert00:01:26

Bennett, Joe L. (1952 - ), USA(1)

Symphony #1 (The Dark Symphony)Bennett, Joe00:14:39

Berger, Francesco (1834 - 1933), English(1)

Windsor Castle Polka (1879)Woodroffe, Richard00:06:11

Berlioz, Louis Hector (1803 - 1869), French(16)

Damnation De Faust - Faust's AriaScerri, Albert00:03:03
Damnaton de Faust - Méphistophélès SerenadeScerri, Albert00:02:48
Grande Messe des morts, Op. 5 (Requiem) (1837)Hooper, John01:24:18
L'Adieu des bergers a la sainte familleLamminga, Klaas00:03:24
L'enfance du Christe (The Childhood of Christ) (1850, 1853-54)Hooper, John01:33:03
La Damnation De Faust - Chanson D'etudiantesScerri, Albert00:01:21
Les Nuitsd'ete Op 7 - VillanelleScerri, Albert00:02:40
Les nuits d'été (opus 7)Clement, Joel00:06:18
Les Troyens - Errante Sur Les MersScerri, Albert00:01:58
Les Troyens - Non, Je Ne Verrai PasScerri, Albert00:02:05
Les Troyens - O Blonde CérèsScerri, Albert00:03:04
Romance - Le Dépit de la Bergère (1816)Scerri, Albert00:03:28
Shepherds' FarewellWoodroffe, Richard00:03:01
Symphonie fantastique Op. 14 - 2 Un bal (1830)Spagni, Maurizio00:06:08
Te Deum, Op. 22 (1849)Hooper, John00:51:30
Tristia, Op. 18 (various, published 1852)Hooper, John00:16:33

Bertoli, Giovanni Antonio (1598 - c1645)(1)

Bassoon Sonata 1Schleussner, Sebastian00:07:16

Berwald, Franz Adolf (1796-1868), Swedish(1)

Symphony No. 3 in C major, Sinfonie singulièreHicks, Grant00:29:15

Bey, Kanuni Haci Arif (1862-1911), Turkish(1)

Sultaniyegâh Saz SemaisiEkinci, Mehmet Ugur00:04:37

Bezza, Elìa Mauro(1)

Partite sopra CarulliBezza, Elìa00:10:02

Biber, Heinrich Ignaz Franz (1644 - 1704), Bohemian-Austrian(2)

Requiem in F minorGibson, Mike00:14:35
Requiem in F minor (1692)Hooper, John00:29:15

Bidgood, Thomas (1858-1925), English(1)

Sons of the Brave (1898)Struys, Peter00:02:55

Bihari, Janos (1807-), Hungarian(1)

Verbunk (Hungarian Dance)Fábián, József00:01:46

Billings, Williams (1746 – 1800), American(1)

Chester (1778)Hooper, John00:02:26

Bishop, Sir Henry (1786-1855), English(2)

Foresters, sound the cheerful hornHooper, John00:02:04
Lo! Here (sic.) the Gentle LarkWoodroffe, Richard00:03:44

Bizet, Georges (1838-1875), French(32)

"Chorus of Cigarette Girls" from opera Carmen (1875)Tamiya, Takahiro00:03:13
"Duet" from opera Carmen (1875)Tamiya, Takahiro00:07:44
"Le Voici" from Carmen Fantaisie BrillantePurdam, Andrew00:01:18
Adagietto from L'ArlesiennePorter, Warren00:01:45
Agnus DeiScerri, Albert00:03:00
Au fond du temple saintLamminga, Klaas00:03:01
Carmen (1875) (CRV)Hooper, John01:05:39
Carmen (1875) (JCL)Clement, Joel02:37:49
Carmen - (Habanera) L'amour est un oiseau rebelleScerri, Albert00:01:50
Carmen - En Vain Pour Eviter La MortScerri, Albert00:02:35
Carmen - Halte-La (Man From Alcala)Scerri, Albert00:00:29
Carmen - Je Dis Que Rien Ne M'epouvanteScerri, Albert00:04:47
Carmen - Parle-Moi De Ma MereScerri, Albert00:07:35
Carmen - Seguidille and DuetScerri, Albert00:04:01
Farandole (from "L'Arlésienne", suite n.2)Spagni, Maurizio00:03:42
Habanera from opera Carmen (1875)Tamiya, Takahiro00:05:18
I Pescatori di Perle - Mi par d'udir ancorScerri, Albert00:02:39
L'arlesienne - PastoraleScerri, Albert00:02:41
L'Arlésienne, suite 1 (1872), 2. MinuettoBox, Ramón Pajares00:03:11
L'Arlésienne, suite 2 (1875), 3. MenuettBox, Ramón Pajares00:04:25
La fleur (Carmen, Act 2 Aria of Don Jose)Sloman, Benjamin00:03:14
Les Pecheursde Perles - Je Crois EntendreScerri, Albert00:03:59
Les pêcheurs de perlesClement, Joel00:03:04
Les pêcheurs de perles (Pearl fishers) - No 2 - Au Fond du Temple Saint, 1863Aarons, Robert00:06:47
Les pêcheurs de perles (Pearl fishers) - No 2 - Au Fond du Temple Saint, 1863See Comments00:07:15
Ouverture (from "L'Arlésienne", suite n.1)Spagni, Maurizio00:06:32
Suite from Carmen - HananeraBillett, Tina00:02:55
Suite from Carmen - PreludeBillett, Tina00:01:49
Suite from Carmen - ToreadorBillett, Tina00:03:55
Suite from Carmen Act3 Entr'acteBillett, Tina00:01:55
Suite from Carmen Act4 Entr'acteBillett, Tina00:02:04
Toreador from Carmen Fantaisie BrillantePurdam, Andrew00:02:05

Blair, Hugh (1864-1932), English(2)

Magnificat & Numc dimittis (Atkins variation) (1887)Hooper, John00:10:20
Magnificat & Nunc DimittisHooper, John00:07:10

Blaney, Gordon Francis Jr. (1982-), USA(4)

A French Variation (1999)Blaney Jr., Gordon Francis00:03:02
It Came Upon An Eve Of Joy (2000)Blaney Jr., Gordon Francis00:01:59
The Opus Of Judgment Day (1999)Blaney Jr., Gordon Francis00:11:10
Variations On "German Song" (2000)Blaney Jr., Gordon Francis00:02:35

Blanken, Ivo (1946 - )(1)

Divertimento for winds (after J.B. Vanhal op.41), 2008Blanken, Ivo00:06:23

Bleyer, Nicolaus(1)

MascaradaPurdam, Andrew00:01:05

Bloch, Peter (1941 - ), English\NZ(1)

Wildflower Wanderin'Bloch, Peter N00:01:54

Blohm, Georg (1661 - 1733), German(1)

Presto - from one of his suites for clavier.Fitzgerald, Duncan00:01:04

Blow, John (1649-1708), English(7)

Behold, O God our defenderHooper, John00:02:02
Behold, O God our defenderGibson, Mike00:01:29
Evening Canticles in G (Magnificat & Nunc Dimittis)Hooper, John00:05:30
God is our hopeHooper, John00:02:50
Let my prayer come upGibson, Mike00:00:48
Let Thy hand be strengthenedHooper, John00:01:36
Salvator MundiHooper, John00:04:09

Boccherini, Luigi (1743-1805), Italian(5)

Minuet from String Quintet in E (Piano Reduction)Weed, Michael J00:02:29
Minuetto e Trio (from String Quintet in E major, G.275)Spagni, Maurizio00:03:27
Minuetto in quinto (from String Quintet in E major, G.275)Moffatt, Stuart00:03:01
Minuetto in quinto-settimo (from String Quintet in E major, G.275)Moffatt, Stuart00:03:36
Minuetto in settimo (from String Quintet in E major, G.275)Moffatt, Stuart00:04:14

Bochsa, Robert Nicolas Charles (1789-1856), French(4)

Divertissement en trioSpagni, Maurizio00:11:23
Douze préludes pour la harpe - n°1Spagni, Maurizio00:01:30
Douze préludes pour la harpe - n°2Spagni, Maurizio00:00:43
Douze préludes pour la harpe - n°9Spagni, Maurizio00:00:30

Bodkin, Adam (C20th - ), Australian(1)

Psalty (A Christmas fantasy)Bodkin, Adam00:07:04

Boethin, Gregg W. (20thC)(3)

My Mouth Hasn't Caught Up With My HeartBoethin, Gregg W00:04:01
The Heart That's In This ManBoethin, Gregg W00:04:25
You Came In First PlaceBoethin, Gregg W00:03:53

Bohnson, Clifford N. (1934 - 2008)(4)

Ave Verum in CBohnson, Clifford N00:02:41
Elegy (9/11/01)Bohnson, Clifford N00:05:42
Postlude on "Abbot's Leigh"Bohnson, Clifford N00:02:36
ProcessionalBohnson, Clifford N00:03:04

Boito, Arrigo (1842 - 1918), Italian(3)

Mefistofele - Dai campi, dai pratiScerri, Albert00:02:02
Mefistofele - Giunto Sull Passo EstremoScerri, Albert00:02:03
Mefistofele - L'altra notte infondo al mareScerri, Albert00:04:05

Boka, Simon-Pierre (1929 - 1960), Congolese(1)

Debout CongolaiseWoodroffe, Richard00:01:27

Bonnet, Joseph (1884 - 1944), French(1)

Ave MariaGibson, Mike00:01:41

Bononcini, Giovanni Battista (1670 - 1747), Italian(3)

Deh piu a me non v'ascondeteScerri, Albert00:02:34
Deh piu a me non v'ascondeteSee Comments00:02:57
Griselda - Per la gloria d'adorarviScerri, Albert00:03:09

Bons, Enric Marfany (1871 - 1942)(1)

El Gran CarlemanyWoodroffe, Richard00:00:52

Bordes, Dan (1975 - ), Mexican-American(45)

3 Praeludiums modernes 2022Bordes, Dan00:03:39
4 neofuguesBordes, Dan00:08:26
Aria Of Anatomy & the Stars (2022)Bordes, Dan00:01:04
Bach's Virtuosity Clockwork (2022)Bordes, Dan00:01:54
Brainwaves Phantasy 2022Bordes, Dan00:04:00
Calel's Intellect (2022)Bordes, Dan00:02:02
Cantus continuum (2022)Bordes, Dan00:03:00
Capricium in D Minor 2022Bordes, Dan00:01:49
Dispersions equations 2021Bordes, Dan00:02:00
Dungeon Dance (2022)Bordes, Dan00:01:11
Four Story Little Fugues (2022)Bordes, Dan00:07:09
Invention in D# minor " Maelstrom Malius " (2022)Bordes, Dan00:02:22
Kristoval's Triumphuus (2022)Bordes, Dan00:01:58
Kyriel's Praeludium (2022)Bordes, Dan00:01:59
Like Diametricus Praelud (2022)Bordes, Dan00:01:08
Magnum Magick (2022)Bordes, Dan00:01:34
Magnum protozoa (2022)Bordes, Dan00:02:17
Metrices Unorthodos (2022)Bordes, Dan00:01:11
Midival Minuet in A# Minor (2022)Bordes, Dan00:02:06
Minuet in f-flat minor " Appliedt Scale " (2022)Bordes, Dan00:01:27
Minuetta Undulatta (2022)Bordes, Dan00:00:45
Minuettium-Waltzludium (2023)Bordes, Dan00:01:54
Myriads altars suspensions maelstrom (2022)Bordes, Dan00:02:06
Neo-Classique Minuet (2022)Bordes, Dan00:02:06
Phantasmic Dance (2022)Bordes, Dan00:01:09
Praludia interva 2022Bordes, Dan00:02:00
Soli per il Klavier (2022)Bordes, Dan00:01:47
Sorrowfest Victorium (2022)Bordes, Dan00:01:37
The Advent (2022)Bordes, Dan00:01:11
The Classique Minuet (2022)Bordes, Dan00:01:38
The existencial labyrinth (2022)Bordes,Dan00:01:29
The F-Minor Soul (2022)Bordes, Dan00:02:15
The Fat Man's Fugue (2023)Bordes, Dan00:02:17
The Godoicus Glory (2022)Bordes, Dan00:02:16
The Lixiviatuus Estheticus (2022)Bordes, Dan00:00:54
The Mighty Englishman (2023)Bordes, Dan00:09:23
The Music Of The Spheres (T.M.O.T.S.) (2023)Bordes, Dan00:07:38
The Solemn Harvest (2022)Bordes, Dan00:01:23
The Vertigon (2022)Bordes, Dan00:01:11
The War Music Box (2022)Bordes, Dan00:02:10
Triumphant partita for solo piano (2021)Bordes, Dan00:08:17
Triumphant Variations for solo pianoBordes, Dan00:06:17
Undecim lumen neofugattasBordes, Dan00:26:47
Victorion Utopia (2022)Bordes, Dan00:02:24
Werewolf in the moonlight (2022)Bordes, Dan00:02:11

Boren, Robert(2)

String Quartet No. 1, First MovementBoren, Robert00:08:15
String Quartet No. 1, second movementBoren, Robert00:06:40

Borghi, Giovani Battista (1738-1796) Italian(1)

Sonata n.1 - Viola e contrabbassoSpagni, Maurizio00:09:42

Borodin, Alexander (1833 - 1887)(3)

In the Steppes of Central AsiaRichardson, Greg00:06:13
Prince Igor - Choral Dance No. 17 (Polovtsian Dances)Woodroffe, Richard00:10:48
String Quartet No. 2 in D majorRichardson, Greg00:26:39

Bortniansky, Dimitri (1751-1825)(2)

CHERUBIM - SONG (No. 7)Mill, Carl B00:02:56
Ik bin in diene haand o Heer.Hollander, Joop00:01:02

Bosworth, Bruce (1944- ), USA(7)

God Bless America Again (2001)Bosworth, Bruce00:03:09
I'm Yer GrandmaBosworth, Bruce00:02:22
I'm Yer GrandpaBosworth, Bruce00:01:46
I Love You Amanda (2001)Bosworth, Bruce00:01:19
Joy of Life (2001)Bosworth, Bruce00:01:23
June, You are My Daughter (2001)Bosworth, Bruce00:02:21
September 11th Memorial (2001)Bosworth, Bruce00:03:05

Botsford, George (1874 - 1949), American(1)

Black and White RagWoodroffe, Richard00:02:29

Bottesini, Giovanni (1821-1889), Italian(2)

Elegia n.1 in DSpagni, Maurizio00:02:33
Introduzione e TarantellaSpagni, Maurizio00:05:06

Boulanger, Lili (1893-1918)(4)

Je Garde Une Medaille D'elleScerri, Albert00:01:01
Nocturne from Deux Morceaux pour Violon et Piano. Written: 1911Porter, Warren00:02:44
Pour les Funérailles d'un Soldat (Memorial for a Soldier), 1912Woodroffe, Richard00:07:18
Soleil de SeptembreHooper, John00:05:52

Bourgeois, Louis (c1510 - c1560), French(2)

Old HundredthMoffatt, Stuart00:01:44
Old HundredthMoffatt, Stuart00:01:44

Boxman, Raymond L. (1946 - ),Israeli(1)

Rain on Time, 2000Boxman, R L00:01:00

Boyce, William (1711 - 1779), English(4)

O where shall wisdom be foundHooper, John00:09:04
Praise the Lord, O JerusalemHooper, John00:02:48
The King shall rejoiceHooper, John00:07:18
Turn thee unto me, O LordGibson, Mike00:05:03

Boëllmann, Leon (1862-1897),French(2)

Ronde Francaise (Transcribed for Organ) Op 37Smedley, Tony00:05:40
Suite Gothique for Grand Organ Op.25 1895Smedley, Tony00:13:54

Brahms, Johannes (1833-1897), German(50)

"Edward" Ballade, Op. 10Carrasco, Daniel00:03:13
21 Hugarian Dances for piano 4 hands; Nos. 1, 2, & 3Carrasco, Daniel00:06:55
21 Hungarian Dances for piano 4 hands; No. 5Carrasco, Daniel00:02:00
21 Hungarian Dances for piano 4 hands; No. 6Carrasco, Daniel00:02:49
21 Hungarian Dances for piano 4 hands; No 9Carrasco, Daniel00:01:37
Academic OvertureHall, A. Christopher00:11:20
Alto RhapsodyGibson, Mike00:06:59
A Song of Destiny (Schicksalslied) (1871)Hooper, John00:14:34
Begräbnisgesang Op 13Lamminga, Klaas00:07:04
Brahms - So clear thine eyes Op 59 No 8Scerri, Albert00:01:22
Concerto for Violin and Cello in a minor, Op. 102, 3rd MovementCarrasco, Daniel00:07:24
Concerto for Violin and Cello in a minor, Op. 102, First movementCarrasco, Daniel00:15:02
Four Songs (Vier Gesange: Op 17), 1860Hooper, John00:15:46
Geistliches Lied (op. 30)Lamminga, Klaas00:04:11
Geistliches Lied (op. 30)Gibson, Mike00:04:28
German Requiem (Ein Deutsches Requiem: Op 45), 1861-68 (JH)Hooper, John01:11:31
German Requiem (Ein Deutsches Requiem: Op 45), 1861-68 (MG)Gibson, Mike01:02:20
German Requiem (Ein Deutsches Requiem: Op 45), 1861-68 (NC)See Comments00:47:26
Gipsy Songs (Zigeunerlieder: Op 103), 1887Hooper, John00:15:12
Hungarian Dance No. 5Struys, Peter00:02:10
Im Herbst (Opus 104, N° 5)Portier, Dominique 'Marsu'00:02:55
In stiller NachtLamminga, Klaas00:01:32
Liebeslieder Op. 52Gibson, Mike00:18:21
Liebeslieder Op52 (1869)Hooper, John00:21:35
Liebestreu Op 3 No 1Scerri, Albert00:03:34
Minnelied (Love-Song)Scerri, Albert00:02:20
Neue Liebeslieder Op. 65Gibson, Mike00:12:36
Neue Liebeslieder Op65 (1874)Hooper, John00:17:50
Nicht Mehr Du Sehen (No More To See Thee)Scerri, Albert00:02:29
Ninna nanna (Wiegenlied)Scerri, Albert00:01:22
Nänie (op. 82)Lamminga, Klaas00:10:43
Piano Quintet in f minor, Op. 34: Mov. 3Carrasco, Daniel00:07:25
Piano Quintet in f minor, Op. 34: Mov. 4Carrasco, Daniel00:09:34
Rhapsody in b minor, Op. 79, No. 1Carrasco, Daniel00:08:27
Rote Abendwolken (Zigeunerlieder #11)Hicks, Grant00:01:13
Serenade No. 1 in D major - Menuetto 1 and 2, Opus 11, arranged for wind quintet, 1857/8Blanken, Ivo00:03:42
Sonata for Clarinet and Piano, Op. 120, No.2 (first movement)Hall, Damien00:07:42
Song of the fates (Gesang der Parzen) (1882)Hooper, John00:11:28
String Quintet in F major No. 1, Op. 88Carrasco, Daniel00:09:53
Symphonie N°3 - Poco allegrettoClement, Joel00:06:28
Variations and Fugue on a Theme of Handel for Orchestra (2005)Karageanes, Jim00:27:43
Waltzes Op.39#Spagni, Maurizio00:17:33
Waltz No. 1, Op. 39Carrasco, Daniel00:00:46
Waltz No. 3, Op. 39, No. 3Carrasco, Daniel00:00:41
Waltz No. 4, Op. 39Carrasco, Daniel00:01:18
Waltz No. 6, Op. 39, No. 6Carrasco, Daniel00:00:56
Waltz No. 9, Op. 39, No. 9Carrasco, Daniel00:01:05
Waltz No. 14, Op. 39, No. 14Carrasco, Daniel00:01:27
Waltz No. 15 in A-Flat Major, Op. 39Porter, Warren00:02:31
Wiegenlied (Cradle Song)Porter, Warren00:03:23

Brakebill, Greg (1958 - ), American(1)

Psalm 121Brakebill, Greg00:01:57

Brantford, Bert(1)

What a Face!Gray, Col00:04:04

Bratton, John W (1867-1947), USA(1)

The Teddy Bear's picnic (1907)Barham, Christopher00:04:11

Bravo, Jean-Michel (1969 - ), French(2)

Chevaliers d'Argonie, 2004Bravo, Jean-Michel00:04:37
Images de la Belgariade (2004)Bravo, Jean-Michel00:16:06

Brechbill, Tim, USA(1)

Processional March (c) 2003Brechbill, Tim00:01:41

Brennan, Jay (1958 - ), American(1)

Little Fugue on a Theme of Albert HagueBrennan, Jay00:01:42

Breton [Bretón], Tomás (1850-1923), Spanish(3)

Escenas andaluzas (1894), 1. BoleroBox, Ramón Pajares00:07:06
Escenas andaluzas (1894), 2. Polo GitanoBox, Ramón Pajares00:04:33
La Verbena de la Paloma (1894), PreludioBox, Ramón Pajares00:03:43

Brewer, Herbert (1865-1928), English(1)

Magnificat and Nunc dimittis in D (1927 ?)Hooper, John00:06:02

Briccialdi, Giulio (1818-1881), Italian(1)

Carnival of Venice Opus 78Woodroffe, Richard00:07:14

Bridge, Frank (1879-1941), British(1)

The Graceful Swaying WattleGibson, Mike00:02:38

Briegel, Wolfgang Carl (1626 - 1712), German(3)

  Freuet euch im Herrn allezeitLamminga, Klaas00:04:36
  Mache dich auf und werde LichtLamminga, Klaas00:04:14
  Zum 1. AdventLamminga, Klaas00:03:24

Britten, Benjamin (1913-1976), British(1)

The Young Person's Guide to the Orchestra (1946)Box, Ramón Pajares00:16:17

Brosig, Moritz (1815-1887), German(1)

2nd Postludium, Op.11, Nr.5Müller, Harald M.00:02:21

Bruch, Max (1838 - 1920), German(1)

Scottish Fantasy Op 46 for violin and PianoWoodroffe, Richard00:28:43

Bruckner, Anton (1824-1896), Austrian(26)

Ave MariaGibson, Mike00:03:06
Christus Factus EstGibson, Mike00:03:51
Ecce SacerdosGibson, Mike00:04:20
Geistliche Chore - Eleven motets (various dates)Hooper, John00:37:21
Graduale (Locus iste)Scerri, Albert00:02:10
Libera me (II) WAB 22 (1922)Hooper, John00:07:02
Locus IsteGibson, Mike00:01:47
Locus IsteSee Comments00:01:55
Locus iste (This is God's house)Mill, Carl B00:02:12
Mass in D minor (Mass No: 1) (MG)Gibson, Mike00:40:57
Mass in D minor (Mass No: 1) - 1864 (rev. 1876 and 1881/1882)Hooper, John00:41:37
Mass in E minor (Mass No: 2)Gibson, Mike00:29:52
Mass in E minor (Mass No: 2) - 1896 versionHooper, John00:37:46
Mass in F minor (Mass No: 3)Gibson, Mike00:50:28
Mass No 3 in F minor - 1867-1868 versionHooper, John00:59:49
Offertorium (Afferentur regi)Gibson, Mike00:01:35
Os JustiGibson, Mike00:02:42
Overture in G minor (circa 1862)White, John H00:08:52
Pange linguaGibson, Mike00:03:36
Symphony No. 7, in E major, (1884), 1. Allegro moderatoBox, Ramón Pajares00:20:25
Te Deum (1884)Hooper, John00:25:28
Te Deum (MG)Gibson, Mike00:22:18
Tota PulchraGibson, Mike00:03:20
Vexilla RegisGibson, Mike00:03:30
Vexilla RegisLamminga, Klaas00:03:59
Virga JesseGibson, Mike00:05:03

Buck, Dudley (1839 - 1909), American(2)

O Gladsome LightRoberts, Joseph00:02:10
Operetta "Deseret" - SerenadeScerri, Albert00:03:39

Buck, Michael(1)

Opus 2, #25Buck, Michael00:02:24

Bull, John (1563-1628), English(2)

Ut, re, mi, fa, sol, laAlberga, Cyril N00:03:55
WalsinghamAlberga, Cyril N00:24:01

Bullinger, Ethelbert William (1837-1913), British(2)

BullingerMoffatt, Stuart00:03:57
Bullinger (modified)Moffatt, Stuart00:03:57

Bunt, Andrew (20th C)(1)

Nocturne No. 1 Op.2 (2005)Bunt, Andrew00:04:12

Burhanov, Mutal (1916 - 2002), Soviet Uzbek(1)

O’zbekiston Respublikasining Davlat MadhiyasiWoodroffe, Richard00:01:44

Busoni, Ferruccio (1866-1924)(1)

Sonatina [IV] in diem nativitatis Christi MCMXVIIHicks, Grant00:07:06

Buxtehude Dietrich, (ca. 1635-1707), German(18)

Befiehl dem Engel, daß er kommLamminga, Klaas00:05:43
Choralvariationen, 1. Ach Gott und HerrJennings, James R00:01:33
Choralvariationen, 2. Danket dem Herrn, denn er ist sehr freundlichJennings, James R00:02:16
Choralvariationen, 3a. Choralvar. 3a. Magnificat primi toniJennings, James R00:01:39
Choralvariationen, 3b. Choralvar. 3b. Magnificat noni toniJennings, James R00:03:44
Choralvariationen, 4a. Nun lob mein Seel den HerrenJennings, James R00:07:12
Ciacona in C minor,Waterman, Charles00:09:43
Das Neugebor'ne Kindelein (The newborn Babe, the heavenly Child)Hooper, John00:07:43
Der Herr ist mit mir (The Lord is with me) (Bux WV 15)Hooper, John00:07:39
In dulci jubiloLamminga, Klaas00:05:55
Jesu meines Lebens LebenLamminga, Klaas00:07:18
Lobet, Christen, euren heilandSee Comments00:10:47
Magnificat (BuxWV Anh)Hooper, John00:08:28
Membra Jesu nostri (BuxWV No. 75)Schleussner, Sebastian00:09:20
Missa alla brevis (BuxWV 114)Hooper, John00:07:53
Nichts soll uns scheiden von der Liebe Gottes BuxWV77Lamminga, Klaas00:06:40
Nimm von uns, Herr, du treuer Gott (BuxWV 207)Lamminga, Klass00:11:12
Sicut Moses (BuxWV No. 97)Schleussner, Sebastian00:06:49

Byrd, William (1543-1623), English(44)

Ave Maria (1605 ??)Hooper, John00:01:56
Ave verumGibson, Mike00:03:38
Ave verumHooper, John00:02:28
Ave Verum CorpusScerri, Albert00:03:05
A Voluntarie, from My Lady Nevell's Booke of Virginal Music, 1591Lynch, Georgeann00:02:50
A Voluntarie: for my Ladye Nevell, 1591Lynch, Georgeann00:03:21
Callino CasturameAlberga, Cyril N00:01:58
Deo Gratias (1605 ??)Hooper, John00:00:35
Ego sum panis vivus, 1607Lynch, Georgeann00:02:00
Haec DiesHooper, John00:02:10
Infelix egoHooper, John00:12:21
I will not leave you comfortlessHooper, John00:01:34
Justorum Animae (1539 – 1623), 1605Hooper, John00:01:45
Laetentur coeli (Cantiones Sacrae I) (1589), (nos 28-29)Hooper, John00:04:35
Laudibus In SanctisSchleussner, Sebastian00:04:49
Lullaby, my sweet little baby (1588)Hooper, John00:04:18
Magnificat and Nuc Dimittis Second Service (CRV)Hooper, John00:06:26
Mass for Five VoicesGibson, Mike00:22:06
Mass for Five Voices (1594/5)Hooper, John00:21:28
Mass for Four VoicesSchleussner, Sebastian00:19:26
Mass for Three Voices (JH)Hooper, John00:17:16
Mass for Three Voices (SS)Schleussner, Sebastian00:15:18
Miserere mei (Cantiones sacrae II, no. 20) (1591)Hooper, John00:02:40
Ne irascaris, Domine - Civitas sancti tui (Cantiones sacrae I (1589), nos. 20-21)Hooper, John00:07:49
Non nobis DomineHooper, John00:00:58
O Magnum Mysterium (1607)Hooper, John00:06:03
O quam gloriosum (1580 in Dow Partbooks, no. 30)Hooper, John00:05:00
O Rex gloriaeJohn Hooper00:01:54
Peccantem me quotidie (1575)Hooper, John00:05:50
Preces & ResponsesHooper, John00:04:10
Prevent us, O Lord (1580)Hooper, John00:02:21
Sacerdotes DominiWalker, Geoff00:01:03
Sing joyfullyHooper, John00:02:53
Teach me, O Lord (1589)Hooper, John00:03:53
The BellsAlberga, Cyril N00:08:13
This day Christ was born (1611)Hooper, John00:02:37
This sweet and merry month of May (1590)Hooper, John00:03:02
Though Amaryllis Dance in Green (1580)Hooper, John00:05:18
Upon a summer's day (1589 or thereabouts)Hooper, John00:03:00
Venite ComediteGibson, Mike00:01:53
Venite Comedite (1607)Hooper, John00:01:56
Vigilate (Cantiones Sacrae I (1589), no.16)Hooper, John00:05:26
WalsinghamAlberga, Cyril N00:13:30
Wounded I am (1589)Hooper, John00:01:51

Byrd, William; English(1)

Mass for Four VoicesHooper, John00:20:54

Caccini, Giulio (1551 - 1618), Italian(4)

A Marian Antiphon: "Ave Maria"Swinnen, Ivo00:03:35
Amarilli dai "Madrigali"See Comments00:02:28
Amarilli Mia Bella Amarilli (My Fair One)Scerri, Albert00:02:16
Kanzonetta - Per la più vaga e bellaScerri, Albert00:02:28

Cagatay [Çagatay], Ali Rif'at (1867-1935), Turkish(1)

TereddütiNANC [iNANÇ], Ertugrul00:03:04

Cage, John (1912-1992), U.S.A.(1)

4'33"iNANC [iNANÇ], Ertugrul00:04:33

Caimo, Gioseppe (1540?-1584), Italian(1)

Secondo libro di canzonette a quattro vociBalboni, Raimondo00:01:51

Caldara, Antonio (1671-1736), Italian(5)

Come raggio di solSee Comments00:02:52
Come Raggio Di SolScerri, Albert00:01:41
La Costanza in Amor - Alma del coreScerri, Albert00:04:03
Selve amicheSee Comments00:02:36
Stabat MaterSee Comments00:15:55

Campenhout, François van (1779 - 1848), Belgian(1)

La BrabançonneWoodroffe, Richard00:01:00

Campian, Thomas (1567 – 1620), English(2)

Jack and Joan They Think No Ill. (1613)Hooper, John00:00:58
Never weather-beaten sail (1613)Hooper, John00:01:53

Camposanto, Ricky (1987-), USA(1)

EvestigatusCamposanto, Ricky00:05:17

Campra, André (1660-1744), French(1)

Messe de Requiem (after 1723)Hooper, John00:49:55

Cannio, Enrico (1874 - 1949), Italian(1)

'O surdato 'nnamurato (The soldier in love)Prada, Lorenzo00:03:16

Cantemir, Demetrius (1673-1723)(1)

Mahur Darbeyn PesrevEkinci, Mehmet Ugur00:06:56

Caplet, André (1878 - 1925), French(1)

3 Fables de Jean De la FontaineClement, Joel00:10:37

Caplinger, Evan (1997- ), USA(1)

Ecossaises (Rondo)Caplinger, Evan00:02:06

Capua Di, Edoardo ( 1864 - 1917), Italian(3)

I te vurria vasàPrada, Lorenzo00:05:09
O sole mioScerri, Albert00:02:22
Rose Marie Come To MeScerri, Albert00:04:21

Carcassi, Matteo (1792-1829)(4)

Etude No.9 (Op.60 No.9)Hauck, Josh00:01:24
Etude No.9 (Op.60 No.9) (Arranged for Piano)Hauck, Josh00:01:24
Galop 0p. 39 no.10Walker, Jason00:01:12
Galop Op. 39 No. 1Walker, Jason00:00:54

Cardillo, Salvatore (1874 - 1947), Italian(1)

Core 'ngratoPrada, Lorenzo00:04:48

Cardinale, Justin (1988- ), American(14)

Andante from Symphony No. 1Cardinale, Justin00:06:43
Animato from Symphony No. 1Cardinale, Justin00:06:51
Black RoseCardinale, Justin00:04:12
Classical Rhapsody in Bb MinorCardinale, Justin00:02:32
Dance No. 1Cardinale, Justin00:03:22
MisteriosoCardinale, Justin00:06:12
Night WaltzCardinale, Justin00:03:13
Piano Sonatina No. 1Cardinale, Justin00:11:55
Piano Sonatina No. 2, Movement OneCardinale, Justin00:04:11
Prest from Symphony No. 1Cardinale, Justin00:03:16
Serenata MadrugadaCardinale, Justin00:03:29
Silver WatersCardinale, Justin00:04:56
Tema de la NocheCardinale, Justin00:04:57
The IdCardinale, Justin00:05:14

Carey, Henry (1687-1743), British(1)

SurreyMoffatt, Stuart00:03:46

Carissimi, Giacomo (1605-1674), Italian(5)

Jephte (1648)Hooper, John00:22:04
Kanzonetta - La mia fede altruiScerri, Albert00:02:28
No, No Mio CoreScerri, Albert00:02:48
Plorate filii IsraelGibson, Mike00:02:28
Vittoria, Vittoria ! (da une cantata)See Comments00:02:07

Carrasco, Daniel (1988- ), American(7)

1. Allegro-Presto-Allegro quasi Presto from Concerto No. 5 for Violin (2004)Carrasco, Daniel00:04:34
Cello ConcertoCarrasco, Daniel00:02:10
Concerto No. 4 for Piano (2004)Carrasco, Daniel00:02:57
Sonata No. 1 for PianoCarrasco, Daniel00:07:28
Sonata No. 2 for PianoCarrasco, Daniel00:02:52
Symphony No. 1 in A minorCarrasco, Daniel00:07:55
Symphony No. 2 for String Orchestra (2004)Carrasco, Daniel00:03:03

Carulli, Ferdinando (1770-1841), Italian(1)

Andante from Méthode Complète, Op. 27 (1810)Thelander, Peter00:03:32

Casimir-Dosseh, Alex (1923 - ), Togoan(1)

Salut à toi, pays de nos aïeuxWoodroffe, Richard00:00:44

Cassell, Martin P (20thC-), English(2)

Agnus DeiCassell, Martin00:03:23
KyrieCassell, Martin00:02:33

Castagne, Patrick Stanislaus (1916 - 2000), Guyanese(1)

Forged From the Love of LibertyWoodroffe, Richard00:01:13

Catalani, Alfredo (1854 - 1893), Italian(3)

Ebben n'andro' lontana from "La Wally"Clement, Joel00:05:23
La Wally - Ebben, Ne andrò lontanaScerri, Albert00:03:23
La Wally - M'hai salvatoScerri, Albert00:04:56

Cavalli, Francesco (1602 - 1676), Italian(5)

Ave maris stellaSchleussner, Sebastian00:07:52
Donzelle Fuggite (Flee Ye Maidens)Scerri, Albert00:01:09
Giasone - Dell Antro Magico (Gates Of Gloom)Scerri, Albert00:01:33
Magnificat à 6Schleussner, Sebastian00:10:19
Messa Concertata (1656)Hooper, John00:44:39

Celebi [Çelebi], Korkud (1470-1513), Turkish(1)

Kürdi Devr-i Kebir PesrevEkinci, Mehmet Ugur00:04:23

Cesis, Sulpitia (1577 - c1617)(1)

Stabat Mater (1619)Hooper, John00:03:25

Cesti, Antonio (1623 - 1669), Italian(1)

Insegnatemi a morireScerri, Albert00:02:06

Chabrier, Emmanuel (1841-1894), French(3)

España, Rhapsody for orchestra (1883)Box, Ramón Pajares00:06:15
Roi Malgre Lui - Chanson de l'alouetteScerri, Albert00:01:35
Romance De L'etoileScerri, Albert00:02:13

Chagla, Ahmed Ghulamali (1902 - 1953), Pakistani(1)

Qaumi TaranaWoodroffe, Richard00:00:58

Chambers, Walter Garnet Picart (1908 - 2003), Antiguan(1)

Fair Antigua, We Salute TheeWoodroffe, Richard00:02:24

Changundega, Fred Lecture (1954 - ), Zimbabwean(1)

Kalibusiswe Ilizwe le ZimbabweWoodroffe, Richard00:00:49

Chapi [Chapí], Ruperto (1851-1909), Spanish(2)

La Bruja (1887), jotaBox, Ramón Pajares00:03:58
La Revoltosa (1897), PreludioBox, Ramón Pajares00:05:03

Charpentier, Marc-Antoine (1643-1704), French(13)

Depuis le jour (Louise)Clement, Joel00:04:23
In nativitatem Domini canticum, 1690Hooper, John00:29:13
Le Reniement de St PierreGibson, Mike00:13:02
Le Reniement de St Pierre (??)Hooper, John00:12:53
Messe De Minuit Pour Noel - SanctusScerri, Albert00:03:47
Messe de Minuit pour Noël, 1690 (JH)Hooper, John00:23:22
Messe de Minuit pour Noël, 1690 (MG)Gibson, Mike00:22:19
Messe de Minuit pour Noël, 1690 (Schott)Hooper, John00:30:36
Messe des morts, H.10, 1695Hooper, John00:27:40
Miserere des Jesuits, 1684–1687Hooper, John00:30:26
Te Deum (Piano Reduction)Guix, Joseph00:22:57
Te Deum, between 1688 and 1698Hooper, John00:27:07
Te Deum - PréludeGrasset, Yves00:01:48

Chausson, Ernest (1855 - 1899), French(2)

Le Charme Op2 No2Scerri, Albert00:01:09
Nanny Op2 No1Scerri, Albert00:02:27

Cherubini, Luigi (1760-1842), Italian(9)

Ave MariaSaarela, Timo00:03:59
Cherubini - Mass No.2 (Missa solemnis in D minor) (1811)Hooper, John01:11:10
Ecce Panis AngelorumScerri, Albert00:03:45
Mass No 4, in C major (1825)Hooper, John00:41:27
Requiem in C-minor (1816) (JH)Hooper, John00:42:38
Requiem in C-minor (MG)Gibson, Mike00:40:57
String Quartet No 2 in C major.White, John H00:27:55
Symphony in D major (1815 )White, John H00:30:23
Veni JesuScerri, Albert00:02:03

Child, William (1606 - 1697), English(1)

O Lord, grant the King a long life (????)Hooper, John00:01:47

Chilesotti, Oscar (1848-1916), Italian(1)

Corrente No. 74Spagni, Maurizio00:00:54

Chopin, Fryderyk Franciszek (1810-1849), Polish-French(2)

Berceuse (Opus 57)Woodroffe, Richard00:02:20
Impromptu Opus 29Moffatt, Stuart00:04:24

Chopin, Frédéric (1810-1849), Polish(49)

"Ballade N°2 - Opus 38"Clement, Joel00:06:56
"Ballade N°3 - Opus 47"Clement, Joel00:06:52
Ballade N°1 - Opus 23Clement, Joel00:08:48
Ballade N°4 - Opus 52Clement, Joel00:10:57
Cantabile, 1834Ciaramella, Eric00:00:55
Chopin Preludes, Opus 28, Number 4.Dowden, Blair00:01:24
Concerto N°1 for piano and orchestra (Opus 11)Clement, Joel00:34:34
Etude, Op.10, No. 3, "Tristesse"Ng, M L00:03:29
Etude, Op.10, No.4Ng, M L00:01:53
Etude, Op.10, No.7Ng, M L00:01:25
Etude, Op.10, No.12, "Revolutionary"Ng, M L00:02:37
Etude, Op.25, No.2Ng, M L00:01:15
Etude in C Minor Op.10, No12 (Revolutionary)Billett, Tina00:02:14
Etude in Gb Major, "Black Key", Op.10 No.5 (1837)Hall, Damien00:01:29
Etude no. 1 in C major op. 10 no. 1Carroll, Simon00:02:36
Fantaisie-Impromptu in C#m, Op.66 (1835)Hall, Damien00:04:06
Fantasie Impromptu Op.66Billett, Tina00:04:49
Marche Funébre (1837) (from Sonata in Bb Minor, Op.35 (1839))Hall, Damien00:06:27
Mazurka in a minor, Op. 68 No. 2Lee, Henry00:02:19
No 1 Madchen's WunschScerri, Albert00:01:52
Nocturne 72 nr 1Moffatt, Stuart00:03:41
Nocturne C#mi Op posthMoffatt, Stuart00:03:45
Nocturne Cmi Op posthMoffatt, Stuart00:02:55
Nocturne in Eb Major Op.9 No 2Billett, Tina00:04:23
Nocturne in G minor, Op.37 No.1Hofland, Jan J H00:05:54
Nocturne Opus 9 No 1 1927Moffatt, Stuart00:05:38
Nocturne Opus 9 No 2 1927Moffatt, Stuart00:03:44
Nocturne Opus 9 No 3 1927Moffatt, Stuart00:06:06
Nocturne Opus 27 nr 2Moffatt, Stuart00:04:04
Nocturne Opus 27 nr 2Moffatt, Stuart00:06:20
Nocturne Opus 37 nr 2Moffatt, Stuart00:05:55
Polonaise in Ab major, Op. 53Lee, Henry00:05:41
Prelude, Op.28, No.2Ng, M L00:01:50
Prelude, Op.28, No.3Ng, M L00:00:57
Prelude in C Minor, Op. 28, No. 20Ciaramella, Eric00:01:18
Prelude in G minor, Op. 28 No. 22Lee, Henry00:00:38
Prelude no. 1 in C, op. 28 no. 1Carroll, Simon00:00:28
Raindrop Prelude Op.28, No.15Duane, Lester00:04:17
Scherzo N°1 - Opus 20Clement, Joel00:09:14
Scherzo N°2 - Opus 31Clement, Joel00:10:14
Waltz in A-Flat Major, Opus 69 No. 1Pool, Don00:02:32
Waltz in Ab Major, Op.34 No.1, "Grande Valse Brillante" (1835)Hall, Damien00:05:35
Waltz in Ab Major, Op.42, "Grande Valse" (1840)Hall, Damien00:04:05
Waltz in A minor (1829)Dowden, Blair00:02:26
Waltz in Db Major, Op.64 No.1, "Minute"Hall, Damien00:01:32
Waltz in Db Major Op.64, No. 1 (Minute)Billett, Tina00:01:53
Waltz in Eb Major, Op.18, "Grande valse brillante"Hall, Damien00:05:10
Waltz in F Major, Op.34, No.3 (1838)Hall, Damien00:02:11
Waltz Op. 64 n°1 (Minute Waltz)Vanbrabant, Bertrand00:02:02

Christian, Lemuel McPherson (1913 - 2000), St. Kitts(1)

Isle of Beauty, Isle of SplendourWoodroffe, Richard00:01:00

Chueca, Federico (1846-1908), Spanish(1)

La Gran Vía (1886), Introduction and Streets' PolkaBox, Ramón Pajares00:04:08

Churchill, Frank (1901-1942), American(1)

Who’s Afraid of the Big Bad Wolf?Prada, Lorenzo00:03:42

Ckaduwa [Çkaduwa] , Valera(1)

AiaairaWoodroffe, Richard00:00:51

Clarke, Herbert Lincoln (1867-1945), American(1)

Carnival Of Venice, Cornet Solo With Variations (1912)Karageanes, Jim00:03:11

Clarke, Jeremiah (1674 - 1707), English(4)

March I (from Two Small Marches)Müller, Harald M.00:01:11
March II (from Two Small Marches)Müller, Harald M.00:01:11
Praise the Lord, O Jerusalem (1702)Hooper, John00:02:44
Prince of Denmark's March (Trumpet Voluntary)Hauck, Josh00:02:44

C Law, D Lucas and K Pettett(1)

Return Of The RodentPettett, Ken00:09:35

Clay, André(4)

Deep in my HeartWoodroffe, Richard00:01:44
I RememberWoodroffe, Richard00:03:31
Lord I RememberWoodroffe, Richard00:02:48
You Made Me TooWoodroffe, Richard00:03:56

Clayton, Will , American(1)

Watch, Hope and Wait Little GirlHarriff, Susanna00:04:33

Clemens Non Papa, Jacobus (1510 - 1556), Franco-Flemish(1)

La la Maistre PierreGibson, Mike00:01:59

Clementi, Muzio (1752-1832)(4)

Sonatina, Op. 36Spagni, Maurizio00:40:35
Sonatina, Opus 36, No. 1, Part a.Dowden, Blair00:01:40
Sonatina, Opus 36, No. 2, Part a.Dowden, Blair00:02:27
Sonatina, Opus 36, No. 2, Part c.Dowden, Blair00:01:44

Clerambault, Louis-Nicolas (1676-1749)(1)

Suite du premier ton (1710)Guix, Joseph00:12:04

Cohan, George M. (1878-1942), USA(6)

Give My Regards To BroadwayFerguson, Don00:01:40
Give my regards to Broadway (1904)Moffatt, Stuart00:02:37
Mary's a Grand Old NameFerguson, Don00:01:44
Over ThereFerguson, Don00:01:43
Yankee Doodle BoyFerguson, Don00:01:45
You're A Grand Old Flag (1906)Beaumier, Francis00:03:24

Cohen, Shmuel (1870 - 1940), Israeli(1)

HatikvahWoodroffe, Richard00:00:40

Coleman, Will(1)

Calstock May RevelFierek, Rosie00:00:32

Coleridge-Taylor, Samuel (1875-1912)(9)

Beside the ungathered rice, he lay.Woodroffe, Richard00:06:14
Death of MinihahaGibson, Mike00:22:29
Hiawatha's Wedding Feast Opus 30 No. 1 1898Woodroffe, Richard00:28:50
Hiawatha's Wedding Feast Opus 30 No. 1 1898Gibson, Mike00:26:02
In Dark Fens of the Dismal Swamp No 5Woodroffe, Richard00:07:48
Loud he sang No. 3Woodroffe, Richard00:09:21
She Dwells by great Kenhawa's side No 2Woodroffe, Richard00:08:20
She Dwells by great Kenhawa's side No 2aWoodroffe, Richard00:05:30
The Quadroon GirlWoodroffe, Richard00:07:30

Composer: Mozart, Leopold (1719-1787), German(1)

Musikalische SchlittenfahrtSpagni, Maurizio00:20:29

Concone, Guiseppe (1810-1861), Italian(2)

Concone Op. 9 Fifty Lessons for Medium Voice. Lessons 1 to 4Allen, Kevin00:05:40
Etude Op.24 No.8Hauck, Josh00:01:05

Connellan, Thomas (c. 1640/1645 - 1698), Irish(1)

Carolan's dreamSpagni, Maurizio00:01:55

Consolo, Federico (1841 - 1906), Italian(1)

Inno Nazionale della RepubblicaWoodroffe, Richard00:01:54

Converse, Charles C. (1832-1918)(1)

What A Friend We Have In JesusPool, Don00:01:40

Copeland, Les, USA(1)

Cabbage-Leaf RagButler, John C00:02:21

Corelli, Arcangelo (1653-1713), Italian(13)

12 Sonatas (Sonata 3), Opus 5Porter, Warren00:09:24
12 Sonatas (Sonata 4), Opus 5Porter, Warren00:09:22
12 Sonatas (Sonata 5), Opus 5Porter, Warren00:07:54
12 Sonatas (Sonata 6), Opus 6Porter, Warren00:08:19
12 Sonatas, Opus 5: Sonata No. 1Porter, Warren00:10:12
12 Sonatas , Opus 5: Sonata No. 2Porter, Warren00:08:25
CiacconaWaterman, Charles00:09:40
Concerto Grosso op. 6 no. 8Gierlinsk, Mareki00:13:51
La FoliaGuix, Joseph00:03:53
La Folia, Purdam variationPurdam, Andrew00:00:55
La Folia, Purdam variation #2Purdam, Andrew00:00:25
La Folia, Purdam variation (La Tublia)Purdam, Andrew00:00:47
Sonata da Chiesa in E Minor, Op. 3, No. 7Schulze, Arthur W.00:05:27

Cornelius, Peter (1824 - 1874), German(1)

Der TraumGibson, Mike00:00:56

Corrette, Michel (1709-1795), French(1)

Suite en ut pour flûte soprano (ou alto) et b.c.Guix, Joseph00:03:59

Costeley, Guillaume (1531-1606), French(6)

Allons au vert bocage (1570)Guix, Joseph00:01:30
Je t'aime, ma belle, ta dance me plait (1570)Guix, Joseph00:01:07
Je vois des glissantes eauxGuix, Joseph00:01:11
Mais que sert la richesse à l'hommeDuflos, Annie00:02:06
Mignonne allons voir si la rose (1570)Guix, Joseph00:02:05
Si c'est un grief tourmentGuix, Joseph00:02:23

Coto [Cotó], Alberto (1852-1906), Spanish(1)

Damisela PolkaClemente, Sergio Moliner00:03:22

Cottrau, Guillaume Louis (1797-1847) French(1)

Fenesta che luciviSpagni, Maurizio00:03:20

Cottrau, Teodoro (1827 - 1879), Italian(5)

Farewell to NapoliScerri, Albert00:02:23
MarianninaScerri, Albert00:02:59
Santa LuciaSloman, Benjamin00:00:56
Santa LuciaPrada, Lorenzo00:01:26
Santa LuciaScerri, Albert00:01:50

Coty,Pierre Marie & Pango, Pierre Michel(1)

L’AbidjanaiseWoodroffe, Richard00:02:48

Couperin, François 'le Grand' (1668-1733), French(4)

Les Grâces Naturèles. Suite de la Bontems.Milazzo, Carol F00:03:41
leçons de ténèbres (3ème leçon du mercredy)Clement, Joel00:11:02
Ordre VI - Les Baricades mistérieusesGrasset, Yves00:02:23
Ordre XVIII - Le Tic-Toc-Choc ou les MaillotinsGrasset, Yves00:02:28

Cristea, Alexandru (1890 - 1942), Moldovan(1)

Limba NoastraWoodroffe, Richard00:01:52

Crivelli, Giovanni Battista (? - 1652), Italian(1)

O Maria Mater GratiaeHooper, John00:01:50

Croce, Giovanni (1557-1609), Italian(1)

Cantate DominoBonomi, Ilario00:01:52

Croft, Joseph (1988-), American(5)

Ballad of a Dreamer (2004)Croft, Joseph00:02:03
Cave TowersCroft, Joseph00:03:19
Lord of the FliesCroft, Joseph00:07:29
The MoonlightCroft, Joseph00:02:41
Variations on a March (2004)Croft, Joseph00:04:46

Croft, William (1678-1727), English(1)

God is gone upHooper, John00:04:22

Csermák, Antal (1826)(1)

Lassú magyar (Slow Hungarian)Fábián, József00:02:11

Cucu, Gheorghe (1882-1932), Romanian(2)

Domn, Domn, SanaltamEdwards, Mike00:01:06
Domnulet si, domn din cerEdwards, Mike00:02:13

Cunningham, David(1)

Carriage Ride PolkaCunningham, David00:03:45

Czibulka, Alphonse(1)

"Stephanie" GavotteTate, John Paul III00:03:33


CruyceloosSlagt, Bart00:01:11

Dacre, Harry (1860 - 1922), English(1)

Daisy BellHauck, Josh00:04:27

Dagnon, Gilbert Jean(1)

L’Aube NouvelleWoodroffe, Richard00:03:31

Damas, Georges Aleka (1902 - 1982), Gabonese(1)

La ConcordeWoodroffe, Richard00:02:05

Damdinsüren, Bilegiin (1919 - 1991)(1)

Mongol ulsyn töriin duulalWoodroffe, Richard00:00:46

Daquin, Louis Claude (1694-1772), French(1)

Le Coucou (Rondeau pour le clavecin)Ciaramella, Eric00:01:55

Darby, Bob (1947- ), English(20)

AftermathDarby, Bob00:05:08
Clarinet QuintetDarby, Bob00:28:36
DominusDarby, Bob00:03:24
Flying DustbinDarby, Bob00:05:11
Impromptu for Violin and PianoDarby, Bob00:05:57
Landscapes 2005Darby, Bob00:12:50
Le ManègeDarby, Bob00:06:40
MinuetDarby, Bob00:11:24
Nocturne for Piano, Violin and CelloDarby, Bob00:08:58
Oboe QuintetDarby, Bob00:29:40
Piano Concerto in FDarby, Bob00:33:52
Piano Sonata No 1 in EDarby, Bob00:22:21
Piano Sonata No 2 in C minorDarby, Bob00:18:35
Piano Sonata No 3 in G Minor 2005Darby, Bob00:21:30
Piano Sonata No 4 in Eb - 1st Movement 2007Darby, Bob00:23:34
Strawberry Rocking BusDarby, Bob00:02:51
String Quartet No 1Darby, Bob00:35:57
String Quartet No 2Darby, Bob00:34:14
String Quartet No3 in F MinorDarby, Bob00:31:00
Suite: Scenes from Middle EarthDarby, Bob00:44:02

Darwish, Sayed (1892 - 1923), Egyptian(1)

Bilady, Bilady, BiladyWoodroffe, Richard00:00:40

Davey, Kyt Le Nen(1)

Withiel FurryFierek, Rosie00:00:27

Davey, Neil(2)

Ewon An MorFierek, Rosie00:00:36
The Woolly MonkeyFierek, Rosie00:00:27

da Viadani, Ludovico (1564-1645), Italian(2)

Exsultate justi (1602)Hooper, John00:01:49
Exultate JustiKjeldsen, Andreas00:01:49

Davis, Thomas R A H Sir (1917 - 2007)(1)

Te Atua Mou E (To God Almighty)Woodroffe, Richard00:00:49

Davlesov, Nasyr(1)

Kyrgyz Respublikasynyn Mamlekettik GimniWoodroffe, Richard00:02:35

Davy, Andy(1)

Maids of Carnon DownsFierek, Rosie00:00:37

Debali, Francisco José (1791 - 1859), Hungarian(1)

Himno Nacional de la Republica Oriental del UruguayWoodroffe, Richard00:04:31

de Beranger, Pierre Jean (1780 - 1857), French(1)

NegarakuWoodroffe, Richard00:00:50

Debussy, Claude Achille (1862-1918), French(27)

Arabesque No.1Hauck, Josh00:03:46
Ballade Slave (Published 1891)Porter, Warren00:05:17
Beau soir (1880)Guix, Joseph00:01:36
Chanson 1 - Dieu! qu'il la fait bon regarderGibson, Mike00:01:32
Chanson 3 - Y-ver vous n'estes qu'un villainGibson, Mike00:01:45
Clair de Lune composed 1890Woodroffe, Richard00:04:17
Clair de Lune for violin and pianoPorter, Warren00:03:39
Dieu ! qu'il la fait bon regarder !NWCChorus00:01:17
Dieu ! Qu'il la fait bon regarder (1898)Guix, Joseph00:01:50
En Bateau (extrait de la <<Petite Suite>>)Porter, Warren00:02:54
Golliwogs cakewalkWoodroffe, Richard00:02:02
Golliwogs cakewalk in the style of TomitaWoodroffe, Richard00:02:05
Il pleure dans mon coeurJacques, Alain00:02:23
Jardins sous la pluie (1903) (in: Estampes)Guix, Joseph00:04:29
La cathedrale engloutie ("The Sunken Cathedral") (1910)Karageanes, Jim00:07:18
Les cloches (1891)Guix, Joseph00:01:19
Le temps a laissé son manteau, 1904Jacques, Alain00:01:10
Nuit D'etoilesScerri, Albert00:02:08
Nuit d'étoilesJacques, Alain00:02:16
Prélude à l'après-midi d'un fauneMoffatt, Stuart00:05:44
Quant j'ai ouy le tambourinNWCChorus00:01:43
Quartet in G Minor, op. 10Richardson, Greg00:22:40
ReverieStafford, James00:04:06
Trois Chansons (1898 & 1908)Hooper, John00:06:07
Valse Romantique (1891)Porter, Warren00:03:05
Yver ! vous n'estes qu'un villain (1898)Guix, Joseph00:01:46
Yver, vous n'estes qu'un villainNWCChorus00:01:57

De Curtis, Ernesto (1875-1937), Italian(3)

Non ti scordar di meScerri, Albert00:03:48
Non ti scordar di mePrada, Lorenzo00:03:35
Torna a SurrientoSloman, Benjamin00:02:03

Dedekind, Constantin Christian (1628 - 1715), German(1)

Das Wort ward FleischLamminga, Klaas00:02:06

De Koven, Reginald (1859-1920), American(3)

Robin Hood - Let hammer on anvil ringScerri, Albert00:02:52
Robin Hood - Oh Promise MeScerri, Albert00:02:18
We Part To Meet AgainScerri, Albert00:04:08

De Lalande, Michel Richard (1657 - 1726), French(1)

Confitebor tibi DomineClement, Joel00:01:45

de Lassus, Roland (1532-1594), Franço-flamand(2)

O temps diversDuflos, Annie00:02:20
Un jeune moine est sorti du couventSpagni, Maurizio00:03:17

de Leeuw, Josh (1986-), US(1)

Pirates!Leeuw, Josh de00:03:00

Delf, Ray(1)

Polka CovathFierek, Rosie00:00:43

Delibes, Léo (1836-1891), French(13)

Agnus Dei from Messe brève (1875)Dechargé, Pierre00:04:03
Coppelia Waltz - Par les bois embaumèsScerri, Albert00:02:01
Coppélia - Suíte de ballet pour orchestre 1) ValseSpagni, Maurizio00:02:26
Coppélia - Suíte de ballet pour orchestre 3) MazurcaSpagni, Maurizio00:04:03
Lakme - Ah, Viens Dans La ForetScerri, Albert00:02:15
Lakme - Sous le dôme épais (The Flower duet)Woodroffe, Richard00:04:30
Lakme - The Flower Song (Excerpt)Coin, Harry00:01:05
Lakmé - Ou Va La Jeune Indoue (Indian Bell Song)Scerri, Albert00:06:50
Le Roi s´amuse - Airs de danse en style ancien - 1) GaillardeSpagni, Maurizio00:02:57
Le Roi s´amuse - Airs de danse en style ancien - 2) Pavane "Belle qui tiens ma vie"Spagni, Maurizio00:01:26
Le Roi s´amuse - Airs de danse en style ancien - 6) PassepiedSpagni, Maurizio00:01:47
Les Filles De Cadiz (The Cadiz Maids)Scerri, Albert00:03:55
Sylvia, Act III part 4, Divertissement: PizzicatiSpagni, Maurizio00:01:45

de Lisle, Claude-Joseph Rouget (1760-1836), French(1)

La MarseillaiseScerri, Albert00:03:43

Delius, Frederick (1862-1934), German/English(3)

Sea DriftHooper, John00:25:13
To be sung of a summer night on the water - two unaccompanied partsongs, 1917Hooper, John00:03:56
Zum Carnival Polka 1885Woodroffe, Richard00:01:43

Demar, Theresia (1786-1858), French(1)

Fandango et landon portugais varié (ca. 1830)Spagni, Maurizio00:07:14

De Mudarra, Alonso (1510-1580), Spanish(1)

GallardaSpagni, Maurizio00:01:20

De Narváez, Luys (1526-1549), Spanish(1)

Cinco diferencias sobre "Guardame las vacas"Spagni, Maurizio00:01:31

Denza, Luigi (1846 - 1922), Italian(1)

Funiculi, funicula (A merry heart)Scerri, Albert00:02:30

de Puy, Johannes Corstianus (1835 - 1924), Netherlands(1)

God zij met ons Suriname!Woodroffe, Richard00:00:39

Dering, Richard (1580 - 1630), English(1)

Factum est SilentiumGibson, Mike00:02:49

de Sermisy, Claudin (1490-1562), Français(1)

Pilons l'orgeDuflos, Annie00:01:39

de Sousa, Manuel dos Santos Barreto(1)

Independência totalWoodroffe, Richard00:01:04

DesPres, Josquin (circa 1440-1521), Flemish(12)

Absalon, Fili MiPortier, Dominique 'Marsu'00:03:44
Ave MariaSee Comments00:02:06
Ave Maria (1484)Hooper, John00:04:58
Ave Maria (motet)Lynch, Georgeann00:02:06
Chanson: Faulte d'argent (Lack of Money)Lynch, Georgeann00:02:26
Inviolata, casta et integra es, MariaArrowsmith, Geoff00:04:18
Mille RegretzWalker, Geoff00:01:26
Mille RegretzGibson, Mike00:01:54
Missa Hercules dux Ferrariae (1505)Hooper, John00:25:04
Missa Pangue lingua (1515)Hooper, John00:28:09
Motet: Tu pauperum refugiumLynch, Georgeann00:02:30
Recordans de my SegnoraArrowsmith, Geoff00:01:20

Devienne, François (1759-1803), French(4)

Duet for FluteShaffer, Jim00:01:22
Flute concerto n°2 in D Major, 1st movementForestier, Yann00:10:33
Flute concerto n°2 in D Major, 2nd and 3rd movementForestier, Yann00:08:35
Sinfonia Concertante No.4 in F major (for flute, oboe, French horn and bassoon), movement 2/2 (grazioso con variazioni)Forestier, Yann00:05:58

Deyoe, Adam (1989- ), USA(2)

Chant of the New WorldDeyoe, Adam00:03:54
Gyrating NescienceDeyoe, Adam00:07:17

Dgx yhl, Thomas (21st C)(1)

New Hong Kong AnthemMoffatt, Stuart00:02:05

Diabelli, Anton (1781 – 1858), Austrian(3)

Angelus ad Pastores aitHooper, John00:07:09
Pastoralmesse in F (1830)Hooper, John00:28:08
Puer natus est nobisHooper, John00:01:50

Diack, John Michael (1869 - 1947), Scottish(6)

In EnglandWoodroffe, Richard00:12:11
Jack and JillWoodroffe, Richard00:02:20
Little Jack HornerWoodroffe, Richard00:02:05
Mary had a Little LambWoodroffe, Richard00:01:44
My Ain CountreeWoodroffe, Richard00:11:17
Sing a Song of SixpenceWoodroffe, Richard00:02:19

Diaz, Louis D. (1940-), US(4)

"Ben and Wade".Diaz, Louis D00:04:44
Dios Te Bendiga (God Bless You)Diaz, Louis D00:03:48
Paisaje FinitoDiaz, Louis D00:09:22
Salsa HarpsDiaz, Louis D00:06:25

Dickie, Neil (1957-), Scottish/Canadian(1)

Clumsy Lover, JigPurdam, Andrew00:00:47

Distler, Hugo (1908 - 1942), German(2)

Die Tochter der HeideSee Comments00:03:14
VorspruchSee Comments00:02:21

Dizi, François-Joseph (1780-1840), Belgian(3)

7 pieces from 48 études pour la harpeSpagni, Maurizio00:11:32
Introduction and variations on the air "Benedetta sia la madre"Spagni, Maurizio00:08:31
Sonata for harp in D minorSpagni, Maurizio00:11:11

Dobyns, Geraldine (1883-?)(1)

Possum RagButler, John C00:02:44

Doeseb, Axali (1954 - ) , Namibian(1)

Namibia, Land of the BraveWoodroffe, Richard00:01:20

Donado, Edgardo (1897 - 1963), Uruguay(2)

A Media LuzSaarela, Timo00:01:38
MuchachoSaarela, Timo00:02:18

Donato, Baldassarre (1536?-1603), Italian(2)

Hei mihi! DomineGibson, Mike00:01:30
Primo libro di canzon villanesche alla Napolitana a quatro vociBalboni, Raimondo00:00:56

Donizetti, Gaetano (1797 - 1848), Italian(43)

Anna Bolena - Al dolce guidamiScerri, Albert00:02:12
Anna Bolena - Cielo A Miei Lunghi (Fly From The World )Scerri, Albert00:01:06
Anna Bolena - Per Questa Fiamma IndomitaScerri, Albert00:06:38
Ave MariaScerri, Albert00:02:13
Com'è gentilSloman, Benjamin00:03:09
Come, and beneath the linden shadeScerri, Albert00:02:55
Come Live With MeScerri, Albert00:01:56
Don Pasquale - Bella Siccome Un AngeloScerri, Albert00:02:39
Don Pasquale - La Morale In Tutto Questo (The Morals Of It)Scerri, Albert00:03:06
Don Pasquale - Tornami A Dir Che M'amiScerri, Albert00:02:19
Don Sebastiano - O Lisbona Alfin Ti MiroScerri, Albert00:03:56
Ecce Panis AngelorumScerri, Albert00:02:51
Figlia Del Regimento - Vive La France (Rataplan)Scerri, Albert00:01:17
Fille Du RegimentHauck, Josh00:01:30
L'Elisir d'Amore - (Barcarole) I'm rich and you're prettyScerri, Albert00:02:47
L'Elisir d'Amore - Della crudele IsottaScerri, Albert00:01:49
L'Elisir d'Amore - Quanto è bella (How she's lovely)Scerri, Albert00:01:50
L'Elisir d'Amore - Una furtiva lacrimaScerri, Albert00:03:41
La Favorita - A Tanto Amor (To So Much Love)Scerri, Albert00:02:21
La Favorita - Dei Nemici Tuoi Lo SdegnoScerri, Albert00:03:49
La Favorita - Fia Dunque Vero, LasciartiScerri, Albert00:04:20
La Favorita - In Questo SuoloScerri, Albert00:02:30
La Favorita - Spirito gentilScerri, Albert00:03:06
La Favorita - Una vergine, un angel di DioScerri, Albert00:02:26
La Favorita - Vien Leonora A Piedi TuoiScerri, Albert00:02:19
La Figlia Del Regimento - Amici Miei (Mes Amis)Scerri, Albert00:02:10
La Figlia del Regimento - Ask me not whyScerri, Albert00:02:21
La Figlia del Regimento - Search through the worldScerri, Albert00:02:21
La Figlia del Regimento - Song of the drumScerri, Albert00:01:23
Linda Di Chamonix - Sweetly The Marriage BellsScerri, Albert00:02:29
Linda Di Chamounix - Resto Fra Le LagrimeScerri, Albert00:03:03
Lucia di Lamermoor - Cruda, funesta smania (Torments of hate)Scerri, Albert00:01:53
Lucia di Lamermoor - Per te d'immenso giubiloScerri, Albert00:00:40
Lucia di Lamermoor - Scena Finale - Tu che a DioScerri, Albert00:05:08
Lucia Di Lamermoor - Spargi D'amore PiantoScerri, Albert00:01:46
Lucia di Lamermoor - Tombe degl'avi miei (Fra poco a me ricovero)Scerri, Albert00:05:29
Lucia di Lammermoor (Act I. & II.)Clement, Joel01:37:58
Lucrezia Borgia - Com'è Bello Quale IncantoScerri, Albert00:04:25
Lucrezia Borgia - Di Pescatore IgnobileScerri, Albert00:07:31
Lucrezia Borgia - Il Segreto Di Esser FeliciScerri, Albert00:02:49
Lucrezia Borgia - Vieni, La Mia VendettaScerri, Albert00:04:32
No I will sigh no more (Non giova il sospirar)Scerri, Albert00:02:11
O Salutaris OstiaScerri, Albert00:02:37

Donovan, Jack (20th C - ), American(1)

Rondo in D for ThreeDonovan, Jack00:04:10

Dowland, John (1563-1626), English(13)

Awake Sweet LoveScerri, Albert00:02:54
Come again, sweet loveSloman, Benjamin00:01:47
Come Again, Sweet LoveHall, Damien00:02:11
Flow My Tears (Lacrimae)Scerri, Albert00:02:51
Henry Umpton's FuneralWalker, Geoff00:04:04
King of Denmark's GalliardWalker, Geoff00:01:04
Mrs. Winter's JumpWalker, Geoff00:00:33
Now, Oh now, I needs must partWalker, Geoff00:03:08
Pavan Lachrimae AntiquaeWalker, Geoff00:03:48
Say, LoveHall, Damien00:00:58
Sorrow, Sorrow, Stay (1600)Ware, Tobias00:01:51
Stay Time, awhile, thy flying (1612)Ware, Tobias00:02:48
Whoever Thinks Or Hopes Of LoveScerri, Albert00:01:09

Dragonetti, Domenico (1763-1846) Italian(1)

Duetto per violoncello e contrabbassoSpagni, Maurizio00:05:49

Drdla, Franz (1868 - 1944), Czech Republic(1)

Souvenir (1904)Porter, Warren00:03:43

Dubois, Theodore (1837-1924), French(1)

The Seven Last Words of ChristJennings, James R00:35:45

Duhon, J. Eric (20th C)(1)

Symphony No. 1 in A minorDuhon, J Eric00:12:57

Dukas, Paul (1865 - 1935), French(2)

L'Apprenti Sorcier 2015Clement, Joel00:15:17
Sorcerer's ApprenticeWoodroffe, Richard00:09:28

Dunn, Bart A.(6)

Death March SuiteDunn, Bart A00:03:53
Incidental Music for A Midsummer Night's DreamDunn, Bart A00:07:11
Incidental Music for Shakespeare's The TempestDunn, Bart A00:17:40
Incidental Music for William Shakespeare's Much Ado About NothingDunn, Bart A00:10:05
Spokojne Sny (Beautiful Slumber, polish.)Dunn, Bart A00:04:03
Winter's ProcessionalDunn, Bart A00:00:44

Dunn, Finlay (1795 - 1853)(1)

Annie LaurieScerri, Albert00:02:01

Dunstaple, John (1390 – 1453), English(1)

Veni Sancte SpiritusHooper, John00:05:34

Duparc, Henri (1848 - 1933), French(2)

ExtaseScerri, Albert00:01:53
Serenade FlorentineScerri, Albert00:02:24

Durand, Auguste (1830 - 1909), French(1)

Première valse - op. 83Spagni, Maurizio00:03:32

Durante, Francesco (1684 - 1755), Italian(5)

Danza, danza fanciulla gentileScerri, Albert00:01:39
Magnificat in b flatLamminga, Klaas00:11:15
Magnificat in B flat a cinqueHooper, John00:10:48
Vergin, tutto amorScerri, Albert00:02:00
Vergin, tutto amorSee Comments00:02:00

Dussek, Jan Ladislav (1760 - 1812), Czech(6)

Sonatina n. I (from Six sonatas for harpe)Spagni, Maurizio00:04:23
Sonatina n. II (from Six sonatas for harpe)Spagni, Maurizio00:04:25
Sonatina n. III (from Six sonatas for harpe)Spagni, Maurizio00:03:21
Sonatina n. IV (from Six sonatas for harpe)Spagni, Maurizio00:04:29
Sonatina n. V (from Six sonatas for harpe)Spagni, Maurizio00:03:23
Sonatina n. VI (from Six sonatas for harpe)Spagni, Maurizio00:05:16

Dvorak [Dvorák], Antonin (1841-1904), Czech(21)

Four Romantic Pieces for Violin and Piano Opus 75 (1887)Porter, Warren00:15:55
Going Home (Based On Largo, New World Symph)Scerri, Albert00:03:52
Humoresque op. 101, n. 7 (1894)Spagni, Maurizio00:02:46
Largo from "New World" Symphony, Op. 95Purdam, Andrew00:03:38
Mass in D major (Op. 86) (1892)Hooper, John00:38:34
Mass in D major (Op. 86) (1892)Gibson, Mike00:36:03
Mass in D major, Op.86 , ''Credo''.Jelic, Damir00:10:20
Mass in D major, Op.86 , ''Sanctus''.Jelic, Damir00:02:27
Mass in D major, Op.86 , 'Kyrie'.Jelic, Damir00:05:56
Mass in D major, Op.86, ''Gloria''.Jelic, Damir00:07:08
Napadly písně op. 63,1  (op. 63)Lamminga, Klaas00:09:50
Piano Quintet in A Major, op. 81Richardson, Greg00:38:53
Quartet No. 12 in F Major, op. 96 "American"Richardson, Greg00:21:29
Requiem (Op. 89) (1890)Hooper, John01:34:11
Russalka - Song to the MoonWoodroffe, Richard00:05:20
Serenade for Strings in E major, Op. 22 (1875)Box, Ramón Pajares00:28:11
Stabat Mater (Op. 58)Gibson, Mike01:08:10
Stabat Mater (Op. 58) (1880)Hooper, John01:21:42
Symphony No 8 in G Major, Op.88 (1889)Billett, Tina00:31:59
Symphony No 9 (New World)Billett, Tina00:36:07
Te Deum (Op. 103) (1892)Hooper, John00:19:04

D’Arcangelo, Raffaele (1949 - ), Italian(3)

Nocturne 417 Op 2 in Bb Maj.D’Arcangelo, Raffaele00:02:59
Pourquoi moi (Why me)D’Arcangelo, Raffaele00:03:35
Rio - A Colombian cumbiaD’Arcangelo, Raffaele00:04:11

Eaktay, Ahn (1905 - 1965), Korean(1)

AegukgaWoodroffe, Richard00:00:40

Eccles, Henri (1670-1742), English(1)

Sonata in Gm for Cello: I.) LargoCohen, Jesse00:03:11

Edwards, C. Van Roland, (1912 - 1985), Barbadian(1)

Barbados National AnthemWoodroffe, Richard00:02:20

Edwards, Gus (1879-1945), German(1)

By the light of the silvery moonMoffatt, Stuart00:03:19

Eilenberg, Richard (1848 - 1927), German(4)

Die Muehle im Schwarzwald, Opus 57, 1885Veld, Frits in't00:04:53
Petersburger Schlittenfahrt, Opus 52, 1885/1886Veld, Frits in't00:03:00
QuellengeisterWoodroffe, Richard00:02:57
Verlornes Glück (Nocturno), Opus 33, 1883Veld, Frits in't00:04:31

Eldering, Klaas (1951 - ), Netherlands(2)

Concerto Opus1 1st Movt. (Supernovae)Eldering, Klaas00:06:57
Concerto Opus1 2nd Movt. (Supernovae)Eldering, Klaas00:16:22

Elgar, Edward William (1857-1934), English(61)

As TorrentsGibson, Mike00:01:45
As torrents in summer (from a Cantata: "King Olaf", Op. 30) (1896)Hooper, John00:01:46
Ave MariaGibson, Mike00:02:12
Ave Maria (1887)Hooper, John00:02:41
Ave maris stellaHooper, John00:03:28
Ave VerumGibson, Mike00:02:49
Ave verum corpus (1887)Hooper, John00:02:54
Ave Verum Op 1 No 2Scerri, Albert00:01:47
Benedictus 1897 Op. 34 No 2Gibson, Mike00:07:03
Coronation Ode, Op 44 (1902)Hooper, John00:34:08
Coronation Ode 1 - Crown the KingGibson, Mike00:10:03
Coronation Ode 2 - QueenGibson, Mike00:01:18
Coronation Ode 3 - Daughter of ancient kingsGibson, Mike00:01:14
Coronation Ode 4 - Britain, Ask of thyselfGibson, Mike00:03:50
Coronation Ode 5 - Peace, Gentle PeaceGibson, Mike00:03:35
Coronation Ode 7 -Land of Hope and GloryGibson, Mike00:04:14
Death on the Hills Op72Gibson, Mike00:03:34
Dream of Gerontius (1900)Hooper, John01:27:14
Enigma Pomp and Circumstance March Op.39 No 1 in D MajorBillett, Tina00:06:32
Enigma Pomp and Circumstance March Op.39 No 2 in in A minorBillett, Tina00:05:28
Enigma Pomp and Circumstance March Op.39 No 4 in in G minorBillett, Tina00:04:46
Enigma Variations (Opus 36)Billett, Tina00:21:48
From the Bavarian Highlands (1890)Hooper, John00:25:36
From the Bavarian Highlands - 1 The Dance Op 27 No 1Gibson, Mike00:03:30
From the Bavarian Highlands Op 27 No 2 - False LoveGibson, Mike00:03:39
From the Bavarian Highlands Op 27 No 3 - LullabyGibson, Mike00:03:10
From the Bavarian Highlands Op 27 No 4 AspirationGibson, Mike00:02:28
From the Bavarian Highlands Op 27 No 5 On the AlmGibson, Mike00:03:04
From the Bavarian Highlands Op 27 No 6 The MarksmenGibson, Mike00:08:15
Give unto the Lord Op 74Gibson, Mike00:07:21
Good morrow (1929)Hooper, John00:03:31
Great is the LordGibson, Mike00:08:41
Land of Hope and GlorySmedley, Tony00:00:52
Love's Tempest Op73 No1Gibson, Mike00:02:16
Love Op 18 No 2Gibson, Mike00:01:53
My love dwelt in a Northern land (1890)Hooper, John00:03:55
My love dwelt in a Northern land Op 18 No 3Gibson, Mike00:01:45
Nimrod Enigma Variation 9 - (Opus 36)Billett, Tina00:02:38
O happy eyes (1890 )Hooper, John00:02:43
O Happy Eyes Op 18 No 1Gibson, Mike00:01:54
O Happy Eyes Op18 No1Scerri, Albert00:01:57
O hearken Thou (1911)Hooper, John00:03:58
O Salutaris OstiaScerri, Albert00:02:52
Salut d’Amour Op 12Smedley, Tony00:03:00
Scenes from the Saga of King Olaf (1896)Hooper, John01:14:00
Serenade Op73 No2Gibson, Mike00:01:34
Spanish Serenade Op. 23Woodroffe, Richard00:04:11
Te Deum & Benedictus (op 34) (1897)Hooper, John00:18:49
Te Deum 1897 Op, 34 No 1Gibson, Mike00:11:20
The Apostles, Op. 49 (1903)Hooper, John01:56:48
The Black Knight (1889-93)Hooper, John00:34:04
The Fountain Op 71 No 2Gibson, Mike00:02:47
The Kingdom, Op. 49 (1903)Hooper, John01:21:15
The Light of Life (1896)Hooper, John01:02:32
The Music Makers (1912)Gibson, Mike00:27:34
The Music Makers (1912)Hooper, John00:37:10
There is sweet music (1907)Hooper, John00:05:04
There is sweet music Op 53 No 1Gibson, Mike00:04:30
The Shower Op71 No1Gibson, Mike00:01:46
They are at rest (1909)Hooper, John00:03:24
Three Part Songs (Op. 18) (1890)Hooper, John00:09:02

Elkutlu, Râkým (1872-1948), Turkish(1)

Uþþák Þarký (song)iNANC [iNANÇ], Ertugrul00:02:23

Ellerbrock, Joseph (1956 - ), USA(8)

Bitonal StudiesEllerbrock, Joe00:05:17
Chantilly RagEllerbrock, Joe00:03:28
Charleston Street RagEllerbrock, Joe00:03:05
Jazz RagEllerbrock, Joe00:04:13
Los Alamos RagEllerbrock, Joe00:04:11
New Age RagEllerbrock, Joe00:03:21
Potato RagEllerbrock, Joe00:03:44
Santa Fe RagEllerbrock, Joe00:03:15

Enescu, George (1881-1955), Romanian(1)

Romanian Rhapsody No. 1, op. 11, no. 1 (1901)Box, Ramón Pajares00:13:11

Englund, Gunnar (1939 - ), Swedish(1)

Den helige Franciskus' bön (St. Francis' Prayer)Schleussner, Sebastian00:02:13

Enlow, Lizzy (1986-), American(4)

Flute Quartet no. 1 in B flat minor (2001)Enlow, Lizzy00:01:46
How Scary the ThoughtEnlow, Lizzy00:03:36
In MemoriamEnlow, Lizzy00:03:36
The Warrior--Mvt.1 from "The Reeds" piano soloEnlow, Lizzy00:01:27

Er, Nie (1912-1935), Chinese(2)

March of the Volunteers, the Chinese National AnthemLee, Henry00:00:43
March of the Volunteers, the Chinese National AnthemMoffatt, Stuart00:01:01

Erkel, Ferenc (1810 - 1893), Hungarian(1)

Isten, áldd meg a magyart (Himnusz)Woodroffe, Richard00:06:37

Evans, Daniel (1987- ), USA(1)

Spring (2002)Evans, Daniel00:00:46

Ezekiel, Ymesei O. (1926 - 1984), Palauan(1)

Belau rekidWoodroffe, Richard00:00:45

Fabian [Fábián], József (20thC-), Hungarian(15)

Alföld (The Great Hungarian Plane)Fábián, József00:02:29
A Nostalgic SongFábián, József00:01:02
As Life goes byFábián, József00:02:24
Ave MariaFábián, József00:02:18
DesertedFábián, József00:08:07
EtudeFábián, József00:01:15
LacrymosaFábián, József00:01:48
LolaFábián, József00:01:42
Marsch!Fábián, József00:01:04
pavaneFábián, József00:00:28
Rex tremendaeFábián, József00:01:46
RondeauFábián, József00:02:11
SonatinaFábián, József00:01:21
Song from the WoodsFábián, József00:01:09
Study for two violinsFábián, József00:00:29

Falconieri, Andrea (1586 - 1656), Italian(2)

O bellissimi capelli (O beautiful hair )Scerri, Albert00:01:25
Occhietti amati (Loved eyes)Scerri, Albert00:01:40

Farmer, John (1570-1601)(1)

The Lord's Prayer (1592)Hooper, John00:01:15

Farmer, John (1570-1601), English(1)

Come Holy Ghost Eternal God (1592)Hooper, John00:03:10

Farnaby, Giles (~1563-1640), English(3)

His HumourHicks, Grant00:01:29
Quadlings DelightAlberga, Cyril N00:04:20
Tower HillHicks, Grant00:00:33

Farrant, Richard (1530 - 1580), English(4)

Call to RemembranceGibson, Mike00:01:32
Hide not Thou thy faceGibson, Mike00:01:32
Hide not thou thy face from meLowther, G J00:01:09
Lord, for thy tender mercy's sakeGibson, Mike00:02:03

Fasch, Johann Friedrich (1688 - 1758), German(2)

Sonata FaWV N:B1Spagni, Maurizio00:07:55
Sonata FaWV N:G1Spagni, Maurizio00:06:18

Faure [Fauré], Gabriel (1845-1924), French(59)

Apres un reveKing, Robert00:01:51
Apres un reve (Op. 7, No. 1), 1878Hooper, John00:02:25
Après un rêve Op 7 No 1 (1878)Moffatt, Stuart00:02:31
Au bord de l'eau (Op. 8, No. 1), 1871Hooper, John00:01:40
Au bord de l'eau Op 8 No 1 (1875)Moffatt, Stuart00:02:01
Cantique de Jean RacineLowther, G J00:02:58
Cantique de Jean Racine (Op.11), 1876Hooper, John00:05:57
Cantique de Jean Racine, Op.11Hall, Damien00:04:44
Cantique de Jean Racine, Op.11See Comments00:04:45
Cantique de Jean Racine, Op.11Gibson, Mike00:04:41
Chanson d'amour - Opus 27 No 1Moffatt, Stuart00:01:52
Clair de lune Opus 46 No. 2See Comments00:01:14
Claire de lune (Menuet) - Opus 46 No 2Moffatt, Stuart00:02:32
Dans les ruines d'une abbayeMoffatt, Stuart00:02:37
Dolly - N°1: Berceuse (1894)Guix, Joseph00:02:49
Dolly - N°2: "Messieu Aou!" (Mi-a-ou)Guix, Joseph00:01:41
En PriereGibson, Mike00:02:27
Four Songs - Mai, Lydia, Le secret, Fleur jeteeHooper, John00:08:15
Hymne Op 7 No 2 (1870)Moffatt, Stuart00:01:32
Ici-bas! Op 8 No 3 (1874?)Moffatt, Stuart00:01:09
Il pleure dans mon coeurJacques, Alain00:02:10
In Paradisum (from Requiem in Dm, Op.49) (1887)Hall, Damien00:03:21
Le papillon at la fleur Op 1 No 1 (1861)Moffatt, Stuart00:01:55
Le papillon et la fleur (1869) Op. 1 no.1Hooper, John00:02:25
Les berceaux Op. 23, No. 1, 1879Hooper, John00:02:45
Les Djinns Op.12, 1875Hooper, John00:03:40
Le Secret - Opus 23 No 3 1881Moffatt, Stuart00:01:44
Les matelots Op 2 No 2 (1870?)Moffatt, Stuart00:01:24
Les roses d'IspahanJacques, Alain00:02:42
Lydia Op 4 No 2Moffatt, Stuart00:02:32
Lydia Op 4 No 2Scerri, Albert00:02:16
MaiMoffatt, Stuart00:02:10
Mandoline - De Venise Opus 58 No 1 1891Moffatt, Stuart00:01:52
Messe des pêcheurs de Villerville, 1881Hooper, John00:15:30
Nell Opus 18 No. 1Woodroffe, Richard00:02:29
Nell Opus 18 No. 1See Comments00:02:28
Notre Amour - Opus 23 No 2 1881Moffatt, Stuart00:02:00
PavaneWoodroffe, Richard00:04:12
Pavane (Op.50), 1887Hooper, John00:06:02
Piano Quartet No. 2 in G Minor, Op. 45Richardson, Greg00:32:33
Piano Quintet No. 1 in D Minor, Op. 89Richardson, Greg00:32:28
Poème d’un jour - Adieu Opus 21 No. 3See Comments00:01:47
Poème d’un jour - Rencontre Opus 21 No. 1See Comments00:02:20
Poème d’un jour - Toujours Opus 21 No. 2See Comments00:01:14
PrisonJacques, Alain00:01:30
Prison, Op. 83, No. 1, 1894Hooper, John00:01:45
Requiem (Op.48)See Comments00:31:06
Requiem (Op.48), 1887-9Hooper, John00:31:37
REQUIEM, Introït & KyrieSchmidt, Pierre00:05:40
REQUIEM, OffertoireSchmidt, Pierre00:06:36
Requiem Op.48 No.4 - Pie JesuScerri, Albert00:03:11
Romance Sans Paroles, Op. 17 No. 3Macfarlane, Ann00:02:07
Rêve D'amour Opus 5 No 2 1865Moffatt, Stuart00:01:48
Sanctus (from Requiem in Dm, Op.49) (1887)Hall, Damien00:03:07
Sonata in A major, for Violin and Piano, Op. 13; I. Allegro moltoCarrasco, Daniel00:07:48
Sonata in A major, for Violin and Piano, Op. 13; III.Allegro vivoCarrasco, Daniel00:03:39
Sonata in A major, for Violin and Piano Op.13: IV. Allegro quasi prestoCarrasco, Daniel00:04:06
Tantum ergo (Op.55), 1890Hooper, John00:03:25
élégie op24, transcription pour alto et pianosolange, Robin00:06:56

Fawzi, Mohamed (1918 - 1966), Egyptian(1)

KassamanWoodroffe, Richard00:01:44

Fayrfax, Robert (1464 - 1521), English(1)

Magnificat - RegaleGibson, Mike00:13:30

Feliciano, José(1)

AffirmationHansche, Joseph00:02:46

Felipe, Julian (1861 - 1944), Philippines(1)

Lupang HinirangWoodroffe, Richard00:01:38

Fernandes, Gaspar (1566-1629), Portugese(1)

Un relox á visto AndrésEdwards, Mike00:02:37

Ferrandiere, Fernando (Siglo XVIII), Spanish(1)

MenuetSpagni, Maurizio00:01:34

Ferrari, Giacomo Gotifredo (1763-1842), Italian(4)

12 Petites Pieces, Op. 3, pour clavecin ou piano-forteSpagni, Maurizio00:39:57
Andantino pour harpe ou piano-forteSpagni, Maurizio00:04:43
Duetto op. 20 for two fortepiano or fortepiano and harpSpagni, Maurizio00:16:18
Trois grandes sonates pour harpe avec violon et violoncelle, op. 18Spagni, Maurizio00:43:36

Ferrer, Jose (1835 - 1916), Spanish(1)

Ejercicio: ValsWalker, Jason00:01:15

Fierek, Rosie(2)

Albaston Hairy DanceFierek, Rosie00:00:38
Revelling HarmoniousFierek, Rosie00:00:32

Figueredo, Pedro (1819 - 1870), Cuban(1)

La BayamesaWoodroffe, Richard00:01:10

Fitzgerald, Duncan (1954-)(6)

For Unto You This DayFitzgerald, Duncan00:02:48
Hail to the KingFitzgerald, Duncan00:02:13
If WeFitzgerald, Duncan00:04:20
If We (shorter version)Fitzgerald, Duncan00:03:52
O Sacred Head Now WoundedFitzgerald, Duncan00:04:29
Prelude in G minorFitzgerald, Duncan00:01:15

Flayfel, Mohammad(1)

Mawtini MawtiniWoodroffe, Richard00:03:25

Flayfel, Mohammad Salim (1899 - 1986), Syrian(1)

Humat ad-DiyarWoodroffe, Richard00:00:43

Flecha, Mateo (1481 - 1553), Spanish(1)

Riu, riu, chiuGibson, Mike00:02:08

Fletcher, Percy Eastman (1879 - 1932), British(1)

Ring out wild bells (1914)Hooper, John00:04:02

Flotow, Friedrich von (1812-1883), German(4)

Martha - Ach so fromm (M'appari tutto amor)Scerri, Albert00:02:32
Martha - Good-Night (Notturno)Scerri, Albert00:01:37
Martha - Last Rose Of SummerScerri, Albert00:01:53
Martha - Solo Profugo Rejetto (Lonely Refugee)Scerri, Albert00:02:04

Forman, Edmund, British(1)

"Two Lovely Black Eyes".(circa 1890)White, John H00:02:00

Fossy, Jules (1879 - after 1940 ), French(1)

P’tit fleur fanéeWoodroffe, Richard00:01:11

Foster, Stephen C. (1826-1864), American(10)

Beautiful DreamerPowell, Norman D00:05:18
Beautiful dreamer (Serenade)Scerri, Albert00:02:54
De Camptown racesScerri, Albert00:02:42
Gentle AnnieScerri, Albert00:02:27
If you've only got a moustacheScerri, Albert00:02:54
Jeanie with the light brown hairScerri, Albert00:03:12
Oh SusannaScerri, Albert00:03:24
Old Black JoeScerri, Albert00:03:00
Ring, ring de banjoScerri, Albert00:03:24
That's what's the matterScerri, Albert00:02:35

Franck, César (1822-1890), Belgian(7)

Mass in A major (Op 12) (1860)Hooper, John00:43:49
Panis AngelicusGibson, Mike00:03:45
Panis AngelicusBonomi, Ilario00:02:24
Panis Angelicus (1872)Hooper, John00:02:46
Prélude, Aria et Finale (1887-1888)Hicks, Grant00:21:44
PSALM 150Mill, Carl B00:05:12
Psaume 150Gibson, Mike00:04:32

Franzoni, Amante (1575 - 1630), Italian(1)

Sancta MariaSchleussner, Sebastian00:01:22

Frazier, Charles Richard (1950 - ), American(7)

Before I Found YouFrazier, Charles Richard00:03:53
Cold ComfortFrazier, Charles Richard00:03:46
For All My Blessings, definable and otherwise.Frazier, Charles Richard00:04:17
I KnowFrazier, Charles Richard00:03:25
Shadow DanceFrazier, Charles Richard00:02:53
Stadium TrashFrazier, Charles Richard00:03:20
When We MetFrazier, Charles Richard00:04:17

Frescobaldi, Girolamo (1583-1643), Italian(2)

Toccata "per l'Elevazione"Purdam, Andrew00:04:56
Toccata "per l'Elevazione"Purdam, Andrew00:02:27

Friedman, Leo (1869-1927), American(1)

Let Me Call You SweetheartRoberts, Joseph00:03:10

Fritsche, Carl (1954 - ), American(2)

"The Holy Child"Fritsche, Carl00:16:04
Jesus My SaviorFritsche, Carl00:03:07

Frontini, Francesco Paolo (1860-1939) Italian(1)

Ciurri, ciurriSpagni, Maurizio00:01:15

Frost, Kevin 1985(1)

Majestic Piano, Amster Dance, Water and Steel, Ballad on HighFrost, Kevin00:14:31

Fry, William Henry (1813 - 1864), American(1)

Leonora - Blame her notScerri, Albert00:02:24

Fuchs, Robert (1847-1927), Austrian(1)

Symphony No 1 in C major, Op. 37.(1884)White, John H00:28:37

Fucík, Julius (1892-1916), Czech(5)

Der alte Brummbar, Opus 210 (1910)Struys, Peter00:04:19
Die Regimentskinder Op.169 (Children of the Regiment March)Hauck, Josh00:02:45
Einzug der Gladiatoren - op. 68 (1897)Spagni, Maurizio00:02:52
Entry of the GladiatorsWoodroffe, Richard00:03:07
Mississippi River. American March Op. 160Clemente, Sergio Moliner00:03:07

Furio, Nicholas (1986 - ), American(4)

Fall for PianoFurio, Nicholas A00:03:33
LincolnFurio, Nicholas A00:02:31
Love too Deep, 2004Furio, Nicholas A00:01:48
PromenadeFurio, Nicholas A00:01:41

Gabrieli, Giovanni (1554 - 1612), Italian(14)

Canzona Per Sonare No. 1Bozic, Daniel00:02:20
Canzona Per Sonare No. 2Bozic, Daniel00:02:14
Canzona Per Sonare No. 3Bozic, Daniel00:01:38
Canzona Per Sonare No. 4Bozic, Daniel00:01:48
Canzon VIBozic, Daniel00:02:42
Hodie completi sunt (1576)Hooper, John00:04:40
In ecclesiisHooper, John00:08:41
Jubilate DeoGibson, Mike00:05:10
Jubilate DeoHooper, John00:04:34
O Domine Jesu Christe (1597)Hooper, John00:04:10
O Jesu mi dulcissime (1597)Hooper, John00:06:45
O magnum misteriumHooper, John00:03:16
PlauditeGibson, Mike00:03:26
Plaudite omnis terra (1597)Hooper, John00:03:41

Gabrieli, Giovanni (ca 1555 - 1612) Venice, Italy(1)

Angelus ad Pastores ait Motet for 12 voices Op. C5 (ca 1600)Haylett, Bernie00:03:09

Gabrielli, Andrea (c.1525 - 1586), Iatalian(1)

Ave ReginaGibson, Mike00:02:13

Gade, Niels W. (1817-1890), Danish(2)

Die WasserroseGibson, Mike00:03:08
String Quartet in D major Op. 63 (1889)White, John H00:19:09

Gaffurio, Franchino (Gaffurius Franchinus) (1451-1522), Italian(2)

Adoramus Te, ChristeEdwards, Mike00:01:50
O Jesu DulcissimeEdwards, Mike00:01:32

Galilei, Vincenzo (c. 1520 - 1591), Italian(1)

SaltarelloSpagni, Maurizio00:01:00

Galuppi, Baldassere (1706 – 1785), Italian(2)

AllegroCiantar, Noel00:02:20
AndanteCiantar, Noel00:03:12

Garcia, Pe. José Maurício Nunes (1767-1830), Brazilian(1)

Laudate Dominum Onmes Gentes in D, CPM76 (1813)Soares, Artur Penha00:07:31

Gardell, Carlos (-1935), Argentine(1)

El Dia Que Me QuierasSaarela, Timo00:03:53

Gardner, Geoffrey Y (1939 - ), American(4)

Block IslandGardner, Geoffrey Y00:03:36
Can Spring Be Far BehindGardner, Geoffrey Y00:02:50
Marmaduke overtureGardner, Geoffrey Y00:06:20
NWC Orchestral Christmas MusicGardner, Geoffrey Y00:24:10

Gasparini, Francesco (1661 - 1727), Italian(1)

Caro laccio, dolce nodoSee Comments00:01:58

Gastaldon, Stanislao (1861 - 1939), Italian(1)

Musica proibita (The forbidden song)Scerri, Albert00:03:10

Gastoldi, Giovanni (1555 - 1609), Italian(1)

Amor vittoriosoSpagni, Maurizio00:02:24

Gay, John (1685 - 1732), English(1)

Over the Hills and Far AwayHussain, Iqbal00:01:09

Gbeho, Philip (1904 - 1976), Ghanaian(1)

God Bless Our Homeland GhanaWoodroffe, Richard00:01:09

Geffrard, Nicolas (1871 - 1930), Haitian(1)

La DessalinienneWoodroffe, Richard00:00:53

Gelman, Aviv (1983-), Israeli(2)

"Skipping School" - Trombone TrioGelman, Aviv00:00:50
Aviv Gelman's Private Collection, Vol. 1Gelman, Aviv00:44:23

Gentil, Philippe (1928 - ), Mauritian(1)

MotherlandWoodroffe, Richard00:00:48

Georges, Kenrick Anderson (1955 - )(1)

O Land of Beauty!Woodroffe, Richard00:00:47

Gernsheim, Friedrich (1839-1916), German(1)

String Quartet No 3 in F major, Op. 51.White, John H00:23:39

Gershwin, George (1898-1937), American(4)

An American in Paris (1928)Spagni, Maurizio00:02:43
Oh Lord, I'm on my wayGibson, Mike00:01:16
Rhapsody in Blue (piano solo)Purdam, Andrew00:15:13
Rialto Ripples (1917)Arrowsmith, Geoff00:02:15

Gesualdo, Carlo (1560 - 1613), Italian(4)

from Quarto Libro dei madrigali a cinque voci, 1596Balboni, Raimondo00:03:11
from Quarto Libro dei madrigali a cinque voci, 1596 2Balboni, Raimondo00:04:36
O vos omnes (1603)Hooper, John00:03:15
Quarto Libro dei madrigali a cinque voci, 1596 1Balboni, Raimondo00:02:42

Gibbons, Orlando (1583-1625), English(29)

Almighty and everlasting GodGibson, Mike00:01:55
Almighty and everlasting GodHooper, John00:02:00
Almighty God, who by thy SonGibson, Mike00:03:44
Behold, I bring you Glad TidingsGibson, Mike00:04:13
Behold, Thou hast made my daysGibson, Mike00:02:45
Benedictus (1641)Hooper, John00:04:25
Blessed are all theyGibson, Mike00:04:29
Glorious and Powerful GodGibson, Mike00:04:57
Grant, O Holy TrinityGibson, Mike00:04:07
Great King of GodsGibson, Mike00:04:20
Hosanna to the son of DavidHooper, John00:02:14
Hosanna to the son of DavidGibson, Mike00:02:31
If ye be risen again with ChristGibson, Mike00:04:39
Lord, grant graceGibson, Mike00:03:45
Magnificat & Nunc dimittis (from the Second Service) (CRV)Hooper, John00:08:41
Magnificat & Nunc dimittis (from the Short Service) (1760)Hooper, John00:04:45
O clap your handsHooper, John00:05:30
O Clap your handsGibson, Mike00:05:21
O God, the King of GloryGibson, Mike00:04:12
O Lord, in thy wrathHooper, John00:03:20
O Lord, in thy wrath (No Lyrics)Gibson, Mike00:02:19
O Thou, the central orbGibson, Mike00:04:36
Record of JohnGibson, Mike00:03:49
Sing unto the LordGibson, Mike00:05:35
Te Deum (from the Short Service)Hooper, John00:04:58
The Secret SinsGibson, Mike00:03:14
The Silver Swan (1619)Hicks, Grant00:01:02
Venite Exultemus (1641)Hooper, John00:03:57
We Praise Thee, O FatherGibson, Mike00:05:33

Gibbs and Clayton, Ada Rose and Norman J.(1)

Channels Only / My Hope is in The LordTate, John Paul III00:03:00

Gibson, Timothy (1903 - 1978), Bahaman(1)

March On, BahamalandWoodroffe, Richard00:01:04

Gimenez [Giménez], Gerónimo (1854-1923), Spanish(2)

Intermedio of El baile de Luis Alonso, zarzuela (1896)Box, Ramón Pajares00:03:37
Intermedio of La boda de Luis Alonso, zarzuela (1897)Box, Ramón Pajares00:05:47

Giménez, Remberto (1898 - 1977), Paraguayan(1)

Paraguayos, República o muerte!Woodroffe, Richard00:02:44

Giordani, Giuseppe (1751-1798), Italian(1)

Caro mio benScerri, Albert00:01:55

Giordano, Umberto (1867-1948), Italian(1)

Andrea Chénier - Improvviso (1896)Sloman, Benjamin00:04:38

Giuliani, Mauro (1781-1829), Italian(4)

Allegro in ASpagni, Maurizio00:00:29
Allegro spiritoso (op. 1 n. 10)Spagni, Maurizio00:01:04
Grande Ouverture Opus 61Walker, Jason00:07:07
Sonatina (op. 71, n. 1)Spagni, Maurizio00:08:36

Glazunov, Alexander (1865-1936), Russian(1)

Meditation for Violin and Piano, Op. 32Porter, Warren00:02:52

Glinka, Mikhail Ivanovitch (1804 - 1857), Russian(2)

Nocturne in Eb Major for Piano or HarpSpagni, Maurizio00:03:23
The Cherubic HymnHooper, John00:05:00

Gluck, Christoph Willibald von (1714 - 1787), German(7)

Alceste - Divinites Du StyxScerri, Albert00:03:29
Iphigenie En Tauride - Ah Mon Ami J'implore Ta PitieScerri, Albert00:01:47
Orfeo &amp; Euridice - Che faro senza EuridiceScerri, Albert00:03:24
Orfeo & Euridice - Che disseScerri, Albert00:01:43
Orfeo & Euridice - E Quest'asil Ameno (This Happy Refuge)Scerri, Albert00:03:19
Orfeo 7amp; Euridice - She is gone, and gone for everStruys, Peter00:03:15
Telemaco - Ah Non Chiamarmi IngratoScerri, Albert00:03:39

Gocklin, Timothy (1989 - ), American(2)

Allegro, Adagio, and Finale;2005Gocklin, Timothy M00:03:44
In The Emperors Castle(2003)Gocklin, Timothy M00:03:03

Godefroid, Félix (1811-1840) Belgian(1)

Carnaval de Venise, op. 184Spagni, Maurizio00:07:18

Gonzaga, Francisca Edwiges Neves (1847-1935), Brazilian(1)

Gaúcho Corta-Jaca (Brazilian Tango)Laks, Shai O00:02:09

Gore, Jim (1956 - ), Canadian(2)

Canadian Paella (Op.1)Gore, Jim00:02:27
The Patagonian Strut (Op.2)Gore, Jim00:02:12

Goss, John (1800 – 1880), English(2)

These are they which follow the Lamb (1859)Hooper, John00:01:30
Who is on the Lord's sideMoffatt, Stuart00:00:42

Gotch, David W. (1953 - ), American(2)

Chaconne in A minor (A short chaconne for tall zombies)Gotch, David W00:03:21
Muy Triste (Very forlorn)Gotch, David W00:01:56

Gounod, Charles (1818-1893), French(29)

Anges purs, anges radieux from "Faust"Clement, Joel00:04:55
Ballet Music from "Faust": "Les Nubiennes"Spagni, Maurizio00:15:27
Canti Sacri - Ave VerumScerri, Albert00:03:05
Canti Sacri - Pie JesuScerri, Albert00:03:05
Faust (JCL)Clement, Joel02:57:32
Faust - Ah! Je Ris De Me Voir Si BelleScerri, Albert00:03:54
Faust - Faites-lui mes aveuxScerri, Albert00:02:42
Faust - Il était un Roi de ThuléScerri, Albert00:04:32
Faust - Le Veau d'OrScerri, Albert00:01:56
Faust - O Sainte MedailleScerri, Albert00:02:16
Faust - Rencontre & A Moi Les PlaisirsScerri, Albert00:07:40
Faust - Salut demeure chaste et pure (Salve dimora casta e pura)Scerri, Albert00:04:28
Faust - Soldiers' Chorus (1859/69)Hooper, John00:04:53
Je Ne Puis EspererScerri, Albert00:01:28
Jesus of NazarethLonneke, Michael00:04:43
Je veux vivre (Roméo et Juliette)Clement, Joel00:03:26
Le Chant D'eurycléeScerri, Albert00:03:18
Marche PontifcaleWoodroffe, Richard00:02:53
Mass No 1 St. Cecilia Mass (1893)Gibson, Mike00:35:55
Messe No 6 in G aux cathedrals, 1890Hooper, John00:26:25
Messe n°6 en sol majeur aux CathédralesDuflos, Annie00:24:38
Messe solennelle (St Cecilia), 1854Hooper, John00:41:58
Mireille - A vos yeux, hélas, me voilàClement, Joel00:03:07
Polyeucte - Nymphs AttentivesScerri, Albert00:04:12
RequiemClement, Joel00:33:49
Requiem in C (1893)Hooper, John00:32:32
Romeo Et Juliette - Ah. Leve-Toi SoleilScerri, Albert00:03:43
Soldiers' Chorus - March from "Faust"Purdam, Andrew00:02:26
SérénadeJacques, Alain00:03:31

Graaf, Christiaan Ernst (1723-1804), Dutch(1)

Sinfonia in C op. 14 no. 4Wiering, Mike00:13:25

Grace, Mr (1864), Indian(1)

Saruva logathibhaMoffatt, Stuart00:00:49

Graham, Barry (20thC), Australian(2)

LeonGraham, Barry00:03:09
Six Easy PiecesGraham, Barry00:11:45

Grainger, Percy Aldridge (1882-1961), Australian(1)

Scotch Strathspey and Reel (Composed 1901-1911)Woodroffe, Richard00:07:04

Granados, Enrique (1867 - 1916), Spanish(2)

Intermezzo from GoyescasBlanken, Ivo00:05:01
Valses poeticosSchryer, Yehuda (Leon)00:13:01

Grandval, Maria-Félicie-Clémence de Reiset (1828-1907)(1)

Stabat Mater (1872)Hooper, John01:01:34

Graun, Johann Gottlieb (1703 - 1771), German(1)

Trio for 2 flutes and bassoonBlanken, Ivo00:16:04

Graupner, Christoph (1683-1760), German(10)

Cantata "Ich hatte viele Bekümernisse" GWV 1129/31, movement No. 7Forestier, Yann00:01:15
Christ lag in Todesbanden, GWV 1130/21 (1st movement)Forestier, Yann00:01:35
Du Hirte Israel, höre - GWV 1132/47Forestier, Yann00:01:35
Führ uns Herr in Versuchung nicht, GWV 1150/16Forestier, Yann00:01:44
Heulet denn des Herrn Tag ist nahe GWV 1102/26Forestier, Yann00:03:18
Mache dich, mein Geist, bereitForestier, Yann00:01:31
Nun danket alle Gott, GWV 1109/28 (composed 1728)Forestier, Yann00:02:33
Wad Gott thut, das ist wohlgetan GWV 1153/13Forestier, Yann00:01:20
Was gott thut, das ist wohlgetan,GWV 1114/30, 1st movement.Forestier, Yann00:02:47
Was Gott tut das ist wohlgetan (GWV 1114/43), 1st movementForestier, Yann00:01:37

Gray, Alan (1855-1935), English(2)

Magnificat in AGibson, Mike00:03:58
Nunc Dimittis in AGibson, Mike00:04:34

Greaves, Thomas (1570-1604), English(1)

Come away, sweet love.Edwards, Mike00:01:40

Greene, Maurice (1696–1755), English(1)

Lord, let me know mine end (1743)Hooper, John00:05:24

Grieg, Edvard Hagerup (1843-1907), Norwegian(13)

Ave maris stella (1899)Hooper, John00:03:08
Hunter's Song (Jägerlied)Scerri, Albert00:01:22
Last Spring, op 34 (1880)Box, Ramón Pajares00:04:44
Lyric Piece No.1; Op.12 "Arietta"Hauck, Josh00:01:10
Lyric Piece No.17; Op. 43 (Butterfly)Hauck, Josh00:01:42
Peer Gynt, Suite No.1 Op.46Hall, Damien00:12:30
Peer Gynt - Ase's Death" (Andante doloroso)Clement, Joel00:03:36
Peer Gynt Suite No 1 Op.46 1888Billett, Tina00:12:20
Peer Gynt Suite No 2 Op.55 - 1891/2Billett, Tina00:14:51
Piano Concerto in A Minor, Op.16 - 1868Billett, Tina00:25:55
Pier Gynt - Solvejgs Lied (Solvejgs Song)Scerri, Albert00:03:57
Sonata No. III for Violin and Piano, Op. 45Porter, Warren00:21:43
Valse mélancholique (Tranquillo)Clement, Joel00:05:08

Gruber, Fr. Xavier (1787-1863), Austrian(8)

"Heiligste Nacht" (1836)Swinnen, Ivo00:01:30
Silent Night (Orchestral)Kelly, Virgil K00:03:22
Silent Night, Holy NightMill, Carl B00:00:55
Stille Nacht! Heilige NachtAldridge, John00:02:04
Stille Nacht! Heilige NachtWalker, Geoff00:01:11
Stille Nacht! Heilige NachtWalker, Geoff00:01:11
Stille Nacht! Heilige Nacht! (1816)Swinnen, Ivo00:01:47
Stille Nacht, Heilige Nacht fantasyVanbrabant, Bertrand00:06:11

Gruber, Franz Xaver (1787 - 1863), Austrian(1)

Silent NightMoffatt, Stuart00:03:23

Guerrero, Francisco (1528-1599)(2)

Ave Virgo sanctissimaHooper, John00:03:50
Duo SeraphimGibson, Mike00:03:35

Gurung, Ambar (1938 - ), India(1)

Sayaun Thunga Phool KaWoodroffe, Richard00:01:03

Gutiérrez, Manuel María (1829 - 1887), Costa Rican(1)

Himno Nacional de Costa RicaWoodroffe, Richard00:01:21

Guy [d'Hardelot Guy], Helen (1858 - 1936), French(1)

BecauseSloman, Benjamin00:02:01

Gyun, Kim Won (1917 - 2002), Korean(1)

Ach’imun pinnaraWoodroffe, Richard00:01:00

Hackwith, Jason Christopher (1978-), American(2)

Psalm 13 (1998)Hackwith, Jason00:02:54
The Last Dove's FlightHackwith, Jason00:06:49

Hacquart, Carolus (1640 - 1701), Flemish(1)

Domine, Deus meus (1674)Hooper, John00:07:51

Hafiz [Hâfiz], Post (1631?-1694), Turkish(1)

"Vakt-i Seherde" - Nevâ Ýlâhî (Hymn in Nevâ)iNANC [iNANÇ], Ertugrul00:00:51

Hajibeyov, Uzeyir (1885 - 1948), Azerbaijani(1)

Azerbaycan MarsiWoodroffe, Richard00:01:16

Hakes, Matthew (1959-), USA(1)

Driven 2Hakes, Matt00:06:16

Hall, Stephen(1)

LandithyFierek, Rosie00:00:27

Halévy, Fromental (1799 - 1862), French(1)

La Juive - Il va venirScerri, Albert00:05:07

Hamilton, Jay (1951 - ), American(120)

3 pieces from Fred; a sequel to CasseroleHamilton, Jay00:06:02
5 Pieces from the opera HonorHamilton, Jay00:12:43
6-14 '06Hamilton, Jay00:01:03
10 March 08Hamilton, Jay00:02:06
13 Beginning, 2 advanced Cello/Bass exercisesHamilton, Jay00:07:40
15 June 14Hamilton, Jay00:02:12
16 June 14Hamilton, Jay00:04:13
19 Short Trombone exercises for a short armed student 2006Hamilton, Jay00:09:17
21-3,2,1Hamilton, Jay00:09:00
23 Piano Exercises for beginning studentsHamilton, Jay00:18:57
27 Clarinet exercises/pieces original and traditionalHamilton, Jay00:23:39
32 Beginning Saxophone (alto) exercisesHamilton, Jay00:18:39
120 = 8thsHamilton, Jay00:01:11
17122003Hamilton, Jay00:00:49
28122003Hamilton, Jay00:01:08
A fairy tale in fragmentsHamilton, Jay00:03:58
Athanatas Sonata- ballet- 1984Hamilton, Jay00:34:17
Autumn's Eve (version 2)Hamilton, Jay00:01:16
Avian; for balloons and 5 bird calls plus whistleHamilton, Jay00:04:00
BachwardsHamilton, Jay00:11:12
BansheeHamilton, Jay00:01:41
BarokHamilton, Jay00:02:57
B flat Hyperlyd for [Barok] Flute; 1976Hamilton, Jay00:03:27
Birds of Fir TreesHamilton, Jay00:03:54
Blood/FicinoHamilton, Jay00:51:03
Cassandra, baseball, food, and prophecyHamilton, Jay00:22:05
CelloHamilton, Jay00:03:03
Cello duet 27-12-14 pt 1 (of 6)Hamilton, Jay00:01:28
Cello duet 27-12-14 pt 2 (of 6)Hamilton, Jay00:02:16
Cello duet 27-12-14 pt 3 (of 6)Hamilton, Jay00:01:23
Cello duet 27-12-14 pt 4 (of 6)Hamilton, Jay00:01:26
Cello duet 27-12-14 pt 5 (of 6)Hamilton, Jay00:01:46
Cello duet 27-12-14 pt 6-finale (of 6)Hamilton, Jay00:01:36
Chacaglia - 1988Hamilton, Jay00:04:32
Chaconne in DbHamilton, Jay00:03:38
Chaconné what you think; une tour; 1996Hamilton, Jay00:03:30
DifferentHamilton, Jay00:03:40
Disposable Melodies #1- 19Hamilton, Jay00:21:07
Duet- 45Hamilton, Jay00:02:45
Duet Study for three guitars and three chordsHamilton, Jay00:03:10
Elegy in DarknessHamilton, Jay00:06:23
En FrançaisHamilton, Jay00:01:59
For Gulan- 2002Hamilton, Jay00:07:22
for left hand #1 & 2Hamilton, Jay00:10:50
Fruit-duo MangoeHamilton, Jay00:03:51
FugatosHamilton, Jay00:05:35
Garisimo - 1988Hamilton, Jay00:02:46
Greenbook for Jim to learn syncopation withHamilton, Jay00:10:26
Grief; a cello suite:Hamilton, Jay00:09:14
Guitar Mode parts 1-5Hamilton, Jay00:08:55
Heart Sung on a picnic tableHamilton, Jay00:01:04
HefeweiseHamilton, Jay00:01:13
Hilloki- 2000Hamilton, Jay00:05:05
hyphen1-5Hamilton, Jay00:06:43
In a Mode; for the HollandsHamilton, Jay00:02:02
Into SilenceHamilton, Jay00:10:00
InvisibleHamilton, Jay00:02:34
Irse pinaoHamilton, Jay00:07:08
Jats 1-10; Suite for alternating instruments, 9/2005Hamilton, Jay00:32:04
Lamentations for the innocentHamilton, Jay00:04:11
less than equal to 7Hamilton, Jay00:04:21
LirHamilton, Jay00:20:10
MandalaHamilton, Jay00:30:38
Market (for String4 and String Orch.)Hamilton, Jay00:03:31
MelangeHamilton, Jay00:15:30
Middle of NowhereHamilton, Jay00:01:32
Music for Gül's weddingHamilton, Jay00:02:49
Mynamar ShaveHamilton, Jay00:00:43
My thoughts are not complexHamilton, Jay00:02:08
New Quark 2; 1993Hamilton, Jay00:05:41
Old Friends, 2002Hamilton, Jay00:03:31
Opportunistic Pianism, 1992Hamilton, Jay00:05:28
PequodHamilton, Jay00:00:48
Poor Cirkus 1977Hamilton, Jay00:10:02
Prayer of ThanksgivingHamilton, Jay00:02:20
Qtet; for any 4 instruments 1998Hamilton, Jay00:05:41
Robert Walser is not GodHamilton, Jay00:04:55
Roi-man-s 1,2,3Hamilton, Jay00:10:59
Rough Suite; for guitarHamilton, Jay00:01:48
Running for the CenterHamilton, Jay00:04:44
S4 #xHamilton, Jay00:07:04
S4 '07'Hamilton, Jay00:01:48
S4 24thHamilton, Jay00:01:32
S4 no 10Hamilton, Jay00:02:52
S4 OaHamilton, Jay00:15:00
S4#1, 1988Hamilton, Jay00:11:07
Schultz (1993)Hamilton, Jay00:01:37
Selendro XHamilton, Jay00:02:20
Seventh HeavenHamilton, Jay00:05:44
Shadow CatcherHamilton, Jay00:05:29
She wanted a date he just wanted a cup of CoffeeHamilton, Jay00:00:50
Silence-1Hamilton, Jay00:04:13
Solstice 2002Hamilton, Jay00:03:04
Solstice 2004Hamilton, Jay00:01:03
Solstice 2008Hamilton, Jay00:03:37
Solstice 2011Hamilton, Jay00:05:05
Solstice on Ice (2009)Hamilton, Jay00:10:13
Something for BevisHamilton, Jay00:00:23
Something SweetHamilton, Jay00:00:45
Spain-treeHamilton, Jay00:05:28
Spain 2Hamilton, Jay00:05:34
SummerHamilton, Jay00:06:53
Tao 1-14Hamilton, Jay01:19:35
The hoursHamilton, Jay00:11:16
The H SeriesHamilton, Jay00:04:47
The Map; an opera with moments of comedy and Epicurean PhilosophyHamilton, Jay01:04:09
The Passing of Ten YearsHamilton, Jay00:11:06
Therapy; mode 19 1981/6Hamilton, Jay00:04:08
Thunderperfectmind circa 1998Hamilton, Jay00:09:58
To set the sceneHamilton, Jay00:02:02
Trio '07Hamilton, Jay00:05:30
Trio SuiteHamilton, Jay00:12:39
Tromclar; duet for clarinet and trombone 1998Hamilton, Jay00:00:44
Tune DiaryHamilton, Jay00:24:18
UnsureHamilton, Jay00:05:25
Untitled, 1984Hamilton, Jay00:05:27
WaneHamilton, Jay00:02:42
Wax (2006)Hamilton, Jay00:04:22
Whisperings of wind and sea, 1977Hamilton, Jay00:02:48
xmas FanfareHamilton, Jay00:01:55

Handel, George Friederic (1685-1759), German(104)

"Dettingen" Te Deum (1743)Hooper, John00:36:53
"Lascia ch'io piango" Recitative and Aria from RinaldoHicks, Grant00:03:59
"Utrecht" Jubilate (1713)Hooper, John00:17:05
"Utrecht" Te Deum (1713)Hooper, John00:23:20
'De torrente.' 8th movement from 'Dixit Dominus,'Walker, Jason00:04:02
17 pieces for Treble Recorder and Basso continuoGuix, Joseph00:21:22
Acis & Galatea (1718 et al)Hooper, John01:50:44
Acis and GalateaGibson, Mike01:16:24
Air and Variations from Suite No. 5 in E - "The Harmonious Blacksmith"Ciaramella, Eric00:03:25
Alcina - Ah, mio cor, schernito seiSee Comments00:02:55
Alcina - Ah Mio CorScerri, Albert00:02:58
Alcina - Chorus of enchanted Islanders (1735)Hooper, John00:02:13
Alexander's Feast (1736)Hooper, John02:04:56
Alexander Balus (1747)Hooper, John02:42:16
Alla Hornpipe from Water MusicFitzgerald, Duncan00:03:19
All Hail the Power of Jesus' NameTate, John Paul III00:01:33
As pants the hart - Chandos Anthem No: 6a (1716-19)Hooper, John00:20:02
Atalanta - Care Selve (Come Beloved)Scerri, Albert00:03:24
Athalia (1733)Hooper, John02:04:06
Athalia - O mortals, if around us hereGibson, Mike00:02:44
Belshazzar (1744)Hooper, John02:58:38
Brockes Passion (1715-1716)Hooper, John02:34:54
Brockes Passion HWV 48Gibson, Mike01:37:49
Cantate a CristoBonomi, Ilario00:00:49
Cantate DominoVoli, Marco00:00:47
Cantate DominoSee Comments00:00:48
Come, Jesus, Holy Son of God (quintet )Shaffer, Jim00:01:57
Concerto a due cori no. 2Wiering, Mike00:14:44
Concerto Grosso #11Waterman, Charles00:26:46
Concerto No. 1 in Bb Major/g minor, Op. 3Waterman, Charles00:10:02
Concerto No. 2 in Bb Major, Op. 3Waterman, Charles00:15:07
Concerto No. 5 in d Mminor, Op. 3Waterman, Charles00:13:57
Concerto N° 1 for oboe (HWV 301)Clement, Joel00:07:53
Concerto N° 2 for oboe (HWV 302a)Clement, Joel00:06:41
Concerto N° 3 for oboe (HWV 287)Clement, Joel00:06:33
Coronation 2 - My heart is inditingGibson, Mike00:12:34
Coronation Anthem No.1, "Zadok the Priest", HWV.258 (1727)Hall, Damien00:05:27
Deborah (1733)Hooper, John02:19:23
Dettingen Anthem (1743 ?)Hooper, John00:13:48
Dixit Dominus (Psalm 110) (1707)Hooper, John00:34:47
Esther (1718/1732)Hooper, John01:31:45
For Unto Us A Child is Born (from Messiah 1741)Hall, A. Christopher00:04:11
Foundling Hospital Anthem (1749)Hooper, John00:33:10
Giulio CesareClement, Joel00:06:20
Gloria in Excelsis Deo (HWV 245) (1749)Hooper, John00:14:40
Hallelujah ChorusO'Neil, Grant00:03:24
Hallelujah Chorus (from Messiah, HWV.56) (1741)Hall, Damien00:03:49
Hallelujah Chorus (from Messiah 1741)Hall, A. Christopher00:03:45
Hallelujah Chorus (from Messiah 1741)Allgeyer, Robert00:20:12
Have mercy upon me - Chandos Anthem No: 3 (1716-19)Hooper, John00:19:12
Hercules (1744)Hooper, John03:06:51
In the Lord put I my trust - Chandos Anthem No: 2 (1716-19)Hooper, John00:21:23
Israel in Egypt (1739)Hooper, John01:31:18
I will magnify Thee - Chandos Anthem No: 5a (1716-19)Hooper, John00:23:24
Jephtha (1751)Hooper, John03:00:53
Joseph and his brethren (1743)Hooper, John03:02:25
Joshua (1747)Hooper, John02:00:00
Judas Maccabaeus (1746)Hooper, John02:43:52
Largo (Ombra mai fu) from opera SerseScerri, Albert00:02:10
Lascia ch'io piangaSpagni, Maurizio00:03:36
Lascia Ch'io Piango (Let Me Cry)Scerri, Albert00:04:22
Laudate pueri Dominum (HWV 237) (1707)Hooper, John00:17:41
Let God arise - Chandos Anthem No: 11 (1716-19)Hooper, John00:21:49
Let their celestial concerts all uniteGibson, Mike00:12:34
Let thy hand be strengthened [Coronation Anthems] (1727)Hooper, John00:08:46
Messiah - Section 2Hooper, John00:57:10
Messiah -section 3Hooper, John00:34:58
Messiah Section 1Hooper, John01:04:26
My heart is inditing [Coronation Anthems] (1727)Hooper, John00:12:41
My song shall be alway - Chandos Anthem No: 7 (1716-19)Hooper, John00:23:24
Nisi Dominus (HWV 238) (1707)Hooper, John00:14:38
O be joyful in the Lord - Chandos Anthem No: 1 (1716-19)Hooper, John00:19:37
O come let us sing - Chandos Anthem No: 5 (1716-19)Hooper, John00:30:52
Ode for St. Cecilia's Day (1739)Hooper, John00:46:54
Ode for the birthday of Queen Anne (1713)Hooper, John00:24:35
O praise the Lord with one consent - Chandos Anthem No: 9 (1716-19)Hooper, John00:27:37
O sing unto the Lord - Chandos Anthem No: 4 (1716-19)Hooper, John00:14:20
Overture to Judas MaccabeusPendrey, Nigel00:05:34
Recitativo and Aria from Rinaldo "Laß mich mit Tränen"iNANC [iNANÇ], Ertugrul00:02:33
Samson (1743)Hooper, John04:03:20
Sarabande from Suite XI in D minorSmedley, Tony00:02:24
Saul (1739)Hooper, John02:16:06
Semele (1744)Hooper, John01:48:10
Solomon (1748)Hooper, John02:56:57
Solomon - Arrival of the Queen of ShebaWoodroffe, Richard00:02:58
Suite No 5 in E major - Harmonious Blacksmith (HWV 430)Woodroffe, Richard00:03:54
suite Water Music (extracts)Moissonnié, Jean-Louis00:25:37
Susanna (1748)Hooper, John02:53:47
The Choice of Hercules (1750)Hooper, John00:47:45
The King shall rejoice [Coronation Anthems] (1727) - Six part version.Hooper, John00:11:37
The Lord is my light - Chandos Anthem No: 10 (1716-19)Hooper, John00:27:31
The Messiah (HWV 56, 1741), Section IVarious00:58:09
The Messiah (HWV 56, 1741), Section IIVarious00:53:14
The Messiah (HWV 56, 1741), Section IIIVarious00:30:59
The Musick for the Royal Fireworks, D MajorTate, John Paul III00:21:06
The Occasional Oratorio (1746)Hooper, John02:19:51
Theodora (1750)Hooper, John03:05:48
The Triumph of Time and Truth (1757)Hooper, John02:29:07
The Ways of Zion do mourn (1737)Hooper, John00:44:08
Tornami a vagheggiar from "Alcina"Clement, Joel00:03:48
Where're you WalkWoodroffe, Richard00:03:02
Where shall I seek the charming fair from "Acis and Galatea"Clement, Joel00:04:59
Zadok the Priest [Coronation Anthems] (1727) (4 Part)Hooper, John00:06:54
Zadok the Priest [Coronation Anthems] (1727) (7 Part)Hooper, John00:06:54

Handel, George Friederic (1685-1759), German / Bohm, Georg (1661–1733), German(1)

St John Passion (1704)Hooper, John01:00:59

Handel, George Friederic (1685-1759), GermanSmith, John Christopher (1712-1795), English(1)

: Nabal (1764)Hooper, John02:08:26

Handl, Jacob (1550-1591), German(4)

Adoramus te Jesu ChristeSchleussner, Sebastian00:01:26
Ecce concipiesBooth, Adam00:02:01
Orietur StellaGibson, Mike00:01:22
Pater noster (1586)Hooper, John00:03:52

Hare, Erik(1)

The Plague on WheelsHare, Erik00:03:05

Harmony, Virgina (1831) arr Edwin O. Excell (1851-1921)(1)

Amazing GraceAdlon, Jeff00:01:56

Harrelson, G. Ryan (1987 - ), American(5)

Duet for Two Violins: "the Fire" - 2003Harrelson, Ryan00:02:37
Duet for Two Violins: "the Wind" - 2003Harrelson, Ryan00:00:47
For the HeroesHarrelson, Ryan00:02:24
Orchetral Suite No. 1 in GHarrelson, Ryan00:11:15
String Trio No. 1 in G minor (2001)Harrelson, Ryan00:13:37

Harris, Tal (1983-), Israeli(14)

Composed MC Escher CartoonsHarris, Tal00:01:18
Duet in Gujuri-TodiHarris, Tal00:04:00
Duet in LaleitHarris, Tal00:01:40
Etheral Orgasms for solo fluteHarris, Tal00:02:30
Four Bulbous EyesHarris, Tal00:03:37
Had Sisyphus Read Sartre...Harris, Tal00:04:16
Miniature Ballet for a Family out on a PicnicHarris, Tal00:01:38
Morning SicknessHarris, Tal00:05:36
Murder in the Absurd DegreeHarris, Tal00:01:23
Nietzsche Barks on SundaysHarris, Tal00:02:53
String Quintet #1 (or for a string orchestra)Harris, Tal00:04:02
The McDonald SuiteHarris, Tal00:04:53
Toys QuartetHarris, Tal00:07:48
Varda in S & M BondageHarris, Tal00:02:10

Hartland, Mike(1)

Seaton FurryFierek, Rosie00:00:27

Hartling, Carlos (1869 - 1920), German / Honduran(1)

Himno Nacional de HondurasWoodroffe, Richard00:03:16

Harwood, Basil (1859 - 1949), English(3)

MagnificatGibson, Mike00:03:57
Nunc DimittisGibson, Mike00:01:49
O how glorious is the KingdomGibson, Mike00:05:34

Hashakaimana, Jean-Bosco(1)

Rwanda nzizaWoodroffe, Richard00:02:11

Hasselmans, Alphonse (1845 - 1912), Belgian(7)

Berceuse, op. 2Spagni, Maurizio00:04:01
Chanson de mai (from Romance sans paroles - op. 40)Spagni, Maurizio00:04:14
Feuilles d'automne 1: Sérénade mélancolique (op. 45)Spagni, Maurizio00:02:02
Feuilles d'automne 2: Crépuscule (op. 46)Spagni, Maurizio00:01:27
Feuilles d'automne 3: Calme (op. 47)Spagni, Maurizio00:03:04
La source (étude op. 44)Spagni, Maurizio00:03:53
Petite berceuseSpagni, Maurizio00:00:44

Hassler, Hans Leo (1564-1612), German(5)

Cantate DominoHall, Damien00:01:27
Dixit MariaHall, Damien00:02:19
Dixit MariaScerri, Albert00:02:50
Dixit Maria (1591)Hooper, John00:02:13
Missa Octava a8 (1599)Hooper, John00:16:07

Have, William ten (1830 — 1925)(1)

Allegro BrillantPorter, Warren00:05:59

Hawkes, John (1942 - ), English(6)

Bifurcations, 2001Hawkes, John00:07:36
Conceto Movement for Violin, Viola and Orchestra, 2001Hawkes, John00:07:33
Horn Concerto (1st movement), 2002Hawkes, John00:05:45
Perpetual Night, 2001Hawkes, John00:04:39
Prelude for Brass and Wind, 1996Hawkes, John00:06:45
Serenade for Strings, 2003Hawkes, John00:15:18

Hayden, Thomas (1987-), English(8)

"A Waltz Of The Future", 2002Hayden, Thomas00:01:22
"Something From A Dream", 2001Hayden, Thomas00:02:41
"This is reflection", 2002Hayden, Thomas00:01:52
"You make me feel so wild,", 2002 - For RachealHayden, Thomas00:01:55
Canadian Love Waltz (2002)Hayden, Thomas00:03:57
Hurting Me Inside (2002)Hayden, Thomas00:02:20
Let Me In, 2002Hayden, Thomas00:01:03
Superior Inferior, 2002Hayden, Thomas00:02:45

Haydn, Franz Joseph (1732-1809), Austrian(52)

7 denières paroles du christsolange, Robin01:13:57
Abendlied zu Gott (1796)Hooper, John00:05:20
Abendlied zu Gott (Evening Song to God), H.XXVc:9 (1796)Hall, Damien00:04:31
Cecilienmesse (Missa Cellensis. Hob. XXII:5), 1766Hooper, John01:04:07
DeutschlandliedWoodroffe, Richard00:01:48
Divertimento HII/14 in E Flat Major arranged for windquartetBlanken, Ivo00:04:55
Divertimento HII/46 in B Flat Major arranged for windquintetBlanken, Ivo00:10:04
Harmonie-messe (Mass in B major); 1802Hooper, John00:39:00
Heilig-messe (Mass No.9 in B-flat; Missa sancti Bernardi von Offida) (1796)Hooper, John00:36:48
Imperial 'Nelson' Mass (Missa in Angustiis); 1798Hooper, John00:36:38
Insanae et vanae curaeHooper, John00:06:27
Insanae et vanae curaeGibson, Mike00:06:56
Mariazellermesse (Missa Cellensis. Hob. XXII:8) , 1782Hooper, John00:32:54
Mass in Time of War (Paukenmesse), 1796Hooper, John00:37:25
Mass No 1 - Hob XXII-3 - Missa brevis in G [Missa 'Rorate coeli desuper'], 1750Hooper, John00:06:54
Mass No 2 - Hob XXII-1 - Missa brevis in F, 1750Hooper, John00:11:34
Mass No 5 - Hob XXII4 - Missa in honorem B.V.M. in E flat major, 1766Hooper, John00:36:36
Mass No 5 in C Missa in honorem Beatissimae Virginis Mariae (Great Organ Mass) HobXXII:5Gibson, Mike00:49:23
Missa brevis St Joannis de Deo (Kleine Orgelmesse), 1775Hooper, John00:13:26
Missa Sancti Nicolai, 1772Hooper, John00:25:43
Non Nobis DomineGibson, Mike00:03:37
Non nobis Domine - Hob XXIIIa:1Hooper, John00:02:20
Piano Sonata in D major.White, John H00:10:21
Psalm 31 (Hob. XXIII-2 - 1794?)Choppy, Bernard00:01:20
Psalm 50 (Hob. XXIII-4 - 1794?)Choppy, Bernard00:01:12
Psalm 69 (Hob. XXIII-6 - 1794?)Choppy, Bernard00:01:06
Salve Regina in G minor, Hob.XXIIIb:2Gibson, Mike00:19:10
Salve Regina in G minor, Hob.XXIIIb:2 (1771)Hooper, John00:19:39
Schopfungsmesse (Mass No.13 in B-flat; Creation Mass) (1801)Hooper, John00:44:07
Sixteenth Mass (Theresien-messe), 1799Hooper, John00:44:19
Stabat Mater (1767)Gibson, Mike00:37:53
Stabat Mater (1767)Hooper, John00:57:05
String Quartet in A major Op.20. No.6White, John H00:19:10
String Quartet in D minor, Op. 42.(1785)White, John H00:13:11
String Quartet in D minor, Op. 76, No. 2.White, John H00:19:19
String quartet in E flat, Op 1, No 2 (1757)White, John H00:17:40
String Quartet in G major, Op 77 No 1White, John H00:21:25
Stücke für Flötenuhr (Pieces for Mechanical Clock) (Hoboken XIX)Spagni, Maurizio00:30:59
Symphony #18Waterman, Charles00:15:11
Symphony #25Waterman, Charles00:19:22
Symphony 30 (Alleluia Symphony )Waterman, Charles00:16:17
Symphony no. 94 "Surprise" in G (1792)Box, Ramón Pajares00:22:34
Symphony No 17Waterman, Charles00:22:04
Te Deum (Hob. XXIIIc:1) (1764)Hooper, John00:06:50
Te Deum Laudamus (Maria Theresa) HOB XXIIIc:2Gibson, Mike00:08:34
Te Deum Laudamus, 1798Hooper, John00:10:00
The Creation (Die Schopfung), 1797/8Hooper, John01:46:51
The Heavens Are TellingBishop Ron00:06:31
The Heavens are Telling, from The CreationWarner, Silas00:03:26
The Seasons (1801)Hooper, John02:10:40
The Seven last Words of Christ on the Cross, 1786Hooper, John01:04:27
The Storm (1792)Hooper, John00:08:59

Haydn, Johann Michael ( 1737-1806 ), Austrian(9)

Haydnjm_mh229zHooper, John00:28:35
Mass in C - St Francis Mass - MH 119 (1768-70)Hooper, John00:27:45
Missa tempore Quadragesimae in D minor (MH 553)Gibson, Mike00:12:45
Requiem in C minor (MH 155) (1771)Hooper, John00:35:34
St Ursulae Mass (MH 546) (1793)Hooper, John00:42:15
Te Deum (MH28) (1760)Hooper, John00:07:02
Te Deum (MH415) (1786)Hooper, John00:13:14
Vesperae solennes (1782)Hooper, John00:33:42
Vesperae solennes MH 321 (1782)Lamminga, Klaas00:33:29

Haydn, Johann Michael (1737-1806); Austrian(1)

Mass in D min (Missa tempore Quadragesima) - MH553 (1794)Hooper, John00:13:42

Haydn and Mozart, Johann ( 1737-1806 ) and Wolfgang (1756-1791), Austrian(1)

Symphony No 25 in G major (circa 1783 )White, John H00:11:33

He, Xiao (1918 - ), Chinese(1)

Esta é a Nossa Pátria Bem AmadaWoodroffe, Richard00:00:51

Helton, Stan (1953-), USA(2)

CelebrantHelton, Stan00:03:29
March for Cornet and PianoHelton, Stan00:03:24

Hely-Hutchinson (1901 - 1947), English(2)

Old Mother HubbardWoodroffe, Richard00:02:15
The Owl and the Pussy CatWoodroffe, Richard00:02:09

Henderson, AJ (1984-), English(57)

A.J.H., HWN 34Henderson, AJ00:01:26
Asma Asmaton, HWN 61Henderson, AJ00:01:31
B.U.B., HWN 18Henderson, AJ00:01:08
Baruch, HWN 2Henderson, AJ00:01:39
Bereshit, HWN 32Henderson, AJ00:02:18
Christ is Born, HWN 3Henderson, AJ00:04:46
D.J.P.S., HWN 20Henderson, AJ00:02:05
Dem Gott, der allein weise ist, HWN 54Henderson, AJ00:02:02
Drei Tänze, HWN 17Henderson, AJ00:02:12
Eilkusan Se, HWN 63Henderson, AJ00:01:59
En Arce, HWN 31Henderson, AJ00:02:58
Fanfare, HWN 57Henderson, AJ00:00:22
Filisato Me, HWN 62Henderson, AJ00:01:38
Flute Sonatina, HWN 50Henderson, AJ00:01:31
Frijos Nehwundjan þeinana Swe þuk Silban, HWN 44Henderson, AJ00:01:12
G.E.M., HWN 19Henderson, AJ00:02:41
Gloria (Mass in C major)Henderson, AJ00:04:27
God is my HelpHenderson, AJ00:02:30
God Is My Rest, HWN 58Henderson, AJ00:02:18
Hallelujah, HWN 48Henderson, AJ00:03:06
Harmonious Conflict, HWN 7Henderson, AJ00:01:37
He Knows The Future, HWN 42Henderson, AJ00:02:46
Hwas Manna Izwara, HWN 46Henderson, AJ00:01:37
Ich harrte des Herrn, HWN 37Henderson, AJ00:01:35
Inside the Castle, HWN 35Henderson, AJ00:02:04
It's time for a Revolution, HWN 43Henderson, AJ00:00:55
Left Me, HWN 59Henderson, AJ00:03:27
Mass in C Major, HWN 8-12Henderson, AJ00:11:41
Mignon, HWN 49Henderson, AJ00:03:18
MUsic For an Irresponsibly Large Number Of Clarinets (MUFILNOC), HWN 13Henderson, AJ00:01:30
O Arbor Christi NativitatiHenderson, AJ00:02:55
Oboe Sonatina, HWN 14Henderson, AJ00:01:38
OPUS 1: EPIGRAMSHenderson, AJ00:07:20
OPUS 2: ST JOHN PASSIONHenderson, AJ00:17:46
OPUS 3: ZIMRATHIMHenderson, AJ00:05:45
OPUS 5: IN þAMMA HAZJAHenderson, AJ00:04:20
OPUS 6: PSALMSHenderson, AJ00:09:31
OPUS 9: ASMA ASMATONHenderson, AJ00:05:07
Organ Symphony (1st movement)Henderson, AJ00:02:46
Piano Duet in C MajorHenderson, AJ00:04:22
Psalm 150, HWN 33Henderson, AJ00:01:49
Psalm I, HWN 6Henderson, AJ00:02:42
Psalm II, HWN 29Henderson, AJ00:02:08
Psalm III, HWN 56Henderson, AJ00:04:41
Respondit MihiHenderson, AJ00:01:36
Si Musica Cibus Amoris SitHenderson, AJ00:01:50
Sonatina for Flute & Viola, HWN 5Henderson, AJ00:01:46
Stiriarum SaltatioHenderson, AJ00:02:51
String Quartet #1: Bara Berosh, HWN 1Henderson, AJ00:04:54
String Quartet #2: Ex Animo Meo, HWN 4Henderson, AJ00:03:19
String Quartet #3: A Silent Prayer, HWN 15Henderson, AJ00:01:29
String Quartet #4: Glory IS, HWN 30Henderson, AJ00:01:32
String Quartet #5: Variations on Veni Sancte Spiritus, HWN 36Henderson, AJ00:03:02
String Quartet in Ab minorHenderson, AJ00:03:25
Sumer Is Icumen In, HWN 16Henderson, AJ00:01:02
Swa Liuhtjai Liuhaþ Izwar In Andwairþja Manne, HWN 45Henderson, AJ00:01:31
Variations on Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star, HWN 60Henderson, AJ00:01:36

Henschel, George (1850-1934), German/English(1)

Morning Hymn, Op. 46, No 4Mill, Carl B00:01:21

Herbert, Victor (1859-1924), Irish(2)

Gypsy love song - Slumber on my little sweetheartScerri, Albert00:03:43
Hearts of Erin - Stars and RosebudsScerri, Albert00:02:30

Hermann, Florian (1822-1892), Lithuanian (German-Polish)(1)

Hommage-valse op. 21Spagni, Maurizio00:06:46

Hicks, Grant (1958-), American(8)

Birthday Variations, Book II (2000)Hicks, Grant00:05:41
Christmas Carol (1992)Hicks, Grant00:01:54
Little Star Suite for String Quartet, 2001Hicks, Grant00:13:12
Little Star Suite for String Quartet: Chaconne, 2001Hicks, Grant00:03:20
Little Star Suite for String Quartet: Fugue, 2001Hicks, Grant00:01:29
Little Star Suite for String Quartet: Gigue, 2001Hicks, Grant00:01:42
Little Star Suite for String Quartet: Minuet, 2001Hicks, Grant00:04:28
Little Star Suite for String Quartet: Overture, 2001Hicks, Grant00:01:55

Hicks, Laurence Henry (1912 - 1997), English(1)

Nauru BwiemaWoodroffe, Richard00:01:03

Hill, Mildred and Patty(2)

Andrew's Birthday PartyPurdam, Andrew00:00:39
Happy Birthday RockKelly, Virgil K00:02:05

Hilton, John (c1569 - 1608), English(1)

Lord for thy tender mercies sakeGibson, Mike00:01:43

Hirt, Michele (20thC), USA(1)

Filipino2Hirt, Michele00:00:45

Ho, John (1986-), Singaporean(4)

Alla Marcia from Symphony No. 2, Opus 52Ho, John00:02:30
Alvina, I Love YouHo, John00:01:49
ChaosHo, John00:04:04
My Love For Alvina (Extended Version)Ho, John00:04:30

Hoekstra, Tim (1962 - ), Dutch(3)

AndantinoHoekstra, Tim00:01:09
Christmas eve in the springHoekstra, Tim00:01:55
Sonnet 49Hoekstra, Tim00:02:13

Hoffmann, Georg Melchior (1679-1715), German(2)

Meine Seele rühmt und preist, 1st movementForestier, Yann00:07:22
Schlage doch, gewünschte StundeForestier, Yann00:05:45

Hoffmeister, Franz Anton (1754-1812)(2)

Concerto in D major for ViolaLeBaron, Brian00:07:19
Viola Concerto in D majorHirao, Yoshikazu00:18:49

Hoffstetter, Roman (1742-1815), Austrian(1)

String Quartet in FWhite, John H00:20:21

Holborne, Anthony (????-1602), English(5)

Heigh Ho HolidayWalker, Geoff00:01:41
Noel's GalliardWalker, Geoff00:02:12
PavanWalker, Geoff00:01:39
The HoniesuckleWalker, Geoff00:02:55
The Night WatchWalker, Geoff00:02:26

Holst, Gustav (1874-1934), British(13)

Christmas DayWoodroffe, Richard00:06:22
Christmas Day (1910)Hooper, John00:06:01
In the Bleak MidwinterHussain, Iqbal00:01:17
I vow to thee My CountryWalker, Jason00:01:57
Nunc DimittisGibson, Mike00:03:28
Nunc Dimittis (1915)Hooper, John00:03:40
Ode to Death (1919)Hooper, John00:11:14
Planets - Neptune - Mystic - Chorus (1914-1916)Hooper, John00:03:10
Six choral folksongs (1917)Hooper, John00:16:45
Swansea TownGibson, Mike00:03:18
The Perfect FoolScerri, Albert00:02:47
The Planets Op 32 (1914-16)Billett, Tina00:48:58
There was a tree (1917)Hooper, John00:02:10

Holzer, Johann (1753 - 1818), Austrian(1)

Österreichische BundeshymneWoodroffe, Richard00:02:06

Holzmann, Abe (1874 - 1939), American(1)

Blaze AwayWoodroffe, Richard00:03:41

Hooper, Edmund (1553 – 1621), English(1)

Magnificat & Nunc dimittis (Short Service)Hooper, John00:05:36

Hopkins, John Henry (1820-1891), English(4)

We Three KingsPool, Don00:00:58
We Three Kings of Orient AreO'Neil, Grant00:01:41
We Three Kings of Orient AreAdlon, Jeff00:02:26
We Three Kings of Orient AreAdlon, Jeff00:02:18

Horn, Charles Frank (1851 - 1928), American(1)

Miss Hoolihan's Christmas CakeWoodroffe, Richard00:03:23

Horne, Nigel (1959 - ), British(2)

Perpetuum Mobile, 2003Horne, Nigel00:03:35
Variations on The Boar's Head CarolHorne, Nigel00:07:01

Hovgaard, Thomas (1984-), Danish(3)

"Jesus Kristus, bliv her hos os"Hovgaard, Thomas00:01:07
Country DanceHovgaard, Thomas00:01:13
Prelude to "Jesus Kristus, bliv her hos os"Hovgaard, Thomas00:00:48

Howard, George, English(1)

Jack-a-Dandy Polka. 1896White, John H00:02:39

Howard, Joseph D. (1867-1961), USA(2)

Hello, Ma Baby (1899)Ferguson, Don00:01:32
I Wonder Who's Kissing Her Now (1909)Ferguson, Don00:01:57

Hubay, Jeno (Eugen) 1858 - 1937, Hungarian(6)

Berceuse, Op. 74 No. 2 (1898)Ciantar, Noel00:03:35
Blumenleben, Op. 30 No. 1 (1887-1889)Ciantar, Noel00:02:48
Bolero, Op. 51 No. 3 (1893)Ciantar, Noel00:02:38
Menuet, Op. 52 No. 2 (1894)Ciantar, Noel00:03:32
Scènes de la Csárda No.4 'Hejre Kati', Op.32Porter, Warren00:06:08
Souvenir, Op. 49, No. 1 (1894)Ciantar, Noel00:03:42

Hughes, Jeremy (20thC), USA(5)

Ballade a al RougeHughes, Jay00:03:35
Concerto for Piano and Orchestra in Eb, op.4Hughes, Jay00:02:53
Prelude and Sonata for Piano, op.2, no.1Hughes, Jay00:08:42
Prelude no.1 in F# minor for piano, op.3Hughes, Jay00:02:01
String Orchestra in B min., op.1Hughes, Jay00:02:17

Hummel, Johann Nepomuk (1778-1837), Austrian(4)

Mass in B flat (Op. 77), 1805Gibson, Mike00:29:43
Mass in B flat (Op. 77), 1805Hooper, John00:28:42
Mass No: 3 in D Major (Op. 111), 1830Hooper, John00:36:13
Trumpet Concerto in Eb MajorSaarela, Timo00:17:16

Humperdinck, Engelbert (1854 - 1921), German(2)

Hansel & Gretel - Tra la la la little motherScerri, Albert00:01:17
Im WaldePrada, Lorenzo00:01:32

Hurlstone, William (1876-1906), English.(2)

Phantasie for String Quartet.(1906)White, John H00:07:06
Trio in G for Pianoforte, Violin and Violoncello( Op. posth.)( 1906?)White, John H00:22:06

Hussain, Iqbal (1971 -), British(40)

Across the waterHussain, Iqbal00:01:38
Autumn LeavesHussain, Iqbal00:01:58
BollywoodHussain, Iqbal00:00:23
Bollywood 2Hussain, Iqbal00:00:30
Cinderella's DanceHussain, Iqbal00:00:54
Cinnamon and spiceHussain, Iqbal00:00:44
ConversionsHussain, Iqbal00:01:32
Country jauntHussain, Iqbal00:00:22
Country RoadsHussain, Iqbal00:01:28
Crinolines and raindropsHussain, Iqbal00:00:28
Dance until TomorrowHussain, Iqbal00:02:02
DiscoHussain, Iqbal00:00:45
Dracula's themeHussain, Iqbal00:00:32
FarewellHussain, Iqbal00:01:26
Greensleeves - variationHussain, Iqbal00:00:35
GypsyHussain, Iqbal00:00:41
Happy-go-luckyHussain, Iqbal00:00:33
Hold Me, and Love MeHussain, Iqbal00:01:01
HornpipeHussain, Iqbal00:00:37
IndecisionHussain, Iqbal00:00:34
MellowHussain, Iqbal00:00:27
Midnight WaltzHussain, Iqbal00:00:42
Music BoxHussain, Iqbal00:00:40
My Life's LoveHussain, Iqbal00:00:58
Peasant danceHussain, Iqbal00:00:41
ReflectionsHussain, Iqbal00:00:48
Remembrances pastHussain, Iqbal00:00:47
Run away with me, my lass.Hussain, Iqbal00:01:12
ShadowsHussain, Iqbal00:00:27
Snowfall and StarlightHussain, Iqbal00:01:32
Spanish themeHussain, Iqbal00:00:41
Spring BurstHussain, Iqbal00:00:35
Stolen kissHussain, Iqbal00:01:25
The Looking GlassHussain, Iqbal00:01:05
The PiperHussain, Iqbal00:01:06
TwilightHussain, Iqbal00:01:04
VoyageHussain, Iqbal00:01:19
Wild horsesHussain, Iqbal00:00:42
Will you still love me?Hussain, Iqbal00:02:05
Yeh Kya KyiaHussain, Iqbal00:02:13

Hutchings, A E, English(1)

Dudley Castle Polka (1895)Woodroffe, Richard00:03:33

Hyman, Tony (1954 - ), South African(2)

Rainy Day DreamsHyman, Tony00:01:26
Salig in U Hande(Tranquill in Thy Hands)(2006)Hyman, Tony00:02:39

Ilton , Shirley(1)

Why Can't You do That?Gray, Col00:05:15

iNANC [iNANÇ], Ertugrul (1976- ), Turkish(8)

"The Candles" - Scene from the music for "Bir Gül Koþusu"iNANC [iNANÇ], Ertugrul00:02:50
4 Progressions for Orchestra from the music for the stage play "Bir Gül Kosusu"iNANC [iNANÇ], Ertugrul00:02:49
Etude in 7 TonesiNANC [iNANÇ], Ertugrul00:00:35
Etude in 8 TonesiNANC [iNANÇ], Ertugrul00:01:39
Minyatür No. 2 "Irigun" [Miniature No. 2 "Irigoun"]iNANC [iNANÇ], Ertugrul00:01:56
Prelude from Original music for "Bir Gül Koþusu" (an original stage play)iNANC [iNANÇ], Ertugrul00:02:51
Two Genoese themes from the music for the stage play Bir Gül KosusuiNANC [iNANÇ], Ertugrul00:01:34
Variations from Byzantine scenes from "Bir Gül Koþusu"iNANC [iNANÇ], Ertugrul00:05:36

Ioteba, Urium Tamuera (1910a - 1988)(1)

Teirake kaini KiribatiWoodroffe, Richard00:00:51

Irvine, Jessie Seymour (1836-1887), Scottish(2)

The Lord's my shepherd - Crimond (1871)Hooper, John00:02:30
The Lord is my shepherdScerri, Albert00:01:38

Ismael, Ali (1922 - 1974), Egyptian(1)

Fida’iWoodroffe, Richard00:00:58

Ismail [Ismâîl] Dede Efendi, Hammâmîzâde (1777-1846), Turkish(2)

Iehnazbûselik BesteiNANC [iNANÇ], Ertugrul00:02:38
Mâhûr Beste, "Ey gonca dehen..."iNANC [iNANÇ], Ertugrul00:02:33

Isouard, Nicolo (Nicolo de Malthe) (1775 - 1818), Maltese(2)

Cendrillon - Romance de la Petit CendrillonCiantar, Noel00:03:38
Joconde ou Les Coureurs d'Aventures - Romance de JocondeCiantar, Noel00:01:34

Ivanovici, Iosif (1845-1902) Mexican(1)

Valurile Dunarii (Donauwellen)Spagni, Maurizio00:06:09

Jackson, Alan (1946 - ), British(1)

Three European FolksongsJackson, Alan00:03:49

Jacques, Alain Marie (1940 - ), French Australian(72)

AnnieJacques, Alain00:02:17
Aubade, 1998Jacques, Alain00:01:56
Au bord de l'eauJacques, Alain00:02:45
Avant que tu ne t'en aillesJacques, Alain00:02:03
Bonjour mon coeurJacques, Alain00:02:55
Chanson d'amourJacques, Alain00:02:30
Chanson d'automneJacques, Alain00:01:33
Chanson de BarberineJacques, Alain00:01:53
Chanson de FortunioJacques, Alain00:02:38
Combien j'ai douce souvenance 1998Jacques, Alain00:03:11
Dans les boisJacques, Alain00:02:09
Ecoutez la chanson bien douceJacques, Alain00:02:32
En sourdineJacques, Alain00:02:02
Grand bal sous le tamarinJacques, Alain00:02:45
Heureux qui comme UlysseJacques, Alain00:02:34
Hier la nuit d'étéJacques, Alain00:03:26
Hommage à la vieJacques, Alain00:03:19
Ici-bas!, 2002Jacques, Alain00:01:42
Il est un air, 2002Jacques, Alain00:02:25
Il pleure dans mon coeurJacques, Alain00:02:04
J'ai dit à mon coeurJacques, Alain00:02:42
Je ne songeais pas à RoseJacques, Alain00:02:48
Je ne veux point mourir encoreJacques, Alain00:03:57
J’écris ton nomJacques, Alain00:03:09
L'aube naîtJacques, Alain00:02:28
L'invitation au voyage 2002Jacques, Alain00:02:19
La ballade de la revenante, 2002Jacques, Alain00:03:18
La chanson de grand-pèreJacques, Alain00:02:09
La chanson de la SeineJacques, Alain00:02:18
La chanson de ma mieJacques, Alain00:02:45
La fille aux cheveux de linJacques, Alain00:02:43
La musique et la beautéJacques, Alain00:01:37
La Princesse LointaineJacques, Alain00:02:22
Le bonheurJacques, Alain00:01:35
Le ciel est par-dessus le toit, 2002Jacques, Alain00:01:53
Le cimetière marinJacques, Alain00:05:19
Le lac, 1999Jacques, Alain00:04:36
Les heures envoléesJacques, Alain00:02:52
Les roses d'IspahanJacques, Alain00:02:29
Le temps a laissé son manteauJacques, Alain00:02:07
Ma richesse, 1997Jacques, Alain00:02:23
Mon bras pressait ta taille frêle, 2002Jacques, Alain00:01:26
Mon rêve familierJacques, Alain00:03:06
Notre amourJacques, Alain00:02:13
Noël blancJacques, Alain00:01:57
Nuit d'étoilesJacques, Alain00:01:55
Ode à CassandreJacques, Alain00:02:15
Oh oui! la terre est belleJacques, Alain00:03:09
O triste triste était mon âmeJacques, Alain00:02:11
Où sont nos amoureuses?Jacques, Alain00:02:09
Par les soirs bleus d'étéJacques, Alain00:01:53
Plaintive tourterelle, 1997Jacques, Alain00:02:11
Plus ne suis ce que j'ai été, 1997Jacques, Alain00:01:57
Pourquoi, pourquoi?, 1996Jacques, Alain00:02:39
PrièreJacques, Alain00:02:02
Puisque Mai tout en fleurs, 2002Jacques, Alain00:02:42
Quatrains, 1998Jacques, Alain00:03:09
Que l'heure est donc brèveJacques, Alain00:01:38
S'il est un charmant gazon, 1997Jacques, Alain00:02:12
Si j'étais la feuille que roule, 1999Jacques, Alain00:02:08
Si mes vers avaient des ailes, 1995Jacques, Alain00:01:37
Si tu veux faisons un rêveJacques, Alain00:03:52
Si vous n'avez rien à me direJacques, Alain00:02:01
Soleils couchantsJacques, Alain00:01:58
SoupirJacques, Alain00:02:06
Sous le Pont MirabeauJacques, Alain00:03:44
Sur le Pont NeufJacques, Alain00:02:18
Sérénade, 1997Jacques, Alain00:02:40
Tant que vivrai en âge florissant, 2001Jacques, Alain00:02:29
Tout l'univers obéit à l'amourJacques, Alain00:02:54
Une allée du Luxenbourg, 1999Jacques, Alain00:02:02
Va, chanson, à tire d'aileJacques, Alain00:01:46

Jacquet, Robert (1896 - 1976), Niger and(1)

La NigerienneWoodroffe, Richard00:01:30

Janequin, Clément (1485-1558), French(5)

La Guerre. La Bataille de Marignan. 1531.Guix, Joseph00:06:58
Le chant des oiseaux (1528)Guix, Joseph00:05:39
Le chant des oiseaux (1528)Gibson, Mike00:06:23
Le Chant des OyseauxDuflos, Annie00:06:24
Le chant du rossignol. 1537.Guix, Joseph00:02:01

Jarvis, Charles W. (1809-1871), English(2)

Luli (Switzer's Bride) - Deign oh heav'n to hear my pray'rScerri, Albert00:02:15
Luli (US opera) - All then is lostScerri, Albert00:01:35

Jean, Bernard (20th C)(1)

200th AnniversaryJean, Bernard00:02:28

Jenduriyang, Phra (Peter Feit) (1883 - 1968), Thai(1)

Phleng Chat ThaiWoodroffe, Richard00:00:33

Jenko, Davorin (1835 - 1914), Slovene(1)

Boze pravdeWoodroffe, Richard00:00:40

Jennings, Samuel David (1940 - ), American(1)

Fantasy: Toca el PianoforteJennings, Samuel David00:02:30

Jensen, Andreas (1984-), Danish(1)

PaxJensen, Andreas00:02:25

Jethro Tull, Anderson Ian (19??-), English(2)

Passion PlayBodkin, Adam00:43:51
Thick As A BrickBodkin, Adam00:41:23

Jimerson, Elijah(1)

The CheckerboardButler, John C00:03:03

John IV of Portugal (1604 – 1656)(1)

Crux fidelisHooper, John00:02:18

Johnson, Stephen (1989-)(4)

CarnivalJohnson, Stephen00:01:26
Flight of the BirdJohnson, Stephen00:03:20
ReminiscenceJohnson, Stephen00:01:39
Themes from "The Birds"Johnson, Stephen00:01:51

Jommelli, Niccolo (1714 - 1774), Italian(1)

Missa Defunctorum (Requiem) (1756)Hooper, John00:47:37

Joplin, Scott (1868-1917), American(45)

A Breeze from AlabamaBillett, Tina00:04:56
Bethena, A Concert Waltz. 1905Walker, Jason00:05:21
Country ClubBillett, Tina00:02:59
Elite SyncopationsBillett, Tina00:04:22
EugeniaBillett, Tina00:04:33
Euphonic SoundsBillett, Tina00:02:54
Felicity RagBillett, Tina00:03:26
Fig Leaf RagBillett, Tina00:02:57
Gladiolus RagBillett, Tina00:04:02
Heliotrope BouquetBillett, Tina00:03:08
Kismet RagBillett, Tina00:03:19
LeolaBillett, Tina00:03:38
Magnetic RagBillett, Tina00:03:58
Maple Leaf RagHall, Damien00:02:57
Maple Leaf RagNosal, Andrew00:01:54
Maple Leaf RagBillett, Tina00:03:25
Original RagsBillett, Tina00:04:45
Palm Leaf RagBillett, Tina00:03:24
Paragon RagBillett, Tina00:03:30
Peacherine RagBillett, Tina00:04:20
Pine Apple RagBillett, Tina00:02:59
Rag-Time DanceBillett, Tina00:03:42
Reflection Rag (Syncopated Musings)Billett, Tina00:04:08
Rose Leaf RagBillett, Tina00:03:56
Scott Joplin's New RagBillett, Tina00:03:15
Search-Light RagBillett, Tina00:04:01
Silver Swan RagBillett, Tina00:02:54
Solace, A Mexican Serenade 1909Walker, Jason00:05:22
Something DoingBillett, Tina00:03:43
Stoptime RagBillett, Tina00:03:04
Sugar CaneBillett, Tina00:02:53
Sunflower Slow DragBillett, Tina00:03:49
SwipesyBillett, Tina00:03:42
The CascadesBillett, Tina00:03:04
The Easy WinnersBillett, Tina00:03:48
The EntertainerBillett, Tina00:04:03
The EntertainerHall, Damien00:04:03
The EntertainerWalker, Geoff00:04:13
The FavoriteBillett, Tina00:03:42
The Nonpareil (None to Equal)Billett, Tina00:03:46
The Ragtime Dance, a stop-time two-step. 1906Walker, Jason00:03:18
The Strenuous LifeBillett, Tina00:03:52
The SycamoreBillett, Tina00:02:57
Wall Street RagBillett, Tina00:03:40
Weeping WillowBillett, Tina00:03:42

Jorge, Santos Amatriaim (1870 - 1941), Spanish(1)

Himno IstemñoWoodroffe, Richard00:01:36

Judge and Williams, Jack (1878 - 1938) and Harry (1879 - 1922), American(2)

It's a Long Way to TipperaryWoodroffe, Richard00:02:36
It's a Long Way to TipperaryVanbrabant, Bertrand00:02:58

Kabua, Amata (1928 - 1995), Marshall Islander(1)

Forever Marshall IslandsWoodroffe, Richard00:01:24

Kakomoa, George Wilberforce (1923 - 2012), Ugandan(1)

Oh Uganda, Land of BeautyWoodroffe, Richard00:00:18

Kaldayakov, Shamshi (1937 - 1992), Kazakhstani(1)

My KazakhstanWoodroffe, Richard00:00:34

Kanachyan, Barsegh (1865 - 1967), Lebanese-Armenian(1)

Mer HayrenikWoodroffe, Richard00:00:29

Kaplan, Howard L. (1948- ), Canadian(1)

The Asteria March, (original 1994, brass arrangement 2003)Kaplan, Howard L00:03:16

Karageanes, James (1943- ), USA(2)

Piano Etude in A (1964) "A Minute in Thirds"Karageanes, Jim00:00:55
[Ground] Round, for strings (2003)Karageanes, Jim00:02:07

Kaukonen, Jorma (20thC), US(1)

Air on a D String (Embryonic Journey Revisited)Nachbaur, Fred00:03:11

Kay, Peter (20thC), US(2)

Affair de CœureKay, Peter00:07:05
Phantasy Serenade - An Argument of ThemesKay, Peter00:07:34

Kearney, Peadar, Irish(1)

National Anthem of the Republic of IrelandWalker, Jason00:02:26

Kedrov, Nikolai (1875 - 1940), Russian(1)

Pater nosterPrada, Lorenzo00:01:47

Keeling, Randy (1975- ), USA(2)

Guitar Sonatina In C Minor (July 2003)Keeling, Randy00:02:04
Simple Prelude In C Minor (July 2003)Keeling, Randy00:00:24

Keil, Alfredo (1850 - 1907), Portuguese(1)

A PortuguezaWoodroffe, Richard00:01:00

Keiser, Reinhard (1674-1739), German(1)

Passion nach dem Evangelisten MarkusLamminga, Klaas00:14:40

Keita, Fodeba (1925 - 1970),Guinean(1)

LibertéWoodroffe, Richard00:00:33

Kelly, Virgil (1966- ), USA(3)

A Blue King CobraKelly, Virgil K00:05:00
Glad to Have Life!Kelly, Virgil K00:03:53
Theme for a Cop ShowKelly, Virgil K00:02:22

Kerr, James(1)

The Tenpenny BitWalker, Geoff00:01:09

Keyes, H L , English(1)

Christ is born and heaven rejoicesScerri, Albert00:01:43

Kiesling, S G(1)

Electric Light SchottischBohnson, Clifford N00:01:28

Kim, Heungbae (1957 - ), Korean(3)

Barabara Bopbop(2016)Heungbae, Kim00:04:14
Chorus of Sparrows (2014)Heungbae, Kim00:04:40
Efiru fra fra for So Y. WangHeungbae, Kim00:01:44

Kim, Yoon-ei (1996 - ), Korean(26)

80th SongKim, Yoon-ei00:01:47
Castle in the ForestKim, Yoon-ei00:01:41
Dandelion - A Star on a Little OneKim, Yoon-ei00:02:10
Dark in the WoodsKim, Yoon-ei00:01:50
Fairy ForestKim, Yoon-ei00:03:12
Fallen FlowersKim, Yoon-ei00:02:35
February SpringKim, Yoon-ei00:03:42
Finale, the SecretKim, Yoon-ei00:02:43
Flashback, for herKim, Yoon-ei00:03:47
Flashback - Finale Piano 4 HandsKim, Yoon-ei00:01:41
Fly, Flow, FleeKim, Yoon-ei00:03:02
Green LoveKim, Yoon-ei00:04:12
In Your DreamsKim, Yoon-ei00:02:42
Lost Melody (2011-2012)Kim, Yoon-ei00:06:36
NostalgiaKim, Yoon-ei00:01:53
Nostalgia(Orchestral)Kim, Yoon-ei00:01:57
OpeningKim, Yoon-ei00:01:41
Quartet WaltzKim, Yoon-ei00:01:36
RevivalKim, Yoon-ei00:03:30
Sweet SmileKim, Yoon-ei00:03:03
The First Step to the BeginningKim, Yoon-ei00:01:44
The Girl of Dream, Opus.2Kim, Yoon-ei00:05:16
The Mermaid's DreamKim, Yoon-ei00:02:31
The Mystery of the FantasyKim, Yoon-ei00:03:06
The Scene of the LakeKim, Yoon-ei00:02:20
Waltz of the CloudsKim, Yoon-ei00:01:05

King, Karl L.(1)

Neddermeyer TriumphalDyer, William D00:02:48

King, Robert C. (1954 -), Canadian(4)

AggitatoKing, Robert00:01:36
Pie JesuKing, Robert00:06:41
Psalm 108King, Robert00:02:17
Strings Etude #1King, Robert00:01:51

Kintner, Nathaniel Reddick Johnson(1)

A movement for String (Opus 1)Kintner, Nathaniel00:04:42

Kjeldsen, Andreas (1980-), Danish(2)

"Three Pieces for Guitar"Kjeldsen, Andreas00:05:08
Spring Day (Composed March 1999)Kjeldsen, Andreas00:01:29

Kodaly [Kodály], Zoltan (1882-1967), Hungarian(4)

Missa BrevisGibson, Mike00:24:35
Pange LinguaGibson, Mike00:07:09
Veni EmanuelSee Comments00:02:27
Öregek (1933)Dechargé, Pierre00:05:15

Komzak, Karl (1850-1905), Bohemian/Austrian(1)

Vindobona - MarschStruys, Peter00:02:27

Kraft, Frans-Joseph (1727 - 1795),Belgian(1)

Benedicamus DominoSee Comments00:01:18

Kroyer [Krøyer], Hans (1798 - 1879), Danish(1)

Der er et yndigt landWoodroffe, Richard00:02:08

Kucken [Kücken], Friedrich Wilhelm (1810 - 82)(1)

The Young MusiciansRoberts, Joseph00:03:45

Kudirka, Vincas (1858 - 1899), Lithuanian(1)

Tautiška giesmeWoodroffe, Richard00:01:06

Kuhlau, Friedrich (1786-1832), Danish/German(2)

2nd Grand Trio, op. 13 no 2Forestier, Yann00:05:39
Variations on a Scottish theme, op. 104Forestier, Yann00:06:00

Kuhnau, Johann (1660-1722), German(2)

Neuer Klavier-Ubung, Teil I, Partie Nr.5, Praeludium in G major (1689)Bordes, Dan00:00:49
Wie schön leuchtet der MorgensternHooper, John00:16:14

Kuresa, Sauni Iiga (1900 - 1978)(1)

O le Fu’a o le Sa’olotoga o SamoaWoodroffe, Richard00:01:03

Kèler, Bèla (1820-1882), Hungarian(1)

Son of the Puszta, ThePorter, Warren00:06:40

Lachner, Franz Paul (1803-1890), German.(7)

Octet for Wind Instruments in B flat major, Op156White, John H00:29:23
Piano Quintet No. 2 in A minor, Op. 145 ( 1869 )White, John H00:29:24
Quintet No 1 in C minor for Piano and Strings, Op 139.White, John H00:37:37
String Quartet No 1 in B minor, Op. 75( published 1843)White, John H00:27:24
String Quintet in C minor, Op.121 (circa 1850)White, John H00:41:19
Symphony No 8 in G minor, Op. 100 (1851)White, John H00:40:05
Trio in E major for Clarinet, Horn and Piano.White, John H00:19:17

Lachner, Ignaz (1807 - 1895), German(6)

Concertino for Horn, Bassoon & Orchestra, Op. 43White, John H00:13:20
Piano Trio No. 4 in D minor Op. 89White, John H00:22:34
Quartet in C for 3 Violins and Viola, Op.106 (1870s?)White, John H00:19:41
String Quartet in Bb Op. PosthWhite, John H00:27:19
String Quartet in G, Op. 104 (circa 1853 )White, John H00:17:11
Trio No 1 in B flat for Piano, Violin & Viola, Op. 37White, John H00:29:57

Lalo, Edouard (1823 - 1892), French(2)

Le Roi d'YsClement, Joel00:02:46
Symphonie espagnole Op. 21 (1874)Spagni, Maurizio00:30:28

Landaeta, Juan José (1780 - 1814), Venezuelan(1)

Gloria Al Bravo PuebloWoodroffe, Richard00:01:35

Lasso, Orlando Di (1532 - 1594), Italian(19)

Adoramus te, Christe (1604)Hooper, John00:01:33
Ave ReginaGibson, Mike00:02:15
Ave Regina (in English)Gibson, Mike00:02:15
Ave verum corpus (1582)Hooper, John00:03:06
Bonjour mon coeurHooper, John00:01:06
Chi chi li chiHooper, John00:02:50
Domine Dominus NosterGibson, Mike00:02:54
Iustorum animae (1582)Hooper, John00:03:22
La nuit froide et sombre (1549)Hooper, John00:02:08
Libera me, Domine (1568)Hooper, John00:02:45
Matona, mia cara (1581 ??)Hooper, John00:02:37
Missa Bell' Amfitrit' Altera (1610)Hooper, John00:23:19
Mon coeur se recommande à vousChoppy, Bernard00:01:03
Octavi Toni Gregorian Mass - KyrieScerri, Albert00:01:08
Octavi Toni Mass - AgnusScerri, Albert00:01:04
Octavi Toni Mass - GloriaScerri, Albert00:01:45
Octavi Toni Mass - SanctusScerri, Albert00:01:04
O Lord hear my prayerScerri, Albert00:02:45
Timor et tremor (1564)Hooper, John00:04:18

Laur, Ferdinand-Samuel(1)

Lesotho fatse la bo ntat’a ronaWoodroffe, Richard00:00:26

Lavallee [Lavallée], Calixa, Canadian(1)

O CanadaWilson, Anthony R.00:00:56

Lavotta, János (1764 - 1820), Hungarian(1)

VerbunkFábián, József00:01:14

Lawes, Henry (1595 - 1662), English(1)

Zadok the PriestHooper, John00:01:22

Leavitt, John (1608-1691), American(1)

GloriaKim, Yoon-ei00:02:48

Le Brunn, Geo.(1)

Among my knick-Knacks.Gray, Col00:05:58

Leduc, Maxime (1988 - )(1)

L'Ange DéchuLeduc, Maxime00:01:53

Lefebure-Wely, Louis James Alfred (1817-1869), French(4)

Sortie (in Bb major)Woodroffe, Richard00:03:58
Sortie (in Eb Major)Woodroffe, Richard00:03:41
Sortie (in G minor)Woodroffe, Richard00:03:56
Sortie in E flatSmedley, Tony00:04:12

Lehar, Franz (1870-1948), Austrian(6)

"Gold and Silver" Op. 79Vanbrabant, Bertrand00:08:11
"The Merry Widow Waltz'Vanbrabant, Bertrand00:05:36
Dein ist mein ganzes HerzPrada, Lorenzo00:03:00
Gern hab' ich die Frau'n geküßtVanbrabant, Bertrand00:02:45
Meine Lippen, sie küssen so heiß (Giuditta)Vanbrabant, Bertrand00:04:25
The Merry Widow - Love in my heart (1903)Sloman, Benjamin00:05:12

Lehrer, Thomas Andrew (1928 - ), American(20)

A Christmas CarolWoodroffe, Richard00:01:32
AlmaWoodroffe, Richard00:04:44
Be PreparedWoodroffe, Richard00:01:37
Bright College DaysWoodroffe, Richard00:01:21
DixieWoodroffe, Richard00:01:39
Fight Fiercely HarvardWoodroffe, Richard00:01:34
I Hold your hand in mineWoodroffe, Richard00:01:27
My Home TownWoodroffe, Richard00:02:03
Oedipus RexWoodroffe, Richard00:02:17
Poisoning Pigeons in the ParkWoodroffe, Richard00:02:32
PolutionWoodroffe, Richard00:01:51
The Hunting SongWoodroffe, Richard00:01:26
The Irish BalladWoodroffe, Richard00:02:36
The Masochism TangoWoodroffe, Richard00:02:42
The Old Dope PeddlerWoodroffe, Richard00:01:17
The Vatican RagWoodroffe, Richard00:01:21
The Wiener Schnitzel WaltzWoodroffe, Richard00:01:42
The Wild WestWoodroffe, Richard00:01:56
When you are old and greyWoodroffe, Richard00:01:41
Who's NextWoodroffe, Richard00:01:36

Lemire, Jean-Baptiste (1867 -1945), French(1)

Acanthe (1891)Nachbaur, Fred00:03:59

Lenzner, Jacob S. (1928-), American(15)

A Little Song (2008)Lenzner, Jacob00:03:16
A Minor EtudeLenzner, Jacob00:02:58
Dancing SpiritsLenzner, Jacob00:04:21
Melody(2006)Lenzner, Jacob00:03:33
Melody for String QuartetLenzner, Jacob00:04:22
Melody for the HarpLenzner, Jacob00:04:07
Minuet in C (2005)Lenzner, Jacob00:01:52
Quartet for Flute, Trumpet, Bassoon, and BassLenzner, Jacob00:03:02
Rondo for Clarinet and Piano (2007)Lenzner, Jacob00:04:35
Roving RhythmsLenzner, Jacob00:06:05
Snake (2011)Lenzner, Jacob00:02:21
String Quartet(Chonsy)Lenzner, Jacob00:13:01
String Quartet in A minor Op.2Lenzner, Jacob00:14:16
The Fourth of July(2010)Lenzner, Jacob00:03:00
Trumpet Tune (2010)Lenzner, Jacob00:04:08

Leo, Leonardo (1694-1744), Italian(1)

Toccata for Keyboard No. 8Milazzo, Carol F00:03:08

Leoncavallo, Ruggero (1857-1919), Italian(5)

La MattinataScerri, Albert00:01:42
Mattinata (1817)Spagni, Maurizio00:01:40
O Colombina (Pagliacci, Act 2 Serenade of Arlecchino)Sloman, Benjamin00:01:28
Pagliacci - Un Tal Gioco, CredetemiScerri, Albert00:03:07
Pagliacci - Vesti la giubba (Recitar)Scerri, Albert00:02:24

Leontovich, Mykola (1877 - 1921), Ukranian(1)

Carol of the Bells (1904)Hooper, John00:01:20

Leontovych, Mykola (1877-1921), Ukrainian(1)

Shchedryk (1903)Spagni, Maurizio00:01:21

Leslie, Henry David (1822 - 1896), English(1)

Charm me AsleepGibson, Mike00:03:13

Lester, Duane(1966 - ), American(4)

Aberrance the VoiceDuane, Lester00:03:50
Autumn LeavesDuane, Lester00:03:39
Consolation No.1Duane, Lester00:02:14
Fantasia in E for PianoforteDuane, Lester00:05:31

Leumane, Clarence M (1845 - 1928), British(1)

ZacchaeusMoffatt, Stuart00:01:52

Lewandowski, Lewis (1821-1894), Jewish/German(1)

Baruch Haba Beshem AdonaiSloman, Benjamin00:01:18

Lidell, Connor(1)

The March of Nature. 2005Lidell, Connor00:05:11

Lightbourne, Robert Charles (1909 - 1955), Jamaican(1)

Jamaica, Land We LoveWoodroffe, Richard00:01:01

Lillenas, Haldor (1885 - 1959), American(2)

Wonderful Grace of JesusTate, John Paul III00:02:20
Wonderful Grace of JesusSchwan, Bill00:01:04

Lim, Robert (1951 - ), Anglo-Chinese(1)

Serenade for Orchestra (2002)Lim, C R00:24:11

Liszt, Franz (1811-1886)(1)

Les Fleurs - Einst wollt' ich einen Kranz (1878)Hooper, John00:00:40

Liszt, Franz (1811-1886), Hungarian(33)

"4ème Grande Paraphrase" ("God save the Queen")Clement, Joel00:05:08
"Après une lecture de Dante"Clement, Joel00:18:48
Ave Maria (1)Hooper, John00:04:43
CampanellaGuix, Joseph00:04:17
Consolation No. 3, S.172:3Duane, Lester00:03:44
Consolation N°1Clement, Joel00:01:09
Consolation N°2Clement, Joel00:03:03
Consolation N°4Clement, Joel00:02:46
God Save the QueenWoodroffe, Richard00:04:44
Grandes Etudes de Paganini No. 3, 'La Campanella'Lee, Henry00:04:39
Grosse Études de Paganini - Étude No. 1 in G minor (Tremolo)Woodroffe, Richard00:04:17
Grosse Études de Paganini - Étude No. 2 in E-flat majorWoodroffe, Richard00:05:03
Grosse Études de Paganini - Étude No. 3 in G-sharp minor (La campanella)Woodroffe, Richard00:04:34
Grosse Études de Paganini - Étude No. 4 in E major (Vivo) ("Arpeggio")Woodroffe, Richard00:01:55
Grosse Études de Paganini - Étude No. 5 in E major (La Chasse)Woodroffe, Richard00:02:47
Grosse Études de Paganini - Étude No. 6 in A minor (Theme and Variations)Woodroffe, Richard00:04:33
Hungarian Rhapsody No. 2 in C sharpDuhon, J Eric00:08:20
IntroitusPurdam, Andrew00:01:36
Joyful and mournful (Freudvoll und leid)Scerri, Albert00:01:57
La MarseillaiseClement, Joel00:04:41
La Prédication aux oiseaux (St. François d'Assise)Clement, Joel00:05:50
Liebestraum No.3, "A Love Dream"Ng, M L00:03:54
LiebesträumClement, Joel00:05:19
Miserere from Il Trovatore by G. VerdiClement, Joel00:06:18
Missa choralis 1865 (CRV)Hooper, John00:30:36
Missa choralis 1865 (MG)Gibson, Mike00:30:47
Missa solemnis (1859 )Hooper, John00:51:32
Rhapsodie Hongroise No2 (Hungarian Rhapsody No2)Purdam, Andrew00:09:47
Réminiscenses de Lucia di LammermoorClement, Joel00:05:29
Thou Art Like A Flower (Du Bist Wie Eine Blume)Scerri, Albert00:01:22
Totentanz (Danse Macabre - Dance of Death)Woodroffe, Richard00:14:59
Via CrucisFábián, József00:32:30
Was Liebe Sei (1842)Hooper, John00:00:50

Litolff, Henry Charles (1818-1891), English(1)

Scherzo from Concerto Symphonique No 4 - Opus 102 (circa 1852)Woodroffe, Richard00:04:17

Littlejohn, Martin Layne (1962 - ), USA(1)

Credo (I Believe) 1999Littlejohn, Martin Layne00:01:43

Loeillet, Jean Baptiste (1653-1728), Flemish(3)

Sonata in C Major for Oboe and PianoHofland, Jan J H00:13:02
Sonata in F Major (Opus III/3)Macfarlane, Ann00:08:22
Sonate C+ Op. 1 Nr. 6Spagni, Maurizio00:09:21

Loewe, Carl (1796 - 1869), German(1)

Im VorübergehnGibson, Mike00:00:43

Long, Matthew (1994 - ), American(2)

Artillery MarchLong, Matthew00:02:12
Into the Dungeons Overture, 2007Long, Matthew00:06:33

Longo, Alessandro (1864-1945), Italian(1)

6 pezzi per arpa, op. 51Spagni, Maurizio00:22:26

Lonneke, Michael (1943 - ), American(8)

Christmas PreludeLonneke, Michael00:02:16
Concerto of PraiseLonneke, Michael00:03:46
Easter Fanfare No. 2Lonneke, Michael00:00:50
Minuet, Variations & QuodlibetLonneke, Michael00:06:23
O Blessed Jesus 2007Lonneke, Michael00:02:45
O Man, Bewail Thy Grievous Sin 2011Lonneke, Michael00:04:47
Procession of the Perukes - A Conscious CounterfeitLonneke, Michael00:03:31
This Joyful EastertideLonneke, Michael00:03:06

Loosemore, Henry (c1605 - 1670), English(1)

O Lord, increase our faithLowther, G J00:01:07

Lopez, Ramiro Sanchez , Spanish(1)

Caminemos Pisando la SendaWoodroffe, Richard00:01:18

Lotti, Antonio (1667-1740), Italian(5)

Crucifixus (before 1717 ?)Hooper, John00:03:13
Crucifixus a 8Mill, Carl B00:02:24
Crucifixus a 8 vociGibson, Mike00:02:45
Crucifixus a 8 vociSee Comments00:02:03
Miserere mei DeusScerri, Albert00:01:17

Louis XIII (attrib)(1)

Gavotte (XVII century)Spagni, Maurizio00:00:48

Low, Ian (1969-) British(2)

FGC3 Tuning Classical Guitar Sonata in C MajorLow, Ian00:16:00
Sonata for Bassoon and Piano in G MajorLow, Ian00:26:31

Lowden, C. Harold(1)

Living for JesusTate, John Paul III00:03:44

Lowther, George J. (1951 - )(13)

Elisabeth's WaltzLowther, G J00:03:38
Epicyclic (or Wheels within wheels)Lowther, G J00:02:30
Eucharistic Coda in GminLowther, G J00:04:11
Great and WonderfulLowther, G J00:01:15
Introit for Passion Sunday (Lent 5)Lowther, G J00:01:12
Introit for Trinity SundayLowther, G J00:01:24
Introit Lent 1Lowther, G J00:00:54
Introit Lent 2Lowther, G J00:01:40
Magnificat in FmajLowther, G J00:02:50
Nunc Dimittis in FmajLowther, G J00:01:31
RudolphLowther, G J00:01:23
Simon's RaindropsLowther, G J00:02:03
There & back againLowther, G J00:03:24

Luca, Olmstead (1826-1869), Liberian(1)

All Hail, Liberia HailWoodroffe, Richard00:02:09

Luke [Lüke], Hansjürgen (1943-), US(1)

Wenn der Wind von Süden her wehtLueke, Edith00:05:11

Lully, Jean Baptiste (1632-1687), French(4)

Alceste - Le Heros Que J'attends (The Hero I Wait)Scerri, Albert00:02:13
Bois epaisSloman, Benjamin00:02:00
GavotteWestwood, Matt00:01:24
Marche pour la cérémonie des TurcsForestier, Yann00:01:16

Lulu, Solomon (1950 - )(1)

March Forward, Dear Mother EthiopiaWoodroffe, Richard00:01:08

Lumbye, Georg August (1843-1922), Danish(1)

Dina PolkaVanbrabant, Bertrand00:02:54

Lumbye, Hans Christian (1810-1874), Danish(13)

Bouquet Royal - GalopVanbrabant, Bertrand00:03:08
Britta PolkaVanbrabant, Bertrand00:02:10
Camilla PolkaVanbrabant, Bertrand00:03:50
Caroline - Polka MazurkaVanbrabant, Bertrand00:02:15
Champagne Galop, Op. 14Vanbrabant, Bertrand00:02:20
Dronning Louise ValsVanbrabant, Bertrand00:05:00
Gjensyns - Glaede GalopVanbrabant, Bertrand00:02:49
Kanon-GalopVanbrabant, Bertrand00:02:26
Københavns Jernbane Damp GalopVanbrabant, Bertrand00:03:35
Salut for August Bournonville - GalopVanbrabant, Bertrand00:03:32
Senora Ysabel Cuba's PolkaVanbrabant, Bertrand00:03:12
Tivoli - Gondolen GalopadeVanbrabant, Bertrand00:03:06
Tivolis Rutschbane - GalopVanbrabant, Bertrand00:01:54

Lungershausen, Rainer (1949 - ), German(5)

Bouquet (2006)Lungershausen, Rainer00:04:54
Studie für Harfe (2006)Lungershausen, Rainer00:04:01
Theme for One Foundation (2006)Lungershausen, Rainer00:01:57
Unter einer Tanne (How I am so tired, Giebenrathslied)Lungershausen, Rainer00:02:54
Wenn alle Bruennlein fliessen (2006)Lungershausen, Rainer00:03:00

Lynam, Brian (1986 - ), American(16)

'The Expedition,' Suite for Solo Trumpet, Violin,Strings and Timpani. (2004).Lynam, Brian00:21:28
Ave mariaLynam, Brian00:03:20
Ave verum corpusLynam, Brian00:02:35
Confutatis (from Requiem)Lynam, Brian00:02:27
Elegy. (2006)Lynam, Brian00:03:56
Five Preludes for Piano, Op.14 (2007)Lynam, Brian00:07:56
Fugue in G Major, "Mary Had a Little Lamb" (2007)Lynam, Brian00:02:56
Invocation, Op.18 (2007)Lynam, Brian00:06:53
O vos omnes. (2006).Lynam, Brian00:01:52
Piano Sonata No. 1 in C minor, Op.2, 'Shostakovich'Lynam, Brian00:08:23
Prelude in E flat minor, 'a la Scriabin'Lynam, Brian00:02:17
Sonata for Clarinet and Piano, Op.17 (2007)Lynam, Brian00:17:56
Symphony No. 1 in F minor, 1st movement (2005-2006)Lynam, Brian00:12:49
Three Songs on Texts by Wallace Stevens, Op.15 (2007)Lynam, Brian00:05:06
Two Miniature Dances for String Orchestra, Op. 6 (2004).Lynam, Brian00:04:30
Two Poems for pianoLynam, Brian00:05:26

Lyon, Bradford Franklin (1963-), USA(20)

1890s (2000)Lyon, Bradford Franklin00:04:41
A Faith Bestowed by Love (c2001)Lyon, Bradford Franklin00:04:11
Always Never There (c2001)Lyon, Bradford Franklin00:04:42
Bed and Breakfast (c2001)Lyon, Bradford Franklin00:02:21
Cottonmouth (c2001)Lyon, Bradford Franklin00:01:40
Eva the Cowgirl (c2001)Lyon, Bradford Franklin00:01:57
Fiddlers in Tver (2000)Lyon, Bradford Franklin00:03:27
Forgotten, But Not Gone (c2001)Lyon, Bradford Franklin00:04:31
Going Down (c2001)Lyon, Bradford Franklin00:02:31
Ireland to America (2001)Lyon, Bradford Franklin00:08:22
Looking Back (c2001)Lyon, Bradford Franklin00:03:10
Old Black Dress (c2001)Lyon, Bradford Franklin00:03:17
Old Country Road (c2001)Lyon, Bradford Franklin00:03:58
People Lie (c2001)Lyon, Bradford Franklin00:03:09
Pinocchio Goes to War (2000)Lyon, Bradford Franklin00:04:22
Renaissance for Karen (2000)Lyon, Bradford Franklin00:02:39
Resonance (c2001)Lyon, Bradford Franklin00:03:53
Ride With Me, Free (2001)Lyon, Bradford Franklin00:02:07
Shadows of Chopin (c2001)Lyon, Bradford Franklin00:03:07
Small Compensation (c2001)Lyon, Bradford Franklin00:03:46

MacDowell, Edward (1860-1908), American(2)

Scotch Poem (Op.31, No.2)Hauck, Josh00:02:11
To a Wild Rose (from Woodland Sketches Op 51)Smedley, Tony00:01:40

Macfarlane, Ann (1949-), English(6)

Christmas Flavour for 2 pianosMacfarlane, Ann00:02:06
Magnificat (composed 1989, revised and notated in NWC 2003)Macfarlane, Ann00:02:53
Nunc Dimittis (composed 1989, revised and notated in NWC 2003)Macfarlane, Ann00:01:28
Paddatjies op skoolMacfarlane, Ann00:01:28
Prayer of St. FrancisMacfarlane, Ann00:01:34
Reverie (2000)Macfarlane, Ann00:02:29

Machaut, Guillaume de (1300-1377), French(2)

Chanson balladéeSpagni, Maurizio00:01:28
Quant en moy/Amour et biaute/Amara valdeHicks, Grant00:03:02

Magaldi, Augstin (and Pedro Noda)(1)

VagabundoSaarela, Timo00:02:07

Mahler, Gustav (1860-1911), Bohemian/Austrian(9)

Ich bin der Welt abhanden gekommen (1901)Hooper, John00:06:10
KinderTotenLiederClement, Joel00:06:21
Kindertoten Lieder (Nun will die Sonne)Clement, Joel00:05:42
Piano Quartet in Am (1876)Cohen, Jesse00:11:08
Symphonie N°5 - AdagiettoClement, Joel00:11:10
Symphony No 1 in D Major (Titan) 1. LangsamBillett, Tina00:55:24
Symphony No2, (The Resurrection) 3rd MovementBodkin, Adam00:08:26
Symphony No2, (The Resurrection) 4th MovementBodkin, Adam00:03:48
Symphony N° 5 (1. Trauermarsch)Clement, Joel00:14:13

Mainerio, Giorgio (ca. 1535 - 1582), Italian(1)

Il primo libro de' balli (1578)Spagni, Maurizio00:45:55

Manoa, Afaese (1949 - ), Tuvaluvian(1)

Tuvalu mo te AtuaWoodroffe, Richard00:00:56

Mantzaros, Nikolaos (1795 - 1873), Greek(2)

Hymn to FreedomWoodroffe, Richard00:00:57
Hymn to FreedomWoodroffe, Richard00:00:57

Marais, Marin (1656-1728), French(12)

L'AgréableSpagni, Maurizio00:02:10
La biscayenneSpagni, Maurizio00:00:42
La matelotteSpagni, Maurizio00:02:24
La MatelotteSpagni, Maurizio00:02:24
La MusetteSpagni, Maurizio00:02:14
La provençaleSpagni, Maurizio00:01:45
La ProvençaleSpagni, Maurizio00:01:30
Le basqueSpagni, Maurizio00:01:32
Le BasquePendrey, Nigel00:01:33
MuzetteSpagni, Maurizio00:01:31
Rondeau l'agréableSpagni, Maurizio00:03:12
Rondeau paysanSpagni, Maurizio00:01:16

Marcello, Alessandro (1673-1747), Italian(1)

Concerto per Oboe, Archi e Basso Continuo in re minore, SF 935 - Op.1 (1717)Spagni, Maurizio00:10:08

Marcello, Benedetto (1686-1739), Italian(2)

Adagio from Oboe concerto in C minorSpagni, Maurizio00:03:14
Sonata for Violoncello in G major (Mvt 4. Allegro)LeBaron, Brian00:01:27

Marsh, John (1752 - 1828), English(1)

Jesus, every thought and wordGibson, Mike00:01:12

Marsh, Stephen Hale (1805 - 1888), Australian(1)

Australian National Anthem - Hail To Victoria!Scerri, Albert00:04:17

Marshall, Charles (1857-1927)(1)

I Hear You Calling MeRoberts, Joseph00:02:34

Marshall, Richard (1982 -.), English(8)

Composition on 3 Chords 1999Marshall, Richard00:02:01
Etheriality SeriesMarshall, Richard01:00:10
Fugue In A MinorMarshall, Richard00:03:54
Lazy AfternoonMarshall, Richard00:02:41
Oh Come Dance With Me TonightMarshall, Richard00:03:04
Portrait Of A Princess. 2002Marshall, Richard00:07:31
Salsa D'Helenia 2002Marshall, Richard00:04:23
The Gurgling Brook 1997Marshall, Richard00:02:30

Martin, Easthope (1875 - 1925), English(1)

Come to the fairGibson, Mike00:03:24

Martini, Il Padre Giovanni Battista (1706-1784), Italian(5)

Domine, Ad Adjuvandum Me Festina (1729)Hall, Damien00:04:26
O salutaris hostiaChoppy, Bernard00:00:47
Plaisir D'AmourWoodroffe, Richard00:02:37
Plaisir D'AmourSee Comments00:02:44
Plaisir D'amour (Joys Of Love)Scerri, Albert00:02:24

Masanto, Louis Arnold (1938 - ), Grenadian(1)

Hail! GrenadaWoodroffe, Richard00:01:01

Mascagni, Pietro (1863-1945), Italian(12)

Amica - Grazie CompagniScerri, Albert00:03:34
Amico Fritz - Canzone Del RabbinoScerri, Albert00:01:16
Amico Fritz - Io T'Amo Dolce Mio TesorScerri, Albert00:02:11
Amico Fritz - Non Mi Resta Che'l Pianto Ed Il DoloreScerri, Albert00:01:15
Ave Maria (Based On Cavalleria Intermezzo)Scerri, Albert00:02:34
Cavalleria Rusticana - Addio alla MadreSloman, Benjamin00:03:05
Cavalleria Rusticana - Dite Mamma LuciaScerri, Albert00:01:59
Cavalleria Rusticana - O LolaSloman, Benjamin00:02:00
Easter Hymn (Cavalleria Rusticana)Gibson, Mike00:05:38
Guglielmo Ratcliffe - Gia Della PaceScerri, Albert00:01:28
Intermezzo from 'Cavalleria Rusticana'Vanbrabant, Bertrand00:02:47
Messa di Gloria (1880)Hooper, John00:50:39

Massenet, Jules (1842 - 1912), French(14)

ElégieClement, Joel00:01:52
Hérodiade - Air de Salomé (Il est doux, il est bon)Scerri, Albert00:03:54
Le Roi de Lahore - O Sitâ, rêve de ma vieScerri, Albert00:02:39
Manon - O dolce incanto (Fermez les yeux)Scerri, Albert00:02:29
Massenet - Declaration O Sweet MaidScerri, Albert00:01:06
Massenet - Pour Qui Sera (For Whom Will Be)Scerri, Albert00:01:08
Massenet - Pourquoi Pleures-TuScerri, Albert00:01:25
Massenet - Puisqu Elle A Pris Ma VieScerri, Albert00:01:20
Massenet - Sapho - SolitudeScerri, Albert00:02:39
Massenet - Serenade To ZanettoScerri, Albert00:01:16
Meditation from the opera, Thaïs (1894)Porter, Warren00:03:39
Méditation (from "Thaïs", Act II, No.23)Spagni, Maurizio00:03:48
Que l'heure est donc brèveJacques, Alain00:01:39
Werther - Pourquoi me réveiller (Why awaken me)Scerri, Albert00:02:06

Mattos, Stephen (1971 - ), American(5)

Christmas RecessionalMattos, Stephen00:01:06
Just for FunMattos, Stephen00:01:40
Los Vientos de MaracaiboMattos, Stephen00:03:26
Scherzo (2008)Mattos, Stephen00:03:17
Sonata for Two Clarinets and Two TrumpetsMattos, Stephen00:05:39

Maunder, John Henry (1858-1920), English(2)

Olivet to CalvaryGibson, Mike00:50:36
Olivet to Calvary (1904)Hooper, John01:04:04

Maunder, John Henry (1858-1920), En

Bethlehem (1910)Hooper, John00:57:21

McCormick, Pete (1834-1916), Australian(1)

Advance Australia FairPurdam, Andrew00:00:45

McCoy, Mike (1953 - ), South African(8)

Fanfare for a Christmas Pudding (1978, rev. 2001)McCoy, Mike00:00:12
Fanfare for Don and Pat (1983)McCoy, Mike00:00:21
Fanfare for four trumpets (1975, revised August 2002)McCoy, Mike00:00:21
Fanfare for Michael and Louise (2002)McCoy, Mike00:00:30
Fanfare for three trumpets (1974, revised August 2002)McCoy, Mike00:00:14
Rondino in F (1974, revised August 2002)McCoy, Mike00:03:17
Rondino in F for two trumpets and pianoMcCoy, Mike00:03:16
Three Cookies for Five Brass (January 2002, revised 2006)McCoy, Mike00:06:11

McIntyre,Jim (20th C), Canadian(3)

(Give me) One more trip around the sun (1999)McIntyre, Jim00:05:05
meloncholia!McIntyre, Jim00:04:50
Sad Song for SundayMcIntyre, Jim00:05:30

McKee, Mervyn (1941-)(6)

Chili, for Violin and Piano.McKee, Mervyn00:01:59
Hot Pepper, for Violin and Piano.McKee, Mervyn00:02:26
Interlude, for String Quartet.McKee, Mervyn00:02:41
Intermezzo, for Violin and Piano.McKee, Mervyn00:02:36
St. Clement Variatons, for String Quartet.McKee, Mervyn00:05:36
Tortilla, for Violin and Piano.McKee, Mervyn00:01:53

Meacham, Frank W. (19thC), US(1)

Rêvé D'Amour Polka Op. 95Clemente, Sergio Moliner00:03:15

Meharezgi,Isaac Abraham , Eritrean(1)

Ertra, Ertra, ErtraWoodroffe, Richard00:01:14

Mehul [Méhul], Etienne-Nicolas (1763-1817), French(3)

Joseph - My Heart In Its Youth (Sortir De L'enfance)Scerri, Albert00:02:34
Joseph - Romanza di BenjaminScerri, Albert00:02:22
Joseph - Sing The Name Of Our LordScerri, Albert00:03:55

Mendelssohn, Felix Bartholdy (1809-1847), German(47)

Abschied vom Walde Op. 59 No 3Gibson, Mike00:02:59
Ach, wie so baldClement, Joel00:01:50
As the Hart PantsGibson, Mike00:04:37
Auf Flugeln Des Gesanges (On Wings Of Song)Scerri, Albert00:03:00
Christus (unfinished), Die Geburt Christi, "Es wird ein Stern"Jennings, James R00:04:30
Christus (unfinished), Die Geburt Christi - recitative and trioForestier, Yann00:01:48
Christus - "Es wird ein Stern aus Jacob aufgeh'n"Gibson, Mike00:03:56
Christus - There Shall a Star from Jacob Come ForthGibson, Mike00:03:56
Christus [Op. 97] (1846/7)Hooper, John00:18:32
Come let us sing [Psalm 95, "Kommt, lasst uns anbeten" ], Op. 46 (1838)Hooper, John00:32:00
Concerto N°1 for violino and orchestra (Opus 64)Clement, Joel00:22:32
Delirium, Op. 85, No. 3Elam, Ron00:02:37
Drei Motetten für weibliche Stimmen mit Orgel Op.39Guix, Joseph00:16:57
ElijahJennings, James R01:55:06
Elijah, Op. 70 (1846)Hooper, John02:13:14
Fingal's CoveCook, Neil D.00:04:45
Frühzeitiger FrühlingGibson, Mike00:02:41
Hear My PrayerWoodroffe, Richard00:09:12
Hear My PrayerGibson, Mike00:09:13
Hear My Prayer / Hör mein Bitten (1844)Hooper, John00:09:28
Hochzeitmarsch (Wedding March)Tate, John Paul III00:04:48
Hymne "Hör mein Bitten, Herr"See Comments00:06:13
Hymn of Praise ["Lobgesang" ], Op. 52 (1840)Hooper, John00:59:19
Im Advent (No: 5 of 6 Anthems [Sechs Sprüche], Op. 79) (1843-4)Hooper, John00:01:24
Jauchzet dem Herrn, alle Welt! (psalm 100)Lamminga, Klaas00:03:41
Lauda Sion, Op. 73 (1847)Hooper, John00:31:20
Lost Illusions, Op. 67 No. 2Elam, Ron00:01:31
O Come, Let us WorshipGibson, Mike00:05:52
Paulus Oratorio - AriosoScerri, Albert00:01:56
Psalm 13 - Lord how long wilt Thou forget me? (Op. 96) (1840)Hooper, John00:12:03
Psalm 43 (Op. 78) (1844)Hooper, John00:03:47
Psalm 114, Op. 51 (1839) - Da Israel aus Agypten zogHooper, John00:12:04
SerenadeRoberts, Joseph00:01:36
Sinfonie VIII in D, AdagioWaterman, Charles00:04:59
Six Anthems [Sechs Sprüche], Op. 79 (1843-4)Hooper, John00:08:11
Song Of SpringScerri, Albert00:03:36
Songs without Words: Book V (Op.62): No.6.) Spring SongCohen, Jesse00:02:17
Songs without Words: No.1 Sweet RemembranceCohen, Jesse00:04:09
Song Without Words Opus 62, No. 1Porter, Warren00:02:19
St. Paul: 01Jennings, James R01:16:22
St Paul (Paulus), (1836)Hooper, John02:10:57
The First Walpurgis Night [Die erste Walpurgisnacht], Op. 60 (1831/1842)Hooper, John00:33:00
Veni Domine - Allelujavers zum 4.Sonntag im Advent - Opus 39, Nr.1Müller, Harald M.00:03:00
Verleih uns Frieden (1831)Hooper, John00:03:52
Violin Concerto in E Opus 64Woodroffe, Richard00:23:20
Warum toben die Heiden (Psalm 2)Gibson, Mike00:07:45
Wer nur lieben Gott lasst walten (1829)Hooper, John00:10:31

Mendelssohn-Hensel, Fanny (1805-1847), German(3)

Gebet in der Christnacht (Prayer on Christmas Eve) (1823)Hooper, John00:02:15
Italien ("Italy") [guitar arrangement]Nachbaur, Fred00:03:09
Trio Opus 11Clement, Joel00:24:53

Menegali, (circa 1700), Italian(1)

Jesu, Salvator mundiChoppy, Bernard00:00:20

Mengjiqi, Mendi (1958 - ), Albanian(1)

Hymni i KosovësWoodroffe, Richard00:00:39

Merand [Mérand], Vincent (1955 - ), French(6)

Douce PluieMérand, Vincent00:03:53
La valse de PalladucMérand, Vincent00:02:09
Le Tango de PalladucMérand, Vincent00:02:38
MétéoMérand, Vincent00:03:03
Premier Printemps à L.Mérand, Vincent00:02:10
Songs from a SchoolMérand, Vincent00:11:34

Merbecke, John (1510 - 1585), English(1)

CredoGibson, Mike00:02:36

Mercadante, Saverio (1795-1870), Italian(4)

Il Giuramento - Bella AdorataScerri, Albert00:01:59
La prece dell'Orfana (The Orphan's prayer)Scerri, Albert00:01:53
Le voci del CreatoScerri, Albert00:01:47
The Forsaken OneScerri, Albert00:03:02

Merikanto, Oskar (1868 - 1924), Finnish(1)

Valse lenteClement, Joel00:03:39

Merulo, Claudio (1533-1604), Italian(2)

Adoramus TeGibson, Mike00:01:43
ToccataFábián, József00:00:45

Messager, André (1853 - 1929), French(1)

Rose rouge (de l'opérette Mr Beaucaire)See Comments00:04:01

Messaus, Guillielmus (1589 - 1640), Flemish(1)

Dies est laetitiaeSee Comments00:00:58

Meyerbeer, Giacomo (1791-1864), German(6)

L'Africaine - Addio Terra NativaScerri, Albert00:03:28
L'Africaine - O ParadisScerri, Albert00:05:28
Le Prophète - Ah! My Child!Scerri, Albert00:02:56
Les Huguenots - In Preda Al DuolScerri, Albert00:04:28
Les Huguenots - No, No Caso EgualScerri, Albert00:04:58
Les Huguenots - Nobil donnaScerri, Albert00:02:09

Migliavacca, Augusto (1838-1901), Italian(1)

Celebre mazurca variataMaurizio Spagni00:03:12

Miguel, Joel Bertram (1938 - ), Vincentian(1)

St. Vincent! Land So BeautifulWoodroffe, Richard00:00:53

Milan [Milán], Luys (ca. 1500-1561), Spain(2)

Fantasía de consonancias y redoblesHofland, Jan J H00:02:07
Fantasía del quarto tonoHofland, Jan J H00:02:01

Miles, C. Austin (1868-1946), American(1)

God Bless FijiWoodroffe, Richard00:01:11

Mill, Carl B (1938 - 2008), American(5)

De Profundo (Out of the Depths)Mill, Carl B00:02:52
Grant Us Peace (Benediction)Mill, Carl B00:01:15
No RestMill, Carl B00:03:11
Soldier's LamentMill, Carl B00:01:49
Twenty-Third PsalmMill, Carl B00:04:48

Mills, James Frederick(1)

Nashid as-Salaam as-SultaniWoodroffe, Richard00:01:06

Mills, Jon(2)

Geranium PolkaFierek, Rosie00:00:43
Tansys GolowanFierek, Rosie00:00:34

Minga, Rui Alberto Vieira Dias (1939 - ), Angolan(1)

Angola AvanteWoodroffe, Richard00:01:41

Moeran, Earnest John, (1894 - 1950), British(1)

Good WineGibson, Mike00:01:20

Moffatt, Stuart (1953-), British(74)

AdagioMoffatt, Stuart00:02:36
A Mackeral Day 2005Moffatt, Stuart00:12:18
AndanteMoffatt, Stuart00:03:57
April 12Moffatt, Stuart00:01:37
A serial quartetMoffatt, Stuart00:03:58
August 25Moffatt, Stuart00:02:48
August 31Moffatt, Stuart00:02:29
Bad kittensMoffatt, Stuart00:00:48
Birthday dirge with apologies to Franz (Gretchen am Spinnrade) for 1/4Moffatt, Stuart00:00:56
Birthday song for 4/11Moffatt, Stuart00:01:04
Birthday song for 16/10 with apologies to Richard and to PaulMoffatt, Stuart00:01:26
Birthday song for 23/11Moffatt, Stuart00:01:04
Caedmon's hymnMoffatt, Stuart00:01:50
Cowboy birthday song for 17/10Moffatt, Stuart00:01:01
Dance of the tired ducklingsMoffatt, Stuart00:00:56
Death is - 2004Moffatt, Stuart00:03:10
Duet for two equal voicesMoffatt, Stuart00:01:39
Es ist gekommenMoffatt, Stuart00:03:27
Es tut mir leid 2001Moffatt, Stuart00:01:57
EurovisionMoffatt, Stuart00:01:24
Fanfare for MayMoffatt, Stuart00:01:24
Fanfare for the eleventhMoffatt, Stuart00:01:34
Fast marchMoffatt, Stuart00:00:35
Fragile is my flowerMoffatt, Stuart00:01:27
FroggyMoffatt, Stuart00:04:48
Goe, and catche a falling starre -Moffatt, Stuart00:01:36
Goe, lovely roseMoffatt, Stuart00:02:03
Handel's LimerickMoffatt, Stuart00:01:05
Hebenus et eburMoffatt, Stuart00:02:45
Here lies a treeMoffatt, Stuart00:02:45
Herz, mein Herz - 1971Moffatt, Stuart00:00:47
Ich schreibe dir 2001Moffatt, Stuart00:01:44
I found youMoffatt, Stuart00:01:02
Im KriegMoffatt, Stuart00:03:05
Impromptu in C and Trio in BflatMoffatt, Stuart00:10:54
Je veux 2002Moffatt, Stuart00:03:43
July 23Moffatt, Stuart00:01:28
June 15Moffatt, Stuart00:01:09
Komm, du süsse TodesstundeMoffatt, Stuart00:01:49
Limerick standard tuneMoffatt, Stuart00:00:45
MarchMoffatt, Stuart00:02:18
March 21Moffatt, Stuart00:01:14
March from BozrahMoffatt, Stuart00:01:08
MiceMoffatt, Stuart00:02:04
No MoreMoffatt, Stuart00:01:52
October 25Moffatt, Stuart00:01:03
October 31Moffatt, Stuart00:00:59
O love of God!Moffatt, Stuart00:01:29
O my LordMoffatt, Stuart00:00:55
Parting isMoffatt, Stuart00:02:00
PJ's songMoffatt, Stuart00:03:32
Polka for PJMoffatt, Stuart00:02:11
Puer NatusMoffatt, Stuart00:05:35
Rogue fugueMoffatt, Stuart00:01:51
Ruth: The Redeemer and the Redeemed - 1998-2003Moffatt, Stuart01:52:14
September 05Moffatt, Stuart00:02:00
September 06Moffatt, Stuart00:02:17
Seraphine - 1971Moffatt, Stuart00:01:32
Siehe Gottes LammMoffatt, Stuart00:04:32
Sinner isMoffatt, Stuart00:02:57
Sweetest loveMoffatt, Stuart00:03:20
The anniversaryMoffatt, Stuart00:02:41
The Deserted IslandMoffatt, Stuart00:07:00
The Grand Old Duke of York variationsMoffatt, Stuart00:03:41
The one who madeMoffatt, Stuart00:03:28
The vision is not yet (Habakkuk 2:2-4)Moffatt, Stuart00:03:28
This was not the wayMoffatt, Stuart00:05:40
Three hoops for two clarinetsMoffatt, Stuart00:06:12
Trotting birthday song for 28/12Moffatt, Stuart00:01:16
Unfinished quartetMoffatt, Stuart00:02:47
WaltzMoffatt, Stuart00:03:19
Who is on the Lord's sideMoffatt, Stuart00:00:42
Wie kamst du zu liebenMoffatt, Stuart00:02:01
Wo bist du gewesen?Moffatt, Stuart00:03:38

Moffatt and Swinnen, Stuart (1953- ) and Ivo, British(1)

Drie KwartMoffatt, Stuart00:00:46

Molinero, Pablo J.Luis (1942 - ), Spanish(2)

Concerto for Orchestra in Phi (2012)Molinero, Pablo J Luis00:17:30
Washington Irving's Alhambra (2010)Molinero, Pablo J Luis01:40:52

Mollica, Giovanni Leonardo "Dell´Arpa" (1525-1602), Italian(1)

Villanella che all'acqua vaiSpagni, Maurizio00:01:29

Monllor, Vicent Rodríguez (1690 -1760), Spanish(1)

Mass a 5vvHooper, John00:13:40

Montanari, Antonio (1676 - 1737), Italian(1)

La PortinaiaScerri, Albert00:00:53

Montenegro, Paúl (1984- ), Ecuatorian(1)

Yumbo mixlídico Rojo (J-1)Montenegro, Paúl00:00:30

Montenegro, Ramiro (1982- ), Ecuatorian(1)

Yumbo mixlídico Naranja (J-1)Montenegro, Ramiro00:00:32

Monteverdi, Claudio (1567-1643), Italian(22)

Addio Florida bellaBalboni, Raimondo00:03:14
Alcun non mi consigliBalboni, Raimondo00:04:24
Arianna - Lasciatemi MorireScerri, Albert00:01:13
Beatus VirWoodroffe, Richard00:08:06
Beatus Vir, 1630Hooper, John00:08:41
Cantate Domino, 1615Hooper, John00:01:50
Christe, adoramus te, 1620Hooper, John00:02:26
Christmas VespersHooper, John01:08:11
Con Che SoavitaScerri, Albert00:03:20
Dixit Dominus à 8Schleussner, Sebastian00:06:25
from "Il sesto libro dei madrigali a cinque voci",Balboni, Raimondo00:12:22
Il Balletto Delle Ingrate - Ahi, Troppo E DuroScerri, Albert00:02:12
L'incoronazione di Poppea (the coronation of Poppea)Forestier, Yann00:02:45
Laetatus sum à 6Schleussner, Sebastian00:08:00
Lauda Jerusalem à 5Schleussner, Sebastian00:06:36
Laudate, pueri, Dominum à 5Schleussner, Sebastian00:05:55
Nisi Dominus à 6Schleussner, Sebastian00:10:30
O mio beneBalboni, Raimondo00:03:55
Scherzo Musicale - Maledetto Sia L'aspettoScerri, Albert00:01:50
Ta ciAr me lin deh ta ciBalboni, Raimondo00:02:24
Vespers, 1610Hooper, John01:02:58
Vespers, 1610Gibson, Mike00:45:02

Monti, Vittorio (1868 - 1922), Italian(2)

CzardasWoodroffe, Richard00:03:26
Czardas (1904)Spagni, Maurizio00:04:00

Morales, Cristobal de (1500 - 1553), Spanish(2)

Missa Mille Regretz (1540)Hooper, John00:26:30
Parce mihi, Domine (about 1540)Hooper, John00:05:21

Mores, Mariano (1922-), Argentinian(2)

Adios Pampa MiaSaarela, Timo00:01:55
Adiós, pampa mia!Spagni, Maurizio00:01:49

Morgan, Léo (1919 - 1984), Moroccan(1)

Hymne ChérifienWoodroffe, Richard00:02:22

Morley, Thomas (1557-1602), English(20)

About the MaypoleGibson, Mike00:02:43
April is in my mistress' face (1594 )Hooper, John00:01:43
Fyer, Fyer! (1595 )Hooper, John00:02:15
Fyre, FyreBrennan, Vince00:02:59
Hard by a crystal fountain (1601 )Hooper, John00:03:14
I love, alas, I love thee (1595 )Hooper, John00:01:56
In every place (1594 )Hooper, John00:02:09
It Was A Lover and His LassAlberga, Cyril N00:02:53
Leave, alas, this tormenting (1595 )Hooper, John00:02:55
My bonny lass she smileth (1595 )Hooper, John00:02:05
Nolo mortem peccatorisHooper, John00:02:58
Now is the month of MayingGibson, Mike00:02:05
Now is the month of Maying (1595 )Hooper, John00:01:20
Now is the month of Maying (1595 )Hooper, John00:02:10
Say, gentle nymphs (1594)Hooper, John00:02:10
Since my tears and lamenting (1595 )Hooper, John00:02:55
Sing We and Chant ItCurry, Daniel00:01:58
Sing we and chant it (1594 )Hooper, John00:01:32
Though Philomela lost her love (before 1602?)Hooper, John00:01:20
Whither away so fast? (1593 )Hooper, John00:02:47

Morrison, Andrew (1991 - )(1)

Snow That Never Ends (2006)Morrison, Andrew C.00:01:38

Morton, Ferdinand "Jelly Roll" (1890 - 1941), American(9)

Black bottom stompSpagni, Maurizio00:02:57
Chicago break downSpagni, Maurizio00:02:53
Kansas city stompsSpagni, Maurizio00:02:44
King Porter stompSpagni, Maurizio00:02:27
London bluesSpagni, Maurizio00:03:08
New Orleans bluesSpagni, Maurizio00:02:09
Shreeveport stompSpagni, Maurizio00:01:58
The pearlsSpagni, Maurizio00:03:15
Wolverine bluesSpagni, Maurizio00:02:32

Motsete, Kgalemang Tumedisco(1)

Fatshe leno la ronaWoodroffe, Richard00:00:32

Mouret, Jean-Joseph (1682 - 1738), French(1)

Rondeau (from "Fanfares pour des trompettes, timbales, violons et hautbois. Première suitte.")Spagni, Maurizio00:01:42

Mozart, Leopold (1719-1787), German(1)

Musikalische SchlittenfahrtSpagni, Maurizio00:12:21

Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus (1756-1791), Austrian(184)

"Ah, vous dirai-je, Maman", K265 (1778)(Theme and Variations)Spagni, Maurizio00:11:30
12 Variations on "Ah, vous dirai-je, maman"Pool, Don00:13:11
Adagio in C for Glass Harmonica, KV356Wiering, Mike00:02:15
Allegro (from Concerto for Flute and Harp in C Major, K.299) (1778)Hall, Damien00:09:07
Allegro con brio (from Sympony No.25 in G minor, K.183) (1773)Hall, Damien00:10:34
Allegro vivace (from Piano Concerto No.14 in Eb, "First Ployer", K.449) (1784)Hall, Damien00:08:27
Alleluia From the Motet Exaltate Jubilate (K165) 1773Woodroffe, Richard00:02:27
Alma Dei Creatoris (KV 277)Gibson, Mike00:04:18
AlphabetChoppy, Bernard00:00:59
Als Luise die BriefeSee Comments00:01:45
A Musical Joke K.522Woodroffe, Richard00:22:05
An ChloëSee Comments00:02:01
Andante from Piano Concerto #21, K.467Nachbaur, Fred00:05:55
Ave VerumBonomi, Ilario00:02:02
Ave Verum CorpusKendrick, Stanley D00:01:32
Ave Verum CorpusBloch, Peter N00:02:27
Ave Verum CorpusNWCChorus00:01:51
Ave verum corpus (K618), 1791Gibson, Mike00:02:31
Ave verum corpus (K618), 1791Hooper, John00:02:39
Ave Verum Corpus, K.618 (1791) [Orchestral version]Hall, Damien00:02:07
Benedictus sit Deus ( K117/66a), 1769Hooper, John00:08:02
Canon for 4 Voices in F major - Ave Maria, K.554See Comments00:01:35
Concerto for Bassoon in Bb Major, K.191 (1774)Hall, Damien00:16:44
Concerto for Clarinet in A Major, K.622Hall, Damien00:27:49
Concerto for Horn in D Major, K.412Hall, Damien00:07:45
Concerto in Re minore K.466Zarzycki, Wacek00:10:41
Concerto N° 23 for Piano (K.488) (Adagio)Clement, Joel00:06:36
Cosi Fan Tutte - Tradito, SchernitoScerri, Albert00:02:08
Cosi Fan Tutte - Un Aura AmorosaScerri, Albert00:02:08
Dans un bois solitaireSee Comments00:01:46
Der Hölle Rache kocht in meinem HerzenClement, Joel00:03:16
Der Vogelfänger bin ich ja (from "Die Zauberflöte" (The Magic Flute))Struys, Peter00:02:23
Die Zauberflote - Aria Del FischioScerri, Albert00:02:55
Die Zauberflote - Isis Und OsirisScerri, Albert00:02:20
Die Zauberflote - O Zittre NichtScerri, Albert00:05:23
Divertimento nr. 3 in Es KV 166 (1773)Blanken, Ivo00:11:01
Dixit KV193Gibson, Mike00:11:01
Don Giovanni - Ah Fuggi Il TraditorScerri, Albert00:01:03
Don Giovanni - Dalla Sua PaceScerri, Albert00:02:52
Don Giovanni - Il Mio Tesoro IntantoScerri, Albert00:04:48
Don Giovanni - La Ci Darem La ManoScerri, Albert00:02:39
Don Giovanni - Non Mi DirScerri, Albert00:04:23
Drittes Quartett (K156 - 1770), Movements 1-4 (Presto, Adagio, Menuetto, Adagio)Lehr, Geoffrey00:16:14
Eine kleine Nachtmusik, K. 525Porter, Warren00:22:28
Einem Mädchen unsers Alters (from "Cosi Fan Tutte")Struys, Peter00:02:55
Erstes Quartett (K80 - 1770), Movements 1-4 (Adagio, Allegro, Menuetto, Rondo)Lehr, Geoffrey00:19:06
Fantasia for a Mechanical Clock K608 1791Merton, Colin00:09:43
Flute Concerto No. 2 in D Major, Kv.314Tate, John Paul III00:19:18
Fugue (from Fantasy & Fugue in C, K.394)Arrowsmith, Geoff00:04:30
GesellenreisenSee Comments00:03:11
Gleich dem Phönix in Arabien (from "Cosi Fan Tutte")Struys, Peter00:01:41
God is our Refuge (KV 20)Gibson, Mike00:01:09
Hallelujah Chorus (from Messiah (arr.), K.572) (1789)Hall, Damien00:03:49
il mio tesoro (don Giovanni) arr. For windquintetBlanken, Ivo00:04:10
Inter natos mulierum (K72/74f), 1777-80?Hooper, John00:05:29
Jesu, wahrer Gottessohn K 42 (part)Gibson, Mike00:05:51
K626 Requiem mass (JG)Guix, Joseph00:42:26
K626 Requiem mass (NW C)NWCChorus00:58:38
KontratanzWilcock John00:01:50
KV 108 Regina coeli (MG)Gibson, Mike00:14:15
Kyrie - Canon at the UnisonGibson, Mike00:04:42
Kyrie in D (KV 341)Gibson, Mike00:02:59
Kyrie in D minor k341 (1781)Hooper, John00:07:27
Kyrie in F k33 (1766)Gibson, Mike00:01:03
L'oca Del Cairo - Ariette De La SoubretteScerri, Albert00:04:01
Lachrymosa, Apr. 2000Nachbaur, Fred00:03:01
Lacrimosa, from Requiem Mass in D minorTaylor, Robbie00:03:25
Le nozze di Figaro, ossia la folle giornataBenatti, Pietro00:02:54
Le nozze di Figaro, voi che sapeteBenatti, Pietro00:02:47
Le Nozze Di Figaro - Aprite, Presto ApriteScerri, Albert00:01:40
Le Nozze Di Figaro - Se Vuol BallareScerri, Albert00:02:45
Le Nozze Di Figaro - Voi Che SapeteScerri, Albert00:02:36
Litaniae de venerabili altaris sacramentoGibson, Mike00:33:09
Litaniae de venerabili altaris sacramento (KV125)Gibson, Mike00:18:33
Litaniae de venerabili altaris sacramento K125, 1772Hooper, John00:34:03
Litaniae Lauretanae (KV195)Gibson, Mike00:26:12
Litaniae Lauretanae (KV195), 1774Hooper, John00:29:29
Luci Care (K.V.346)See Comments00:01:25
Luci Care (K.V.346)Russchen, Peter00:01:04
March in D - No. 1, KV. 335Struys, Peter00:04:13
March in D - No. 2, KV. 335Struys, Peter00:04:06
Mass in C (KV317) (Coronation Mass; No: 16 in C), 1779Gibson, Mike00:21:18
Mass in C (KV317) (Coronation Mass; No: 16 in C), 1779Hooper, John00:24:41
Mass in Cmajor - K66 - Dominicus (1769)Hooper, John00:39:03
Mass in C minor (KV139) - Waisenhausmesse (1768)Hooper, John00:39:59
Mass in C minor (KV427 - 417a; Great Mass; No: 18, in C minor), 1782-3Hooper, John00:52:47
Mass No 14 in C (KV 337), Missa SolemnisGibson, Mike00:23:25
Mass No 14 in C (KV 337), Missa SolemnisSee Comments00:20:52
Menuetto I from Divertimento n. 17 in D major, K.334Spagni, Maurizio00:04:34
Minuet and Trio- KV 1Laks, Shai O00:02:04
Minuet in F for Piano, 1762Susam, Taylan00:00:48
Minuet in G (1761)Hyman, Tony00:02:50
Misericordias Domini KV222Gibson, Mike00:05:16
Misericordias Domini KV222, (1775)Hooper, John00:06:22
Missa brevis et solemnis in C (KV220 - 196b) (Spatzen-Messe), 1775/6Hooper, John00:14:29
Missa brevis et solemnis in C (Spatzen-Messe)Gibson, Mike00:15:10
Missa Brevis in Bb major KV275 1777Hooper, John00:17:47
Missa Brevis in B flat (KV 275)Gibson, Mike00:16:04
Missa brevis in C major (KV 259) (Organ solo Mass), 1775/6Hooper, John00:12:45
Missa brevis in C major (Organ solo Mass) KV259Gibson, Mike00:12:53
Missa Brevis in C Major K258Gibson, Mike00:15:17
Missa Brevis in D (K.194) 1774Hooper, John00:20:46
Missa Brevis in D minor (KV 65) 1769Hooper, John00:13:02
Missa Brevis in D minor - KV 65Gibson, Mike00:08:59
Missa brevis in F KV192Gibson, Mike00:21:07
Missa Brevis in G major (KV 49), 1768Hooper, John00:20:48
Missa Brevis in G major - KV 49Gibson, Mike00:14:13
Missa Brevis in G major kv140 ("Pastoral") MGGibson, Mike00:16:37
Missa Brevis in Gmajor KV140 1773Hooper, John00:14:41
Missa Brevis KV 192 (1774)Hooper, John00:20:34
Missa in C (Credo Mass: K.257)Gibson, Mike00:23:03
Missa in C (Credo Mass: K.257), 1776Hooper, John00:27:37
Missa in C KV 427 - n°1 : KyrieDeyne, Christophe de00:06:14
Missa in C KV 427 - n°2 : GloriaDeyne, Christophe de00:01:59
Missa in C KV 427 - n°3 : Laudamus teDeyne, Christophe de00:04:46
Missa in C major (KV 167) - in honorem Santissimae Trinitatis (1773)Hooper, John00:29:38
Missa Longa K262/246a (1776)Hooper, John00:30:07
Missa Longa kv262Gibson, Mike00:28:26
Missa solemnis in C major KV66 "Dominicus"Gibson, Mike00:38:50
Nannerl's Notenbuch (K.1a - K.5a)Hall, Damien00:13:35
Non Piu AndraiBell, Jon00:00:52
Oboe Quartette KV370 Movement 1,2,3Hirao, Yoshikazu00:14:27
Offertorium 'Scande coeli limina' (KV 34)Gibson, Mike00:04:54
Oiseaux, si tous les ansSee Comments00:01:20
Overture to "Le Nozze di Figaro" (The Marriage of Figaro), K.492 (1785-6)Hall, Damien00:04:02
Overture to 'The Magic Flute' - Arranged for String QuartetChow, Felix00:07:37
Piano Concerto no. 14 in E flat major, K. 449 (1784) - 1. Allegro vivaceBox, Ramón Pajares00:08:45
Piano Concerto no. 14 in E flat major, K. 449 (1784) - 2. AndantinoBox, Ramón Pajares00:06:39
Piano Concerto no. 14 in E flat major, K. 449 (1784) - 3. Allegro ma non troppoBox, Ramón Pajares00:06:18
Piano Concerto No.21 KV467Hirao, Yoshikazu00:23:33
Piano Sonata No.8 in A - K310Spagni, Maurizio00:16:42
Popoli di Tessaglia k316Clement, Joel00:09:15
Quartetto per oboe e archi K370Spagni, Maurizio00:16:22
quatuor pour flute et cordes K285b 1e mvt allegrosolange, Robin00:09:18
quatuor pour flute et cordes K285b 2e mvt andantinosolange, Robin00:08:01
Quintetto per clarino e archi K581Spagni, Maurizio00:34:15
Quintetto per corno e archi K407Spagni, Maurizio00:18:43
Regina Coeli (KV 276_1)Gibson, Mike00:06:47
Regina coeli - KV 108 (1771)Hooper, John00:12:05
Regina Coeli K276, 1779Hooper, John00:06:45
Requiem - Sanctus, K626Riberio, Leandro00:01:27
Requiem Mass in D minor (KV626)Gibson, Mike00:30:08
Requiem Mass in D minor (KV626) - Choral Rehearsal Version 1791Hooper, John00:50:56
Ridente la calmaSee Comments00:02:59
Rondo Alla Turca (from Sonata 11, K331)Wintringham, Lee00:03:30
Rondo in A (Pianoforte Sonata, K.331: 3rd movement, "Rondo alla Turca")Karageanes, Jim00:03:17
Rondo in C (Pianoforte Sonata, K.309: 3rd movement)Karageanes, Jim00:05:53
Rondò "Turk March" from Piano Sonata No.11 in A K331Spagni, Maurizio00:03:47
Sancta Maria, mater Dei K 273Gibson, Mike00:03:29
Sancta Maria - K273 (1777)Hooper, John00:04:10
Sechs Nocturnos für 3 Singstimmen und Klavier oder 3 MelodieinstrumenteGuix, Joseph00:10:23
Serenade No.11 in E flat for Winds, K.375Hall, Damien00:21:16
Serenade No.13 in G for strings 'Eine Kleine Nachtmusik', K.525 (1787)Hall, Damien00:18:23
Sinfonia Concertante for Violin and Viola K.364 Movement 1Hirao, Yoshikazu00:11:03
Soave sia il vento (Terzetto SAB)Clement, Joel00:02:46
Sonata in C K545Duhon, J Eric00:03:51
Sonata K.545Powell, Norman D00:10:04
Sonata XI for piano, K.331 (1779)Purdam, Andrew00:21:17
Symphony 25 (K 183)Waterman, Charles00:39:58
Symphony No.29 KV201 Movements 1,2,3,4Hirao, Yoshikazu00:29:32
Symphony No 22 in C MajorAvis, John G00:07:20
Symphony N°40 in G minor K550 (1788)Guix, Joseph00:38:46
Tantum Ergo (KV 197)Gibson, Mike00:03:31
Te Deum (KV141 - 66b)See Comments00:07:44
Te Deum (KV 141),1769Hooper, John00:06:25
Thamos, King of Egypt, KV345Gibson, Mike00:24:09
The Magic Flute (Die Zauberflöte)Nachbaur, Fred01:40:48
Thou Soul of he Universe (K 429)Gibson, Mike00:04:20
Trio Nr 7 Es dur KV 498 (Kegelstatt-Trio)Moffatt, Stuart00:20:36
Variations on "Ah! Vous Dirai-je, Maman" K.265 (1778)Barham, Christopher00:03:11
Veni sancte spiritus (KV 47), 1768Hooper, John00:03:58
Veni sancte spiritus (KV 47), 1768Gibson, Mike00:04:06
Veni sancte spiritus (KV 72)Gibson, Mike00:05:24
Venite, populi (KV 260)Gibson, Mike00:04:59
Vesperae solennes de confessore (KV339), 1780Hooper, John00:23:09
Vesperae solennes de confessore (KV339), 1780Gibson, Mike00:23:52
Vesperae solennes Dominica, (KV 321) (1779)Gibson, Mike00:25:54
Vesperae solennes Dominica, (KV 321) (1779)Hooper, John00:26:38
Viertes Quartett (K157 - 1770), Movements 1-3 (Allegro, Andante, Presto)Lehr, Geoffrey00:16:15
Voi che sapeteJacques, Alain00:02:05
Voi Che Sapete from Mozart's "La Nozze de Figaro"Enlow, Lizzy00:01:42
Vorrei spiegarvi, O Dio k418Clement, Joel00:07:36
WarnungSee Comments00:01:46
Zweites Quartett (K 155 - 1770), Movements 1-3 (Allegro, Andante, Molto Allegro)Lehr, Geoffrey00:08:33

Mozart and Shaffer, Wolfgang Amadeus (1756-1791) and Jim (1946-)(1)

Sonata in AShaffer, Jim00:02:06

Mudarra, Alonso (ca.1520-1580), Spanish(4)

Diferencias sobre el conde ClarosHofland, Jan J H00:02:08
Fantasía - que contrahaze la harpa en la manera de LudovicoHofland, Jan J H00:02:16
Fantasía que contrahaze la harpa en la manera de LudovicoAlberga, Cyril N00:02:17
GalardaHofland, Jan J H00:01:36

Mudd, Thomas (1619-1667), English(1)

Let Thy merciful ears, O Lord (????)Hooper, John00:01:30

Muller, Wenzel (1767-1835), Austrian(1)

Gloria in ExcelsisAkintola, Richard00:04:08

Mullins, Bill (1951 - ), American(2)

Aftermath.Mullins, Bill00:02:15
Alleluyah! (Fugue)Mullins, Bill00:01:14

Mumin, Hassan Sheikh (1931 - 2008), Somali(1)

Samo ku waarWoodroffe, Richard00:01:04

Munday, William (1529 - 1591), English(2)

Adolescentulus sum egoGibson, Mike00:02:20
A New CommandmentGibson, Mike00:01:43

Munier, Carlo 1859-1911, Italian(1)

Quartetto in Re MaggioreFoley, Bill00:11:48

Murjan, Ahmad (1905 - 1974)(2)

Nahnu Djundulla DjundulwatanWoodroffe, Richard00:00:42
Nahnu Djundulla DjundulwatanWoodroffe, Richard00:00:42

Murray and Spillman, James and Jonathan (1841-1905)(1)

Away In A Manger (medley)Adlon, Jeff00:01:29

Mussorgsky, Modest Petrovitch (1839-1881), Russian(9)

Complete piano works (excluding the "Pictures")Spagni, Maurizio01:51:04
Four-hand piano sonata (1860)Spagni, Maurizio00:10:59
Gnomus, from Pictures at an ExhibitionPurdam, Andrew00:02:32
Gopak (from "Sorotchinsy Fair")Hauck, Josh00:01:29
Night on the bare mountainSpagni, Maurizio00:10:37
Pictures at an Exhibition (1874)Westwood, Matt00:31:19
Promenade, from Pictures at an ExhibitionPurdam, Andrew00:01:25
The Great Gate of Kiev, from Pictures at an ExhibitionPurdam, Andrew00:05:53
The Great Gate of Kiev, from Pictures at an ExhibitionWoodroffe, Richard00:05:04

Mycroft, David Kenneth (1924 - 1997), British(1)

Nkulunkulu Mnikati Wetibusiso temaSwatiWoodroffe, Richard00:00:53

Màoyún, Chéng (1900 - 1957), Chinese(1)

San Min Chu IWoodroffe, Richard00:00:48

Métra, Olivier (1830 - 1889), French(1)

Sérénade - Valse espagnoleSpagni, Maurizio00:06:10

Nachbaur, Fred (1951 - 2004), Canadian(19)

"The Changeling", Concerto for Electric Guitar in G minorNachbaur, Fred00:13:58
Aella (A Character Study)Nachbaur, Fred00:03:02
Aella (A Character Study), String quintet arrangementNachbaur, Fred00:02:58
Allergic to LoveNachbaur, Fred00:03:48
A Song About FrogsNachbaur, Fred00:02:42
Bridge the GapNachbaur, Fred00:03:01
Caverns of the Heart, Feb. 2000Nachbaur, Fred00:02:43
Caverns of the Heart, Piano reductionWilson, Anthony R.00:02:39
Divertimento "Für Rhiannon" Op. 1, No. 1aNachbaur, Fred00:05:01
Down Id Da DungeonNachbaur, Fred00:02:05
East of Mira (from "A Suite of Fractals") Op. 3 No. 1Nachbaur, Fred00:03:11
Impending DoomNachbaur, Fred00:02:39
My Best FriendNachbaur, Fred00:05:13
Northern Lights (from "A Suite of Fractals") Op. 3 No. 2Nachbaur, Fred00:04:20
Quartet No. 1 in A Minor, "Seasonal Impressions"Nachbaur, Fred00:23:23
Quartet No. 1 in A Minor, "Seasonal Impressions"Nachbaur, Fred00:23:24
South Nelson Mayhem (from "A Suite of Fractals") Op. 3 No. 4Nachbaur, Fred00:02:35
Storm the Castle, Apr. 2000Nachbaur, Fred00:01:52
Westerly Gale (from "A Suite of Fractals") Op. 3 No. 3Nachbaur, Fred00:03:58

Nachbaur, Sharon (20thC), Canadian(2)

First LoveNachbaur, Sharon00:03:10
Ocean MemoriesNachbaur, Sharon00:02:59

Naderman, François-Joseph (1781-1835) French(2)

Anglaise rondoletto (from Sonatina III of "7 sonates progressives, Op. 92")Spagni, Maurizio00:01:29
Prelude & sonatina I (from "7 sonates progressives, Op. 92")Spagni, Maurizio00:03:35

Nakada, Yoshinao (20th C?), Japanese?(1)

Allegro EtudeWilson, Anthony R.00:02:35

Narvaez [Narváez], Luys de (ca.1490-15??), Spain(3)

Baxa de contrapunto (Dance in counterpoint)Hofland, Jan J H00:01:38
Canción del Emperador (Song of the Emperor - based on "Mille Regretz"by Josquin)Hofland, Jan J H00:02:21
Diferencias sobre "Guádama las vacas"Hofland, Jan J H00:01:33

Nassibian, Armen(1)

Azat u ankakh ArtsakhWoodroffe, Richard00:01:30

Neander, Joachim (1650-1680), German(2)

Gröningen (vA)Moffatt, Stuart00:01:01
Gröningen (vB)Moffatt, Stuart00:01:01

Negri, Cesare (c. 1535 - c. 1605), Italian(1)

Bianco fioreSpagni, Maurizio00:00:48

Neumane, Antonio (1818–1871), Corsica(1)

Himno Nacional de EcuadorWoodroffe, Richard00:02:51

Newton, John (1725-1807), Scotland(1)

Amazing GraceSaarela, Timo00:02:52

Newton, John (1725–1807), English(1)

Amici miei (Amazing grace)Prada, Lorenzo00:02:30

Newton, John (1802-1886), British(1)

HuddersfieldMoffatt, Stuart00:04:57

Nguyen Van Cao(1)

Tiên quân caWoodroffe, Richard00:01:35

Nicholls , Horatio(1)

Speak, though you only say farewell.Woodroffe, Richard00:02:44

Nordraak, Rikard (1842 - 1866), Norwegian(1)

Ja, vi elsker dette landetWoodroffe, Richard00:00:40

Norifumi, Aizawa (1962-), Japanese(2)

Aisha -- The Princess of desert, from Morocco Suite (1999)Tamiya, Takahiro00:03:03
Fatima -- The Lady of Desert, 3rd movt from Morocco Suite (1999)Tamiya, Takahiro00:02:50

Novaro, Michele (1822-1885), Italian(2)

"Canto degli Italiani" (1847)"Inno di Mameli" or "Fratelli d'Italia"Prada, Lorenzo00:01:43
Inno di Mameli (Italian National Anthem)Scerri, Albert00:02:22

Numan [Nûman], Aga (1725?-1794), Turkish(4)

CricelSaarela, Timo00:03:13
CUARTITO AZULSaarela, Timo00:03:15
Sabâ Sarki "Degilsem de sana lâyik"iNANC [iNANÇ], Ertugrul00:02:48
Uno (Tango)Saarela, Timo00:03:22

Nunn, Philip John (1961-), Australian(4)

Double Concerto (The Gift of the Magi) 2000Nunn, Philip00:18:54
Searching for Plum BlossomsNunn, Philip00:05:03
The Ladye of Shallotte (1999)Nunn, Philip00:10:02
The PioneerNunn, Philip00:15:43

Oakes, Stephen (20thC), Australian(2)

Picnic in the ParkOakes, Stephen00:01:40
Start AgainOakes, Stephen00:02:57

Obaidan, Abdul Aziz Nasser(1)

Al-Salam Al-AmiriWoodroffe, Richard00:01:20

Obremski, Ryan(1)

Scherzo 1, #17Obremski, Ryan00:01:11

Ochs, Siegfried (1858-1929), German(1)

Thanks Be to Thee (Dank sei dir Herr)Lonneke, Michael00:03:24

Odiase, Benedict Elide (1934 - 2013), Nigerian(1)

Arise Oh Compatriots, Nigeria’s Call ObeyWoodroffe, Richard00:00:36

Offenbach, Jacques (1819-1880), German-French(17)

Au mont Ida from "La Belle Helene"Clement, Joel00:03:36
Barbe Bleu - Why Should They Stare At Me?Scerri, Albert00:02:34
Bold GendarmesWoodroffe, Richard00:02:35
Brunes et Blondes, Suite de ValsesTate, John Paul III00:07:47
Duo Gantière Brasilien (1865)Hooper, John00:01:15
Fair HelenScerri, Albert00:02:13
French KankanZarzycki, Wacek00:02:42
Genevieve de BrabantStruys, Peter00:02:12
Grand Duchesse De Gerolstein - Dites-Lui (Tell Him)Scerri, Albert00:01:43
La Belle Hélène - O Love DivineScerri, Albert00:02:32
La Périchole (1869)Hooper, John00:26:42
Les Contes d'Hoffman - Acte II Scène 1 - BarcarolleNWCChorus00:02:14
Les Contes D'hoffman - Les Oiseaux Dans La CharmilleScerri, Albert00:04:29
Les Contes D'hoffman - Scintille DiamantScerri, Albert00:03:09
Les Contes d'Hoffmann - Belle nuit d'amourScerri, Albert00:02:24
Les Contes D'hoffmann - Jour Et NuitScerri, Albert00:02:50
Marche des rois (de l'opéra "la Belle-Hélène")solange, Robin00:01:31

Ohashi, Akira (1970-), Japanese(2)

Concertino for Viola and StringsOhashi, Akira00:08:54
Symphonic Poem "AKANE"Ohashi, Akira00:07:43

Oliveira, Craig (1984-present)(1)

Fantasy #8 for Jazz ComboOliveira, Craig00:02:04

Onslow, Georges (1784-1853)(2)

String Quartet in G minor Op.9 No 1White, John H00:19:32
String Quartet No 16 in E minor, Op. 36 No 1.White, John H00:22:45

Orchover, Simon (1983-), English(7)

A 4-Part FugueOrchover, Simon00:01:46
A composition in the style of MendelssohnOrchover, Simon00:00:24
An arrangement of Boots by Kipling set to MusicOrchover, Simon00:00:39
Feelings - Composition for Solo ViolaOrchover, Simon00:02:33
Morning HikeOrchover, Simon00:02:24
String Quartet Number 1 in Eb MajorOrchover, Simon00:01:28
The School Song (S.H.S.B)Orchover, Simon00:02:18

Orwick, Paul E. (1952 - ), American(10)

A Mother’s Song comp. 2001Orwick, Paul E00:03:09
Dance (2002)Orwick, Paul E00:02:32
Earth’s BiodiversityOrwick, Paul E00:02:15
Emlenton in the Mist (1997)Orwick, Paul E00:03:31
Frog Song (2000)Orwick, Paul E00:01:44
GreenbrierOrwick, Paul E00:03:14
I'm a Bear, Composed 2000Orwick, Paul E00:02:02
If You Can’t Stand the Heat (2003)Orwick, Paul E00:02:32
La Petite Pas de DeuxOrwick, Paul E00:02:36
Please Don't Leave Me High and DryOrwick, Paul E00:02:15

Otter, Oren (1971 - ), American(1)

7 Joyful Automatons (2007)Otter, Oren00:03:46

Ouseley, F. A. Gore(1)

From the Rising of the SunBohnson, Clifford N00:01:54

Ovalle, Rafael Alvarez (1858 - 1946), Guatemalan(1)

Himno Nacional de GuatemalaWoodroffe, Richard00:03:37

Pachelbel, Johann (1653-1706), German(21)

Canon/1st Noel mash-upHooper, John00:04:30
Canon in DHatmaker, Chase00:03:28
Canon in DSpagni, Maurizio00:02:54
Canon in D (Mallet Arrangement)Nuckols, Lee00:05:19
Canon in D, Dance remixHo, John00:03:01
Canon in D, piano arrangementWilson, Anthony R.00:05:21
Canon in D, piano arrangementMcGinness, Scott00:04:21
Canon in D, simplified piano arrangementHo, John00:04:00
Canon in D, Violin trio arrangementHo, John00:03:01
Canon in D MajorBenson, Alexander00:02:00
Canon in D MajorXu, Peter00:01:09
Canon in Remix (Bandscore With Violin)Kim, Yoon-ei00:02:54
Chant de NoëlPurdam, Andrew00:05:14
Ciacona in F minor, T.206Waterman, Charles00:08:29
Gigue from "Canon and gigue in D"Spagni, Maurizio00:01:38
Kanon e D-Dur (with Boxmarks)Xu, Peter00:04:30
Magnificat 2Gibson, Mike00:05:11
Magnificat for a chorus of four mixed voices and basso continuoGuix, Joseph00:05:50
Ricercare in C majorWaterman, Charles00:05:53
Ricercare in C minorWaterman, Charles00:06:55
Ricercar in F# minorWaterman, Charles00:04:39

Pacius, Friedrich (1809 - 1891), German(2)

MaammeWoodroffe, Richard00:00:47
Mu isamaa, mu õnn ja rõõmWoodroffe, Richard00:01:38

Paderewski, Ignacy Jan (1860-1941), Polish(1)

Melodie (Op. 16 nr 2, arr. S. Barcewicz)Porter, Warren00:04:44

Padilla, Jose.(1)

Santa ClausSaarela, Timo00:02:20

Paganini, Niccolo (1782-1840), Italian(5)

Caprice No. 6 in G minorWoodroffe, Richard00:05:00
Caprice No. 24 (Jazz Arrangement)Hauck, Josh00:02:31
Caprice No. 24 in A minorWoodroffe, Richard00:04:16
Caprice No 24. from "24 Caprices for solo violin"Fábián, József00:03:32
Moto perpetuo, arranged for Trumpet in Bb and pianoKarageanes, Jim00:05:06

Paisiello, Giovanni (1740-1816), Italian(3)

La Molinara - Nel cor piu non mi sentoScerri, Albert00:00:50
La Molinara - Nel cor piu non mi sentoSee Comments00:01:03
Sweet MaidScerri, Albert00:03:43

Palestrina, Giovanni Pierluigi da (ca.1525-1594), Italian(25)

"Sanctus" from "Missa Ut Re Mi Fa Sol La"Ognibene Peter J00:09:34
Adoramus TeJennings, James R00:01:00
Adoramus Te ChristeScerri, Albert00:01:28
Canticum Canticorum (Numbers 1 to 11)See Comments00:34:51
Di Giovanni Petralosyo da Palestina il Secondo Libro de Madrigali a quatro vociBalboni, Raimondo00:01:53
Exsultate Deo (1584)Hooper, John00:02:06
Gloria Patri et filioJennings, James R00:00:43
Hodie Christus natus est (a 8: SSAB-ATTB) (1575)Hooper, John00:02:11
Hodie Christus natus est (SSAT)Hooper, John00:02:28
Missa: Nasce la gioja mia (1590)Hooper, John00:23:41
Missa: Nigra sum (1590)Hooper, John00:31:24
Missa Aeterna Christi Munera (1590)Hooper, John00:18:44
Missa Brevis in A major (1570)Hooper, John00:22:34
Missa Papae Marcelli (1562)Hooper, John00:35:15
Missa ‘Ave Maria’ 4 vocum. I. KyriePurdam, Andrew00:02:51
O Domine Jesu ChristeScerri, Albert00:01:12
Ricercari sopra li Tuono- Primo TonoWaterman, Charles00:02:30
Sicut CervusBooth, Adam00:02:36
Sicut CervusGibson, Mike00:02:25
Sicut cervus (1584)Hooper, John00:02:45
Sicut lilium inter spinas (1562)Hooper, John00:25:46
Stabat MaterHooper, John00:10:17
Tantum ErgoGibson, Mike00:01:59
Tu es PetrusGibson, Mike00:03:07
Tu es Petrus (1572)Hooper, John00:05:51

Paliashvili, Zakaria (1871-1933), Georgian(1)

TavisuplebaWoodroffe, Richard00:01:01

Pann, Anton (1796 - 1854), Ottomanian(1)

Desteapta-te române!Woodroffe, Richard00:01:02

Panofka, Heinrich (1807 - 1887), German(1)

24(23) vocalises progressivesSee Comments00:36:22

Paradisi, Pier Domenico (1710-1792), Italian(2)

Sonata No. 6 (from "Sonate di Gravicembalo" 1754)Karageanes, Jim00:06:53
Toccata from sonata n. 6 in A+ (from "Le sonate di gravicembalo")Spagni, Maurizio00:02:47

Parera, José Blas (1765 - 1830), Argentinian(1)

Himno Nacional ArgentinoWoodroffe, Richard00:03:17

Parker, Horatio William (1863 – 1919), American(2)

Adstant Angelorum Chori, Opus 45 (Angels Stand, in Chorus Singing)Mill, Carl B00:12:20
The Holy Child (Op. 37) (1893)Hooper, John00:33:41

Parry, Sir Charles Hubert Hastings (1848-1918), English(24)

At the round earth's imagined corners (1918)Hooper, John00:06:30
A Welsh LullabyScerri, Albert00:02:30
Blest pair of Sirens, 1887Hooper, John00:08:20
Blest pair of Sirens, 1887Gibson, Mike00:10:30
Hear my words, ye people (1894)Hooper, John00:14:30
I know my soul hath power (1918)Hooper, John00:02:00
I know my soul hath power to know all thingsAldridge, John00:01:45
IntercessorLowther, G J00:01:44
Invocation to Music, 1895Hooper, John00:53:28
I was GladGibson, Mike00:06:20
I was glad, 1902Hooper, John00:06:50
JerusalemSimmons, Nigel G00:02:12
Jerusalem, 1916Hooper, John00:02:35
Lord, let me know mine endAldridge, John00:07:51
Lord, let me know mine end (1918)Hooper, John00:09:02
My SoulGibson, Mike00:03:03
My soul, there is a country (1918)Hooper, John00:03:28
Never weather-beaten sailAldridge, John00:02:33
Never weather-beaten sail (1918)Hooper, John00:03:05
Symphony N0 3 in C major, "The English"(1889).White, John H00:33:46
The Pied Piper of Hamelin (1905)Woodroffe, Richard00:18:37
The Pied Piper of Hamelin, 1905Hooper, John00:23:38
There is an old belief (1918)Hooper, John00:04:15
Thine Eyes Still Shined For MeScerri, Albert00:01:37

Parsons, Robert (1535 – 1572), English(1)

Ave Maria (1550s)Hooper, John00:04:10

Passereau, Pierre (1509-1547), French(2)

Il est bel et bonGuix, Joseph00:01:12
Il est bel et bonSee Comments00:01:38

Patterson, D (20th C), Europe(2)

La réponse (Mais si, je t’aime!)Patterson, D00:04:08
Roses Also (Abshied von seiner ungetreuen Liebsten)Patterson, D00:04:00

Paul, Soumesh Ranjan (1988 - ), Bangladeshi(1)

Sonata in F Major op. 1Soumesh, Paul00:11:55

Pearsal,Robert Lucas (1795 - 1856), Brituish(1)

Lay a GarlandGibson, Mike00:02:46

Pendrey, Nigel (1956-), British(5)

11 September 2001Pendrey, Nigel00:01:40
Inventions around a theme of David PopperPendrey, Nigel00:13:16
On Another's SorrowPendrey, Nigel00:12:22
Scootie-AllansPendrey, Nigel00:10:40
The Last Flight of Marian Cumlaquoy.Pendrey, Nigel00:14:16

Pengelly, Jim(1)

Cornish SquireFierek, Rosie00:00:29

Pepper, Herbert (1912 - )(2)

Hymne National de la Republique du SenegalWoodroffe, Richard00:00:55
La RenaissanceWoodroffe, Richard00:00:54

Pepusch, Johann Christoph (1667-1752), German(1)

Largo für Trompete und Orgel aus einer Sonata da cameraMüller, Harald M.00:02:11

Pereira, Jose M.(1)

Minha Patria (Patriatism)Pereira, Jose M00:04:30

Pergolesi, Giovanni Battista (1710-1736), Italian(11)

'tis Three Days Since Nina (Tre Giorni Son Che Nina)Scerri, Albert00:03:08
Arietta - Se tu m'amiScerri, Albert00:02:24
Church Hymn For EasterScerri, Albert00:03:11
Duetto from the Stabat Mater 1736Muench, Alan00:03:20
MagnificatHooper, John00:10:27
MagnificatGibson, Mike00:11:29
Ogni pena più spietataSee Comments00:03:47
Stabat Mater (1736)Hooper, John00:35:28
Stabat Mater - Sancta MaterScerri, Albert00:04:25
Stabat Mater dolorosa (from the Sequence "Stabat Mater")Beelen, Paul00:04:15
Tre giorni (Nina)Sloman, Benjamin00:02:22

Perotin [Pérotin] (fl. 1200)(1)

Alleluia posui adiutoriumHicks, Grant00:05:42

Perruchot, F(1)

NokoreachWoodroffe, Richard00:00:43

Peruchona, Maria Xaveria, (1652 - 1709?), Italian(1)

Cessate tympana, cessate praelia (1675)Hooper, John00:05:30

Pestalozza, Alberto (1851-1934), Italian(1)

Ciribiribin - Sung WaltzScerri, Albert00:04:52

Peterson, John (1992-)(7)

Dimensional DancePeterson, John00:01:53
Ein beinahe unmögliches Quartett für drei Posaunen und eine TubaPeterson, John00:03:50
Happy Time!Peterson, John00:01:14
h Just a SongPeterson, John00:02:18
Straight JazzPeterson, John00:01:00
The Fight of a Lifetime; Victory!Peterson, John00:06:35
The No Name SongPeterson, John00:08:19

Peterson-Berger, Wilhelm (1867-1942), Swedish(4)

"Frösöblomster - Bok I - n°1 - Rentrée (Homecoming)Forestier, Yann00:02:44
"Frösöblomster - Bok I - n°2 - Sommarsang" (Summer song)Forestier, Yann00:02:23
Frösöblomster - Bok I - n°7 - I skymningenForestier, Yann00:03:04
Frösöblomster Bok I - n°5 "Gratulation"Forestier, Yann00:03:09

Pettett, Ken (1948 -), British(9)

Concerto for Orchestra in D minor (2005)Pettett, Ken00:11:34
Fugue 1a in A minorPettett, Ken00:03:20
Fugues in A minor for pianoPettett, Ken00:43:24
Movement (2005)Pettett, Ken00:11:56
Pieces Of SixPettett, Ken00:05:35
Speechless (2014)Pettett, Ken00:29:41
Suite Fugue (Parts 1 to 7)Pettett, Ken00:42:40
Suite Fugue 8Pettett, Ken00:05:56
Symphony in C (2004)Pettett, Ken00:31:16

Philips, Peter (1560–1628)(2)

Ascendit Deus (around 1607?)Hooper, John00:02:07
Surgens Jesus (around 1612?)Hooper, John00:02:19

Pierné, Gabriel (1863-1937), French(5)

Bagatelle Op. 33Spagni, Maurizio00:01:41
Impromptu-caprice Op. 9terSpagni, Maurizio00:04:27
Introduction et variations sur une ronde populaireSpagni, Maurizio00:06:46
Marche des pétits soldats de plomb Op. 14Spagni, Maurizio00:03:19
Pastorale Op. 14, n. 1Spagni, Maurizio00:02:23

Pierpont, J (20thC)(1)

Jingle BellsOrchover, Simon00:02:30

Pilkington, Francis (1570 - 1638), English(1)

Rest sweet NymphsGibson, Mike00:04:12

Pitoni, Giuseppe Ottavio (1657-1743), Italian(1)

Cantate DominumLowther, G J00:01:09

Plunkett, Bruce David (1965 - ), New Zealand(5)

Ebony, in C major (2005)Plunkett, Bruce00:05:07
I don't know (2007)Plunkett, Bruce00:04:04
Outside (2006)Plunkett, Bruce00:03:21
Outside 2 (2006)Plunkett, Bruce00:03:23
There are people (2006)Plunkett, Bruce00:04:52

Poenitz, Franz (1859 - 1913) - German(3)

Die Spieldose (Music box) - n. 2 (Humoreske) from "Drei leichte stücke" Op. 29Spagni, Maurizio00:01:27
Ständchen - n. 1 from "Drei leichte stücke" Op. 29Spagni, Maurizio00:00:57
Wiegenliedchen - n. 3 from "Drei leichte stücke" Op. 29Spagni, Maurizio00:01:33

Poglietti, Alessandro (1641-1683), Italian/Austrian(1)

Capriccio über dass Hennengeschrey (Capriccio on the Cry of the Hen)Hicks, Grant00:01:37

Pollet, Benoît (1753-1823) French(1)

Deuxième sonate sans pèdalesSpagni, Maurizio00:11:47

Ponchielli, Amilcare (1834 - 1886), Italian(3)

Dance of the Hours from La Gioconda.Benson, Katie00:02:07
La Gioconda - Aria Della Cieca (Voce Di Donna O D'angelo)Scerri, Albert00:02:45
La Gioconda - Cielo e marScerri, Albert00:03:36

Pool, Don (20thC), American(3)

A Tune for TruettPool, Don00:01:12
Brass TooPool, Don00:01:08
Y Uno Mas TwinklePool, Don00:01:46

Popper, David (1843-1913)(2)

Dance of the ElvesWoodroffe, Richard00:03:14
Requiem, Op. 66Firestone, Omar00:06:52

Porpora, Nicola Antonio (1686 - 1768), Italian(5)

Agrippina - Senti Se L'IngannaiScerri, Albert00:01:55
Polifemo "Alto Giove" (Act I) :Clement, Joel00:08:48
Polifemo "Dolci freschi aurette" (Act III) :Clement, Joel00:08:49
Polifemo "Senti il fato" (Act III) :Clement, Joel00:07:43
So Ben Che La SperanzaScerri, Albert00:02:48

Porumbescu, Ciprian (1853 - 1883), Romanian(1)

Hymni i FlamuritWoodroffe, Richard00:01:15

Potter, Robert Cyril Gladstone (1899 - 1981)(1)

Dear Land of Guyana, of Rivers and PlainsWoodroffe, Richard00:00:46

Praetorius [Prætorius], Michael (1571-1621), German(5)

CourantePurdam, Andrew00:02:12
Es ist ein Ros entsprungen (Lo how a rose e'er blooming)Fields, Mark00:01:49
Puer natus in BethlehemLamminga, Klaas00:05:25
SpagnolettaSpagni, Maurizio00:00:36
Volte (1612)Spagni, Maurizio00:00:57

Preiszner, Miklos (1978-), Hungarian(15)

Allegro for chamber orchestra 2001Preiszner, Miklós00:04:04
Bagatelle for Piano (2001)Preiszner, Miklós00:01:24
Capriccio for piano and violinPreiszner, Miklós00:05:08
Fantasia for OrchestraPreiszner, Miklós00:02:59
Fantasia for piano (2000)Preiszner, Miklós00:05:09
Fugue in G majorPreiszner, Miklós00:02:23
II. Symphony (2002)Preiszner, Miklós00:29:09
Little dance for IgorPreiszner, Miklós00:02:38
Little exercise for two hands and one nose (2001)Preiszner, Miklós00:00:21
Little suite in C (2001)Preiszner, Miklós00:03:48
Overture for piano and mezzo-sopranoPreiszner, Miklós00:06:18
Piano sonata in G majorPreiszner, Miklós00:14:43
String quartet in dPreiszner, Miklós00:09:14
SymphonyPreiszner, Miklós00:16:14
Two little pieces for piano 1. Toccatina 2. OstinatoPreiszner, Miklós00:03:30

Premrl, Stanko (1880 - 1965), Slovenian(1)

ZdravljicaWoodroffe, Richard00:00:34

Procter, Leigh (1988- ), New Zealander/European(1)

I Can Make a DifferenceProcter, Leigh00:02:43

Prout, Ebenezer (1835-1909), English.(1)

String Quartet No 1 in E flat, Op.1.White, John H00:18:16

Puccini, Giacomo (1858-1924), Italian(52)

Ch'ella mi credaSloman, Benjamin00:01:55
Che gelida maninaClement, Joel00:03:52
Edgar - O Fior Del GiornoScerri, Albert00:04:17
Fanciulla Del West - Ch'ella Mi CredaScerri, Albert00:02:25
Gianni Schicchi - O Mio Babbino CaroScerri, Albert00:01:24
In questa reggia from "Turandot"Clement, Joel00:05:32
La Boheme - Che Gelida ManinaScerri, Albert00:03:43
La Boheme - Mi chiamano MimiClement, Joel00:04:08
La Boheme - O Mimi tu piu non torniScerri, Albert00:01:37
La Boheme - Quando m'en voScerri, Albert00:01:30
La Boheme - Questa E MimiScerri, Albert00:00:45
La Boheme - Vecchia ZimarraScerri, Albert00:02:42
La Fanciulla Del West - Laggiu Nel SoledadScerri, Albert00:02:38
La Fanciulla del West - Or son sei mesiScerri, Albert00:03:26
La Rondine - Chi Il Bel Sogna Di DorettaScerri, Albert00:03:23
La Rondine - Dimmi Che Vuoi SeguirmiScerri, Albert00:02:43
Le Villi - Se Come Voi O Vaghi FiorScerri, Albert00:03:26
Madama Butterfly - AmicheClement, Joel00:02:56
Madame Butterfly (JCL)Clement, Joel02:05:31
Madame Butterfly - Addio fiorito asilScerri, Albert00:01:42
Madame Butterfly - Amore O GrilloScerri, Albert00:01:04
Madame Butterfly - Dormi Amor MioScerri, Albert00:01:00
Madame Butterfly - Dovunque Al MondoScerri, Albert00:02:47
Madame Butterfly - Tu, piccolo iddioClement, Joel00:05:07
Madame Butterfly - Tu, Tu Piccolo IddioScerri, Albert00:04:03
Madame Butterfly - Un bel di vedremo (One fine day)Scerri, Albert00:03:48
Manon Lescaut - Ah Manon Mi TradisceScerri, Albert00:02:10
Manon Lescaut - Cortese DamigellaScerri, Albert00:02:58
Manon Lescaut - Donna non vidi maiScerri, Albert00:01:48
Manon Lescaut - Guardate pazzo sonScerri, Albert00:02:08
Manon Lescaut - In Quelle Trine MorbideScerri, Albert00:01:34
Manon Lescaut - Sola, Perduta, AbbandonataScerri, Albert00:04:30
Manon Lescaut - Tra voi belle brune e biondeScerri, Albert00:01:10
Messa di Gloria, 1880Hooper, John01:01:34
Messa di Gloria, 1880Gibson, Mike00:38:13
Nessun Dorma from TurandotBell, Jon00:01:02
Non piangere Liu (Turandot, Act 1 Aria of Calaf)Sloman, Benjamin00:01:48
O soave fanciullaSloman, Benjamin00:02:49
Recondita Armonia (Tosca, Act 1)Sloman, Benjamin00:02:45
Salve ReginaScerri, Albert00:01:40
Sogno D'Or (Ninna Ninna)Scerri, Albert00:00:59
Suor Angelica - Senza MammaScerri, Albert00:15:00
Tosca, opera, act 3, orchestral selection (1900)Box, Ramón Pajares00:14:21
Tosca - E lucevan le stelleScerri, Albert00:02:00
Tosca - E lucevan le stelleClement, Joel00:03:28
Tosca - Io De Sospiri (Canzone Del Pastore)Scerri, Albert00:02:21
Tosca - Lo Dici MaleScerri, Albert00:06:59
Tosca - O dolci maniScerri, Albert00:01:34
Tosca - Vissi d'arteClement, Joel00:03:40
Tosca - Vissi d'arte (A life of art)Scerri, Albert00:02:58
Turandot (1926)Hooper, John00:41:05
Turandot - Nessun dormaScerri, Albert00:02:20

Purcell, Henry (1659-1695)(2)

My beloved spake, 1677John Hooper00:08:46
My beloved spake, 1677 arr. J HooperJohn Hooper00:08:46

Purcell, Henry (1659-1695), English(39)

Britons, strike home! (1695)Hooper, John00:02:51
Celebrate this festival [Z 321] (1693)Hooper, John00:31:27
Celestial Music, 1689Hooper, John00:18:37
Chaconne - Three parts on a groundWalker, Geoff00:05:13
Come ye Sons of Art, 1694Hooper, John00:22:13
Declare His Honour (from O Sing unto the Lord) 1688Edwards, Peter00:05:40
Dido & Aenas - When I Am Laid In EarthScerri, Albert00:01:57
Dido and Aeneas, - Choral parts onlyGibson, Mike00:13:26
Dido and Aeneas, 1689 (?)Hooper, John00:52:33
Funeral SentencesHooper, John00:11:16
Ground in F with variationsSpagni, Maurizio00:02:37
Hear my prayer, O LordGibson, Mike00:02:04
Hear my prayer, O LordHooper, John00:02:23
I attempt from Love's sicknessSee Comments00:01:29
I was gladHooper, John00:04:18
Jehova, quam multi sunt hostes mei!Hooper, John00:06:41
King Arthur (1691)Hooper, John01:32:37
King Arthur - Cold SongClement, Joel00:04:08
King Arthur - Venus's SongSee Comments00:01:43
Let mine eyes run down with tears ( 1682 )Hooper, John00:07:36
Lord, how long wilt Thou be angry?Hooper, John00:03:50
Magnificat & Nunc Dimittis in Bb (before 1682)Hooper, John00:06:12
Magnificat & Nunc Dimittis in G minorHooper, John00:07:16
Music for the Funeral of Queen Mary (1695)Hooper, John00:17:13
My heart is inditing, 1685Hooper, John00:18:34
O God, the King of gloryHooper, John00:01:38
O God, Thou art my GodHooper, John00:03:36
Rejoice in the Lord alwayHooper, John00:07:21
Remember not, Lord, our offencesHooper, John00:02:28
Rondeau from AbdelazarHauck, Josh00:01:33
Te Deum Laudamus & Jubilate Deo in D (1694 )Hooper, John00:18:52
The Fairy Queen, 1692Hooper, John02:03:30
Thou knowest, Lord, the secrets of our heartsHooper, John00:01:42
Thy word is a lanternHooper, John00:05:00
ToccataPurdam, Andrew00:03:09
Two in one upon a groundWalker, Geoff00:02:40
Welcome to all the pleasures (Ode for St Cecilia's Day, 1683)Hooper, John00:16:42
When I am laid in earthClement, Joel00:03:39
When I am laid in earth, 1689 (?)Hooper, John00:04:32

Purdam, Andrew (1963-), Australian(4)

Brass GallowsPurdam, Andrew00:02:09
Rip It!Purdam, Andrew00:01:01
ShockPurdam, Andrew00:05:15
Theirs is the GloryPurdam, Andrew00:01:00

Qarshe, Abdullahi(1)

Qolobaa CalankeedWoodroffe, Richard00:03:03

Quantz, Johann Joachim (1697-1773), German(1)

Larghetto (from Trio-Sonata in C)Bohnson, Clifford N00:03:43

Quaresima, Vince (20thC), US(1)

Heroes' RequiemQuaresima, Vince00:55:07

Rachel, Giuseppe (1858 - 1937), Italian(1)

Non potho reposare (I can’t rest)Prada, Lorenzo00:01:04

Rachmaninoff, Sergei (1873-1943), Russian(6)

All-night Vigil (Vespers) (Op. 37) (1915)Hooper, John00:54:03
Ave MariaSee Comments00:01:54
Cherubic Hymn No. 8Mill, Carl B00:03:43
Eighteenth Variation from Rapsodie on a Theme of Paganini (sic. Op. 43) Transcribed by Larry SitskyPurdam, Andrew00:03:26
L'île des mortsClement, Joel00:21:01
Rhapsody on a Theme of Paganini Opus 43 (2 pianos)Woodroffe, Richard00:24:16

Radoslavov, Tsvetan (1863–1931), Bulgarian(1)

Dear HomelandWoodroffe, Richard00:02:29

Raff, Joachim(1822-1882), Swiss\German.(6)

Piano Quintet in A minor Op. 107White, John H00:39:10
Sinfonietta for 10 wind instruments, Op. 188 (1873)Wiering, Mike00:25:16
String Quartet in D major, Op. 192 No. 2, "Die Schone Mullerin".White, John H00:32:20
Symphony No. 2 in C major, Op. 140.White, John H00:33:16
Symphony No.3 in F major, Op. 153, "Im Walde"(1869)White, John H00:39:10
Symphony No 5 in E major, Op. 177 "Lenore"White, John H00:39:22

Raharisoa ,Norbert (1873 - 1964), Madagascan(1)

Ry Tanindraza nay malala ôWoodroffe, Richard00:00:50

Rahmi, Bei (1865-1924)(1)

Süzüp süzüp de ey melek (Song in Nihâvend)iNANC [iNANÇ], Ertugrul00:01:38

Ramage, Andrew (1963 -)(2)

Waltz of the ElvesRamage, Andrew00:01:47
Will o'the WispRamage, Andrew00:00:50

Rameau, Jean-Philippe (1683 - 1764), French(11)

Amants sûrs de plaire (Les indes galantes)Clement, Joel00:03:09
Entrée d'Hébé et de sa suiteClement, Joel00:14:05
Hâtez-vous de vous embarquer (Les indes galantes)Clement, Joel00:02:21
Les Indes GalantesScerri, Albert00:00:57
Les sauvages (Les indes galantes)Clement, Joel00:02:00
Rivaux de mes exploits (Les indes galantes)Clement, Joel00:02:05
Tendre Amour (Les indes galantes)Clement, Joel00:01:45
Tristes apprêtsClement, Joel00:06:09
Vaste empire des mers (Les indes galantes)Clement, Joel00:01:46
Viens Hymen(Les indes galantes)Clement, Joel00:02:35
Vous qui d'Hébé suivez les lois (Les indes galantes)Clement, Joel00:03:24

Randall , Stephen (1954 - ), British(3)

Blue ArrowRandall, Stephen00:03:43
CAT Suite for Clarinet, Alto Sax and TubaRandall, Stephen00:07:28
Spring AheadRandall, Stephen00:02:25

Ranzato, Virgilio (1883 - 1937), Italian(1)

La Giavanese from Paese dei campanelli (1923)Scerri, Albert00:02:52

Ravel, Maurice (1875-1935), French(8)

BoléroClement, Joel00:17:27
Chanson Francaise - LimousinScerri, Albert00:02:06
Chanson Italienne RomainScerri, Albert00:01:34
Concerto en Sol (Adagio assai) Agnus DeiClement, Joel00:08:39
PRÉLUDE (1913)Young, Brian00:01:24
PRÉLUDE (1913) for String QuartetYoung, Brian00:01:28
Schéhérazade - La Flûte EnchantéeScerri, Albert00:01:54
Tableaux d'une exposition (Pictures at an Exhibition)Spagni, Maurizio00:30:56

Ravenscroft, Thomas (1582/92-1635), English(1)

Three blind miceMoffatt, Stuart00:00:51

Redford John, (? - 1547), English(1)

Rejoice in the Lord AlwayGibson, Mike00:02:51

Redner, Lewis Henry (1831-1908), American(1)

O little town of BethlehemHooper, John00:03:43

Reger, Max (1873 – 1916), German(1)

(Und) Unser lieben Frauen Traum (1914)Hooper, John00:02:04

Rehfeld, Fabian (1842 - 1920), German(1)

Spanish Dance "Spanischer Tanz" Op 58, No. 1Porter, Warren00:04:28

Reicha, Antonin (1770-1836), Czechoslovakian(1)

Te DeumWoodroffe, Richard00:41:18

Reinagle, Alexander (1750-1809), English(1)

Minuet in GHauck, Josh00:00:44

Reinecke, Carl (1824-1910), German(1)

Kinder-Sinfonie, Op.239Spagni, Maurizio00:14:59

Reissiger, Friedrich August (1809-1883), German(1)

Katzenduett nach motiven aus Othello von RossiniSpagni, Maurizio00:02:07

Respighi, Ottorino (1879-1936), Italian(4)

Antiche Danze ed Arie per liuto, suite 1 (1917)Box, Ramón Pajares00:13:39
Invito alla danzaScerri, Albert00:02:49
Stornellatrice (Singer of Stornelli)Scerri, Albert00:01:15
The Birds - PreludeStruys, Peter00:02:25

Reyes, Jose (1835 - 1905)(1)

Quisqueyanos valientesWoodroffe, Richard00:01:41

Rheinberger, Josef (1839-1901), Lichtensteinian(6)

Abendlied (1855)Hooper, John00:03:05
Cantus Missae - Messe in Eflat (Op 109) (1878)Hooper, John00:21:37
Mass in C (Op 169) (1893?)Hooper, John00:27:09
Stabat Mater (Op 138) (1884)Gibson, Mike00:13:19
Stabat Mater (Op 138) (1884)See Comments00:12:53
Stabat Mater (Op 138) (1884)Hooper, John00:12:53

Rhu, in tae(DJ.Pops)(1998 - ), South Korean(2)

DJ.Pops - Ladies and gentlemen (2011 Aug)Rhu, in tae (DJ Pops)00:03:48
Sweet Band 3 (2011)Rhu, in tae (DJ Pops)00:05:15

Riahi, Hassan (1945 - ), Iranian(1)

Soroud-e Melli-e Jomhouri-e Eslami-e IranWoodroffe, Richard00:00:41

Riley, Jeffrey (1986 -), USA(4)

Etude A MinorRiley, Jeffrey00:01:33
Gallop Into BattleRiley, Jeffrey00:03:53
Imploring SoliloquoyRiley, Jeffrey00:04:08
Melancholy Evening No. 2Riley, Jeffrey00:02:19

Rimler, Walter (20thC), US(2)

Freedom Is My NameRimler, Walter00:01:09
I'm SorryRimler, Walter00:01:42

Rimsky-Korsakov, Nicolai (1844-1908), Russian(7)

Clarinet duets: 1) CanzonettaSpagni, Maurizio00:00:42
Clarinet duets: 2) TarantellaSpagni, Maurizio00:00:36
Easter - Christ Is RisenScerri, Albert00:01:41
Flight of the Bumble BeeDuhon, J Eric00:01:00
Sadko - Song Of IndiaScerri, Albert00:02:11
Song Of India (Version B)Scerri, Albert00:02:57
The Flight of the Bumblebee, from "Tsar Saltan" Opus 57 (1900)Marco, J "Syd"00:01:17

Rinck , Christiaan Heinrich (1770 - 1846), German(1)

Befiehl dem Herrn deine WegeLamminga, Klaas00:09:51

Rixner, Joseph (20th C), German(1)

Blauer HimmelSaarela, Timo00:03:40

Roberts, Caradog (1878-1935), Welsh(1)

Who is on the Lord's sideMoffatt, Stuart00:00:42

Roberts, Joseph (1933-), American(18)

Cosmic Enlightenment - PolkaRoberts, Joseph00:03:28
Four Choral Love SongsRoberts, Joseph00:23:25
Lord of All BeingRoberts, Joseph00:04:30
Oh God, Our Help in Ages PastRoberts, Joseph00:02:15
Play by the NumbersRoberts, Joseph00:01:14
Remember: 9-11-2001Roberts, Joseph00:02:51
She Walks in Beauty, Like the NightRoberts, Joseph00:03:24
The Golden Goose -- Act 1, Opening SceneRoberts, Joseph00:08:02
The Golden Goose -- Act 1, Scene 2Roberts, Joseph00:07:01
The Golden Goose -- Act 1, Scene 3Roberts, Joseph00:06:09
The Golden Goose -- Act 1, Scene 4Roberts, Joseph00:04:03
The Golden Goose -- Act 1, Scene 5Roberts, Joseph00:03:45
The Golden Goose -- Act 1, Scene 6Roberts, Joseph00:04:44
The Golden Goose -- Act 1, Scene 7Roberts, Joseph00:03:52
The Golden Goose -- Act 1, Scene 8Roberts, Joseph00:03:23
The Golden Goose -- OvertureRoberts, Joseph00:08:00
Where There is LoveRoberts, Joseph00:02:24
Yes, Dear Departed Cherished DaysRoberts, Joseph00:02:15

Roberts, Ron (1961- ), USA(1)

A Song For SandieRoberts, Ron00:04:04

Robleh, Abdi (1945 - )(1)

JabuutiWoodroffe, Richard00:01:00

Roca, Jaime Nunó (1824 - 1908), Spanish(1)

Himno Nacional MexicanoWoodroffe, Richard00:01:24

Rodgers, Taylor (1991- ), American(5)

Corpse March for Flute and OboesRodgers, Taylor00:00:59
Enigma Mysterium (2005)Rodgers, Taylor00:00:42
Enigma Mysterium 3Rodgers, Taylor00:01:02
Gloom (2004)Rodgers, Taylor00:00:40
Ode to EggplantRodgers, Taylor00:01:38

Rodriguez, Gerardo Matos, Argentina(2)

La CumparsitaSaarela, Timo00:03:01
La Muchacha del CircoSaarela, Timo00:02:34

Roeckel, Armand, Australian(1)

The Australian Polka Mazurka 1863Pardy, Lawrie00:02:16

Rolland, Alain (1945 - ), French(3)

Conflict_MarchRolland, Alain00:05:48
Quatuor No. 1Rolland, Alain00:04:41
Symphonie n°1 en 3 mouvements opus 15 /2002Rolland, Alain00:16:34

Romberg, Sigmund (1887-1951), American(3)

3 grandes sonates pour la harpe avec accompagnement de violoncelle, Op. 5, N°1Spagni, Maurizio00:25:20
3 grandes sonates pour la harpe avec accompagnement de violoncelle, Op. 5, N°3Spagni, Maurizio00:26:41
Polo rag (Mosconi dance) (1915)Spagni, Maurizio00:03:08

Rontgen, Julius (1855-1932), Dutch(1)

Piano Quintet in C major, Op.100White, John H00:13:38

Root, Donald L (1931 - ), American(6)

BrasswindsRoot, Donald L00:04:06
Chanda (Chorale and Allegro)Root, Donald L00:03:18
He Has Been RaisedRoot, Donald L00:02:00
Horn SoundsRoot, Donald L00:04:29
Psalm 100Root, Donald L00:01:52
Triplicity (Prime Mover, Reflections, Neo Energy)Root, Donald L00:04:03

Root, George F. (1820-1895)(1)

Jesus Loves the Little ChildrenPool, Don00:02:02

Rootham, Cyril Bradley (1875 – 1938), English(2)

Evening Service in Eminor - MagnificatHooper, John00:04:02
Evening Service in Eminor - Nunc Dimittis (1933)Hooper, John00:03:20

Rosario, Vince (1986- ), Puerto Rican(7)

AmenRosario, Vince00:00:58
Cloths of Heaven (2007)Rosario, Vince00:01:17
Fanfare Grandioso (A Celebration Fanfare for Band)Rosario, Vince00:05:22
Quartet, I. Allegro Op. 2, No.3Rosario, Vince00:00:47
Rhapsody (2010)Rosario, Vince00:05:59
Sunset PlayaRosario, Vince00:03:02
Themes to "The Discovery of Utopia"Rosario, Vince00:11:28

Rosas, Juventino (1770-1827) Mexican(2)

Sobre las olasSpagni, Maurizio00:07:20
Sobre las Olas (Over the Waves)Vanbrabant, Bertrand00:05:50

Rosetti, Antonio (Franz, Anton Rössler)(1750-1792), Czech(1)

Quintett in E flat majorBlanken, Ivo00:14:03

Rossi, Luigi (1597 - 1653), Italian(2)

Il Palazzo Incantato - Se Mi Toglie Ria SventuraScerri, Albert00:01:51
Non La Volete IntendereScerri, Albert00:02:45

Rossini, Gioachino (1792 – 1868)(1)

Quartetto Pastorale (1824)John Hooper00:04:15

Rossini, Gioachino Antonio (1792-1868), Italian(52)

Allegretto per arpa (1853)Spagni, Maurizio00:01:31
Allegro vivace from the "Overture to William Tell"Pardy, Lawrie00:03:49
Ave MariaGibson, Mike00:01:28
Ave MariaGibson, Mike00:03:46
Barber of Seville Overture - Largo Al Factotum (Figaro)Woodroffe, Richard00:04:29
Barber of Seville Overture for PianoHauck, Josh00:06:52
Barbiere Di Siviglia - Ecco Ridente In CieloScerri, Albert00:04:21
Cenerentola - Come Un Ape Nei Giorni D'AprileScerri, Albert00:07:58
Cenerentola - Si Ritrovarla Io GiuroScerri, Albert00:02:57
Cenerentola - Sventurata Mi CredeaScerri, Albert00:04:36
Cinderella - Green hills of TyrolScerri, Albert00:03:32
Cinderella - Strike for Tyrol & LibertyScerri, Albert00:02:32
Deh calma o ciel (Otello)Scerri, Albert00:01:12
Duetto Buffo Di Due GattiWoodroffe, Richard00:02:23
Easter Offertory - This Is The Day Of Joy & GladnessScerri, Albert00:02:35
Guglielmo Tell - OuvertureSpagni, Maurizio00:10:37
Il Barbiere Di Siviglia - Cessa di più resistereSee Comments00:10:59
Il Barbiere di Siviglia - La Calunnia (The Slander)Scerri, Albert00:04:59
Il Barbiere Di Siviglia - N°2 - Ecco ridente in cieloSee Comments00:04:12
Il Barbiere Di Siviglia - Pacee GioaScerri, Albert00:02:42
Il Barbiere di Siviglia - Se il mio nome saper voi bramateScerri, Albert00:00:58
Il Barbiere Di Siviglia - Una Voce Poco FaScerri, Albert00:05:44
Il Barbiere Di Siviglia - Zitti, Zitti, Piano, Piano.Scerri, Albert00:01:36
Kyrie from The Petite Messe SolennelleWoodroffe, Richard00:06:22
L'Italiana in Algeri, Overture (1813)Box, Ramón Pajares00:08:11
La Cenerentola - Una volta c'era un ReScerri, Albert00:01:23
La danza (Tarantella) (1835)Spagni, Maurizio00:02:54
La gazza ladra (Ouverture) (1817)Spagni, Maurizio00:09:28
La gazza ladra (ouverture) Piano ReductionSpagni, Maurizio00:09:01
Le comte OryClement, Joel00:03:44
Mose - Preghiera - Dal Tuo Stellato SoglioScerri, Albert00:03:31
O salutaris HostiaHooper, John00:03:03
Petite Messe Solennelle, 1864Hooper, John01:18:28
Petite Messe Solennelle - CrucifixusScerri, Albert00:02:32
Petite Messe Solennelle - GratiasScerri, Albert00:04:35
SemiramideClement, Joel00:07:26
Semiramide - Ah Quel Giorno Ognor RammentoScerri, Albert00:05:06
Semiramide - Al Mio PregarScerri, Albert00:01:36
Sonata No.1 in G major (Viola added)Hirao, Yoshikazu00:15:20
Sonata No. 3, in C maj. (1804) complete (3 movements)Tamiya, Takahiro00:11:16
Sonata No.6 in D major (Viola added)Hirao, Yoshikazu00:21:21
Stabat Mater (MG)Gibson, Mike00:32:20
Stabat Mater, 1842Hooper, John01:01:45
Stabat Mater - (Mezzo-Sop Solo) Fac Ut PortemScerri, Albert00:03:14
Stabat Mater - Cujus AnimamScerri, Albert00:04:44
Stabat Mater - InflammatusScerri, Albert00:05:08
TancrediClement, Joel00:06:37
Tancredi - Here we meetScerri, Albert00:02:03
The Maid of Judah - Martial SongScerri, Albert00:02:52
Vieni O Ruggiero (Come Dearest Darling)Scerri, Albert00:03:03
William Tell - Asile HéréditaireScerri, Albert00:04:44
William Tell Overture AndanteCovington, Matthew00:02:08

Roth and Gabriel, Elton M. and Charles H.(1)

In My Heart There Rings a Melody / Since Jesus Came into My HeartTate, John Paul III00:02:49

Rousseau, Jean-Jacques (1712-1778), French(2)

Deuxiéme Menuet from "Le Devin du village"Spagni, Maurizio00:00:36
Menuets I et II from "Le Devin du village"Spagni, Maurizio00:03:38

Roussel, Albert (1869 - 1937), French(1)

Canon perpétuelClement, Joel00:02:01

Rubinstein, Anton Grigoryevich (1829-1894), Russian(2)

Kanzonetta - Melody in FScerri, Albert00:02:14
Morning Song (Morgen Lied)Scerri, Albert00:01:34

Ruhl, Justin W.(1)

River Moods- Mvmt. 1Ruhl, Justin W00:05:33

Runjanin, Josip (1821 - 1878), Croatian(1)

Lijepa nasa domovino (Our Beautiful Homeland)Woodroffe, Richard00:00:48

Runyan, William (1870 - 1957), USA(1)

Great is thy faithfulnessMoffatt, Stuart00:02:17

Ryssel, Thomas (1984-), German(1)

Telling A Story (2004)Ryssel, Thomas00:03:33

Saarela [Säärelä], Timo (1940-), Finnish(6)

CabecitaSaarela, Timo00:02:44
Come September (Tule syyskuu)Saarela, Timo00:03:06
Giuitara de VagabondoSaarela, Timo00:02:04
I missing you EvelynSaarela, Timo00:02:48
Pecho HeladoSaarela, Timo00:03:10
Why Not´sSaarela, Timo00:03:10

Sabra, Wadih (1876 - 1952), Lebanese(1)

Kulluna lil-watanWoodroffe, Richard00:01:00

Sagap, Awang Haji Besar bin (1914 - 1988), Bruneian(1)

Allah Peliharakan SultanWoodroffe, Richard00:00:40

Said, Zubir (1907 - 1987)(1)

Majulah Singapura, the Singaporean National Anthem.Lee, Henry00:01:00

Saint-Jacome, Louis A. (1830-1898)(1)

Twelve Grand Artistic Studies (1894): Number 3Karageanes, Jim00:04:23

Saint-Saens Saint-Saëns], Camille (1835-1921), French(1)

Les Fleurs et les ArbresGibson, Mike00:01:26

Saint-Saens [Saint-Saëns], Camille (1835-1921), French(35)

"Fossile" from the Carnival of the AnimalsRodriguez, Daniel00:01:05
"Introduction et Marche Royale du Lion" from Carnival of the Animals.Rodriguez, Daniel00:01:44
"Personnages a longues oreilles" from the Carnival of the AnimalsRodriguez, Daniel00:00:33
'Le Carnaval des Animaux, grande fantaisie zoologiqueBox, Ramón Pajares00:44:08
2nd Concerto for Piano & Orchestra Op. 22Joyce, Alfred00:15:31
Africa - Opus 89Clement, Joel00:12:01
Au Cimetiere At The Cemetery Op 26 No 5Scerri, Albert00:04:21
Ave MariaScerri, Albert00:02:27
Ave Verum Corpus (1860)Booth, Adam00:01:46
Ave Verum Corpus (1860)Gibson, Mike00:03:13
Calme des nuitsGibson, Mike00:03:03
Caprice Andalous (Opus 122)Clement, Joel00:09:27
Cendre Rouge Op126 - Ame TristeScerri, Albert00:01:52
Danse Macabre (arr. Franz Liszt)Woodroffe, Richard00:11:05
Danse Macabre Opus 40 (1874)Woodroffe, Richard00:06:44
Danse Macabre song (1872)Woodroffe, Richard00:01:52
Havanaise - Opus 83Clement, Joel00:08:25
Introduction et RondoClement, Joel00:08:59
La Jota Aragonèse(Opus 64)Clement, Joel00:03:38
La Princesse Jaune (Opus 30)Clement, Joel00:05:41
Le Cygne (The Swan) from Le carnaval des animaux (1886)Hauck, Josh00:02:36
Messe de Requiem (Op 54)Gibson, Mike00:30:54
Messe de Requiem (Op 54) (1878)Hooper, John00:31:12
Messe à quatre voix (1856)Hooper, John00:42:01
Messe à quatre voix (Mass for 4 voices)Gibson, Mike00:33:27
Oratorio de Noel (1858 )Hooper, John00:32:16
O Salutaris HostiaScerri, Albert00:03:04
Panis AngelicusGibson, Mike00:03:05
Quam DilectaGibson, Mike00:04:14
Requiem (Opus 54)Clement, Joel00:32:42
Samson et Dalila - Mon coeur s'ouvre à ta voixScerri, Albert00:05:14
Sansone Et Dalila - Amour, Viens Aider Ma FaiblesseScerri, Albert00:03:21
Sonate N°1 for Violino (Opus 75 - In D-minor)Clement, Joel00:20:08
Suite Algérienne (Opus 60)Clement, Joel00:19:22
Tollite HostiasLowther, G J00:01:41

Sakalouski, Nester (1902 - 1950), Belarusian(1)

State Anthem of the Republic of BelarusWoodroffe, Richard00:01:12

Salieri, Antonio (1750-1825), Italian(5)

Confirma hoc Deus (1809)Hooper, John00:03:30
Mass in D major (Mass no 1; Hofkapellmeister-messe) (CRV)Hooper, John00:27:01
Mass in D major (Mass no 1; Hofkapellmeister-messe) (MG)Gibson, Mike00:20:47
Requiem in C minor (1804)Hooper, John00:38:34
Salieri's MarchBell, Jon00:00:24

Saluk, Art (1950- ), USA(4)

Albumleaf in FSaluk, Art00:02:22
Broward Schools MarchSaluk, Art00:02:13
Three Part Brief ChoraleSaluk, Art00:01:06
Vivace AlbumleafSaluk, Art00:01:42

Samarkone, Ananda (1911 - 1962), Sri Lankan(1)

Sri Lanka MathaWoodroffe, Richard00:01:13

Sammut, Robert (1869 - 1934), Maltese(1)

Innu Malti (Maltese National Anthem)Ciantar, Noel00:01:31

Samuel, Mido(1)

South Sudan Oyee!Woodroffe, Richard00:01:04

Sanchez, Jose (1988-), Mexican(9)

Battle ThemeSanchez, Jose00:03:14
Brother's ThemesSanchez, Jose00:04:01
Leowen's ThemeSanchez, Jose00:02:34
Piano Concerto No. 1 in e minor, Op. 1Sanchez, Jose00:04:08
Symphony No. 1 in b minor, Op. 2Sanchez, Jose00:02:28
Symphony No. 1, 2nd MovementSanchez, Jose00:02:45
Symphony No. 2 in G minorSanchez, Jose00:04:56
Symphony No. 2 in g minor, IISanchez, Jose00:03:39
The UnexplainedSanchez, Jose00:01:48

Sanders, J.C., Argentina(2)

Adios MuchachosSaarela, Timo00:01:40
Largalo !Saarela, Timo00:02:07

Santucci, Fr Edgar (circa 1871 - 1945)(1)

Beata MaterCiantar, Noel00:01:27

Sanz, Gaspar (1640-1710), Spanish(2)

Pavana en partidas (al aire español)Spagni, Maurizio00:03:14
Spanish Suite, for guitar (1674)Box, Ramón Pajares00:14:06

Sarasate, Pablo (1844-1908), Spanish(3)

"Zapateado," Spanish Dance for Violin and Piano, Op.23, No.2Karageanes, Jim00:03:29
"Zapateado," Spanish Dance for Violin and Piano, Op.23, No.2Spagni, Maurizio00:03:53
Zigeunerweisen (Gypsy airs) (1878)Spagni, Maurizio00:06:35

Satie, Erik Alfred Leslie (1866-1925), French(6)

Gnossienne No. 4Porter, Warren00:02:32
Gymnopédie No. 1Hicks, Grant00:03:02
Socrate - II Bords de l'IlissusSee Comments00:06:52
Socrate - III Mort de SocrateSee Comments00:16:41
Socrate - I Portrait de SocrateSee Comments00:05:37
Trois Gymnopédies (1888)Hofland, Jan J H00:10:36

Sauka, Michael-Fredrick Paul (1934 - 1990), Malawian(1)

Oh God Bless Our Land Of MalawiWoodroffe, Richard00:00:47

Saxon, Barbara (1941 - ), American(3)

Joy, 2010Saxon, Barbara00:03:30
Pretty and Pink RagSaxon, Barbara00:02:32
So There RagSaxon, Barbara00:02:54

Scarlatti, Alessandro (1660 - 1725)(1)

Dixit Dominus a 4Hooper, John00:17:33

Scarlatti, Alessandro (1660-1725), Italian(13)

Cantata - Lucretia RomanaScerri, Albert00:13:01
DixitGibson, Mike00:13:23
Dixit Dominus a 5Hooper, John00:13:05
Dixit for 5 voicesGibson, Mike00:15:25
Già il sole dal gangeSee Comments00:02:26
Il Sedecia, Re Di Gerusalemme - Caldo SangueScerri, Albert00:02:55
O cessate di piagarmiScerri, Albert00:01:54
Sento nel coreSee Comments00:03:43
Se tu della mia morteSee Comments00:03:24
SicilianaScerri, Albert00:03:24
Sonata No. 7 in D MajorSpagni, Maurizio00:08:14
Sonata No. 9 in A MinorSpagni, Maurizio00:09:38
Su, venite a consiglioSee Comments00:05:16

Scarlatti, Domenico (1685-1757), Italian(6)

Magnificat (A Capella)Hooper, John00:12:32
Magnificat (CRV)Hooper, John00:12:32
Seven sonatas for keyboard by D ScarlattiMcCoy, Mike00:26:32
Sonata for keyboard in E K380Spagni, Maurizio00:05:15
Sonata K. 2, L. 388LeBaron, Brian00:01:07
Stabat Mater dolorosa (1723)Hooper, John00:23:17

Schelle, Johann (1648 – 1701), German(1)

Vom Himmel kam der Engel ScharHooper, John00:08:19

Schiel, Chris (1982-), USA(1)

Der FuhrerSchiel, Chris00:05:47

Schmidt, P (20th C), French(2)

Andante 1Schmidt, Pierre00:01:56
Etude pentatoniqueSchmidt, Pierre00:04:06

Schmitt, Karl Gustavus (1834 - 1900), German(1)

Song of the King of the Tonga IslandsWoodroffe, Richard00:00:55

Schnabel, Joseph Ignaz (1767-1831), German(2)

Transeamus usque BethlehemSmedley, Tony00:02:32
Transeamus usque BethlehemSwinnen, Ivo00:03:00

Schubert (arr. Franz Liszt), Franz (1797-1828), Austrian(1)

Der Erlkönig (The Wizard King, The Fairy King)Woodroffe, Richard00:04:11

Schubert, Franz (1797-1828), Austrian(659)

AbendliedWoodroffe, Richard00:02:55
Abendliedd D276Woodroffe, Richard00:07:21
Abendlied der FürstinWoodroffe, Richard00:02:16
Abendlied Laura am KlavierWoodroffe, Richard00:05:17
Abends unter der Linde 1st version D235Woodroffe, Richard00:03:55
Abends unter der Linde 2nd version D237Woodroffe, Richard00:04:11
Abschied von der Erde D829Woodroffe, Richard00:03:09
Abschied von einem FreundeWoodroffe, Richard00:03:18
Alles um Liebe d241Woodroffe, Richard00:09:11
Alte Liebe rostet nie D477Woodroffe, Richard00:02:40
Am Flusse.Woodroffe, Richard00:01:20
Am Flusse 1st versionWoodroffe, Richard00:01:22
Ammenlied D122Woodroffe, Richard00:01:45
AmphiaraosWoodroffe, Richard00:06:00
An ChloenWoodroffe, Richard00:01:42
Andante con moto from String Quartet # 14 (Death and the Maiden).McKee, Mervyn00:04:05
An den FrühlingWoodroffe, Richard00:01:32
Andenken D99Woodroffe, Richard00:01:39
An Den Mond (To the Moon)Dowden, Blair00:02:11
An den Mond.Woodroffe, Richard00:02:28
An den Mond D296Woodroffe, Richard00:04:48
An den SchlafWoodroffe, Richard00:01:55
An Die HarmonieWoodroffe, Richard00:02:11
An die Musik (To music), version 1, D 547, op. 88 no. 4 (1817)Maassen, Willem G00:01:28
An Die Musik, Op 88, No. 4, D547 (1817)Curry, Daniel00:01:44
An die Nachtigall (To the Nightingale) (1816)Dowden, Blair00:01:05
An die Natur D372Woodroffe, Richard00:01:49
An die Sonne D272Woodroffe, Richard00:02:12
An Laura, als sie Klopstocks Auferstehungslied sangWoodroffe, Richard00:04:21
An Rosa IWoodroffe, Richard00:03:39
An Rosa IIWoodroffe, Richard00:02:15
An Sie D288Woodroffe, Richard00:03:30
Atys D585Woodroffe, Richard00:04:23
Auf den Tod einer NachtigallWoodroffe, Richard00:00:56
Aus Diogo ManazaresWoodroffe, Richard00:00:55
Ave Maria, 1825Hooper, John00:04:31
Ave Maria Op.52 No.6Hennes, Jim00:03:34
Ave Maria Op.52 No.6Hennes, Jim00:03:34
Ave Maria Op.52 No.6Hauck, Josh00:05:57
Ave Maria Op. 52 No6 (arr. Franz Liszt)Woodroffe, Richard00:04:22
Bertas Lied in der NachtWoodroffe, Richard00:03:41
Blondel zu MarienWoodroffe, Richard00:03:36
BundesliedWoodroffe, Richard00:03:20
Cora an die SonneWoodroffe, Richard00:02:06
D02 Opus 8 No 1.Der Jüngling auf dem HügelWoodroffe, Richard00:05:08
D059 VerklärungWoodroffe, Richard00:03:25
D076 Pensa, che questo istanteWoodroffe, Richard00:02:15
D095 AdelaideWoodroffe, Richard00:02:29
D15 Der Geistertanz 1st Setting (Fragment)Woodroffe, Richard00:01:19
D15a Der Geistertanz 2nd Setting (Fragment)Woodroffe, Richard00:02:12
D23 Opus 131 No 3. KlagliedWoodroffe, Richard00:04:40
D30 Opus 87 No.3 Der Jüngling am BacheWoodroffe, Richard00:03:49
D111 Der Taucher 2nd VersionWoodroffe, Richard00:24:03
D113 Opus 58 No. 2 An EmmaWoodroffe, Richard00:02:24
D116 Der Geistertanz 3rd SettingWoodroffe, Richard00:02:15
D117 Das Mädchen aus der Fremde 1st SettingWoodroffe, Richard00:02:08
D117 Das Mädchen aus der Fremde 2nd SettingWoodroffe, Richard00:02:48
D119 NachtgesangWoodroffe, Richard00:03:23
D120 Trost in TränenWoodroffe, Richard00:03:27
D 121 Opus 3 No 1 Schafers Klagelied 2nd VersionWoodroffe, Richard00:03:04
D123 SehnsuchtWoodroffe, Richard00:03:03
D124 Am SeeWoodroffe, Richard00:04:09
D126 Szene aus FaustWoodroffe, Richard00:06:26
D134 BalladeWoodroffe, Richard00:06:15
D138 Opus 5 No 1 Rastlose LiebeWoodroffe, Richard00:01:33
D141 Der MondabendWoodroffe, Richard00:02:24
D142 Opus 92 No 3 Geistes-GrussWoodroffe, Richard00:01:07
D143 Opus 109 No 2 GenügsamkeitWoodroffe, Richard00:01:34
D149 Opus 117 Der SangerWoodroffe, Richard00:07:04
D150 Lodas GespenstWoodroffe, Richard00:11:45
D151 Auf einen KirchhofWoodroffe, Richard00:04:05
D153 Als ich sie erröten sahWoodroffe, Richard00:02:22
D155 Das Bild O 165 No 3Woodroffe, Richard00:02:34
D159 Opus 116 Die ErwartungWoodroffe, Richard00:10:47
D161 Opus 19 No. 2 An MignonWoodroffe, Richard00:02:11
D162 Opus 5 No 2 Nähe des GeliebtenWoodroffe, Richard00:04:05
D171 Gebet während der SchlachtWoodroffe, Richard00:03:20
D174 Das war ichWoodroffe, Richard00:02:43
D177 Opus 173 No 3 Vergebliche LiebeWoodroffe, Richard00:02:06
D182 Die erste LiebeWoodroffe, Richard00:02:33
D183 TrinkliedWoodroffe, Richard00:02:16
D189 An die FreudeWoodroffe, Richard00:07:50
D 191 Opus 58 No 3 Das Madchens KlageWoodroffe, Richard00:03:03
d193 An den Mond Op 57 No 3Woodroffe, Richard00:02:54
D195 AmaliaWoodroffe, Richard00:02:56
D196 An die NachtigallWoodroffe, Richard00:01:45
D197 An die Apfelbäume, wo ich Julien erblickteWoodroffe, Richard00:02:34
D209 Op 38 Der LiedlerWoodroffe, Richard00:13:16
D210 Die Liebe "Clärchens Lied"Woodroffe, Richard00:01:41
D213 Die TraumWoodroffe, Richard00:02:41
D214 Die LaubeWoodroffe, Richard00:02:41
D216 Opus 3 No 2 Meeres StilleWoodroffe, Richard00:01:47
D217 Kolmas KlageWoodroffe, Richard00:04:51
D218 GrabliedWoodroffe, Richard00:05:12
D219 Das FindenWoodroffe, Richard00:03:53
D221 Opus 118 No 2 Der AbendWoodroffe, Richard00:03:45
D222 Lieb MinnaWoodroffe, Richard00:04:02
D224 Opus 4 No 3 Wandrers NachliedWoodroffe, Richard00:00:53
D225 Opus 5 No 3. Der FischerWoodroffe, Richard00:02:24
D226 Opus 5 No. 4 Erste VerlustWoodroffe, Richard00:01:46
D227 Idens NachtgesangWoodroffe, Richard00:04:14
D229 Opus 108 No 3 Die Erscheinung "Erinnerung"Woodroffe, Richard00:03:48
D230 Die TäuschungWoodroffe, Richard00:03:03
D231 Das SehnenWoodroffe, Richard00:03:25
D233 Opus 118 No 1 Geist der LiebeWoodroffe, Richard00:02:40
D234 Opus 118 No 3 TischliedWoodroffe, Richard00:05:04
D239 Liebe schwärmt auf allen WegenWoodroffe, Richard00:01:05
D246 Die BürgschaftWoodroffe, Richard00:16:47
D247 Opus 118 No 6. Die SpinnerinWoodroffe, Richard00:03:05
D248 Opus 118 No. 4 Lob des TokayersWoodroffe, Richard00:03:33
D251 HoffnungWoodroffe, Richard00:02:10
D253 Punschlied (Im Norden zu singen)Woodroffe, Richard00:01:29
D254 Der Gott und die BajadereWoodroffe, Richard00:08:08
D255 Der RattenfängerWoodroffe, Richard00:02:09
D256 Der SchatzgräberWoodroffe, Richard00:03:51
D257 Opus 3 No 3 HeidenroseleinWoodroffe, Richard00:01:27
d259 An den MondWoodroffe, Richard00:02:55
D260 Opus 115 No 2 Wonne der WehmutWoodroffe, Richard00:01:04
D261 Wer kauft Liebesgötter?Woodroffe, Richard00:02:24
D264 Der MorgenkussWoodroffe, Richard00:02:28
D270 Opus 118 No. 5 An die SonneWoodroffe, Richard00:03:05
D274 TischlerliedWoodroffe, Richard00:01:33
D278 Ossians Lied nach dem Falle NathosWoodroffe, Richard00:02:10
D280 Das RosenbandWoodroffe, Richard00:01:34
D281 Das Mädchen von InistoreWoodroffe, Richard00:02:35
D282 CronnanWoodroffe, Richard00:10:43
D283 An den FrühlingWoodroffe, Richard00:01:57
D285 Furcht der Geliebten "An Cidli"Woodroffe, Richard00:01:36
D291 Dem UnendlichenWoodroffe, Richard00:04:43
D293 Shilrik und VinvelaWoodroffe, Richard00:07:49
D295 HoffnungWoodroffe, Richard00:01:36
D297 AugenliedWoodroffe, Richard00:02:14
D300 Der Jüngling an der QuelleWoodroffe, Richard00:01:45
D301 LambertineWoodroffe, Richard00:03:04
D303 An die GeliebteWoodroffe, Richard00:01:33
D312b Op 58 No 1 Hektors AbschiedWoodroffe, Richard00:04:54
D314 NachtgesangWoodroffe, Richard00:05:03
D321 Mignons Gesang "Kennst du das Land?"Woodroffe, Richard00:04:54
D322 Hermann und ThusneldaWoodroffe, Richard00:05:35
D342 An mein KlavierWoodroffe, Richard00:04:26
D350 Der EntferntenWoodroffe, Richard00:03:00
D358 Die NachtWoodroffe, Richard00:03:09
D360 Opus 65 No.1 Lied eines Schiffers an die DioskurenWoodroffe, Richard00:03:02
D361 Opus 109 No 1 Am Bach im FrühlingWoodroffe, Richard00:03:04
D367 Opus 5 No.5 Der König in ThuleWoodroffe, Richard00:03:06
D368 Opus 3 No.4 Jägers AbendliedWoodroffe, Richard00:03:22
D369 Opus 19 No. 1 An Schwager KronosWoodroffe, Richard00:03:30
D375 Der Tod OscarsWoodroffe, Richard00:14:13
D391 Opus 111 No 3 Die vier WeltalterWoodroffe, Richard00:04:16
D393 Die EinsiedeleiWoodroffe, Richard00:04:15
D395 Opus 116 No 2 LebensmelodienWoodroffe, Richard00:08:56
D397 Ritter ToggenburgWoodroffe, Richard00:07:18
D403 Ins stille LandWoodroffe, Richard00:03:18
D404 Die HerbstnachtWoodroffe, Richard00:04:16
D406 Abschied von der HarfeWoodroffe, Richard00:04:25
D410 Opus 115 No 3 Sprache der LiebeWoodroffe, Richard00:01:48
D411 Daphne am BachWoodroffe, Richard00:02:46
D412 Stimme der LiebeWoodroffe, Richard00:01:25
D 429 MinneliedWoodroffe, Richard00:02:02
D431 BlumenliedWoodroffe, Richard00:01:23
D432a Der Leidende "Klage“Woodroffe, Richard00:01:48
D434 ErnteliedWoodroffe, Richard00:02:09
D436 Klage an den MondWoodroffe, Richard00:01:39
D444 Die GestirneWoodroffe, Richard00:07:30
D446 Die LiebesgötterWoodroffe, Richard00:03:22
D448 Gott im FrühlingeWoodroffe, Richard00:02:01
D456 Das HeimwehWoodroffe, Richard00:08:46
D457 Opus 44 An die untergehende SonneWoodroffe, Richard00:06:15
D465 Trauer der LiebeWoodroffe, Richard00:01:48
D473 LiedesendWoodroffe, Richard00:04:46
D474 Lied des Orpheus, Als Er In Die Hölle GingWoodroffe, Richard00:04:23
D475 AbschiedWoodroffe, Richard00:07:47
D478 Opus 12 No. 3 An die Türen will ich schleichenWoodroffe, Richard00:02:30
D478 Opus 12 No 1. Wer sich der Einsamkeit ergibt (Gesänge Des Harfners)Woodroffe, Richard00:03:21
D478 Opus 12 No 2. Wer nie sein Brot mit Tränen (Gesänge Des Harfners)Woodroffe, Richard00:04:49
D489 Opus 4 No 1. Der WondererWoodroffe, Richard00:05:22
D491 Geheimnis "An Franz Schubert"Woodroffe, Richard00:02:01
D492 Zum PunscheWoodroffe, Richard00:01:28
D496 Bei dem Grabe meines VaterWoodroffe, Richard00:03:01
D499 AbendliedWoodroffe, Richard00:04:04
D504 Opus 6 No.3 Am Grabe AnselmosWoodroffe, Richard00:02:47
D514 Opus 7 No 1 Die abgeblühte LindeWoodroffe, Richard00:03:47
D515 Opus 7 No 2 Der Flug der ZeitWoodroffe, Richard00:02:07
D516 Opus 8 No.2 SehnsuchtWoodroffe, Richard00:03:11
D517 Opus 13 No.1 Der Schäfer und der ReiterWoodroffe, Richard00:03:12
D518 An den TodWoodroffe, Richard00:02:32
D519 Die Blumensprache Op.173 No 5Woodroffe, Richard00:01:59
D520 FrohsinnWoodroffe, Richard00:01:32
D523 TrostWoodroffe, Richard00:03:24
D524 Opus 13 No.3 Der AlpenjägerWoodroffe, Richard00:02:15
D525 Opus 21 No 3 Wie Ulfru fischtWoodroffe, Richard00:02:22
D526 Fahrt zum HadesWoodroffe, Richard00:04:32
D527 Opus 24 No.2 SchlafliedWoodroffe, Richard00:02:58
D530 Opus 109 No 3 An eine QuelleWoodroffe, Richard00:01:57
D536 Opus 21 No.2 Der SchifferWoodroffe, Richard00:01:55
D539 Opus 8 No.4 Am StromeWoodroffe, Richard00:02:29
D540 PhiloktetWoodroffe, Richard00:02:43
D541 Opus 6 No.1 MemnonWoodroffe, Richard00:03:32
D542 Opus 6 No 2 Antigone und OedipWoodroffe, Richard00:05:36
D543 Opus 92 No. 2 Auf dem SeeWoodroffe, Richard00:02:45
D544 Opus 19 No.3 GanymedWoodroffe, Richard00:04:02
D545 Der Jüngling und der TodWoodroffe, Richard00:03:38
D548 Orest auf TaurisWoodroffe, Richard00:02:42
D552 Opus 20 No 3 Hänflings LiebeswerbungWoodroffe, Richard00:02:23
D553 Opus 21 No 1 Auf der DonauWoodroffe, Richard00:02:56
D558 Liebhaber in allen GestaltenWoodroffe, Richard00:03:33
D560 Der GoldschmiedsgesellWoodroffe, Richard00:02:08
D565 Der StromWoodroffe, Richard00:01:35
D573 Opus 98 No 3 IphigeniaWoodroffe, Richard00:03:30
D584 ElysiumWoodroffe, Richard00:08:37
D586 Opus 8 No.3 ErlafseeWoodroffe, Richard00:04:22
D588 Opus 37 No 2 Der AlpenjägerWoodroffe, Richard00:05:12
D594 Der Kampf Op. 110Woodroffe, Richard00:05:09
D595 Opus 88 No 2 Thekla "Eine Geisterstimme"Woodroffe, Richard00:05:20
D611 Auf der RiesenkoppeWoodroffe, Richard00:04:43
D614 An den Mond in einer HerbstnachtWoodroffe, Richard00:07:58
D620 EinsamkeitWoodroffe, Richard00:18:46
D622 Der BlumenbriefWoodroffe, Richard00:02:09
D623 Das MarienbildWoodroffe, Richard00:03:39
D627 Das Abendrot Op.173 No 6Woodroffe, Richard00:04:08
D631 BlankaWoodroffe, Richard00:02:06
D632 Vom mitleiden MariäWoodroffe, Richard00:02:48
D633 Opus 57 No 1 Der SchmetterlingWoodroffe, Richard00:01:24
D634 Opus 57 No 2 Die BergeWoodroffe, Richard00:02:10
D636 Opus 39 SehnsuchtWoodroffe, Richard00:04:06
D639 WiderscheinWoodroffe, Richard00:04:02
D646 Die GebüscheWoodroffe, Richard00:02:22
D649 Opus 65 No 2 Der WandererWoodroffe, Richard00:02:48
D650 AbendbilderWoodroffe, Richard00:04:59
D651 HimmelsfunkenWoodroffe, Richard00:03:51
D652 Das MädchenWoodroffe, Richard00:02:07
D654 An die FreundeWoodroffe, Richard00:03:35
D669 Beim WindeWoodroffe, Richard00:04:21
D670 Opus 165 No 2 Die SternennächteWoodroffe, Richard00:03:34
D672 Opus 36 No.2 NachtstückWoodroffe, Richard00:05:29
D673 Die Liebende schreibtWoodroffe, Richard00:02:52
D674 PrometheusWoodroffe, Richard00:05:54
D684 Die SterneWoodroffe, Richard00:03:51
D685 Opus 4 No 2. MorgenliedWoodroffe, Richard00:02:55
D686 Opus 20 No.2 FrühlingsglaubeWoodroffe, Richard00:03:15
D688a Non t’accostar all’ urnaWoodroffe, Richard00:03:02
D688b Vier Canzonen - Guarda che bianca luna!Woodroffe, Richard00:01:52
D688c Da quel sembiante appresiWoodroffe, Richard00:01:51
D688d Mio ben ricordatiWoodroffe, Richard00:02:28
D690 AbendröteWoodroffe, Richard00:03:48
D694 Der SchifferWoodroffe, Richard00:03:04
D698 Des Fräuleins LiebeslauschenWoodroffe, Richard00:03:37
D699 Der entsühnte OrestWoodroffe, Richard00:03:33
D700 Freiwilliges VersinkenWoodroffe, Richard00:03:31
D707 Opus 36 No1 Der zürnenden DianaWoodroffe, Richard00:05:38
D711 Opus 13 No.2 Lob der TränenWoodroffe, Richard00:05:08
D712 Die gefangenen SängerWoodroffe, Richard00:04:05
D713b Op 87 No 1 Der UnglücklicheWoodroffe, Richard00:06:03
D716 Grenzen der MenschheitWoodroffe, Richard00:07:14
D717 Opus 31 Suleika IIWoodroffe, Richard00:04:35
D719 Opus 14 No.2 GeheimesWoodroffe, Richard00:01:42
D720 Suleika I Op 14 No 1Woodroffe, Richard00:04:48
D731 Der Blumen Schmerz Op 173 No. 4Woodroffe, Richard00:04:49
D737 Opus 56 No.2 An die LeierRichard Woodroffe00:04:05
D738 Opus 56 No. 3 Im HaineWoodroffe, Richard00:02:25
D741 Opus 20 No.1 Sei mir gegrüßtWoodroffe, Richard00:03:58
D743 Opus 23 No 2 Selige WeltWoodroffe, Richard00:01:13
D745a Opus 73 Die Rose (1st Version)Woodroffe, Richard00:02:46
D746 Am SeeWoodroffe, Richard00:02:11
D749 Epistel An Herrn Josef von Spaun, Assessor in LinzWoodroffe, Richard00:05:35
D752 NachtviolenWoodroffe, Richard00:02:27
D753 Opus 65 No.3 Aus "Heliopolis" IWoodroffe, Richard00:03:04
D754 Aus "Heliopolis" IIWoodroffe, Richard00:01:58
D758 Opus 93 No.2 TodesmusikWoodroffe, Richard00:05:51
D761 Opus 23 No 4 Schatzgräbers BegehrWoodroffe, Richard00:03:43
D762 SchwestergrussWoodroffe, Richard00:05:17
D764 Opus 92 No 1. Der MusensohnWoodroffe, Richard00:02:20
D765 An die EntfernteWoodroffe, Richard00:02:58
D767 Opus 56 No 1 Willkommen und Abschied 2nd VersionWoodroffe, Richard00:03:18
D770 Opus 71 Drang in die FerneWoodroffe, Richard00:04:34
D771 Opus 22 No 1 Der ZwergWoodroffe, Richard00:05:46
D772 Opus 22 No.2 WehmutWoodroffe, Richard00:02:24
D774 Opus 23 No 3 SchwanengesangWoodroffe, Richard00:02:22
D774 Opus 72 Auf dem Wasser zu SingenWoodroffe, Richard00:02:47
D775 Opus 59 No.2 Dass sie hier gewesen!Woodroffe, Richard00:02:28
D776 Opus 59 No 3. Du Bist die RuhWoodroffe, Richard00:03:51
D777 Opus 59 No 4. Lachen und WeinenWoodroffe, Richard00:01:23
D785 Der zürnende BardeWoodroffe, Richard00:01:56
D786 Opus 123 ViolaWoodroffe, Richard00:12:55
D789 PilgerweiseWoodroffe, Richard00:05:58
D792 VergissmeinnichtWoodroffe, Richard00:10:39
D793 Das GeheimnisWoodroffe, Richard00:04:42
D794 Op 37 No 1 Der PilgrimWoodroffe, Richard00:05:00
D797 Opus 26 RomanzeWoodroffe, Richard00:03:18
D800a Opus 41 Der EinsameWoodroffe, Richard00:04:34
D805 Der SiegWoodroffe, Richard00:02:39
D806 AbendsternWoodroffe, Richard00:02:42
D807 AuflösungWoodroffe, Richard00:02:42
D822 Lied eines KriegersWoodroffe, Richard00:03:11
D 827 Op. 42 No. 2 Nacht und TraumeWoodroffe, Richard00:03:56
D 828 Opus 42 No 1 Die Junge NonneWoodroffe, Richard00:04:42
D830 Op 85 No 1 Lied der Anne LyleWoodroffe, Richard00:04:10
D831 Opus 85 No 2 Gesang der NornaWoodroffe, Richard00:03:31
D832 Des Sängers HabeWoodroffe, Richard00:02:38
D833 Opus 101 No. 2 Der blinde KnabeWoodroffe, Richard00:03:31
D834 Opus 90 No 1 Im WaldeWoodroffe, Richard00:05:15
D838 Opus 52 No.2 Ellens Gesang II - Jäger, ruhe von der Jagd!Woodroffe, Richard00:03:12
D842 Totengräbers HeimwehWoodroffe, Richard00:06:12
D846 Opus 52 No.5 Normans GesangWoodroffe, Richard00:03:34
D846 Opus 52 No.7 Lied des gefangenen JagersWoodroffe, Richard00:02:54
D851 Opus 79 No.1 Das HeimwehWoodroffe, Richard00:07:59
D852 Opus 79 No.2 Die AllmachtWoodroffe, Richard00:04:23
D853 Opus 93 No. 2 Auf der Bruck "Auf der Brücke"Woodroffe, Richard00:03:29
D856 Opus 88 No.1 Abendlied für die EntfernteWoodroffe, Richard00:05:17
D857 Opus 124 No. 1 Lied der DelphineWoodroffe, Richard00:04:26
D857 Opus 124 No 2 Lied des FlorioWoodroffe, Richard00:02:48
D860 An mein HerzWoodroffe, Richard00:02:59
D861 Der liebliche SternWoodroffe, Richard00:01:36
D862 Opus 88 No. 3 Um MitternachtWoodroffe, Richard00:05:00
D866a Opus 95 No 1 Die UnterscheidungWoodroffe, Richard00:05:18
D866b Opus 95 No.2 Bei dir allein!Woodroffe, Richard00:02:17
D866c Opus 95 No 3 Die Männer sind méchantWoodroffe, Richard00:02:28
D866d Opus 95 No 4 Irdisches GlückWoodroffe, Richard00:05:00
D867 Opus 105 No 2 WiegenliedWoodroffe, Richard00:05:15
D869 TotengräberweiseWoodroffe, Richard00:05:03
D870 Opus 80 No 1 Der Wanderer an den MondWoodroffe, Richard00:01:43
D871 Opus 80 No.2 Das ZügenglöckleinWoodroffe, Richard00:04:00
D876 Tiefes LeidWoodroffe, Richard00:02:27
D877 Opus 62 No 4. Lied der MignonWoodroffe, Richard00:02:46
D878 Opus 103 No 3 Am FensterWoodroffe, Richard00:03:48
D879 Opus 105 No.4 SehnsuchtWoodroffe, Richard00:03:34
D880 Opus 80 No.3 Im FreienWoodroffe, Richard00:04:50
D881 Opus 96 No. 4 FischerweiseWoodroffe, Richard00:03:20
D882 Opus 101 No. 1 Im FrühlingWoodroffe, Richard00:04:26
D882 Opus 101 No. 1 Im FrühlingGibson, Mike00:03:24
D883 LebensmutWoodroffe, Richard00:04:32
D888 TrinkliedWoodroffe, Richard00:01:46
D889 Ständchen (Horch, horch die Lerch)Woodroffe, Richard00:03:05
D890 Hippolits LiedWoodroffe, Richard00:02:45
D891 Opus 106 No 4 An Silvia "Gesang an Silvia"Woodroffe, Richard00:02:40
D902a Drei Gesänge - L’incanto degli occhi Op 83 No 1Woodroffe, Richard00:03:04
D902b Drei Gesänge - Il Traditor deluso Op 83 No 2Woodroffe, Richard00:03:38
D902c Drei Gesänge - Il modo di prender moglie Op 83 No 3Woodroffe, Richard00:04:09
D904 Opus 81 No. 1 AlindeWoodroffe, Richard00:04:00
D905 Opus 88 No 2 An die LauteWoodroffe, Richard00:02:15
D906 Der Vater mit dem KindWoodroffe, Richard00:03:24
D907 Opus 86 Romanze des Richard LöwenherzWoodroffe, Richard00:05:02
D909 Opus 96 No 2 Jagers LiebesliedWoodroffe, Richard00:03:59
D910 Schiffers ScheideliedWoodroffe, Richard00:05:02
D917 Opus 115 No 1 Das Lied im GrünenWoodroffe, Richard00:05:48
D922 Opus 106 No 1 Heimliches LiebenWoodroffe, Richard00:03:15
D923 Opus 165 No 5 Eine altschottische BalladeWoodroffe, Richard00:05:07
D926 Opus 102 No 2 Das WeinenWoodroffe, Richard00:03:12
D927 Opus 106 No.3 Vor meiner WiegeWoodroffe, Richard00:05:17
D931 Der Wallensteiner Lanzknecht beim TrunkWoodroffe, Richard00:03:36
D932 Der KreuzzugWoodroffe, Richard00:03:43
D933 Des Fischers LiebesglückWoodroffe, Richard00:05:03
D937 LebensmutWoodroffe, Richard00:02:51
D938 Der WinterabendWoodroffe, Richard00:07:25
D939 Opus 96 No.1 Die SterneWoodroffe, Richard00:03:08
D955 Glaube, Hoffnung und LiebeWoodroffe, Richard00:04:44
D957.02 Schwanengesang - Kriegers AhnungWoodroffe, Richard00:04:45
D990c Op130 Das EchoWoodroffe, Richard00:06:34
Das Geheimnis D250 1st SettingWoodroffe, Richard00:04:00
Das gestörte Glück D309Woodroffe, Richard00:02:51
Das GrabWoodroffe, Richard00:01:48
Das GrabWoodroffe, Richard00:03:28
Das grosse HallelujaWoodroffe, Richard00:03:18
Das Lied vom Reifen.Woodroffe, Richard00:03:36
Death And The Maiden/Der Tod und das MädchenNachbaur, Sharon00:02:24
Der Abend D108Woodroffe, Richard00:02:43
Der Doppelgänger (Nemesis) (Song cycle "Schwanengesang") D 957 Nr. 13Maassen, Willem G00:03:00
Der Erlkönig (The Wizard King, The Fairy King)Nachbaur, Fred00:03:55
Der Erlkönig (The Wizard King, The Fairy King) E minor transpositionNachbaur, Fred00:03:55
Der FlussWoodroffe, Richard00:04:44
Der FlüchtlingWoodroffe, Richard00:04:34
Der gute Hirte.Woodroffe, Richard00:03:07
Der HerbstabendWoodroffe, Richard00:03:47
Der HirtWoodroffe, Richard00:02:44
Der Hirt auf dem FelsenRoberts, Joseph00:10:20
Der Jungling am Bache.(3rd Setting 2nd version)Woodroffe, Richard00:04:23
Der Jüngling am Bache D192Woodroffe, Richard00:03:03
Der Knabe D692Woodroffe, Richard00:01:56
Der Knabe in der Wiege.Woodroffe, Richard00:04:14
Der Liebende D207Woodroffe, Richard00:02:00
Der Sanger am Helsen.Woodroffe, Richard00:03:18
Der Vatermörder D10Woodroffe, Richard00:05:50
Der Weiberfreund D271Woodroffe, Richard00:01:39
Der Zufriedene D320Woodroffe, Richard00:02:11
Des Mädchens Klage (First version) D6Woodroffe, Richard00:05:05
Des Mädchens Klage 3rd VersionWoodroffe, Richard00:00:48
Des Tages Weihe D763 Op 146Heijer, Rob den00:04:11
Didone abbandonataWoodroffe, Richard00:04:36
Die Befreier Europas in Paris D104Woodroffe, Richard00:07:50
Die BetendeWoodroffe, Richard00:04:12
Die EinsiedeleiWoodroffe, Richard00:01:54
Die Entzückung an LauraWoodroffe, Richard00:04:18
Die Entzückung an Laura (fragment)Woodroffe, Richard00:02:28
Die ErdeWoodroffe, Richard00:02:36
Die Forelle (The Trout), D550Woodroffe, Richard00:01:55
Die Fröhlichkeit D262Woodroffe, Richard00:06:17
Die frühe LiebeWoodroffe, Richard00:02:07
Die frühen GräberWoodroffe, Richard00:01:31
Die Götter Griechenlands - 1st versionWoodroffe, Richard00:04:09
Die KnabenzeitWoodroffe, Richard00:02:55
Die LiebeWoodroffe, Richard00:03:28
Die Macht der Liebe D308Woodroffe, Richard00:01:32
Die Mainacht D194Woodroffe, Richard00:02:27
Die Mondnacht D238Woodroffe, Richard00:04:48
Die Nacht D534Woodroffe, Richard00:13:07
Die Nonne (Version 1 - incomplete)Woodroffe, Richard00:02:28
Die Nonne (Version 2)Woodroffe, Richard00:08:18
Die PerleWoodroffe, Richard00:02:39
Die Schatten D50Woodroffe, Richard00:02:39
Die schöne Mullerin cycle (n°18), op. 25Forestier, Yann00:02:23
Die Schöne Müllerin, op. 25 (1823) _ Lied n°16Forestier, Yann00:03:37
Die Schöne Müllerin - Am Feierabend D795 Op 25 No 5Woodroffe, Richard00:02:39
Die Schöne Müllerin - Danksagung an den Bach D795 Op 25 No 4Woodroffe, Richard00:02:04
Die Schöne Müllerin - Das Wandern D795 Op 25 No 1Woodroffe, Richard00:02:58
Die Schöne Müllerin - Der Jäger D795 Op 35 No 14Woodroffe, Richard00:01:08
Die Schöne Müllerin - Der Müller und der Bach D795 Op 25 No 19Woodroffe, Richard00:03:45
Die Schöne Müllerin - Der Neugierige D795 Op 25 No 6Woodroffe, Richard00:04:15
Die Schöne Müllerin - Des Baches Wiegenlied D795 Op 25 No 20Woodroffe, Richard00:06:25
Die Schöne Müllerin - Des Müllers Blumen D795 Op 25 No 9Woodroffe, Richard00:03:29
Die Schöne Müllerin - Die böse Farbe D795 Op 35 No 17Woodroffe, Richard00:02:08
Die Schöne Müllerin - Eifersucht und Stolz D795 Op 25 No 15Woodroffe, Richard00:01:33
Die Schöne Müllerin - Halt D795 Op 25 No 3Woodroffe, Richard00:01:30
Die Schöne Müllerin - Mein! D795 Op 25 No 11Woodroffe, Richard00:02:21
Die Schöne Müllerin - Mit dem grünen Lautenbande D795 Op 25 No 13Woodroffe, Richard00:01:58
Die Schöne Müllerin - Morgengruss D795 Op 25 No 8Woodroffe, Richard00:03:50
Die Schöne Müllerin - Pause D795 Op 25 No 12Woodroffe, Richard00:04:19
Die Schöne Müllerin - Tränenregen D795 Op 25 No 10Woodroffe, Richard00:03:53
Die Schöne Müllerin - Ungeduld D795 Op 25 No 7Woodroffe, Richard00:03:04
Die Schöne Müllerin - Wohin? D795 Op 25 No 2Woodroffe, Richard00:02:10
Die Sommernacht (Version 1) D289Woodroffe, Richard00:02:38
Die Sommernacht (Version 2) D289Woodroffe, Richard00:02:31
Die Sterbende D186Woodroffe, Richard00:03:01
Die SterneWoodroffe, Richard00:02:32
Die Sterne D313Woodroffe, Richard00:08:32
Die Sternenwelten D307Woodroffe, Richard00:02:01
Die verfehlte StundeWoodroffe, Richard00:05:10
Die Vogel, D691Roberts, Joseph00:01:06
Die WallfahrtWoodroffe, Richard00:01:17
Don Gayseros D93 (3 Song Cycle)Woodroffe, Richard00:10:42
EdoneWoodroffe, Richard00:01:29
Einsamkeit Op 89 No 12BScerri, Albert00:02:07
Ellens Gesang I "Raste Krieger! Krieg ist aus" D837 Opus 52 No.1Woodroffe, Richard00:07:49
Entzuckung.Woodroffe, Richard00:02:08
Erinnerung "Totenopfer" D101Woodroffe, Richard00:02:13
Erinnerungen D98Woodroffe, Richard00:03:57
Fantaisie pour piano à quatre mains (Opus D940)Clement, Joel00:18:09
FischerliedWoodroffe, Richard00:02:24
Fischerlied D351Woodroffe, Richard00:01:55
Freude der Kinderjahre D455Woodroffe, Richard00:03:20
FrühlingsliedWoodroffe, Richard00:05:07
Frühlingslied (Spring Song)Dowden, Blair00:01:25
Fülle der Liebe D854November 2022Woodroffe, Richard00:05:13
GALOP and ECOSSAISEN, opus 49Struys, Peter00:04:00
Geist der LiebeWoodroffe, Richard00:02:07
Geisternähe D100Woodroffe, Richard00:03:17
Gesang der Geister uber den Wassern. (fragment)Woodroffe, Richard00:02:10
GondolfaherWoodroffe, Richard00:01:30
Gott ist mein Hirt (Psalm 23), 1820 D706Hooper, John00:05:06
Grablied auf einen SoldatenWoodroffe, Richard00:03:36
Grablied für die MutterWoodroffe, Richard00:02:47
Greisengesang Op. 60 No. 1 D. 778Aldridge, John00:04:18
Gretchen am Spinnrade (Gretchen at the Spinning Wheel)Guix, Joseph00:03:14
Gretchens Bitte "Gretchen im Zwinger" (Fragment)Woodroffe, Richard00:04:41
Gruppe aus dem Tartarus (Fragment) D396Woodroffe, Richard00:00:56
Gruppe aus dem Tartarus D583 Opus 24 No.1Woodroffe, Richard00:03:26
Hagars Klage D5Woodroffe, Richard00:15:11
HarfenspielerWoodroffe, Richard00:02:04
Heidenröslein (Rose blossom on the heath), Op. 3, no. 3, D 257 (aug. 19, 1815)Maassen, Willem G00:01:26
Heidenröslein, Op. 3, no. 3, D.257Nachbaur, Fred00:02:30
HerbstWoodroffe, Richard00:03:58
HerbstliedWoodroffe, Richard00:01:36
HochzeitliedWoodroffe, Richard00:02:24
Huldigung D240Woodroffe, Richard00:02:24
Hymne I D659Woodroffe, Richard00:07:53
Hymne II D660Woodroffe, Richard00:02:37
Hymne III D661Woodroffe, Richard00:03:10
Hymne IV D662Woodroffe, Richard00:02:57
Ich schleiche bang und still herum d787 no 2Woodroffe, Richard00:01:24
Ihr GrabWoodroffe, Richard00:04:27
Im Abendrot (In the red dusk), D 799 (1824-1825)Maassen, Willem G00:02:33
Impromptu, Op. 90, No. 2 (1828)Morris, Robert00:04:30
Impromptu Op.90 no:3Siang, Peh Chen00:04:32
Impromptu Op.90 N°4 in A flatGuix, Joseph00:06:52
Im Walde "Waldesnacht" D708Woodroffe, Richard00:06:35
In der MitternachtWoodroffe, Richard00:04:07
JagdliedWoodroffe, Richard00:01:24
Johanna Sebus. (fragment)Woodroffe, Richard00:02:33
Julius an TheoneWoodroffe, Richard00:03:18
Klage der CeresWoodroffe, Richard00:16:29
Labetrank der Liebe D302Woodroffe, Richard00:02:31
La pastorella al pratoWoodroffe, Richard00:01:43
LebensliedWoodroffe, Richard00:02:00
Lebenslust (Joy of Living), D.609, 1818Hall, Damien00:00:58
Lebenstraum - Ich sass an einer Tempelhalle D39 (Fragment)Woodroffe, Richard00:07:18
Leiden der Trennung.Woodroffe, Richard00:01:03
Licht und LiebeWoodroffe, Richard00:04:34
LiebesrauschWoodroffe, Richard00:04:17
Liebeständelei D206Woodroffe, Richard00:02:45
Lied "Die Mutter Erde"Woodroffe, Richard00:04:22
Lied "Mutter geht durch ihre Kammern" D373Woodroffe, Richard00:01:42
Lied aus der Ferne D107Woodroffe, Richard00:03:02
Lied D284Woodroffe, Richard00:02:10
Lied der Liebe D109Woodroffe, Richard00:02:41
Lied der Liebe D109Woodroffe, Richard00:25:47
Lied der Mignon (3rd Setting)Woodroffe, Richard00:02:00
Lied eines Kindes (Fragment)Woodroffe, Richard00:00:52
Lied Ferne von der grossen StadtWoodroffe, Richard00:02:34
Litany / LitaneiNachbaur, Sharon00:03:11
Luisens Antwort D319Woodroffe, Richard00:03:34
Magnificat in C (D.486) (1816)Hooper, John00:08:26
Mahomet Gesang (fragment)Woodroffe, Richard00:01:26
Mahomet Gesang (fragment)Woodroffe, Richard00:02:29
MailiedWoodroffe, Richard00:02:10
Marche Militaire Nr. 2, op. 51, D 733Struys, Peter00:02:47
Marie.Woodroffe, Richard00:01:09
Mass (No. 6) in E-flat major (D 950) (CRV)Hooper, John00:51:43
Mass (No. 6) in E-flat major (D 950) (MG)Gibson, Mike00:52:04
Mass in Ab major (D 678), 1825 (CRV)Hooper, John00:47:34
Mass in Ab major (D 678), 1825 (MG)Gibson, Mike00:44:36
Mass in Bb (No 3) (D324), 1815 (CRV)Hooper, John00:27:37
Mass in Bb (No 3) (D324), 1815 (MG)Gibson, Mike00:27:01
Mass in C (D452)Gibson, Mike00:18:30
Mass in C (D452), 1816Hooper, John00:22:21
Mass in F (Deutsche Messe) D872, 1827Hooper, John00:11:45
Mass in G (D167), 1815Hooper, John00:19:56
Mass in G (D167), 1815 (MG)Gibson, Mike00:30:26
Mass No1 in F major D105Gibson, Mike00:45:16
Mein Gruss an den Mai D305Woodroffe, Richard00:04:45
Menuetto (From Sonatina for Violin and Piano Op 137, No3.)Fleming, Alastair00:03:07
Military March (Marche Militaire) Opus 51Woodroffe, Richard00:03:51
Minona oder die Kunde der DoggeWoodroffe, Richard00:10:06
Misero pargoletto D42bWoodroffe, Richard00:03:30
Moment Musical No. 3 in f minorCarrasco, Daniel00:01:48
Moment Musical No. 5 in f minorCarrasco, Daniel00:02:06
Moments musicaux N°3 - Opus 94Clement, Joel00:01:44
MorgenliedWoodroffe, Richard00:01:43
Morgenlied D266Woodroffe, Richard00:01:35
Nach einem GewitterWoodroffe, Richard00:02:27
Nachthymne D687Woodroffe, Richard00:05:46
NamenstagsliedWoodroffe, Richard00:04:18
Naturgenuss D188Woodroffe, Richard00:02:53
Op. 1Firestone, Omar00:04:00
Pax VobiscumWoodroffe, Richard00:03:24
Pflicht und LiebeWoodroffe, Richard00:01:41
PflügerliedWoodroffe, Richard00:03:25
Phidile D500Woodroffe, Richard00:03:52
Piano Trio No.2 in EbM, Mov.2, Andante con motoHofland, Jan J H00:08:21
Piano Trio No.2 in EbM, Mov.3, Scherzo,allegro moderatoHofland, Jan J H00:06:00
Piano Trio No.2 in E flat major, Mov.1 - AllegroHofland, Jan J H00:16:10
Presto from Quartet in D major (D94)Carrasco, Daniel00:04:42
Quartet for Strings No. 12 in C minor: Allegro AssaiCarrasco, Daniel00:08:48
Quintet D.667 "The Trout", 4th movementNachbaur, Fred00:06:21
Quintet D.667 "The Trout", 5th movementNachbaur, Fred00:14:58
Romanze (from Die Verschworenen, D.787)Hall, Damien00:03:05
Romanze (Romance) (from Die Verschworenen, D.787, 1889)Hall, Damien00:03:08
Romanze D114Woodroffe, Richard00:05:30
RuckwegWoodroffe, Richard00:01:52
SchlachtgesangWoodroffe, Richard00:04:52
Schwanengesang - Abschied D957 No 7Woodroffe, Richard00:04:19
Schwanengesang - Am Meer D957 No 12Woodroffe, Richard00:04:17
Schwanengesang - Aufenthalt D957 No 5Woodroffe, Richard00:02:59
Schwanengesang - Das Fischermädchen D957 No 10Woodroffe, Richard00:02:10
Schwanengesang - Der Atlas D957 No 8Woodroffe, Richard00:02:06
Schwanengesang - Die Stadt D957 No 11Woodroffe, Richard00:03:03
Schwanengesang - Die Taubenpost D957 No 14Woodroffe, Richard00:03:30
Schwanengesang - Frühlingssehnsucht D957 No 3Woodroffe, Richard00:03:20
Schwanengesang - Ihr Bild D957 No 9Woodroffe, Richard00:03:01
Schwanengesang - In der Ferne D957 No 6Woodroffe, Richard00:05:31
Schwanengesang - Liebesbotschaft D957 No 1Woodroffe, Richard00:02:30
SchwangesangWoodroffe, Richard00:05:01
Schweizerlied D559Woodroffe, Richard00:01:51
SchwertliedWoodroffe, Richard00:10:02
Sehnsucht D052Woodroffe, Richard00:04:08
Sehnsucht der Liebe D180Woodroffe, Richard00:04:55
Seligkeit, D433Roberts, Joseph00:01:47
Selma and Selmar D286Woodroffe, Richard00:01:18
Serenata (Ital and Eng Lyrics)Scerri, Albert00:03:39
Seufzer D198Woodroffe, Richard00:01:09
Skolie D306Woodroffe, Richard00:01:02
Skolie D507Woodroffe, Richard00:00:45
Sonata "Per Arpeggione" in A MinorNachbaur, Fred and Coulon, J-P00:24:06
Sonett IWoodroffe, Richard00:03:04
Sonett IIWoodroffe, Richard00:03:06
Sonett IIIWoodroffe, Richard00:06:37
Son fra l’ondeWoodroffe, Richard00:01:41
Stabat Mater, 1815Hooper, John00:34:53
Stabat Mater, D383Gibson, Mike00:24:23
Standchen (Opus 135), 1827Hooper, John00:04:24
Stimme der LiebeWoodroffe, Richard00:02:46
Stimme der Liebe D187Woodroffe, Richard00:02:29
String Quintet in C major (D 956 - 163), 1828Hofland, Jan J H00:20:01
String Quintet in C major (D 956 - 163), 1828Hofland, Jan J H00:13:36
String Quintet in C major (D 956 - 163), 1828Hofland, Jan J H00:10:03
String Quintet in C major (D 956 - 163), 1828Hofland, Jan J H00:09:48
Städchen (Serenade), D.920, 1827Hall, Damien00:04:41
Ständchen (from Schwanengesang)Nachbaur, Sharon00:03:11
Ständchen (from Schwanengesang)Nachbaur, Fred and Sharon00:03:14
Ständchen (Serenade) D.957 No. 4, arranged for guitarNachbaur, Fred00:03:12
Ständchen (Serenade) No. 4 from Schwanengesang - D.957 (arr. Franz Liszt)Woodroffe, Richard00:04:00
Symphony No. 1, in D majorBillett, Tina00:27:34
Symphony No. 2, in B Flat majorBillett, Tina00:33:32
Symphony No. 3, in D majorBillett, Tina00:24:38
Symphony No. 4, in c minor (Tragic)Billett, Tina00:30:58
Symphony No. 6, in C major (The Little Symphony in C)Billett, Tina00:37:01
Symphony No. 8, in B min, D.759, 'Unfinished' (1st movement)Siang, Peh Chen00:11:54
Symphony No 5. in E Flat MajorBillett, Tina00:30:52
Symphony No 8. in B Minor ("Unfinished")Billett, Tina00:25:43
Symphony No 9. in C Major ("Great")Billett, Tina00:57:31
Sängers Morgenlied D163 1st VersionWoodroffe, Richard00:01:38
Sängers Morgenlied D165 2nd VersionWoodroffe, Richard00:07:12
Tantum ergoHooper, John00:02:15
Thekla "Eine Geisterstimme" d073 1st VersionWoodroffe, Richard00:03:18
The Lord is my Shepherd (Psalm 23), D706 (SSAA)Gibson, Mike00:05:33
The Lord is my Shepherd (Psalm 23), D706 (SSATB)Gibson, Mike00:05:33
The Lord is my Shepherd (Psalm XXIII)Mill, Carl B00:05:47
The Maiden's Lament (Second Version)Scerri, Albert00:01:47
To Music (An die Musik)Scerri, Albert00:02:26
TotengräberliedWoodroffe, Richard00:02:10
Totenkranz für ein Kind D275Woodroffe, Richard00:01:36
Trinklied vor der SchlachtWoodroffe, Richard00:02:15
Trio N°2 in E-flat Major, Opus D.929Clement, Joel00:08:34
Trio Op 100 2nd mvt (andante)solange, Robin00:10:36
TrostWoodroffe, Richard00:02:42
Trost "An Elisa" D097Woodroffe, Richard00:02:15
Trost im Liede D546Woodroffe, Richard00:02:07
Täglich zu singenWoodroffe, Richard00:01:34
Uraniens FluchtWoodroffe, Richard00:21:02
Vaterlandslied D287Woodroffe, Richard00:03:25
VollendungWoodroffe, Richard00:03:01
WiedersehnRichard Woodroffe00:03:00
WiegenliedScerri, Albert00:02:02
Wiegenlied D304Woodroffe, Richard00:02:38
WinterliedWoodroffe, Richard00:02:06
Winterreise - Auf dem Flusse D911 Op 89 No 7Woodroffe, Richard00:03:42
Winterreise - Der greise Kopf D911 Op 89 No 14Woodroffe, Richard00:03:18
Winterreise - Der Leiermann D911 Op 89 No 24Woodroffe, Richard00:04:05
Winterreise - Der Lindenbaum D911 Op 89 No 5Woodroffe, Richard00:04:42
Winterreise - Der stürmische Morgen D911 Op 89 No 18Woodroffe, Richard00:00:46
Winterreise - Der Wegweiser D911 Op 89 No 20Woodroffe, Richard00:04:11
Winterreise - Die Krähe D911 Op 89 No 15Woodroffe, Richard00:02:09
Winterreise - Die Nebensonnen D911 Op 89 No 23Woodroffe, Richard00:02:46
Winterreise - Die Post D911 Op 89 No 13Woodroffe, Richard00:02:21
Winterreise - Die Wetterfahne D911 Op 89 No 02Woodroffe, Richard00:01:59
Winterreise - Erstarrung D911 Op 89 No 4Woodroffe, Richard00:03:01
Winterreise - Frühlingstraum D911 Op 89 No 11Woodroffe, Richard00:03:56
Winterreise - Gefrorne Tränen D911 Op 89 No 03Woodroffe, Richard00:02:13
Winterreise - Gute Nacht D911 Op 89 No 1Woodroffe, Richard00:05:58
Winterreise - Im Dorfe D911 Op 89 No 17Woodroffe, Richard00:03:41
Winterreise - Irrlicht D911 Op 89 No 09Woodroffe, Richard00:02:35
Winterreise - Letzte Hoffnung D911 Op 89 No 16Woodroffe, Richard00:02:36
Winterreise - Letzte Hoffnung D911 Op 89 No 19Woodroffe, Richard00:01:38
Winterreise - Mut! D911 Op 89 No 22Woodroffe, Richard00:01:36
Winterreise - Rast D911 Op 89 No 10Woodroffe, Richard00:03:24
Winterreise - Rast D911 Op 89 No 21Woodroffe, Richard00:04:08
Winterreise - Rückblick D911 Op 89 No 8Woodroffe, Richard00:03:01
Winterreise - Wasserflut D911 Op 89 No 06Woodroffe, Richard00:04:00
Zufriedenheit "Lied" D362Woodroffe, Richard00:01:04
Zufriedenheit "Lied" D501Woodroffe, Richard00:04:03
Über allen Zauber Liebe (fragment) d682Woodroffe, Richard00:00:52

Schulze, Arthur W. (1937-), USA(5)

Chorale for Brass Quartet, Opus 36 (1967)Schulze, Arthur W.00:03:32
Little Requiem (for the little victims of abortion)Schulze, Arthur W.00:20:18
Quartet for Strings, Op. 37Schulze, Arthur W.00:13:54
Sonata for Piano No. 13 (Opus 47)Schulze, Arthur W.00:16:06
Symphony No. 1, Op.19 (1957-58)Schulze, Arthur W.00:21:01

Schumann, Clara (1819-1896), German(1)

Abendfeier in Venedig (1848)Hooper, John00:04:56

Schumann, Robert (1810-1856), German(16)

12 Symphonic Etudes For Orchestra (2006)Karageanes, Jim00:25:27
Das Paradies und die Peri (1843)Hooper, John01:29:56
Der Rekrut, Op.75, No.4Gibson, Mike00:01:48
DiechterLiebeClement, Joel00:25:25
Fantasiestucke Opus 12 (No.1)Hauck, Josh00:03:30
Fröhlicher Landmann (The Happy Farmer) (from Album for the Young, Op.68)Hall, Damien00:00:43
Humming SongHauck, Josh00:00:44
Kinderscenen (Scenes From Childhood), Op.15Hall, Damien00:13:59
Little PieceHauck, Josh00:00:44
MelodyHauck, Josh00:01:00
Op.68 No.12 (Knecht Ruprecht) or Knight RupertHauck, Josh00:01:47
Piano Quintet in Eb Major, op. 44, (1842)Richardson, Greg00:28:13
Symphony No. 2, in C maj, Op. 61 (1846), 3. Adagio espressivoBox, Ramón Pajares00:09:58
The Wild Rider from Album for the Young, Op. 68, No. 8Ciaramella, Eric00:00:26
Zigeunerleben, Op.29, No.8Hall, Damien00:03:15
Zigeunerleben, Op.29, No.8Gibson, Mike00:03:39

Schutz [Schütz], Heinrich (1585 - 1672)(7)

Cantate Dominum canticum novum SWV 81Gibson, Mike00:04:37
Christmas Story (1664) , SWV 435Hooper, John00:36:42
Deutsches MagnificatGibson, Mike00:10:40
Deutsches Magnificat (SWV 426) (1657)Hooper, John00:07:16
Lobe den Herren, meine SeeleSchleussner, Sebastian00:05:26
Psalm 100 - Jauchzet dem Herrn ( ??? )Hooper, John00:04:55
Selig sind die Toten ( 1648 )Hooper, John00:03:53

Scriabin, Alexandre Nikolayevich (1872 - 1915), Russian(4)

Etude N°1 Opus 2Clement, Joel00:02:32
Etude N°1 Opus 2Clement, Joel00:02:42
Etude N°12 Op 8Clement, Joel00:02:03
Valse in D FlatClement, Joel00:01:33

Segerstrale [Segerstråle], Martin (1984-), Finnish(4)

Symphonical Excercise 6Segerstråle, Martin00:06:08
Symphony 1, Op 10 No 1 (1999)Segerstråle, Martin00:07:29
Symphony 2, G majorSegerstråle, Martin00:17:17
Symphony 3 in C minor -Segerstråle, Martin00:21:04

Seika, Kirara (1989 - ), American(2)

Kara's Theme (2015)Seika, Kirara00:04:27
preces meæ (2016)Seika, Kirara00:02:13

Seixas, Carlos (1704-1742), Portuguese(1)

ToccataMilazzo, Carol F00:02:37

Selcuk [Selçuk], Münir Nurettin (1900-1981), Turkish(1)

Mahur Mehter MarchEkinci, Mehmet Ugur00:03:02

Senfl, Ludwig (1486-1543), Swiss(1)

Ach Elslein, liebes ElsleinHooper, John00:01:48

Sermisy, Claudin de (c.1490 - 1562), French(1)

Joyssance vous donnerayWalker, Geoff00:00:58

Sestic , Dusan (1946 - ), Bosnian(1)

The National Anthem of Bosnia and HerzegovinaWoodroffe, Richard00:01:12

Shacklady, Thomas (1914 - 2006), English(1)

O Arise All You SonsWoodroffe, Richard00:01:17

Shaffer, Jim (1946-), USA(4)

D Major FugueShaffer, Jim00:02:28
Suite #1 VirtuesShaffer, Jim00:15:16
The Esmerelda WaltzShaffer, Jim00:02:44
Trio #1 (March 2000)Shaffer, Jim00:02:08

Shaked, Itai(2)

A Dirty Rag.Shaked, Itai00:00:33
BossaShaked, Itai00:01:09

Sheasley, Keith (20thC), American(2)

Sleep GentlySheasley, Keith00:01:42
Tune "Sleep Gently" words "Go On Home"Sheasley, Keith00:01:35

Sheppard, John (1515 - 1558), English(1)

Christ Rising AgainGibson, Mike00:02:50

Sherwin, William F. (1826-1888), American(1)

Tune: Sherwin (UK) Chautauqua (U.S.)Morris, Gregory00:00:53

Silva, Adalberto Higino Tavares (1961 - ), Cape Verde(1)

Cântico da LiberdadeWoodroffe, Richard00:01:27

Silva, Francisco Manoel da (1795 - 1865), Brazilian(1)

Hino Nacional BrasileiroWoodroffe, Richard00:04:23

Simons, Moisés (1889-1945), Cuban(1)

El manisero (The peanut vendor) (1928)Spagni, Maurizio00:02:25

Sims, Damian (1991-), American(4)

Chasing Chelsey (2012)Sims, Damian00:21:32
Future (2009)Sims, Damian00:03:37
Here's To Hoping You Come After MeSims, Damian00:04:54
I Wandered Lonely As A Cloud (2010)Sims, Damian00:06:10

Sindici, Orestes (1828 - 1904), Italian/Columbian(1)

Himno Nacional De ColumbiaWoodroffe, Richard00:02:26

Sissoko, Banzoumana (1890 -1987), Malian(1)

A ton appel MaliWoodroffe, Richard00:00:56

Skalovski, Todor (1909 - 2004), Macedonian(1)

Denes Nad MakedonijaWoodroffe, Richard00:00:28

Skroup, Frantisek Jan (1801 - 1862), Polish(2)

"Kde domov muj" (1834)Prada, Lorenzo00:01:07
Kde domov muj?Woodroffe, Richard00:00:54

Smart, Henry (1813 - 1879), English(1)

The Lord hath done great thingsGibson, Mike00:06:07

Smetana, Bedrich (1824-1884), Czech (Bohemian)(9)

Bartered Bride - Dance of the ComediansBillett, Tina00:06:25
Bartered Bride - FuriantBillett, Tina00:02:24
Bartered Bride - OvertureBillett, Tina00:06:29
Bartered Bride - PolkaBillett, Tina00:04:07
Dance of the ComediansDuhon, J Eric00:05:35
From Bohemian Fields and Groves (1875)Billett, Tina00:12:19
The Bride's Lament from The Bartered Bride (1863-70)Merton, Colin00:02:50
The Moldau (1874)Billett, Tina00:12:25
To MusicRoberts, Joseph00:01:20

Smith, David S (1963 - ), USA(7)

Are You Gonna Worship (2003)Smith, David00:02:27
Come, Peaceful Spirit (2001)Smith, David00:01:05
Gentle is the Light (1999)Smith, David00:01:17
Go Now! (2002)Smith, David00:03:05
String Quartet in A minor (1996)Smith, David00:01:46
The Word (2000)Smith, David00:01:43
Why, Oh Why? (2001)Smith, David00:02:01

Smith, Don (1946 - ), American(1)

Selene's Chariot (2005)Smith, Don00:02:43

Smith, Gregor (1983 - ), Scottish(3)

Concert Band March in C (2003)Smith, Gregor00:02:40
Minature for Alto Saxophone (2003)Smith, Gregor00:01:38
Piano March in C (2002)Smith, Gregor00:02:15

Smith, Mike A.(2)

Classic BretonFierek, Rosie00:01:08
Sandy's PolkaFierek, Rosie00:00:21

Smith, Richard (1984 - ), British(6)

Kyrie (2003)Smith, Richard00:01:02
Kyrie (2003)Smith, Richard00:04:45
Magnificat (2005)Smith, Richard00:03:34
Nunc Dimittis (2005)Smith, Richard00:03:01
Overture for Piano and Light Orchestra (2004)Smith, Richard00:05:43
String Quartet (2003)Smith, Richard00:03:20

Smyth, Ethel (1858 – 1944), English(1)

Mass in D (1893)Hooper, John00:56:59

Snoer, Johannes (1868 - 1936), Dutch(2)

Mazurka op. 98Spagni, Maurizio00:02:49
Suite n.1 for harpSpagni, Maurizio00:10:38

Soares, Artur Penha (1984 - ), Brazil(2)

Fantasy in B- for String Quartet, 1st movement. (2000).Soares, Artur Penha00:05:51
Sonatina in C for Piano, Violoncello and Flute (2000).Soares, Artur Penha00:10:19

Soepratman, Wage Rudolf (1903 - 1938), Indonesian(1)

Indonesia RayaWoodroffe, Richard00:01:29

Sokol, Matt (1991 - )(2)

Blues for one, 2004Sokol, Matt00:01:32
Eclipse, 2004Sokol, Matt00:01:49

Soltis, John (1986 -) Irish, German(1)

"Sunny Weather(Kaya's Thoughts)" 2004Soltis, John00:01:28

Somervell, Arthur Sir (1863-1937), English(2)

Maud Has A GardenScerri, Albert00:01:43
O Saviour of the worldScerri, Albert00:01:32

Sontonga, Enoch Mankayi (1873 - 1905), African(2)

Mungi ibariki AfricaWoodroffe, Richard00:01:08
Stand and Sing of Zambia, Proud and FreeWoodroffe, Richard00:02:02

Sor, Fernando (1778-1839), Spanish French(9)

"Oh cara armonia" Op. 9Spagni, Maurizio00:07:19
Allegretto scherzoso op. 4 n. 4Spagni, Maurizio00:02:03
Introduction and variations on a theme by Mozart (Op. 9)Spagni, Maurizio00:05:50
RomanceGuix, Joseph00:02:27
Study in B minorNachbaur, Fred00:03:02
Study in C majorNachbaur, Fred00:02:04
Study in E-flat majorNachbaur, Fred00:05:22
Study in G majorNachbaur, Fred00:02:46
Vals op. 32, n. 2Spagni, Maurizio00:01:29

Sounthonevichit, Thongdy (1905 - 1968), Laos(1)

Pheng Xat LaoWoodroffe, Richard00:00:57

Sousa, John Philip (1854-1932), USA(37)

Ancient and Honorable Artillery Company - 1924Dyer, William D00:02:15
Beau Ideal - 1893Dyer, William D00:03:22
Belle of ChicagoDyer, William D00:02:11
Black Horse Troop (1924)Dyer, William D00:03:23
Corcoran Cadets - 1890Dyer, William D00:02:55
Daughters of Texas (1929)Dyer, William D00:03:16
El CapitanStruys, Peter00:02:11
Esprit du CorpsDyer, William D00:02:28
Fairest of the Fair (1908)Dyer, William D00:03:32
Free Lance/On to Victory (1906)Dyer, William D00:04:14
Gallant Seventh - 1922Dyer, William D00:02:56
George Washington Bicentennial (1930)Dyer, William D00:03:22
Gladiator (1886)Dyer, William D00:02:41
Gladiator March (1886)Karageanes, Jim00:02:44
Glory of the Yankee Navy (1909)Dyer, William D00:03:16
Golden Jubilee (1928)Dyer, William D00:03:24
Hail to the Spirit of Liberty (1900)Dyer, William D00:03:16
Kansas Wildcats (1931)Dyer, William D00:02:27
King CottonStruys, Peter00:02:37
King Cotton (1894)Dyer, William D00:02:44
Liberty Bell marchDyer, William D00:03:32
Manhattan BeachStruys, Peter00:02:00
Medley QuadrilleClemente, Sergio Moliner00:03:53
National Game - 1925Dyer, William D00:02:47
New MexicoDyer, William D00:02:48
Nobles of the Mystic Shrine March (1923)Karageanes, Jim00:03:18
Revival March - 1876Dyer, William D00:03:03
Sabre and SpursStruys, Peter00:02:59
Semper Fidelis - 1888Dyer, William D00:02:39
Sound Off (1885)Dyer, William D00:02:33
Stars and Stripes ForeverHauck, Josh00:03:19
The Crusader (1888)Dyer, William D00:03:02
The George Washington Bicentennial March (1930)Karageanes, Jim00:03:24
The Rifle Regiment (1886)Dyer, William D00:03:06
The Stars and Stripes ForeverDuhon, J Eric00:03:32
The Stars and Stripes Forever (1896)Karageanes, Jim00:03:49
The Washington PostStruys, Peter00:02:19

Spohr, Louis (1784-1859), German(13)

Calvary Overture.White, John H00:06:01
Nonet in F, Op 31 for wind and strings.White, John H00:32:14
Overture to the opera Faust.(Faust Overture,1813)White, John H00:05:00
Piano Trio No 3 in A minor Op. 124White, John H00:28:37
Piano Trio No 5 in G minor, Op 142.White, John H00:26:25
Quintet in C minor for Flute, Clarinet, Horn, Bassoon & Piano, Op 52.White, John H00:32:37
String Quartet No.8 in C major Opus 29, No.2White, John H00:22:28
String Quartet No3 in D minor, Op.1(Quatuor Brillant No.1). Composed 1806.White, John H00:17:29
String Quartet No 35 in Eb, Op. 155 (1856)White, John H00:16:31
Symphony No. 2 in D minor Op. 49 (1820)White, John H00:30:16
Symphony No. 5 in C minor Op.102 (1837)White, John H00:30:04
Symphony No 4 in F major "Die Weihe der Tone"(1832)White, John H00:43:23
The Last Judgement (1830)Hooper, John01:13:09

Stafford-Smith, John (1750-1836)(3)

Star Spangled BannerSerna, Michael00:00:56
Star Spangled BannerAdlon, Jeff00:01:11
Star Spangled BannerPurdam, Andrew00:01:01

Stainer, John (1840-1901), English(5)

God so loved the worldGibson, Mike00:02:47
I saw the LordGibson, Mike00:05:55
I saw the LordHooper, John00:06:41
Lead Kindly LightGibson, Mike00:07:31
The Crucifixion, 1887Hooper, John01:02:09

Stanford, Charles Villiers (1852-1924)(30)

Benedictus in B flatGibson, Mike00:04:30
Coronation GloriaGibson, Mike00:05:20
For lo, I raise up (1939)Hooper, John00:07:25
How beauteous are their feet (1932)Hooper, John00:03:45
How beauteous are thy feetGibson, Mike00:03:35
If ye then be risen with ChristGibson, Mike00:08:34
I heard a voice from heaven (1886)Hooper, John00:04:24
Jubilate DeoGibson, Mike00:02:49
Jubilate in C (Op115) (1909)Hooper, John00:03:03
Latin Magnificat (Op164) (1919)Hooper, John00:11:06
Magnificat & Nunc dimittis in A (Op12) (??)Hooper, John00:10:34
Magnificat & Nunc dimittis in B flat (Op. 10) (1902)Hooper, John00:06:20
Magnificat & Nunc dimittis in C (Op. 115) (1909)Hooper, John00:07:45
Magnificat & Nunc dimittis in G (Op. 81) (1905)Hooper, John00:07:44
Magnificat in GGibson, Mike00:03:32
Mass Via Victrix (1919)Hooper, John01:03:29
Nunc Dimittis in GGibson, Mike00:04:17
Oh! For a closer walk with God (1910)Hooper, John00:03:10
O living willGibson, Mike00:03:19
Phaudrig crohoore (1896)Hooper, John00:22:41
Songs of the Fleet (1910)Hooper, John00:22:52
Songs of the Fleet Op. 117Woodroffe, Richard00:20:43
Te Deum in B flatGibson, Mike00:06:27
Te Deum in B Flat (Op10) (1879)Hooper, John00:05:20
Te Deum in C (Op115) (1909)Hooper, John00:07:41
The BluebirdGibson, Mike00:02:19
The Blue Bird (1910)Hooper, John00:03:45
The HavenGibson, Mike00:01:45
Three motets (Op38)Hooper, John00:07:43
Ye Choirs of new Jerusalem (about 1910)Hooper, John00:05:50

Steele, Henry (?), English(1)

Slippery FingersWoodroffe, Richard00:01:45

Steffe, William (circa 1830 - 1890)(1)

Mine Eyes Have Seen the GloryDuhon, J Eric00:08:10

Steggall, Charles (1826 - 1905), English(1)

Remember now thy creatorHooper, John00:06:03

Steibelt, Daniel Gottlieb (1765-1823), German(1)

Twelve waltzes for the pianoforte or harp Op. 34Spagni, Maurizio00:19:40

Sterndale Bennett, William(1816-1875), English(2)

"The Naiades" Concert Overture.White, John H00:15:00
God is a SpiritGibson, M00:01:53

Steuerlein, Johann (1546-1613), German(1)

Mit Lieb bin ich umfangenSee Comments00:00:55

Stevenson, Sir John Andrew (1761 - 1833), Irish(1)

The Last Rose Of SummerScerri, Albert00:02:33

Stone, Robert (1516 – 1613)(1)

The Lord's Prayer (1565)Hooper, John00:01:15

Stonings, Henry (16th C), English(1)

Browning My DearWalker, Geoff00:02:06

Stradella, Alessandro (1639 - 1682), Italian(3)

Il Floridoro - Col mio sangue comprareiScerri, Albert00:05:20
Kanzonetta - So ben che mi saettanoScerri, Albert00:02:37
Pieta SignoreScerri, Albert00:06:18

Strakosch, Maurice (1825 - 1887), Moravian(2)

Giovanna Di Napoli - Ah Un Sol Tuo RisoScerri, Albert00:03:20
Giovanna Di Napoli - Tre Lunghi E Miseri AnniScerri, Albert00:01:23

Strauss, Eduard (1835-1916), Austrian(37)

Alpenrose Polka, Op. 127Vanbrabant, Bertrand00:03:23
Augensprache - Polka française, Op. 119Vanbrabant, Bertrand00:03:31
Bahn Frei ! Polka Op. 45Vanbrabant, Bertrand00:02:11
Bruder Studio! - Polka française, Op. 78Vanbrabant, Bertrand00:04:21
Carmen - Quadrille, Op. 134Vanbrabant, Bertrand00:05:12
Carnevalsgruss - Polka Mazur, Op. 8Vanbrabant, Bertrand00:04:42
Colombine - Polka Mazur, Op. 89Vanbrabant, Bertrand00:03:31
Das Leben ist doch schön, Op. 150 - WalzerVanbrabant, Bertrand00:06:37
Die Hochquelle - Polka Mazur, Op. 114Vanbrabant, Bertrand00:04:18
Eisblüme - Polka Mazur, Op. 55Vanbrabant, Bertrand00:04:30
Fatinitza - Quadrille, Op 136Vanbrabant, Bertrand00:06:02
Flottes Leben, Polka française, Op. 115Vanbrabant, Bertrand00:02:52
Froh Durch Die Ganze Welt, Op. 43Vanbrabant, Bertrand00:02:36
Gruss an Prag - Polka française, Op. 144Vanbrabant, Bertrand00:03:23
Hectograph Polka, Op. 186Vanbrabant, Bertrand00:02:19
Helenen – Quadrille, Op. 14Vanbrabant, Bertrand00:05:31
Herz An Herz - Polka Mazur, Op. 27Vanbrabant, Bertrand00:02:59
Ideal (Mes sentiments) - Polka française, Op. 1Vanbrabant, Bertrand00:03:31
Kleine Chronik - Polka Schnell, Op. 128Vanbrabant, Bertrand00:02:26
Knall und Fall Polka, Op. 132Vanbrabant, Bertrand00:03:22
Mit Chic, Polka schnell, Op. 221Vanbrabant, Bertrand00:01:54
Mit Dampf - Polka, Op. 70Vanbrabant, Bertrand00:02:21
Mit Der Strömung - Polka Française, Op. 174Vanbrabant, Bertrand00:03:17
Mädchenlaune - Polka, Op. 99Vanbrabant, Bertrand00:03:17
Märzveilchen, Polka française, Op. 129Vanbrabant, Bertrand00:04:39
Nach Kurzer Rast, Op. 100Vanbrabant, Bertrand00:01:53
Ohne Aufenthalt, Op. 112Vanbrabant, Bertrand00:02:03
Pest-Ofener-Eissport-Galopp, Op. 96Vanbrabant, Bertrand00:02:40
Serenade - Polka mazur, Op. 66Vanbrabant, Bertrand00:03:53
Telephon - Polka française, Op. 165Vanbrabant, Bertrand00:03:14
Thauperle - Polka Mazur, Op. 42Vanbrabant, Bertrand00:05:29
Unter der Enns – Polka schnell, Op. 121Vanbrabant, Bertrand00:02:19
Weit Aus! Op. 81Vanbrabant, Bertrand00:02:09
Wien Über Alles – Op. 172Vanbrabant, Bertrand00:02:01
Wo man lacht und lebt, Op. 108Vanbrabant, Bertrand00:02:08
Über Feld und Wiese, Op. 138Vanbrabant, Bertrand00:02:36
Über Stock und Stein - Polka schnell, Op. 53Vanbrabant, Bertrand00:02:38

Strauss, Johann II (1825-1899), Austrian(91)

"Annen-Polka" Op. 117Vanbrabant, Bertrand00:03:56
"Auf Der Jagd" Op. 373Vanbrabant, Bertrand00:02:19
"Persian March" Op. 289Vanbrabant, Bertrand00:01:54
"Thunder and Lightning Polka" Op. 324Vanbrabant, Bertrand00:03:11
"Tritsch-Tratsch-Polka" Op. 214Vanbrabant, Bertrand00:02:48
'Explosions - Polka' Op. 43Vanbrabant, Bertrand00:02:03
'Leichtes Blut' Op. 319Vanbrabant, Bertrand00:02:30
'S gibt nur a Kaiserstadt, 's gibt nur a Wien, Op. 291Vanbrabant, Bertrand00:03:53
An der schönen, blauen Donau Waltz for full orchestra Op. 314 (Blue Danube)Lim, Robert00:13:19
An der schönen blauen Donau, Op. 314Vanbrabant, Bertrand00:09:33
Artist's LifeScerri, Albert00:02:40
Aufs Korn! - Marsch, Op. 478Vanbrabant, Bertrand00:02:08
Auf zum Tanze! Op. 436Vanbrabant, Bertrand00:03:19
Ballsträusschen Polka, Op. 380Vanbrabant, Bertrand00:02:27
Banditen-Galopp, Op. 378Vanbrabant, Bertrand00:02:41
Beautiful Blue DanubeScerri, Albert00:02:12
Bluette - Polka française, Op. 271Vanbrabant, Bertrand00:03:48
Bonbon - Polka française, Op. 213Vanbrabant, Bertrand00:03:50
Cagliostro-Walzer Op. 370Spagni, Maurizio00:11:55
Damenspende - Polka française, Op. 305Vanbrabant, Bertrand00:03:00
Das Comitat geht in die Höh' Op. 457Vanbrabant, Bertrand00:02:39
Deutsch-Meister Jubiläums Marsch op. 470Clemente, Sergio Moliner00:02:59
Deutschmeister Jubiläums - Marsch, Op. 470Vanbrabant, Bertrand00:02:51
Die Bajadere, Op. 351Vanbrabant, Bertrand00:02:11
Die Fledermaus (Act I.)Clement, Joel00:42:03
Die Fledermaus - OvertureVanbrabant, Bertrand00:07:54
Die Frühlingsstimmen Walzer, Op. 410 (Voices of Spring)Vanbrabant, Bertrand00:06:23
Die Wahrsagerin - Polka Mazur, Op. 420Vanbrabant, Bertrand00:04:32
Ein Herz, ein Sinn, Polka Mazurka - Op. 323Vanbrabant, Bertrand00:05:20
Einzugsmarsch, Op. 327, Aus Der ZigeunerbaronVanbrabant, Bertrand00:02:55
Electrophor – Polka, Op. 297Vanbrabant, Bertrand00:02:23
Elektro-Magnetische Polka, Op. 110Vanbrabant, Bertrand00:02:25
Elisen - Polka française, Op. 151Vanbrabant, Bertrand00:02:52
Eljen a Magyar Op. 332Struys, Peter00:02:17
Entweder-Oder!, Op. 403Vanbrabant, Bertrand00:02:58
Etwas Kleines - Polka française, Op. 190Vanbrabant, Bertrand00:02:56
Express-Polka, Op. 311Vanbrabant, Bertrand00:02:42
Figaro-Polka, Op. 320Vanbrabant, Bertrand00:03:30
Fledermaus - Polka, Op. 362Vanbrabant, Bertrand00:04:15
Freikugeln, Op. 326Vanbrabant, Bertrand00:02:44
Frisch heran! Op. 386Vanbrabant, Bertrand00:02:33
Furioso polka, Quasi Galopp, Op. 260Vanbrabant, Bertrand00:02:16
Geschichten aus dem Wienerwald Op.325Spagni, Maurizio00:12:33
Groß-Wien Walzer, Op. 440Vanbrabant, Bertrand00:07:39
Gruß aus Österreich - Polka mazur, Op. 359Vanbrabant, Bertrand00:03:37
Habsburg Hoch ! Marsch, Op. 408Vanbrabant, Bertrand00:03:19
Im Sturmschritt – Polka, Op. 348Vanbrabant, Bertrand00:02:21
I Tipferl – Polka française, Op. 377Vanbrabant, Bertrand00:04:44
Juristen-Ball Polka, Op. 280Vanbrabant, Bertrand00:02:55
Kaiser - Walzer, Op. 437Vanbrabant, Bertrand00:10:26
Kaiser Franz Joseph I, Rettungs-Jubel-MarschVanbrabant, Bertrand00:03:14
Kammerball - Polka Schnell, Op. 230Vanbrabant, Bertrand00:02:32
Klipp - Klapp Galopp, Op. 466Vanbrabant, Bertrand00:02:31
Kriegsabenteuer Polka, Op.419Vanbrabant, Bertrand00:02:56
Lob der Frauen, Polka-mazur Op. 315Vanbrabant, Bertrand00:03:52
Louischen - Polka française, Op. 339Vanbrabant, Bertrand00:03:41
Luzifer Polka, Op. 266Vanbrabant, Bertrand00:02:37
Morgenblätter - Walzer, Op. 279Vanbrabant, Bertrand00:09:05
Morgenblätter Op. 279Spagni, Maurizio00:09:39
Mutig Voran! Op. 432Vanbrabant, Bertrand00:03:02
Nachtigall Polka, Op. 222Vanbrabant, Bertrand00:03:23
Neues Leben - Polka française, Op. 278Vanbrabant, Bertrand00:03:01
Nur Fort! Op. 383Vanbrabant, Bertrand00:03:11
Opern Maskenball-Quadrille, Op. 384Vanbrabant, Bertrand00:05:18
Par Force - Polka, Op. 308Vanbrabant, Bertrand00:02:30
Perpetuum Mobile Op. 257Vanbrabant, Bertrand00:02:50
Reitermarsch, Op. 428Vanbrabant, Bertrand00:02:34
Rosen aus dem Süden - Walzer, Op. 388Vanbrabant, Bertrand00:09:32
Rosen aus dem Süden Op. 388Spagni, Maurizio00:10:08
Sangue Viennese or Wiener Blut op. 354 - 1873Scerri, Albert00:02:37
Sans-Souci - Polka française, Op. 178Vanbrabant, Bertrand00:03:42
Schatz-Walzer, Op 418Vanbrabant, Bertrand00:07:32
Scherz - Polka, Op. 72Vanbrabant, Bertrand00:03:17
Schützen - QuadrilleVanbrabant, Bertrand00:05:44
So ängstlich sind wir nicht! - Op. 413Vanbrabant, Bertrand00:02:21
Spanischer Marsch Op. 433Vanbrabant, Bertrand00:04:47
Stadt und Land - Polka Mazur, Op. 322Vanbrabant, Bertrand00:04:22
Stürmisch in Lieb' und Tanz, Op. 393Vanbrabant, Bertrand00:02:24
Tausend und eine Nacht - Walzer, Op. 346Vanbrabant, Bertrand00:08:07
Tritsch-Tratsch PolkaJoyce, Alfred00:03:48
Unter Donner und Blitz(Thunder and lightning), Op.324Light, B R00:03:09
Violetta, Polka Française Op. 404Vanbrabant, Bertrand00:03:57
Vom Donaustrande, Polka Op.356Vanbrabant, Bertrand00:02:56
Was sich liebt, neckt sich - Polka-française, Op. 399Vanbrabant, Bertrand00:04:03
Wein, Weib und Gesang, Op. 333Vanbrabant, Bertrand00:06:08
Wiener Bonbons - Walzer, Op. 307Vanbrabant, Bertrand00:08:55
Wildfeuer - Polka française, Op. 313Vanbrabant, Bertrand00:03:53
Zivio - Marsch, Op. 456Vanbrabant, Bertrand00:02:58
Éljen a Magyar, Op. 332Vanbrabant, Bertrand00:03:04
‘Tik-Tak Polka’ Op. 365Vanbrabant, Bertrand00:02:35
‘Vergnügungszug’ Op. 281Vanbrabant, Bertrand00:03:08

Strauss, Johann II (1825-1899), AustrianStrauss, Josef (1827-1870), Austrian(2)

"Pizzicato Polka" Op. 449Vanbrabant, Bertrand00:02:27
Vaterländischer MarschVanbrabant, Bertrand00:03:18

Strauss, Johann Snr (1804-1849), Austrian(22)

"Radetzky March". Op. 228Vanbrabant, Bertrand00:02:59
Alice polka, Op. 238Vanbrabant, Bertrand00:02:56
Almacks - Quadrille, Op. 243Vanbrabant, Bertrand00:05:11
Cachucha - Galopp, Op. 97Vanbrabant, Bertrand00:02:05
Carolinen Galopp, Op. 21Vanbrabant, Bertrand00:02:35
Chineser - Galopp, Op. 20Vanbrabant, Bertrand00:01:48
Der Carneval in Paris, Op.100Vanbrabant, Bertrand00:02:25
Frederika - Polka, Op. 239Vanbrabant, Bertrand00:02:58
Freiheits Marsch, Op. 226Vanbrabant, Bertrand00:02:30
Furioso - Galopp, Op. 114Vanbrabant, Bertrand00:02:56
Gitana Galop, Op. 108Vanbrabant, Bertrand00:02:48
Haute volée Quadrille, Op. 142Vanbrabant, Bertrand00:06:43
Heiter auch in ernster Zeit - Walzer, Op. 48Vanbrabant, Bertrand00:06:09
Indianer-Galopp, Op. 111Vanbrabant, Bertrand00:02:24
Jellacic - Marsch, Op. 244Vanbrabant, Bertrand00:03:06
Jugendfeuer - Galopp, Op. 90Vanbrabant, Bertrand00:02:32
Kettenbrücke - Walzer, Op. 4Vanbrabant, Bertrand00:05:01
Krönungs-Walzer, Op. 91Vanbrabant, Bertrand00:07:12
Najaden - Quadrille, Op. 206Vanbrabant, Bertrand00:05:34
Sperl-Galopp, Op. 42Vanbrabant, Bertrand00:02:04
Wiener-Gemüths Walzer, Op. 116Vanbrabant, Bertrand00:06:57
Wilhelm Tell-Galopp, Op. 29bVanbrabant, Bertrand00:01:34

Strauss, Josef (1827-1870), Austrian(84)

Amanda – Polka Mazur, Op. 72Vanbrabant, Bertrand00:05:07
Amazonen - Quadrille, Op. 118Vanbrabant, Bertrand00:05:46
Aquarellen - Walzer, Op. 258Vanbrabant, Bertrand00:07:27
Arm In Arm – Polka mazur, Op. 215Vanbrabant, Bertrand00:04:45
Auf Ferienreisen - Polka, Op. 135Vanbrabant, Bertrand00:02:32
Aus der Ferne, Polka mazur Op. 270Vanbrabant, Bertrand00:04:47
Bauern - Polka mazur, Op. 10Vanbrabant, Bertrand00:05:13
Benedek-Marsch, Op. 199Vanbrabant, Bertrand00:02:39
Bivouac - Quadrille, Op. 58Vanbrabant, Bertrand00:05:22
Blaubart - Quadrille, Op. 206Vanbrabant, Bertrand00:06:04
Blitz-Polka, Op. 106Vanbrabant, Bertrand00:02:48
Bouquet-Polka, Op. 188Vanbrabant, Bertrand00:01:50
Brennende liebe - Polka Mazur, Op. 129Vanbrabant, Bertrand00:05:03
Buchstaben - Polka française, Op. 252Vanbrabant, Bertrand00:03:54
Concordia – Polka française, Op. 257Vanbrabant, Bertrand00:03:05
Delirien Walzer, Op.212Vanbrabant, Bertrand00:08:25
Die Gazelle - Polka Mazur, Op. 155Vanbrabant, Bertrand00:04:13
Die Grossherzogin von Gerolstein - Quadrille, Op. 223Vanbrabant, Bertrand00:05:16
Die Lachtaube - Polka mazur, Op. 117Vanbrabant, Bertrand00:04:03
Die Libelle, Polka Mazur – Op. 204Vanbrabant, Bertrand00:04:15
Die Naßwalderin - Polka mazur, Op. 267Vanbrabant, Bertrand00:05:18
Die Schwebende - Polka-Mazur, Op. 110Vanbrabant, Bertrand00:04:41
Die Soubrette, Op.109Vanbrabant, Bertrand00:02:46
Die Spinnerin - Polka française, Op. 192Vanbrabant, Bertrand00:03:31
Die Tanzende Muse, Op. 266Vanbrabant, Bertrand00:04:25
Dithyrambe - Polka mazur, Op 236Vanbrabant, Bertrand00:03:56
Dorfschwalben aus Österreich - Walzer, Op. 164Vanbrabant, Bertrand00:08:46
Dornbacher Rendez-vous-Polka, Op. 107Vanbrabant, Bertrand00:02:41
Eingesendet Polka, Op. 240Vanbrabant, Bertrand00:01:59
En passant - Polka française, Op. 273Vanbrabant, Bertrand00:03:36
Extempore - Polka française, Op. 241Vanbrabant, Bertrand00:03:22
Farewell Polka, Op. 211Vanbrabant, Bertrand00:02:16
Fashion - Polka française, Op. 165Vanbrabant, Bertrand00:03:16
Feuerfest Polka, Op. 269Vanbrabant, Bertrand00:02:58
For Ever - Polka, Op. 193Vanbrabant, Bertrand00:02:31
Frauenherz, Polka mazur Op. 166Vanbrabant, Bertrand00:04:41
Frauenwürde Walzer, Op. 277Vanbrabant, Bertrand00:08:20
Frisch auf ! - Polka Mazur, Op. 177Vanbrabant, Bertrand00:04:02
Harlekin - Polka schnell, Op. 48Vanbrabant, Bertrand00:02:58
Heiterer Muth - Polka française, Op. 281Vanbrabant, Bertrand00:02:47
Herzbeamerl - Polka mazur, Op. 31Vanbrabant, Bertrand00:04:35
Immergrün - Polka mazur, Op. 88Vanbrabant, Bertrand00:03:29
Jockey-Polka, Op. 278Vanbrabant, Bertrand00:02:03
Jocus - Polka, Op. 216Vanbrabant, Bertrand00:01:55
Jucker-Polka, Op. 27Vanbrabant, Bertrand00:02:12
Kakadu - Quadrille, Op. 276Vanbrabant, Bertrand00:05:37
Künstlergruß - Polka française, Op. 274Vanbrabant, Bertrand00:02:49
La Chevaleresque - Polka mazur, Op. 42Vanbrabant, Bertrand00:02:50
Lanciers - Quadrille, Op. 64Vanbrabant, Bertrand00:03:41
Laxenburger – Polka, Op. 60Vanbrabant, Bertrand00:02:49
Les Géorgiennes - Quadrille, Op. 168Vanbrabant, Bertrand00:05:32
Lock - Polka française, Op. 233Vanbrabant, Bertrand00:03:06
Margherita - Polka française, Op. 244Vanbrabant, Bertrand00:03:41
Matrosen – Polka, Op. 52Vanbrabant, Bertrand00:02:26
Mein Lebenslauf ist Lieb' und Lust - Walzer, Op. 263Vanbrabant, Bertrand00:07:24
Mille fleurs - Polka française, Op. 4aVanbrabant, Bertrand00:03:01
Minerva - Polka Mazur, Op. 67Vanbrabant, Bertrand00:04:29
Nachtschatten - Polka Mazur, Op. 229Vanbrabant, Bertrand00:04:06
Ohne Sorgen, Op. 271Vanbrabant, Bertrand00:02:05
Paulien - Polka mazur, Op. 190Vanbrabant, Bertrand00:03:53
Phonix - Marsch, Op. 105Vanbrabant, Bertrand00:02:37
Plappermäulchen - Polka Schnell, Op. 245Vanbrabant, Bertrand00:03:08
Policinello - Quadrille, Op. 21Vanbrabant, Bertrand00:05:01
Punsch - Polka française, Op. 9Vanbrabant, Bertrand00:04:05
Saus und Braus Polka, Op 69Vanbrabant, Bertrand00:01:47
Schabernack Polka, Op. 98Vanbrabant, Bertrand00:02:26
Seraphinen - Polka française, Op. 125Vanbrabant, Bertrand00:03:06
Sphären-Klänge Walzer, Op. 235Vanbrabant, Bertrand00:08:49
Steeplechase - Polka Schnell, Op. 43Vanbrabant, Bertrand00:02:11
Stegreif - Quadrille, Op. 80Vanbrabant, Bertrand00:05:06
Stiefmütterchen - Polka-Mazur, Op. 183Vanbrabant, Bertrand00:04:07
Tanz-Prioritäten Walzer, Op. 280Vanbrabant, Bertrand00:07:18
Tanz - Regulator, Polka française, Op. 238Vanbrabant, Bertrand00:03:10
Tarantel Polka, Op. 6Vanbrabant, Bertrand00:02:20
Titi-Polka, Op. 15Vanbrabant, Bertrand00:02:48
Touristen - Quadrille, Op. 130Vanbrabant, Bertrand00:04:51
Turner - Quadrille, Op. 92Vanbrabant, Bertrand00:05:33
Une Pensée – Polka mazur, Op. 35Vanbrabant, Bertrand00:04:20
Victoria - Polka française, Op. 228Vanbrabant, Bertrand00:03:05
Vorwärts! – Polka, Op. 127Vanbrabant, Bertrand00:02:39
Vélocipède, Polka Schnell, Op. 259Vanbrabant, Bertrand00:02:12
Wiener leben - Polka française, Op. 218Vanbrabant, Bertrand00:03:01
Winterlust - Polka Schnell, Op. 121Vanbrabant, Bertrand00:02:41
Österreichischer Kronprinzen-Marsch, Op. 59Vanbrabant, Bertrand00:02:05

Strauss, Richard (1864-1949), German(1)

Also Sprach Zarathustra - Sonnenaufgang (Sunrise)Woodroffe, Richard00:01:46

Stravinsky, Igor (1882-1970), Russian(1)

Rag Music for The Hutchins Consort (2004)Karageanes, Jim00:03:16

Stromberg, John (1853-1902), American(2)

Hurly-Burly - Moonlight SerenadeScerri, Albert00:03:50
Kiss Me Honey, DoScerri, Albert00:02:29

Strozzi, Barbara (1619--1677), Italian(1)

Begli occhiSchleussner, Sebastian00:03:41

Suhadi, Hazim (1988 - )(1)

The Dwarves' DanceSuhadi, Hazim00:01:00

Sullivan, Sir Arthur (1842-1900), English(51)

All This Night Bright Angels SingRoberts, Joseph00:02:07
Angel Voices, Ever SingingRoberts, Joseph00:02:30
A Private BuffoonRoberts, Joseph00:03:01
Arabian Love SongScerri, Albert00:03:23
Brightly dawns our wedding day (Sing a merry madrigal) (1885), from The MikadoHooper, John00:03:30
Dance a CachuchaRoberts, Joseph00:01:59
EveningRoberts, Joseph00:02:11
Faint Heart Never Won Fair LadyRoberts, Joseph00:02:22
H.M.S Pinafore - Many Years AgoScerri, Albert00:02:04
He Is An EnglishmanRoberts, Joseph00:01:28
Ho, Jolly Jenkin!Roberts, Joseph00:03:14
Iolanthe, from the Finale to Act INachbaur, Fred00:02:20
John Wellington WellsRoberts, Joseph00:02:11
Love is a Plaintive SongRoberts, Joseph00:02:32
Mikado Galop from Gilbert & Sullivan's Operetta "The Mikado"Clemente, Sergio Moliner00:02:16
My dearest heartScerri, Albert00:02:52
Nightmare SongRoberts, Joseph00:03:40
O Gladsome LightRoberts, Joseph00:04:13
Oh, happy the lily (1887), from RuddigoreHooper, John00:01:28
O Hush Thee, My BabieRoberts, Joseph00:02:56
Once AgainScerri, Albert00:03:12
Overture from the MikadoHall, A. Christopher00:07:41
Overture in C -- "In Memoriam"Roberts, Joseph00:11:36
Poor Wandering OneRoberts, Joseph00:02:44
Strange adventure (1888), from Yeomen of the GuardHooper, John00:01:48
Take a Pair of Sparkling EyesRoberts, Joseph00:02:55
Tears, Idle TearsRoberts, Joseph00:03:04
The Elements (Lehrer)Woodroffe, Richard00:01:42
The Elements (Lehrer - brought up to date - 118 elements)Woodroffe, Richard00:01:42
The Golden Legend - CompleteRoberts, Joseph01:28:30
The Last Night of the YearRoberts, Joseph00:02:58
The Long Day ClosesRoberts, Joseph00:03:11
The Long Day closes (1868)Hooper, John00:02:53
The Long Day Closes (TTBB)Roberts, Joseph00:03:33
The Lost ChordBarham, Christopher00:02:50
The Magnet and the ChurnRoberts, Joseph00:02:00
The Mikado (or The Town of Titipu) OvertureCohen, Jesse00:07:47
The Mikado - I've Got Him On The ListScerri, Albert00:02:05
The Prodigal Son (1869)Hooper, John00:55:49
The Rose of Persia -- MadrigalRoberts, Joseph00:02:27
The Sisters (~1880)White, John H and Roberts Joe00:02:22
The Sun Whose RaysRoberts, Joseph00:02:14
The Wind and the WetRoberts, Joseph00:03:23
The Yeomen of the Guard - OvertureRoberts, Joseph00:05:00
Three little maids from school are we (from "The Mikado")Struys, Peter00:01:36
Trial by Jury (1875)Hooper, John00:33:44
Were I Thy BrideRoberts, Joseph00:01:59
When a Man has been a Naughty Baronet , 1887Lunt, Travis00:02:21
When Britain Really Ruled the WavesRoberts, Joseph00:02:23
When the night wind howls (1887), from RuddigoreHooper, John00:03:03
Woo a Fair MaidRoberts, Joseph00:03:05

Summers, Joseph (1843 -1916), British(1)

PalmyraMoffatt, Stuart00:02:05

Suppe [Suppé], Franz von (1819 - 1895), Austrian(6)

Boccaccio - Have I Only Thy Love (Hab Ich Nur Deine Liebe)Scerri, Albert00:01:44
Fatinitza - Dream SongScerri, Albert00:02:11
Fatinitza - Lydia's Bell SongScerri, Albert00:01:55
Fatinitza - Lydia's Sleighing SongScerri, Albert00:02:30
Light Cavalry OvertureHall, Damien00:06:42
Serenata De Los Maridos (Husbands' Serenade)Scerri, Albert00:01:21

Susato, Tielman (c1500 - c1561), Flemish(4)

AllemaigneHenderson, AJ00:01:07
La BatailleHenderson, AJ00:02:34
Pavane "La Bataille"Guix, Joseph00:02:39
Ronde & SaltarelloSpagni, Maurizio00:01:30

Suter, Hermann (1870-1926), Swiss(1)

Le Laudi, 1923Hooper, John01:07:57

Sveinbjörnsson, Sveinbjörn (1847 - 1927), Icelandic(1)

LofsöngurWoodroffe, Richard00:00:46

Sweeley, Charles C.(1)

Repasz BandButler, John C00:02:55

Sweelinck, Jan Pieterszoon (1562-1621), Dutch(9)

Chromatic FantasiaHicks, Grant00:07:37
Echo Fantasy No. 3 (Aeolian)Grasset, Yves00:03:44
FantasiaAlberga, Cyril N00:07:32
Gaudete omnes (1619)Hooper, John00:03:12
Hodie Christus natus est (1619)Hooper, John00:04:10
Hodie Christus natus est (1619)Hicks, Grant00:02:57
Laudate Dominum (1619)Hooper, John00:02:17
Magnificat (1619)Hooper, John00:04:48
Ut, re, mi, fa, sol, la. a 4 vociAlberga, Cyril N00:07:49

Süssmayr, Franz Xaver (1766 - 1803), German(1)

Missa Solemnis in D Major (1795-1802)Hooper, John00:29:24

Tagore, Rabindranath (1861 - 1941), Indian(2)

Amar Shonar BanglaWoodroffe, Richard00:02:42
Jana-Gana-ManaWoodroffe, Richard00:01:05

Talisman, Rebecca (1989), American(3)

Another Baroque SongTalisman, Rebecca00:01:27
Aunt Jemima (The Bad Pop Song) (2004)Talisman, Rebecca00:01:42
Winter SongTalisman, Rebecca00:03:22

Tallis, Thomas (c.1505-1585), English(17)

9 Psalm Tunes for Archbishop Parker's Psalter 3rd tune: Psalm 2Porter, Warren00:00:46
Fond youth is a bubbleGibson, Mike00:01:09
If Ye Love MeGibson, Mike00:01:52
In jejunio et fletu (1575)Hooper, John00:04:45
Lamentationsof JeremiahSchleussner, Sebastian00:14:37
Like as the doleful doveGibson, Mike00:01:04
Loquebantur variis linguisHooper, John00:03:59
Loquebantur variis linguisGibson, Mike00:01:34
Magnificat and Nunc dimittis, from the Short Service (Dorian mode) (first published 1760)Hooper, John00:04:45
Mass for four voices (1575)Hooper, John00:19:45
O Lord, give thy Holy SpiritGibson, Mike00:01:33
O Lord, give thy Holy Spirit ( about 1641 )Hooper, John00:02:15
O Nata LuxGibson, Mike00:01:00
O ye tender babesGibson, Mike00:01:06
Salvator MundiGibson, Mike00:02:22
Salvator mundi ( 1575 )Hooper, John00:02:17
When shall my sorrowful sighing slakeGibson, Mike00:01:34

Tansur, William (1700--1783), English(1)

Den kärlek du till världen barSchleussner, Sebastian00:00:18

Tarrega, Francisco (1854-1909), Spain(5)

Estudio Brilliante De AlardHyman, Tony00:01:35
Gran ValsGierlinsk, Mareki00:03:02
Lagrima (1881)Hyman, Tony00:01:23
Recuerdos de la AlhambraClement, Joel00:02:56
Recuerdos de la AlhambraPurdam, Andrew00:05:09

Tartini, Guiseppe (1692 - 1770), Italian(1)

Violin Concerto in BbWaterman, Charles00:17:46

Tate, John Paul III (1984- ), USA(9)

2 Etudes in D for Trombone, Op. 1 (1999)Tate, John Paul III00:02:54
Allegro for Horn in F, Op. 6 (2000)Tate, John Paul III00:02:09
Bagatelle in A for Viola, Op. 2 (1999)Tate, John Paul III00:02:01
Bagatelle in F for Brass Quartet, Op. 3 (1999)Tate, John Paul III00:00:50
Bagatelle in G for Violin, Op. 5 (2000)Tate, John Paul III00:02:10
Caprice in G for Pianoforte, Op. 8 (2001)Tate, John Paul III00:02:17
Dances for Flute and Harpsichord, Op. 9Tate, John Paul III00:06:48
Largo and Vivace in G for Flute, Op. 4 (1999)Tate, John Paul III00:04:27
Sinfonie Nr. 1 in F-dur, Op. 7 (2001)Tate, John Paul III00:13:40

Taverner, John (1490 – 1545), English(2)

AudiviGibson, Mike00:02:11
Dum transisset Sabbatum (about 1520-30)Hooper, John00:06:25

Tchaikovsky, Pytor Il'yitch (1840 - 1893), Russian(23)

1812, Festival Overture (Op 49) 1882Billett, Tina00:14:48
Andante Cantabile from the String Quartet # 1.McKee, Mervyn00:02:57
Capriccio Italien Op 45 (1880)Billett, Tina00:16:04
Cherubim Song, Op. 41Mill, Carl B00:03:36
Concerto for Violin and PianoCarrasco, Daniel00:09:03
Concerto N°1 for piano and orchestraClement, Joel00:04:20
Eugene Onegin (Op 24, 1877-78) No 20 - Gremin's AriaAarons, Robert00:04:33
Eugene Onegin - Lenski's Aria (Kuda, Kuda)Scerri, Albert00:04:37
HumoresqueJoyce, Alfred00:02:18
Marche Slave (Slavonic March) Op.31 (1878)Billett, Tina00:09:38
Nutcracker Suite (TB)Billett, Tina00:22:14
Nutcracker Suite, Op.71a (1892)Hall, Damien00:21:22
Nutcracker Suite - The Christmas TreeCovington, Matthew00:03:48
Romance, Op. 5Young, Brian00:05:45
String Quartet No. 1 in D major, Op 11, Andante Cantabile Bb MajorPorter, Warren00:05:52
Symphony No.1 in G Minor.Op.13 "Winter Daydreams"Billett, Tina00:43:27
Symphony No.2 in C Minor.Op.17Billett, Tina00:32:38
Symphony No.3 in D Major, Op 29 (1875)"Polish"Billett, Tina00:44:31
Symphony No. 4 in F Minor, Op.36Knowles, John00:40:58
Symphony No.5 in E Minor. Op.64 (1888)Billett, Tina00:41:15
Symphony No.6 in B Minor Op.74 "Pathétique"(1893)Billett, Tina00:38:02
To The ForestScerri, Albert00:04:32
Variations sur un thème RoccocoClement, Joel00:14:48

Tchaikovsky and Mancini , Pytor Il'yitch (1840 - 1893) and Henry(1)

Tchaikovsky PI. Theme to an imaginary detective series.Walker, Jason00:00:52

Tedeschi, Luigi Maurizio (1867-1944), Italian(5)

Al ruscello - op. 36Spagni, Maurizio00:05:12
Anacreontica - op. 44Spagni, Maurizio00:06:02
Pattuglia spagniuola - op. 32Spagni, Maurizio00:02:50
Suite - op. 34Spagni, Maurizio00:17:13
Étude impromptu op. 37Spagni, Maurizio00:06:14

Telemann, Georg Philippe (1681-1767), German(8)

Concerto for 2 Violas in G MajorMoalem. Beeri00:06:06
Concerto in D for Trumpet, Strings, and Continuo (Twv.51:D7)Karageanes, Jim00:08:07
In dulci jubiloHooper, John00:13:03
Laudate Jehovam, omnes gentes (psalm 117)Lamminga, Klaas00:04:39
Machet die Tore weitSundlin, Stefan00:06:19
Minuet for Guitar and String EnsembleHyman, Tony00:01:33
Ouverture in A Minor, TWV 32:12 III. LoureMilazzo, Carol F00:01:24
Sechs Sonaten für zwei Altblockflöten TWV40:101..106Spagni, Maurizio00:55:44

Terry, Graham (1992 - ),American(9)

Jungle AdventureTerry, Graham00:02:01
Parting After Long Time SpentTerry, Graham00:00:52
RushourTerry, Graham00:01:10
Slowly AscendingTerry, Graham00:01:05
The Great LocamotiveTerry, Graham00:01:25
The Past, The Present, and The FutureTerry, Graham00:01:14
The Path to VictoryTerry, Graham00:02:12
The Simple LifeTerry, Graham00:01:07
Variations of Pachelbel's CanonTerry, Graham00:03:26

Thomas, Ambroise (1811-1896), French(3)

Mignon - Elle ne croyait pasScerri, Albert00:03:23
Mignon - O Vierge MarieScerri, Albert00:02:06
Psyche - Cupid To Psyche RomanceScerri, Albert00:01:50

Thomas, Leton Felix Sir (1926 - ), St Lucian(1)

Sons and Daughters of St. LuciaWoodroffe, Richard00:01:14

Thorne, Edward Henry(1)

St AndrewMorris, Gregory00:00:16

Tieke, Carl (1864-1922), German(2)

Alte KameradenVanbrabant, Bertrand00:04:58
Old ComradesDyer, William D00:02:44

Tin, Saya (1914 - 1947), Burmese(1)

Kaba Ma KyeiWoodroffe, Richard00:01:12

Tirindelli, Pier Adolfo (1858-1937), Italian(1)

HistoriePorter, Warren00:06:49

Tokay, Mehmed Fehmi (1889-1959), Turkish(1)

Hymn, Gelin Allah DiyelimiNANC [iNANÇ], Ertugrul00:00:40

Tomblin, Norman (1907 - 2001), British(1)

SupremacyMoffatt, Stuart00:00:36

Tomkins, Thomas (1572 - 1656), English(4)

I Heard a VoiceGibson, Mike00:01:29
Preces & ResponsesHooper, John00:04:03
When David heardGibson, Mike00:03:14
When David heardHooper, John00:04:33

Tongmi, Aku (1913 - ), Bhutanese(1)

Druk tsendhenWoodroffe, Richard00:00:33

Torres y Martinez Bravo, José de (1670 (?) - 1738), Spanish(1)

Funeral Motet "Versa est in luctum"Swinnen, Ivo00:02:21

Toselli, Enrico (1883-1926), Italian(1)

Serenata 'Rimpianto' Op. 6, No. 1Vanbrabant, Bertrand00:03:41

Tosti, Francesco Paolo (1846-1916), Italian(8)

L'alba separaSloman, Benjamin00:01:43
M'han detto che domaniClement, Joel00:04:03
MaliaScerri, Albert00:02:20
MarechiareScerri, Albert00:03:18
O Thou That Hearest When Sinners CryScerri, Albert00:02:05
PreghieraScerri, Albert00:03:04
Sull Ali Del CantoScerri, Albert00:02:00
T'amo ancora (I love you still)Scerri, Albert00:02:22

Towner, Daniel B. (1850-1919)(1)

Stand Up! (medley)Tate, John Paul III00:03:41


Afton Water/The Campbells are Coming/Wi' a Hundred PipersWalker, Geoff00:03:21
A la nanita nanaSpagni, Maurizio00:01:09
A Morris Dance SetWalker, Geoff00:04:03
Ancient Irish MusicBeard, Paul01:01:28
Ancient Irish MusicSpagni, Maurizio01:16:13
As Sylvie was WalkingHussain, Iqbal00:01:57
Au clair de la luneMérand, Vincent00:00:59
Au clair de la luneMérand, Vincent00:00:59
Blow the Wind SoutherlyWalker, Geoff00:03:30
Bod rgyal khab chen po’i rgyal gluSpagni, Maurizio00:01:05
Bonny at MornWalker, Geoff00:02:36
Christmas in Germany (medley)Grace, Kenneth Jr00:04:34
Clog HornpipeWalker, Geoff00:02:53
Country GardensSimmons, Nigel G00:02:52
Deck The Halls (2004)Adlon, Jeff00:01:25
Ding Dong (merrily on high)Veld, Frits in't00:00:38
Drink to me OnlyHussain, Iqbal00:01:36
Drink To Me Only....McKee, Mervyn00:02:38
Drunken SailorHussain, Iqbal00:00:50
Du Gamla, Du FriaWoodroffe, Richard00:00:40
Ee Mungu Nguvu YetuWoodroffe, Richard00:01:02
Ej, ne do násBielik, Juraj00:02:21
Ej, rozmajrín, rozmajrínBielik, Juraj00:03:50
Ej popod makovicu (Slovak folk-songs from ©ari¹)Bielik, Juraj00:04:56
Felton LonnenWalker, Geoff00:03:34
Five jigsWalker, Geoff00:11:34
Flow gently sweet aftonGibson, Mike00:01:25
Fountain of Blood Medley (There Is A Fountain)Tate, John Paul III00:02:53
Four ReelsWalker, Geoff00:07:19
Foxhunter's JigWalker, Geoff00:01:43
Gentle Mary Laid Her ChildRosario, Vince00:02:46
God rest ye merry, gentlemenHussain, Iqbal00:01:58
God Save our QueenPurdam, Andrew00:00:37
I Love my Love arr. HolstGibson, Mike00:05:36
Ket ja i¹ol kolo mlynaBielik, Juraj00:02:13
King of the FairiesWalker, Geoff00:02:25
Lincolnshire PoacherSimmons, Nigel G00:02:14
Marsen in gebruik bij het Nederlandse leger gedurende de SpaanseStruys, Peter00:17:06
Morpeth Lasses/Stay a wee bit Bonnie LadWalker, Geoff00:02:15
National Anthem of MauritaniaWoodroffe, Richard00:02:12
Na tú svatú KaterínkuBielik, Juraj00:03:30
Nerád som ja videu dieuèa za mladiBielik, Juraj00:04:55
O come, O come EmmanuelShaffer, Jim00:01:42
O Come All Ye FaithfulBohnson, Clifford N00:00:40
O Come O Ye FaithfulHenderson, AJ00:01:26
O Land of Our Birth (IOM National Anthem)Woodroffe, Richard00:04:30
Olive Tree Carol, Coventry Carol and Sicilian Bagpiper's CarolWilcock John00:01:15
On Ilkla' Moor Baht 'AtSimmons, Nigel G00:04:02
O Sinner ManHussain, Iqbal00:01:18
Packinton's PoundWalker, Geoff00:02:02
Padstow CarolsWallis, Hugh00:11:13
PetronellaAlberga, Cyril N00:01:04
Piesne z KlenovcaBielik, Juraj00:04:43
Rise Up, Shepherd, and FollowBohnson, Clifford N00:00:32
Rydal-MereScerri, Albert00:01:22
Sailors HornpipeWoodroffe, Richard00:01:18
Salve a ti, NicaraguaWoodroffe, Richard00:00:42
Scarborough FairHussain, Iqbal00:01:08
Six HornpipesWalker, Geoff00:16:47
Six Morris Dance tunesWalker, Geoff00:09:38
Sweet Lass of Richmond HillSimmons, Nigel G00:02:31
The Animals Went in Two by TwoHussain, Iqbal00:01:09
The Liverpool HornpipeWalker, Geoff00:03:45
The Peacock followed the HenWalker, Geoff00:02:31
The Water of TyneWalker, Geoff00:01:58
This Have I DoneGibson, Mike00:04:30
Vychovaj ma, mamkoBielik, Juraj00:03:38
Waltzing MatildaScerri, Albert00:02:30
Waltzing MatildaSimmons, Nigel G00:02:34
Wandering waltz contraSpagni, Maurizio00:02:25
Were You ThereAdlon, Jeff00:03:35
X-Mas 2001 Suite (Christmas Songs Arrangement)Ho, John00:14:46
Xmas MedleyJack, Jeremy00:01:29
Âðm I - cipheredMoffatt, Stuart00:00:29

Traditional Afro-American(1)

Dem BonesWoodroffe, Richard00:02:27

Traditional American(3)

Nobody Knows The Trouble I've SeenScerri, Albert00:01:49
Path Over the MountainSaarela, Timo00:04:09
Smiling Gold-Brown EyesSaarela, Timo00:02:26

Traditional Argentine(1)

BailecitoSpagni, Maurizio00:02:13

Traditiona Latin(1)

Gaudeamus igiturLorenzo Prada00:00:48

Traditional Austrian(1)

Ach, du lieber AugustinSpagni, Maurizio00:00:37

Traditional Basque(1)

Axuri beltzaSpagni, Maurizio00:00:50

Traditional British(1)

Drunken sailorSpagni, Maurizio00:00:48

Traditional Bulgarian(1)

TrungalFábián, József00:01:15

Traditional Childrens(1)

Pussycat, pussycat, where have you been? (An Old Coot's 2nd Childhood)Pool, Don00:00:36

Traditional Cornish(25)

Be Gone From The WindowFierek, Rosie00:00:10
Bodmin RidingCrowhurst, Nick and Fierek, Rosie00:00:31
Breannick Feast/St AgnesFierek, Rosie00:00:20
De Hala Me (May Feast)Fierek, Rosie00:00:14
Dons Culyek Lanust (St Just Cock Dance)Fierek, Rosie00:00:51
Duncan HunkinFierek, Rosie00:00:48
Fer Liskerys (Liskeard Fair)Fierek, Rosie00:00:31
Fer Liskerys (Liskeard Fair)Fierek, Rosie00:00:27
Lady Evesham'sFierek, Rosie00:00:19
Mary Kelynack'sFierek, Rosie00:00:19
Mr Martin's ReelSchmidt, Pierre00:02:23
Mr Martins ReelFierek, Rosie00:00:32
Myghtern Sweden (Mr Martin's Reel)(Version1)Fierek, Rosie00:00:13
Onen Hag Ol (One and All)Fierek, Rosie00:00:48
PerlynFierek, Rosie00:00:29
Polka Aberfal/Falmouth PolkaFierek, Rosie00:00:32
Polka PoppetFierek, Rosie00:00:30
St Keverne FeastFierek, Rosie00:00:32
The Cornish Floral DanceWoodroffe, Richard00:03:07
The Quay FairFierek, Rosie00:00:48
Tom Bawcock'sFierek, Rosie00:00:18
TrevinceFierek, Rosie00:00:32
Truro Agricultural ShowFierek, Rosie00:00:08
Turning of the TideFierek, Rosie00:00:26
Wembalo 25Fierek, Rosie00:00:11

Traditional Dutch(2)

B with an A, BaHeijer, Rob den00:00:26
KerstnachtHoekstra, Tim00:02:59

Traditional English(18)

All in a Garden GreenWalker, Geoff00:02:08
Baa, baa, black sheepMoffatt, Stuart00:00:57
Blue Bell PolkaMoffatt, Stuart00:02:09
Drink to Me Only With Thine EyesRoberts, Joseph00:01:20
Edi be thu, heven queeneSpagni, Maurizio00:00:32
Eight English Country DancesAlberga, Cyril N00:06:53
Fourteen English Country DancesAlberga, Cyril N00:10:03
God Rest You Merry, GentlemenTate, John Paul III00:04:16
God Rest You Merry, GentlemenBohnson, Clifford N00:00:37
My Johnny was a shoemakerSpagni, Maurizio00:02:41
Nine English Country DancesAlberga, Cyril N00:07:47
Once in Royal David's CityBohnson, Clifford N00:00:23
The First NoelTate, John Paul III00:02:15
The MermaidWoodroffe, Richard00:04:30
The Oak and the AshGibson, Mike00:01:14
Vent fin (Hey, ho! Anybody home?)Spagni, Maurizio00:00:50
WestmorlandWalker, Geoff00:02:29
Widdicombe FairWoodroffe, Richard00:02:45

Traditional English (Norfolk)(1)

The Sailor and young Nancy arr. MoeranGibson, Mike00:02:58

Traditional Fiddle Tunes(1)

Conkers to Conquer- a New Collection of Old ChestnutsMacLeod, Bill00:43:28

Traditional French(5)

CongoGray, Simon00:00:55
Joli tambourSpagni, Maurizio00:00:55
La palombeSpagni, Maurizio00:03:09
La palombeSpagni, Maurizio00:03:09
La Polka des EnfantsLauren, Hervé00:01:01

Traditional French (Breton)(1)

Le corsaire Le Grand CoureurSpagni, Maurizio00:01:31

Traditional Gaelic(1)

Fhir a Bhata (The Boatman)Morris, Gregory00:01:54

Traditional Gambian(1)

For The Gambia, Our HomelandWoodroffe, Richard00:01:03

Traditional German(2)

Clarinet Polka/Jenny Lind PolkaDyer, William D00:01:24
Zu LauterbachSpagni, Maurizio00:00:34

Traditional Greek(2)

KalamatianosPurdam, Andrew00:03:04
TsakonikosSpagni, Maurizio00:00:40

Traditional Gregorian Chant(3)

Ave MariaBeelen, Paul00:00:50
Veni Sancte Spiritus (Sequence for Pentecost Sunday)Beelen, Paul00:02:07
Victimae Paschali (Sequence for Easter Sunday)Beelen, Paul00:01:20

Traditional Hebrew/Israeli(1)

Hine Ma TovPurdam, Andrew00:01:52

Traditional Hungarian(23)

"Boot hitting"(Csizmaverõs) dance from Lakócsa, HungaryFábián, József00:00:39
"Csardas" dance music from BunyhaFábián, József00:00:35
"Old Hungrian"Fábián, József00:01:07
"Slow Hungarian" from VálaszútFábián, József00:02:52
AkasztosFábián, József00:01:10
Csílom-csálom csikósnéFábián, József00:00:33
Dunantuli csardasFábián, József00:00:56
DunántúliFábián, József00:01:18
Dunántúli CsárdásFábián, József00:01:33
Elment, elment az én párom (My darling has gone)Fábián, József00:00:59
Fast "csardas" from Magyarpalatka, Mezõség, Transsylvania.Fábián, József00:01:02
Felsotiszavideki csardas EcsedrolFábián, József00:00:41
Flute (or recorder) music from Felsoiregh, HungaryFábián, József00:00:32
Hungarian Lad's Dance from Szek villageFábián, József00:01:19
It's of Szabo Gyorgy boyFábián, József00:01:50
Kanasztanc (Shepherd's dance)Fábián, József00:00:59
Lad's dance from VálaszútFábián, József00:01:54
lassú Csárdás from GagyFábián, József00:00:31
Ritka Magyar - slow from FeketelakFábián, József00:00:51
Se alla festa vuoi andarSpagni, Maurizio00:01:01
Slow Csárdás from GagyFábián, József00:00:34
VerbunkFábián, József00:02:42
Válaszúti lassú - vagy ritka magyarFábián, József00:02:52

Traditional Irish(18)

Billy from BruffSchmidt, Pierre00:01:36
Black nagSpagni, Maurizio00:01:18
Brian Boru's marchSpagni, Maurizio00:02:26
ButterflySpagni, Maurizio00:01:23
Chalk SundaySchmidt, Pierre00:01:07
Cherish the LadiesSchmidt, Pierre00:00:48
Downfall of ParisPurdam, Andrew00:02:16
Johnny, I hardly Knew YeRolland, Alain00:03:16
Johnny from GandsaySchmidt, Pierre00:00:48
Londonderry AirGibson, Mike00:02:55
Mo ghile mearSpagni, Maurizio00:02:35
My sorrow is greater than I can tellSchmidt, Pierre00:01:00
Old Jerry DoyleSchmidt, Pierre00:01:18
Port ui Mhuirgheasa (Morrison's jig)Spagni, Maurizio00:01:13
Remember the Poor (words supplied Dec. 2010)Lonneke, Michael00:02:26
SilverminesSchmidt, Pierre00:00:58
Teidhir abhaile riúSpagni, Maurizio00:01:09
The Lark In The Clear AirScerri, Albert00:01:17

Traditional Italian(19)

Bella ciaoSpagni, Maurizio00:01:35
Crudele fu mio padrePrada, Lorenzo00:01:15
Dove te vett, o Mariettina?Prada, Lorenzo00:00:44
El canto de la sposa (The bride's song)Lorenzo Prada00:00:39
El galét chirichichì (The chirichichì cockerel)Prada, Lorenzo00:02:55
Il bel pecoraioSpagni, Maurizio00:02:17
Il pesco fiorito (The flowering peach tree)Prada, Lorenzo00:02:45
L'inverno se n'è andatoSpagni, Maurizio00:00:48
La mia bela la mi aspetaPrada, Lorenzo00:02:41
La MonferrinaSpagni, Maurizio00:01:07
La sposa mortaPrada, Lorenzo00:00:46
La vendemmiaSpagni, Maurizio00:01:04
La villanellaMaurizio Spagni00:01:02
Maremma amaraSpagni, Maurizio00:01:52
Montagnes valdôtainesMaurizio Spagni00:01:18
Sciur padrun da li beli braghi bianchiMaurizio Spagni00:01:54
Sia maledetta l'acquaSpagni, Maurizio00:03:42
Sul ciastèl de Mirabel (On Mirabel Castle)Lorenzo Prada00:01:08
TarantellaPurdam, Andrew00:00:40

Traditional Japanese(1)

Usagi to kameLorenzo Prada00:01:08

Traditional Japanese Koto Piece(1)

SakuraPorter, Warren00:05:33

Traditional Macedonian(2)

Blagunjo DejcheiNANC [iNANÇ], Ertugrul00:00:30
Srce me boliiNANC [iNANÇ], Ertugrul00:00:25

traditional Mexican(1)

La bambaSpagni, Maurizio00:02:01

Traditional Paraguayan(1)

El pájaro campanaMaurizio Spagni00:01:40

Traditional Polish(1)

Jeszcze Polska nie zginelaWoodroffe, Richard00:02:29

Traditional Portuguese Fado(1)

Maria ElenaSaarela, Timo00:03:47

Traditional Puerto Rican Carol(1)

Happily Singing (also called Alegria)McKenzie, Mark00:01:03

Traditional Romanian(1)

De a saritaFábián, József00:00:59

Traditional Russian(1)

The Bell Rings Monotonously (Entonigt Ringer Lilla Klockan)Saarela, Timo00:02:50

Traditional Scottish(6)

Auld Robin GrayScerri, Albert00:04:16
My Love is Like a Red Red RoseWoodroffe, Richard00:01:56
Scottish MedleyPurdam, Andrew00:01:37
Spirit of the Highlands (Also known as Amazing Grace)Saarela, Timo00:04:14
The Blue Bells of ScotlandScerri, Albert00:02:30
We're going home to gloryMoffatt, Stuart00:02:53

Traditional Slovakian(1)

Nad Tatrou sa blýskaWoodroffe, Richard00:00:21

Traditional Spanish(1)

A la Rurro NinoDowden, Blair00:03:03

Traditional Swedish(1)

Gammal Fäbodpsalm från ÄlvdalenSaarela, Timo00:04:50

Traditional Turkish(1)

Huseynî Türkü, "Elem çekme gönül"iNANC [iNANÇ], Ertugrul00:01:10

Traditional Welsh(5)

Deck the hallMoffatt, Stuart00:01:46
Four Welsh Songs. 1. Dafydd Y Gareg Wen (David of the White Rock)Randall, Stephen00:02:54
Four Welsh Songs. 2. Clychau Aberdyfi (The Bells of Aberdovey)Randall, Stephen00:01:43
Four Welsh Songs. 3. Bugeilio'r Gwenith Gwyn (Watching the White Wheat)Randall, Stephen00:01:45
Four Welsh Songs. 4. Sospan Fach (Little Saucepan)Randall, Stephen00:03:04

Traditional Zambian(1)

Bonse AbaSpagni, Maurizio00:00:58

Tradotional African(1)

Sifuni leoSpagni, Maurizio00:02:35

Travers, John (1703 - 1758), English(1)

Ascribe unto the Lord - Let the Heavens rejoice (???)Hooper, John00:10:13

Trifilo, David (1974-), Chippewa(2)

218 WaltzTrifilo, David00:02:09
TrifinventionTrifilo, David00:01:19

Tudor, King Henry VIII (1491-1547), English(3)

Pastime with good companyGibson, Mike00:00:28
Pastime with Good CompanyAlberga, Cyril N00:01:24
Pastime with good CompanyeHenderson, AJ00:00:56

Tudway, Thomas (1656 - 1726)(3)

"Wimpole" Te Deum (1720)Hooper, John00:22:30
Jubilate (1720)Hooper, John00:08:50
Wimpole Evening Service (1702)Hooper, John00:10:24

Turner, Edmund (circa 1850 - circa 1920), English(1)

Gethsemane to Golgatha (1912)Hooper, John01:06:36

Tye, Christopher (1505 - 1573), English(7)

A Sound Of AngelsScerri, Albert00:00:54
A Sound Of AngelsGibson, Mike00:00:57
Give Almes of thy GoodsGibson, Mike00:01:39
Gloria LausGibson, Mike00:02:39
Laudate Nomen DominiScerri, Albert00:02:07
O come, ye servants of the Lord (???)Hooper, John00:02:02
Oh Come Ye Servants Of The LordScerri, Albert00:01:59

Ungor, Zeki (1880 - 1958), Turkish(2)

Istiklâl Marsi (Cypriot/Turkish)Woodroffe, Richard00:00:52
Istiklâl Marsi (Turkey)Woodroffe, Richard00:00:52


BahrainonaWoodroffe, Richard00:00:46
KimigayoWoodroffe, Richard00:00:22
Ko e Iki he LagiWoodroffe, Richard00:01:08
La CongolaiseWoodroffe, Richard00:01:13
Marcha Real de EspañaWoodroffe, Richard00:01:36
Oben am jungen RheinWoodroffe, Richard00:00:28
Oj, svijetla majska zoroWoodroffe, Richard00:01:20
Patriots of MicronesiaWoodroffe, Richard00:00:24
Pátria AmadaWoodroffe, Richard00:02:53
Ya Baniy As-SaharaWoodroffe, Richard00:01:01

Usper, Francesco (1561 - 1641), Italian(1)

Benedicam DominumHooper, John00:02:53

Utendal, Alexander (1543 - 1581), Flemish(1)

Inclina DomineHooper, John00:02:30

Vaccai, Nicolas (1790 - 1848), Italian(1)

Practical Method of Italian SingingClement, Joel00:23:47

Vahiduddîn [Vahîduddîn], Sultan Mehmed VI (1861-1926), Turkish(1)

Sûzidil ÞarkýiNANC [iNANÇ], Ertugrul00:02:36

Valdez, Charles Robert (19?? - ??), American(1)

Serenade du Tsigane (Gypsy Serenade)Porter, Warren00:04:39

Valverde, Jorge Luis (1983-), Ecuadorian(20)

"Concierto Grosso No.1 in Dm" (J-39)Valverde, Jorge00:07:56
"Pasillo Ecuatoriano" for Orchestra (J-38)Valverde, Jorge00:02:34
"Tomás Moro" AnthemValverde, Jorge00:02:39
5 Fugues for Violin, Viola, Cello (BDB) & Harpsichord (J-53, 50, 49, 47, 46)Valverde, Jorge00:05:59
9 Inventions for Harpsichord (J-52, 45, 34, 33, 21, 17, 16, 5, 4)Valverde, Jorge00:08:05
Concierto para Piano y Orquesta en C (J-10)Valverde, Jorge00:12:51
Micro-Concierto para Bajo, Cello y orquesta (J-42)Valverde, Jorge00:03:48
Micro-Concierto para Piano y Orquesta (J-40)Valverde, Jorge00:03:47
Orchestral Suite No.1 "The Haunted House" -a magical trip- (J-32)Valverde, Jorge00:13:03
Prelude No.4 in Cm J-31Valverde, Jorge00:01:26
Prelude No.5 in Em (J-44)Valverde, Jorge00:00:37
Siete Fugas - Seven Fugues (J-13, 18, 19, 20, 22, 23, 28)Valverde, Jorge00:07:57
Sonata No-10 "El Ecuador" (J-43)Valverde, Jorge00:10:12
Sonata No.1 in C (J-1)Valverde, Jorge00:06:25
Sonata No.2 in A (J-2)Valverde, Jorge00:08:26
Sonata No.3 in Cm (J-6)Valverde, Jorge00:09:45
Sonata No.4 in Cm (J-12)Valverde, Jorge00:09:40
Sonata No.6 in Fm (J-15)Valverde, Jorge00:09:48
Sonata No.7 in A (J-27)Valverde, Jorge00:08:33
Sonata No.8 in Em "Un-finished" (J-37)Valverde, Jorge00:03:06

Vanbrabant, Bertrand (1951 - ), Belgian(7)

'Ringo And The Executioner'Vanbrabant, Bertrand00:04:01
Flute in a NutshellVanbrabant, Bertrand00:02:04
He Plays The ShakuhachiVanbrabant, Bertrand00:03:38
Jamaica GuitarVanbrabant, Bertrand00:02:52
Musette de ParisVanbrabant, Bertrand00:02:35
Tempo One, Tempo TwoVanbrabant, Bertrand00:02:44
‘Dance in Brazil’.Vanbrabant, Bertrand00:02:40

Van den Bosch, Bart (1967 - ), Belgian(14)

Als bezit regeertVan den Bosch, Bart00:03:15
Cheerful Melody (2006)Van den Bosch, Bart00:02:47
Dixie voor Koen (2007)Van den Bosch, Bart00:02:53
GEBED: Heer GodVan den Bosch, Bart00:01:39
Gloria Gloria (2005)Van den Bosch, Bart00:01:26
Hoop zoals het ochtendlicht  (2018)Van den Bosch, Bart00:01:12
In Memoriam (2011)Van den Bosch, Bart00:02:43
Let's Walk On TogetherVan den Bosch, Bart00:02:01
LifecycleVan den Bosch, Bart00:04:00
Nachtstimmung (2011)Van den Bosch, Bart00:01:12
Stem van vuur (2017)Van den Bosch, Bart00:02:11
Vonken van Liefde (2018)Van den Bosch, Bart00:03:10
Yang and Yin - first part: YangVan den Bosch, Bart00:01:48
Yang and Yin - second part: YinVan den Bosch, Bart00:01:53

Vanhall, Johann Baptist ( 1739-1813), Bohemian(2)

Divertimento in C Arr. For windquintetBlanken, Ivo00:06:15
String Quartet in E flat ( 1786 )White, John H00:25:59

Van Sint-Aldegonde, Filips Marnix (1540 - 1598), Dutch(1)

Wilhelmus van Nassouwe (1574)Veld, Frits in't00:01:38


AlteBlaserMusiken.ZIPMcCoy, Mike00:48:25
Collection of various choral worksSchmidt, Pierre00:55:58
Danish songs 1830-1930Kjeldsen, Andreas00:18:14

Vecchi, Orazio (1550-1605) Italian(1)

So ben mi ch'ha bon tempo (1590)Spagni, Maurizio00:00:35

Veli Dede (d.1860)(2)

Hicaz Hümayun PesreviEkinci, Mehmet Ugur00:05:07
Hicaz Hümayun Saz SemaisiEkinci, Mehmet Ugur00:04:33

Ventadorn, Bernart de(1)

Troubadour CansoFábián, József00:00:59

Verachtert, Georges (1903 - 1969) Belgian(5)

't Is goedVan den Bosch, Bart00:01:35
Ave MariaVan den Bosch, Bart00:01:50
Fantasia voor PianoVan den Bosch, Bart00:12:16
SortieVan den Bosch, Bart00:02:07
Walter WalsVan den Bosch, Bart00:04:40

Verbytskyi, Mykhailo (1815 - 1870), Ukrainian(1)

Sche ne vmerla UkrainyWoodroffe, Richard00:01:36

Verdalle, Gabriel (1847 - 1915), French(4)

Air de ballet, op. 14Spagni, Maurizio00:02:26
ButterfliesSpagni, Maurizio00:01:48
Quatrième air de balletSpagni, Maurizio00:06:29
Valse caprice, op. 8Spagni, Maurizio00:03:14

Verdi, Giuseppe Fortunino Francesco (1813-1901), Italian(108)

Aida - Celeste AidaScerri, Albert00:03:31
Aida - Ma Tu ReScerri, Albert00:03:44
Aida - O patria mia (My native land)Scerri, Albert00:03:20
Aida - Ritorna VincitorScerri, Albert00:04:19
Alzira - Irne Lungi Ancor DovreiScerri, Albert00:02:33
Alzira - Tergi Del PiantoScerri, Albert00:03:03
Attila - Che Non Avrebbe Il MiseroScerri, Albert00:02:22
Attila - Chi Dona LuceScerri, Albert00:04:59
Attila - Mentre Gonfiarsi L'animaScerri, Albert00:05:17
Attila - Santo di PatriaClement, Joel00:05:29
Ave Maria, 1889/1898Hooper, John00:04:29
Ballo In Maschera - Alla Vita Che T"arrideScerri, Albert00:02:10
Brindisi (from La Traviata), 1853Hooper, John00:02:54
Chorus of Hebrew Slaves 1842Hooper, John00:05:04
Chorus of Hebrew Slaves 1842Woodroffe, Richard00:04:01
Chorus of Scottish Refugees (from MacBeth) (1847)Hooper, John00:05:27
Don Carlos - 0 Don Fatale & O Mia ReginaScerri, Albert00:03:51
Don Carlos - Ella Giammai M'amoScerri, Albert00:06:01
Don Carlos - Io La VidiScerri, Albert00:01:25
Don Carlos - Io Morro, Ma LietoScerri, Albert00:02:50
Don Carlos - Nei Giardin Del BelloScerri, Albert00:03:51
Don Carlos - Non Pianger Mia CompagnaScerri, Albert00:03:23
Don Carlos - Tu Che La VanitaScerri, Albert00:06:39
Ernani - Come Rugiade Al CespiteScerri, Albert00:02:15
Ernani - Ernani InvolamiScerri, Albert00:01:50
Ernani - Infelice E Tuo CredeviScerri, Albert00:06:12
Forza Del Destino - Solenne In Quest'oraScerri, Albert00:03:15
Giovanna D'arco - Quale Piu Fido AmicoScerri, Albert00:01:45
I Due Foscari - Non MaledirmiScerri, Albert00:02:08
I Lombardi - La mia letizia infondereScerri, Albert00:01:42
I Lombardi - O Signore Dal Tetto Natio (Crusaders Chorus)Scerri, Albert00:02:53
I Lombardi A.P.C - Come Potevi Un AngeloScerri, Albert00:08:07
Il Trovatore - Ah che la morte ognoraScerri, Albert00:04:08
Il Trovatore - Ah si ben mio coll'essereScerri, Albert00:02:19
Il Trovatore - Anvil Chorus (Act 2)Sloman, Benjamin00:02:26
Il Trovatore - Duet - Ai nostri monti (To our mountains)Scerri, Albert00:02:15
Il Trovatore - Il balen del suo sorrisoScerri, Albert00:03:33
Il Trovatore - Mal Reggendo Nell AlmaScerri, Albert00:02:57
Il Trovatore - Prima che d'altri vivereScerri, Albert00:07:49
Il Trovatore - Tace la notte & Deserto sulla terraScerri, Albert00:03:19
La Forza Del Destino - Ah Per Sempre Oh Mio Bel AngiolScerri, Albert00:06:33
La Forza Del Destino - Fate La CaritaScerri, Albert00:01:19
La Forza Del Destino - La Vergine Degl'angeliScerri, Albert00:02:17
La Forza Del Destino - Me Pellegrina Ed OrfanaScerri, Albert00:03:20
La forza del destino - Non imprecare, umiliati (1862)Sloman, Benjamin00:04:42
La Forza Del Destino - Pace Mio DioScerri, Albert00:04:02
La Forza Del Destino - RataplanGibson, Mike00:02:57
La forza del destino - Solenne in quest'ora (1862)Sloman, Benjamin00:03:15
La Traviata (Duetto Act I.)Clement, Joel00:16:36
La Traviata - Addio del passatoScerri, Albert00:04:47
La Traviata - Amami AlfredoScerri, Albert00:01:17
La Traviata - De miei bollenti spiritiScerri, Albert00:03:01
La Traviata - Oh Mio Rimorso, InfamiaScerri, Albert00:03:14
La Traviata - Prelude to Act 1Struys, Peter00:03:00
La Traviata N°3 duo Alfredo ViolettaSee Comments00:02:52
Laudi alla Vergine MariaGuix, Joseph00:04:10
Laudi alla vergine Maria (1886 - 1888)Hooper, John00:04:44
La Vergine degli angeli (from "La forza del destino")Spagni, Maurizio00:02:20
Libiam ne' lieti calici (from "La Traviata")Spagni, Maurizio00:01:10
Luisa Miller - A Brani O PerfidoScerri, Albert00:03:41
Luisa Miller - Quando le sere al placidoScerri, Albert00:04:26
Luisa Miller - Tu Puniscimi O SignoreScerri, Albert00:01:59
Macbeth - Ah La Paterna ManoScerri, Albert00:02:47
Macbeth - Coro d'Incantesimo delle StregheScerri, Albert00:05:02
Macbeth - Pieta, Rispetto, AmoreScerri, Albert00:02:46
Matadors' Chorus (La Traviata) 1853Hooper, John00:02:50
Oberto - Ciel Che FeciScerri, Albert00:03:49
Oberto - Sotto Il Paterno TettoScerri, Albert00:03:12
Otello - Ave Maria Piena Di GraziaScerri, Albert00:03:20
Otello - Niun mi temaScerri, Albert00:03:42
Otello - Ora E Per Sempre AddioScerri, Albert00:02:20
Overture from NabuccoClement, Joel00:06:22
Pater NosterAndrén, Rolf00:05:52
Pater NosterGibson, Mike00:05:50
Pater Noster, 1889/1898Hooper, John00:05:56
preludio from opera 'TRAVIATA'Tamiya, Takahiro00:03:40
Requiem, 1873/4Hooper, John01:24:10
Requiem, 1873/4Gibson, Mike00:36:39
Requiem - Libera MeSee Comments00:05:14
Requiem - SanctusSee Comments00:02:38
Rigoletto (Opus 72 - 1814) - "Un di, se ben rammentomi"Aarons, Robert00:05:12
Rigoletto - Caro nomeScerri, Albert00:04:41
Rigoletto - E'l sol dell'anima (Love is the soul)Scerri, Albert00:01:17
Rigoletto - La donna e mobileScerri, Albert00:02:03
Rigoletto - Parmi veder le lagrime (Recitativo & Aria)Scerri, Albert00:04:05
Rigoletto - Questa O QuellaScerri, Albert00:01:32
Romanze 1838 - In Solitaria StanzaScerri, Albert00:03:27
Simon Boccanegra - Cielo Pietoso RendilaScerri, Albert00:03:28
Simon Boccanegra - Il Lacerato SpiritoScerri, Albert00:02:52
Simon Boccanegra - Nell Ora SoaveScerri, Albert00:02:02
Soldiers' Chorus (Il Trovatore) 1853Hooper, John00:03:08
Stabat MaterGibson, Mike00:10:00
Stabat Mater 1896Hooper, John00:11:40
Stiffelio - A Te Ascenda Dio ClementeScerri, Albert00:02:08
Stiffelio - Di Qua Varcando Sul Primo ArboreScerri, Albert00:01:19
Stiffelio - Lina Pensai Che Un AngeloScerri, Albert00:01:51
Stiffelio - Vidi DovunqueScerri, Albert00:06:11
Te DeumGibson, Mike00:12:28
Te Deum, 1895-1896Hooper, John00:15:43
Traviata - Noi Siamo ZingarelleScerri, Albert00:02:47
Triumphal Scene (Aida) 1871Hooper, John00:07:35
Un Ballo In Maschera - Di Tu Se FedeleScerri, Albert00:02:35
Un Ballo in Maschera - La rivedra nell'estasiScerri, Albert00:01:50
Un Ballo in Maschera - Ma se m'e forza perdertiScerri, Albert00:04:40
Un Ballo In Maschera - Re Dell AbissoScerri, Albert00:03:32
Un Ballo In Maschera - Saper VorresteScerri, Albert00:01:41
Un Ballo In Maschera - T'amo, Si T'amo E In LagrimeScerri, Albert00:03:30
Witches' Chorus (MacBeth) 1847Hooper, John00:02:41

Verhallen, Bart (1870-1940), Dutch(1)

De Rotterdamsche VlagStruys, Peter00:02:37

Victoria, Tomas Luis de (1548 - 1611), Spanish(26)

Ave MariaHooper, John00:01:56
Ave MariaGibson, Mike00:02:09
Ave MariaSee Comments00:01:56
Ave Maria for 4 voices SATBSwinnen, Ivo00:02:05
Congratulamini Mihi (1572)Hooper, John00:04:30
Introitus: Requiem aeternam (1605)Swinnen, Ivo00:06:30
Jesu, dulcis memoriaHooper, John00:01:45
Kyrie, (Requiem Mass, Officium defunctorum)1605Ognibene Peter J00:01:45
Missa DominicalisSee Comments00:09:31
Missa O magnum mysterium (1592)Hooper, John00:15:45
Missa O quam gloriosumHooper, John00:17:03
Missa SalveSee Comments00:17:58
O Magnum MysteriumOgnibene Peter J00:03:43
O magnum mysterium (1572)Hooper, John00:03:23
O quam gloriosumGibson, Mike00:02:50
O quam gloriosumHooper, John00:01:46
O quam gloriosum - SanctusGibson, Mike00:02:26
O Vos OmnesSee Comments00:02:26
O vos omnes (1572)Hooper, John00:03:25
Salve ReginaSee Comments00:10:41
Salve Regina (a 8) (1576)Hooper, John00:09:43
Sancta Maria, Succurre Miseris (1572)Hooper, John00:03:28
Sepulto DominoHooper, John00:02:42
Super Flumina Babylonis (1585)Hooper, John00:04:14
Taedet animam meam (1605)Swinnen, Ivo00:03:13
Vidi Speciosam ( 1572 )Hooper, John00:07:20

Vierne, Louis (1870 - 1937), French(4)

Kyrie Eleison (from Solemn Mass) 1899 Op 16Porter, Warren00:04:58
Messe solennelle (1899)Hooper, John00:20:54
Messe Solennelle Op. 16Gibson, Mike00:18:42
Tantum ErgoGibson, Mike00:02:44

Villard, Paul (1899 - 1986)(1)

La TchadienneWoodroffe, Richard00:01:03

Villoldo, Angel Grigorio (1861-1919), Argentine(5)

Don PedroSaarela, Timo00:02:49
El CachorritoSaarela, Timo00:03:42
El ChocloSaarela, Timo00:02:43
El ToritoSaarela, Timo00:02:03
Salve, furlana! (Danza Italiana)Maurizio Spagni00:02:17

Vincenti ,Leopoldo Benedetto (1815 - 1914), Italian(1)

Bolivianos, el Hado PropicioWoodroffe, Richard00:01:06

Vinci, Leonardo (1690-1730), Italian (Note: not "Da Vinci")(1)

Allegro from Sonata for Flute and PianoPurdam, Andrew00:02:16

Viotti, Giovanni Battista (1755-1824), Italian(1)

Concerto 23 for Violin and Piano Opus 98Porter, Warren00:23:50

Vitry, Philippe de (1291-1361), French(1)

Tuba sacre/In arboris/Virgo sumHicks, Grant00:02:09

Vivaldi, Antonio (1678-1741), Italian(47)

Andante from Concerto RV532Nachbaur, Fred00:02:55
Andante from Concerto RV532Nachbaur, Fred00:02:56
Beatus Vir (RV 597), about 1742Hooper, John00:27:05
Beatus Vir (RV 598), about 1713–1719Hooper, John00:07:42
Concerto 10 in Bb, Op. 8Waterman, Charles00:09:32
Concerto alla RusticaWaterman, Charles00:05:25
Concerto alla rustica RV151Spagni, Maurizio00:04:08
Concerto for 2 Mandolins, Strings & Basso Continuo in G major, RV 532Porter, Warren00:12:08
Concerto in A minor Op. 3 No. 6 RV 356Porter, Warren00:08:30
Concerto in D major op. 10 n. 3 (RV 428) "Il gardellino"Spagni, Maurizio00:07:59
Concerto in E Major for Violin, La Primavera (Spring), Op.8, No.1 (1720)Hall, Damien00:10:19
Concerto in F minor, Winter, Op. 8,Waterman, Charles00:11:14
Concerto in G minor, RV 317Porter, Warren00:14:27
Concerto in Sol Minore F. III no. 2 [Concerto in g minor RV 531]Richardson, Greg00:09:10
Concerto No. 5 in Eb Major, La Tempesta di Mare, Op. 8Waterman, Charles00:10:48
Concerto No. 9 in D Minor, Op. 8, entitled Il cimento dell'armonia e dell'inventioneWaterman, Charles00:08:56
Concerto No. 12 in C Major, Op. 8Waterman, Charles00:10:06
Concerto op.IX n.7 [La Cetra] Movements 1,2,3 (Complete)Hirao, Yoshikazu00:07:41
Concerto op.IX n.8 [La Cetra]Hirao, Yoshikazu00:08:00
Concerto op.IX n.9 [La Cetra] Movements 1,2,3 (Complete)Hirao, Yoshikazu00:08:02
Concerto op.IX n.11 (La Cetra)Hirao, Yoshikazu00:08:12
Credo (RV 591), Date ???Hooper, John00:12:26
Cum Sancto Spiritu (from Gloria in D, RV.589)Hall, Damien00:02:40
Dixit (RV 594), Date ???Hooper, John00:23:17
Dixit Dominus RV594 in due coriDechargé, Pierre00:29:54
Dixit Dominus RV595Hooper, John00:20:58
Gloria (from Gloria in D, RV.589)Hall, Damien00:02:24
Gloria (LD 541), Date ???Hooper, John00:27:29
Gloria (RV 588)Woodroffe, Richard00:26:09
Gloria (RV 588), Date 1715 ???Hooper, John00:32:23
Gloria RV.589See Comments00:27:29
Il giustinoClement, Joel00:05:00
L'InvernoArrigoni, Ugo Nunes00:09:36
Lauda Jerusalem (Psalm 147) (RV 609), 1739Hooper, John00:07:11
Laudate Dominum (RV 606), 1713-1717Hooper, John00:01:58
Magnificat (RV 610a-611), about 1715Hooper, John00:12:56
Magnificat RV 610Gibson, Mike00:10:01
Magnificat RV 611 (1717-19, revised 1720s )Hooper, John00:20:15
Nisi Dominus (RV 608)Hooper, John00:21:50
Serenata A Tre - Quell'alma SuperbaScerri, Albert00:03:18
Sonata in A major, RV 31Porter, Warren00:06:30
Stabat Mater - Eja MaterScerri, Albert00:01:40
Stabat Mater - Fac Ut ArdeatScerri, Albert00:01:34
Stabat Mater- RV621Clement, Joel00:03:13
Summer - 3rd Movement (From The Four Seasons).Peixoto, Felipe00:02:46
Un Certo Non So CheScerri, Albert00:02:36
Un Certo Non So CheSee Comments00:02:39

Volkmann, Robert (1815-1883), German(1)

String Quartet in G minor Op.14White, John H00:24:27

von Tilzer, Albert (1878-1956)(1)

Take Me Out To The Ball GameHauck, Josh00:04:03

Vos, Arent Dircksz., (1500 - 1570), Dutch(1)

Slaet op den trommeleHoekstra, Tim00:01:32

Vukotic, Vuk (1988 - ), Serbian(2)

String Quartet No.1 - NightVukotic, Vuk00:01:38
Symphony No.1 - Part I - Medieval TaleVukotic, Vuk00:04:33

Vulpius, Melchior (c 1570 - 1615)(1)

Wahrlich, ich sage euchSchleussner, Sebastian00:03:43

Wade, John Francis (1711-1786)(1)

O Come All Ye Faithful (2004)Adlon, Jeff00:01:50

Wagner, Josef Franz (1856-1908), Austrian(2)

Under the Double EagleDyer, William D00:03:20
Under the Double Eagle. March. Op. 159Parr, Howard00:03:14

Wagner, Richard (1813-1883), German(30)

Almighty FatherScerri, Albert00:04:39
Der Fliegende Holländer (Act II.) Wie aus der Ferne längstClement, Joel00:08:40
Der Fliegende Höllander - Chor der Norwegischen MatrosenSee Comments00:01:23
Die Meistersinger - Am Stillen HerdScerri, Albert00:05:21
Die Walkyrie - Spring Song (Fruhlingslied)Scerri, Albert00:03:10
Die Walküre (Das Rheingold)Clement, Joel00:05:00
Fliegende Holländer (Flying Dutchman) ACT1Clement, Joel00:53:43
Fliegende Holländer (Flying Dutchman) ACTS 2 and 3Clement, Joel01:26:44
God Is My Strong SalvationScerri, Albert00:03:20
LiebesTodClement, Joel00:05:17
Lohengrin - Atmest Du NichtScerri, Albert00:02:22
Lohengrin - Bridal ChorusScerri, Albert00:01:50
Lohengrin - Bridal Chorus (1850)Hooper, John00:04:36
Lohengrin - Einsam In Truben TagenScerri, Albert00:04:07
Lohengrin - In Fernem Land (In Distant Land)Scerri, Albert00:03:54
Lohengrin - Mein Lieber Schwan My Beloved SwanScerri, Albert00:05:08
Lohengrin - Nun Sei BedanktScerri, Albert00:01:02
O du mein holder abendstern (1845)Hooper, John00:04:38
O Star Of Eve (Meiner Abendstern)Scerri, Albert00:04:15
Pilgrim's Chorus, from Tannhauser (1845)Hooper, John00:07:35
Prelude to Act One - Meistersinger von NürnbergBillett, Tina00:09:18
Procession and chorale (Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg) (1862–67)Hooper, John00:05:55
Ride of the ValkyriesJohnston, Russell00:02:40
Ride of the ValkyriesWoodroffe, Richard00:02:00
Symphony in C major (1832)White, John H00:35:41
Tannhauser. Oper von Wagner. Transcription pour PianoParr, Howard00:05:54
Tannhäuser - Entry of the GuestsBillett, Tina00:08:16
Tannhäuser - Ode to the Evening StarBillett, Tina00:03:38
Tannhäuser - Overture (Dresden version)Billett, Tina00:14:27
Tristan und Isolde - Prelude to Act IKiely, Yagan00:08:46

Wahab, Mohamad Abdel (1902 - 1991), Egyptian(3)

Humat Al HimaWoodroffe, Richard00:00:49
Libya, Libya, LibyaWoodroffe, Richard00:02:00
United Arab Emirates National AnthemWoodroffe, Richard00:00:50

Waldteufel, Émile (1837-1915), French(2)

Les patineurs - Valse, op.183Spagni, Maurizio00:09:00
Prestissimo Galop, Op. 152Vanbrabant, Bertrand00:02:52

Walker, Geoff (1944-), English(11)

AdagioWalker, Geoff00:03:49
Cleveland Hills - An original airWalker, Geoff00:03:01
Divisions on a Ground from the Division FluteWalker, Geoff00:02:34
Fantasia; The Blue Eyed StrangerWalker, Geoff00:07:52
Fantasy on an Original ThemeWalker, Geoff00:03:03
Lament on a Thursday in JulyWalker, Geoff00:02:26
Rondo for treble recorder and pianoWalker, Geoff00:02:08
Sonata on Five notes for Clarinet and PianoWalker, Geoff00:04:15
Trio for RecordersWalker, Geoff00:05:56
Variations - A Tuesday in SeptemberWalker, Geoff00:04:23
Variations on a Northumbrian AirWalker, Geoff00:02:23

Walker, Jason Donal (1970-), Irish(3)

Fantasia in C minor for Piano and Orchestra, Opus 1.Walker, Jason00:04:30
Nocturne in Em for String Quartet.Walker, Jason00:03:28
Nothing SongWalker, Jason00:01:37

Walmisley, Thomas Attwood (1814 – 1856), English(1)

Magnificat and Nunc dimittis in D minor (1855)Hooper, John00:07:17

Ward, Samuel Augustus (1848-1903), American(1)

America the BeautifulRoberts, Joseph00:03:10

Wardhaugh, Andrew (1938 - ),UK(2)

The Parson's DiaryWardhaugh, Andrew00:03:55
Until NowWardhaugh, Andrew00:04:38

Warlock, Peter (1894 - 1930), English(2)

Captain Stratton's FancyWoodroffe, Richard00:02:49
Corpus ChristiAldridge, John00:02:50

Warner, Silas(1)

Variations on Sonata in A by Mozart (K.331)Warner, Silas00:12:02

Wasa, Babrak , Afghan(1)

Milli SuroodWoodroffe, Richard00:01:38

Waylett, John B. (1952 - ), Canadian(2)

The Bellfounder of EssexWaylett, John B00:03:23
The CrossingWaylett, John B00:03:14

Weatherly, Fred E(1)

Danny BoyNachbaur, Sharon00:02:59

Webb, John and Francis(1)

Lostwithiel GiantsFierek, Rosie00:00:32

Webbe, Samuel (1740-1816), English(1)

O God Of Love (arr. for string quartet)Shaffer, Jim00:00:32

Weber, Carl Maria von (1786-1826), German(5)

Alma RedemptorisScerri, Albert00:01:33
Der Freischutz - Ein Schlanker Bursch A Gallant YouthScerri, Albert00:04:07
Der Freischütz - Gebet (Prière)Scerri, Albert00:01:05
Oberon - I'd weep with theeScerri, Albert00:04:59
Oberon - Meermädchen Lied (Mermaid's Song)Scerri, Albert00:03:36

Weelkes, Thomas (1575 - 1623)(26)

Alleluia, I heard a voiceHooper, John00:03:40
Alleluia, I heard a voiceGibson, Mike00:03:34
As Vesta was from Latmos Hill descending (1601)Hooper, John00:03:56
Come Sirrah Jack Ho!Hooper, John00:02:01
Gloria in excelsis DeoHooper, John00:04:06
Gloria in Excelsis DeoGibson, Mike00:03:52
Hark, all ye lovely SaintsBrennan, Vince00:04:32
Hark all ye lovely saints aboveHooper, John00:03:30
Hence, care, thou art too cruel (1600)Hooper, John00:02:01
Hosanna to the son of DavidHooper, John00:01:50
Hosanna to the Son of DavidGibson, Mike00:02:05
In Pride Of MayGibson, Mike00:04:20
Lo, country sportsHooper, John00:01:22
Now every tree renews (1597)Hooper, John00:02:22
O care, thou wilt despatch me (1600)Hooper, John00:01:53
O Lord, ariseHooper, John00:03:10
O Lord AriseGibson, Mike00:03:22
Since Robin Hood (Kemps Dance)Hooper, John00:01:43
Sing we at pleasure (1608)Hooper, John00:02:42
Strike it up, tabor (1608)Hooper, John00:01:56
The Cryes of LondonWoodroffe, Richard00:08:04
Thule, the period of cosmography/The Andalusian MerchantHooper, John00:04:55
Thule, the Period of Cosmography / The Andalusian MerchantBrennan, Vince00:04:52
Thus sings my dearest jewelHooper, John00:01:41
When David heardGibson, Mike00:03:01
When David heardHooper, John00:04:17

Wellens, S (?), British(2)

HuntingdonMoffatt, Stuart00:01:41
HuntingdonMoffatt, Stuart00:01:41

Wells, John Barnes (1880-1935)(1)

Be the best of whatever you areButler, John C00:01:52

Wesley, Samuel (1766-1837), English(4)

Blessed be the God and Father (1834)Hooper, John00:07:39
Confitebor (1799)Hooper, John01:06:03
Praise the Lord, O my soul (1861)Hooper, John00:10:22
Wash me thoroughly (about 1840)Hooper, John00:03:47

Wesley, Samuel (1810-1876)(1)

Ascribe unto the Lord (about 1851)Hooper, John00:12:50

Wesley, Samuel Sebastian (1810 - 1876), English(2)

Ascribe unto the LordGibson, Mike00:10:49
Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace (1850)Hooper, John00:03:29

Westendorf, Thomas (1848 - 1923), American(3)

I'll Take You Home Again KathleenScerri, Albert00:05:11
If We Should Never Meet AgainScerri, Albert00:03:19
My Bonnie Sweet LassieScerri, Albert00:03:25

Weyse, Christoph Ernst Friedrich (1774-1842), German(1)

Katte-CavatineSpagni, Maurizio00:01:15

Wheat, Larry (1951 - ), Australian(2)

Let Thy Kingdom ComeWheat, Larry00:04:25
The QuilterWheat, Larry00:03:46

Whipps, H(1)

HevaFierek, Rosie00:00:27

Whitaker, Robert (1987-), US(5)

ClaireWhitaker, Robert00:02:25
DepthWhitaker, Robert00:03:04
Misery So sweetWhitaker, Robert00:04:53
Night of WarningWhitaker, Robert00:02:36
Prelude to the Gloominess, Gloominess, and Robert's MarchWhitaker, Robert00:08:26

White, John Hilton (1931-), British(6)

Divertimento in C for Wind QuintetWhite, John H00:21:58
Ground ZeroWhite, John H00:05:24
String Quartet No1 in F minor (2002 revision)White, John H00:20:43
String Quartet No 2 in D major (1999-2001)White, John H00:23:14
Symphony No 2 in E flat, "Vectis"White, John H00:28:37
Symphony No 2 in E flat, Vectis, 3rd movement Smgglers MarchWhite, John H00:06:28

Whiting, Richard A. (1891-1938), American(1)

Till We Meet AgainRoberts, Joseph00:04:04

Whitmarsh, Jamie (1988 - ), American(3)

Four Etudes for Lead Steel Drum with Steel Band AccompanimentWhitmarsh, Jamie00:09:41
Underwater ExplorationsWhitmarsh, Jamie00:04:06
WaterfallsWhitmarsh, Jamie00:01:27

Whitt, Codey (1985-), US(3)

RaindropsWhitt, Codey00:03:46
The Dark ForestWhitt, Codey00:05:00
The Oppressor's March (2000)Whitt, Codey00:02:13

Widor, Charles-Marie (1844-1937), French(6)

Mass a deux Choir - Op36 (1878)Hooper, John00:14:31
Symphonie No 5 Op 42, Adagio Part 4Smedley, Tony00:03:44
Symphonie No 5 Op 42, Allegro Cantabile Part 2Smedley, Tony00:09:42
Symphonie No 5 Op 42, Allegro Vivace Part 1Smedley, Tony00:09:42
Symphonie No 5 Op 42, Andantino quasi allegretto Part 3Smedley, Tony00:06:46
Toccata (extraite de la cinquième symphonie pour orgue)Woodroffe, Richard00:06:14

Wieniawski, Henryk (1835 - 1880), Polish(2)

Obertass Mazurka Op. 19Porter, Warren00:02:28
Scherzo - Tarantella Op. 16Spagni, Maurizio00:07:09

Wilbye, John (1574 - 1638), English(2)

Flora gave me fairest flowersGibson, Mike00:01:44
Sweet Honey-sucking bees / Yet Sweet, take heedBrennan, Vince00:05:25

Willis, Wallace (18?? - 1883), American(1)

Swing Low, Sweet ChariotScerri, Albert00:05:31

Wilson, Graham John (1980 - ), English(1)

Piano Sonata in C major "Heather" (2003)Wilson, Graham John00:03:12

Wise, Michael (1648–1687)(1)

The Ways of Zion do mournHooper, John00:08:20

Witt, Franz Xaver (1834 - 1888), German(1)

Ave MariaPrada, Lorenzo00:02:17

Wolf, Hugo (1860-1903), Austrian(4)

Italian Serenade, in G major, for small orchestra (1892)Box, Ramón Pajares00:07:27
Mignon - (I) Heiss mich nicht redenScerri, Albert00:02:24
Sechs geitstliche LiederSee Comments00:08:28
Verborgenheit (Secrecy)Scerri, Albert00:01:52

Wood, Charles (1866 - 1926), Irish(5)

God omnipotent reignethGibson, Mike00:02:21
Hail, Gladdening LightHooper, John00:03:01
Magnificat & Nunc dimittis in Eb (1927)Hooper, John00:05:42
Magnificat & Nunc dimittis in FGibson, Mike00:05:42
O Thou, the Central OrbHooper, John00:03:20

Woodcock, Clement (~1575-), English(1)

Browning FantasyWalker, Geoff00:02:03

Woodcock, Leslie (20th C), USA(1)

Midnight Rhapsody (Rhapsody for Eight hands)Woodcock, Leslie00:04:11

Woods, John Joseph (1849 - 1934), Tasmanian(1)

National Anthem of New ZealandWoodroffe, Richard00:00:36

Woods, Oscar British(1)

Oscar Woods’ Jig in CGray, S00:00:48

Work, Henry Clay (1832-1884), USA(4)

Come Pretty School-GirlScerri, Albert00:03:04
Grandfather's ClockScerri, Albert00:04:29
Grandfather's ClockBarham, Christopher00:03:39
Ring the Bell, WatchmanBarham, Christopher00:00:43

Wright, Robert James (1944 - ), Australian(1)

Study in Fourths (2004)Wright, Robert James00:01:10

Xavier, José Maria (1819 - 1887), Brazilian(1)

Domine JesuWoodroffe, Richard00:01:10

Young, Brian (1982 - ), American(2)

Concert FantasyYoung, Brian00:12:21
Eight PreludesYoung, Brian00:14:44

Young, Michael (1984 - ), Australian(24)

(Skankin' On) That Ska FeelingYoung, Michael00:05:29
All That Jazz!Young, Michael00:06:41
End of an EraYoung, Michael00:03:10
End of an EraYoung, Michael00:03:10
Give Up the PokiesYoung, Michael00:02:41
Grade 10 Ternary CompositionYoung, Michael00:01:04
InvereskYoung, Michael00:02:41
Maiden VoyageYoung, Michael00:03:27
May 2002Young, Michael00:02:34
Memoriam (from Symphony No. 1)Young, Michael00:02:38
Neighbours in the HoodYoung, Michael00:02:46
Public LiabilityYoung, Michael00:03:22
Rhapsody for Piano and BassYoung, Michael00:04:59
Slipping AwayYoung, Michael00:03:34
String Quartet in G MajorYoung, Michael00:01:48
Symphony No. 1Young, Michael00:16:20
Symphony Number 2 (aka: the Boat Symphony)Young, Michael00:16:14
Television ShowsYoung, Michael00:02:03
The Bermuda TriangleYoung, Michael00:04:34
The Dove's Last FlightYoung, Michael00:04:22
The Dream Is OverYoung, Michael00:01:48
The Final VoyageYoung, Michael00:05:16
Three MusiciansYoung, Michael00:01:34
Victim of OppressionYoung, Michael00:03:31

Young, Selwyn Walford (1899 - 1977), Belizean(1)

Land of the FreeWoodroffe, Richard00:01:10

Yradier, Sebastian (1809-1865), Spanish(1)

The Dove (La Paloma)Scerri, Albert00:04:17

Yu, Willis (1961-)(1)

Hong Kong University Engineering Alumni Association SongYu, Willis00:02:16

Yudakov, Suleiman (1916 - 1990), Bukharian(1)

Surudi milliWoodroffe, Richard00:01:23

Zardini, Arturo (1869 - 1823), Italian(1)

Stelutis alpinisPrada, Lorenzo00:01:24

Zarzycki, Wacek (1977 - ), Polish(2)

Piano Concerto No. 1 in d minorZarzycki, Wacek00:14:36
Piano Concerto No.2 (2007)Zarzycki, Wacek00:15:51

Zdenek, Antonín Vaclav Fibich (1850 - 1900), Czechoslovakian(1)

Poem (opus 41)Veld, Frits in't00:02:44

Zekai [Zekâî], Dede Efendi (1825-1897), Turkish(2)

Ussák Ilâhî - "Allah emrin tutalým"iNANC [iNANÇ], Ertugrul00:01:17
Þehnázbûselik Beste (in "Besté" genre and "Evsat" form.)iNANC [iNANÇ], Ertugrul00:03:26

Zelenka, Jan Dismas (1679 – 1745), Czechoslovakian(3)

Haec Dies (ZWV 170) (1730)Hooper, John00:01:50
Magnificat in C (ZWV 107) (1727)Hooper, John00:10:50
Magnificat in D (ZWV 108) (1725)Hooper, John00:09:48

Zimmerman, Chas.(1)

FootballHauck, Josh00:05:52

Zinnen, Jean-Antoine (1827 - 1898), Luxembourgian(1)

Ons HeemechtWoodroffe, Richard00:02:08

ZSakai [Zsákai] ferenc and Sárközi, Béla(1)

MilleneumFábián, József00:03:46

Zwyssig, Alberik (1808-1854), Swiss(1)

Hymne SuisseMayor Philippe00:01:10